Showing posts with label Frog Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frog Culture. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My reason for joining PKR — Ibrahim Menudin

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers... Nikita Khrushchev

SEPT 20 — The eve of Malaysia Day marked a major turning point in my life. After a career spent largely out of the political limelight, I decided to enter mainstream politics and join Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
For some time now, I have felt a deep and growing sense of dissatisfaction with the way our country is run. We have achieved so much with what we have been given, and yet, 49 years after Malaysia was formed, and with eight years left until Wawasan 2020, many of us are still struggling with the basic necessities of life. Eighty per cent of our households still live on less than RM3,000 per month, and 40 per cent of our households live on RM1,500 per month. As the cost of living continues to increase, most of us will still struggle to make ends meet.
I joined PKR because I believe it is time for change. It is time that we took back the future, the future that is continually being promised to all of us, but is only being realised by so few.
In the shorter term, we have to tackle the economic mismanagement that is currently plaguing our country. The current administration's “solution” to spend our way out of our problems is not a solution; it is part of the problem. Our national debt stands at 53 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), more than Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines, and at least one-third of our federal budget is funded by Petronas. We need to restructure the way our budget is funded and the way our budget is spent, and we need to re-think the way our government-linked companies (GLCs) operate.
In the longer term, we need to address our national standard of education. Our students are becoming less competitive because we have come to depend on a system of rote memorisation and indoctrination rather than on a system of building intellect and promoting lateral thinking. Thirty per cent of our students do not even complete SPM. Many private schools have been founded to address some concerns that our children are not getting the level of education they need. Our priority should be to raise the quality of education of all our national schools, so that if we want to send our children to private schools, it is because we want to, not because we feel we have to. Our overarching philosophy should be not just to educate our students, but to liberalise the minds of all Malaysians, young and old.
I am also entering PKR to help the people of Labuan. As a native of Labuan, I long to see a great and prosperous future for my homeland. I have been fortunate enough to have enjoyed immense opportunity. My goal now is to make these opportunities, and so many more, available to everyone, by allowing Labuan to realise its true potential. We need to lower the skyrocketing living costs that are burdening the average Labuanite, and properly position and promote Labuan as an international hub for oil and gas, education, and financial services.Read more.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Malaysia's Political Prostitutes

Hantu Laut

See! Who's talking now.When the going was good  he never condemned the party. A man who can't tell right from wrong. Left from right!

Is it his desire to help the people of Sabah or help his insatiable lust for money? 

Wilfred Bamburing of PBS, another Sabah politician, has also left the BN giving the same excuse.... his heart bleeds for poor Sabahans.

This man have changed party not less than 5 times and still have not found his conscience.He accused the West Malaysians as colonisers trampling on Sabahan's rights, a populist propaganda to hoodwink his own community. 

Sabahan's rights, if given away, was by politician like him. 

When they were in office they did nothing to fight for Sabah, they were busy selling off NCR lands to the same devil they called West Malaysians. 

If one were to check the records, most NCR land were lost under the PBS government and all three frogs were in that government then. 

You can change once and people would give you benefit of the doubt and think it's a matter of principle. If it becomes habitual and self-serving, expect to be rebuked in the harshest of words.
Do you believe them?

There are many of this kind of shameless politician, not only in UMNO but other parties as well, including opposition parties. They know no other ways to make money other than from politics. They are prepared to prostitute themselves to the highest bidder.

Can you trust this kind of politicians to look after the welfare of the state and the people?

I need not pen my narrative in prolixity, the message is clear, it is time for Malaysians to reject these contemptible politicians and send them to the political graveyard.

"He that always gives way to others will end in having no principles of his own" Aesop

The sooner we get rid of them the better would be the state and the nation.

“Seven Deadly Sins

Wealth without work........!!

Pleasure without conscience.....!!

Science without humanity

Knowledge without character

Politics without principle........!!

Commerce without morality

Worship without sacrifice.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Why is Ghandhi such a famous and revered leader?

Obviously, our politicians don't read history books.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Man Who Overestimated His Worth

Hantu Laut

As predicted earlier in this blog Lajim Ukin will be sacked from his ministerial post and the party. UMNO has sent him a show cause letter why he should not be sacked from the party. 

Lajim completely misread the Prime Minister's mind game and think that he would plead for him to stay. 

A man who overestimated his worth.

Big mistake taunting the PM. His sandiwara of wanting the PM to cajole him to stay and demand the sacking of Musa Aman backfired, blown right in his face. 

This self-serving politician has a lesson or two to learn that the days of the frogs are over.It reflects a lack of moral standard and frown upon by the people. 

Lajim Ukin has been sacked from his deputy minister's post with immediate effect. The Yang Dipertuan Agong has consented to his dismissal.

The talk around town is that he, Wilfred Bamburing and the independence for Sabah crusader Jeffery Kitingan would lose miserably in the forthcoming elections. Even SAPP's Yong Teck Lee is not expected to do well with high probability he and other SAPP candidates contesting in Chinese dominated constituencies losing their seats to DAP.

DAP will be making its mark in Sabah in the 13th GE, expected to capture a number of parliamentary seats in Chinese dominated areas.Most state seats would be retained by BN with one or two going to DAP.

Sure of itself winning, DAP may not want to give way to other parties in the opposition to contest the seats they have earmarked for themselves.

Again, the oppositions would falter, everyone of them think they are a force to be reckoned with but only one would prevail, DAP.

PKR and PAS are non-starters in Sabah politics.Anwar would be foolish to think that with Lajim and Wilfred in his fold PKR's star would shine brighter. PKR has failed the day it sats foot in Sabah, forever embroiled in leadership tussle, and if anything to go by, it is worse than UMNO. Sabahan leaders in the party were pushed aside and replaced by leaders from Kuala Lumpur. 

All UMNO state leaders in Sabah are Sabahans and a number of them sat in the UMNO Supreme Council.

Anwar Ibrahim does not trust Sabahans and think most are intellectually deficient.

The wind of change is not blowing hard enough to displace the BN stranglehold on Sabah.  Sabahans have resigned to the fact that voting for Pakatan would only be exchanging one Federal devil with another, from one they already know to one that promised the that could hasten the bankruptcy of this nation. 

They have lost count of the promises they made....which again showed the contradictory and hypocritical nature of Pakatan's leaders, harping on the debt to GDP ratio of the present government but lost count of the promises they made that could bankrupt the nation in the first year of them taking office. 

Smart Malaysians should realise that those are just empty promises fishing for votes, it is impossible to implement all that they have promised. 

Majority of Sabahans do not trust Anwar Ibrahim. During his days in UMNO he has shown his ruthlessness and undemocratic ways against the opposition and is viewed as a self-serving and reckless political speed merchant who can turn colour as fast as the chameleon.

He has offered Lajim the chief minister post if Pakatan wins the elections. Sabahans should be prepared for another chief minister who most likely to run up gambling debts to the millions.

Watch this video and see how the hypocrite blasted Najib on the Perak debacle.The pot calling the kettle black.Still Malaysians do not see through this man lies, contradictions and hypocrisy.

As more and more joint the opposition's fray, the more divided the opposition will be, giving BN the edge in Sabah and Sarawak.

Pakatan's leaders were wrong in saying that Najib would not call for elections this year because of the two frogs leaving the BN. The two will not put a chink in the BN's armour and I believe the GE would be held before end of the year. 

Malaysia's opinion polls, just like the opposition's mouthpieces are mind-benders rather than one that authenticate the truth. For what it is worth, should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Both Lajim and Wilfred are not political heavyweights and are only good in the kampong they came from and one kampong does not make a constituency. Sabah rural constituency can consist of many scattered kampongs and not all are align to the incumbent.

For Lajim and Wilfred, the BN war machine will work extra hard to make sure they lose miserably. In Sabah money speaks louder than words and can win the day.

Sabah are full of self-serving politicians just waiting for the right moment to switch allegiance when their money dried up and they could no longer replenish their depleting finances from within their party.

For Sabah it would be business as usual after the 13th GE, the BN and small doses of DAP, here and there.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Berita Hangat Olimpik-Pingat EMAS Untuk Malaysia

Hantu Laut

Berita terkini diterima dari Olimpik London akhirnya Malaysia dapat mengaut EMAS dalam acara "Lompat Katak" olih athlit pemegang emas yang terkenal dari daerah Beaufort, Sabah.

Olih kerana itu Perdana Menteri akan lupuskan kehalian beliau dari parti dan juga timbalan menteri untuk memberi beliau lebih masa berlatih sekuat-kuatnya bagi mempertahankan pingat EMAS beliau masa depan yang akan datang. Baca disini.

Uchapan "anak katak emas Beaufort", nama rakyat Sabah dijual untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.

Kan dalam pepatah English "a leopard never changes its spots" dan cara-cara maruah politik manusia ini sama dengan hidupan liar itu

Baca "Beyond The Rethoric:Lajim And Bamburing Are Not Gamechangers"

Jika anda pandai berbahasa English baca seterusnya nasihat seorang wartawan.

There should be no place for political frogs. Malaysians must tell our politicians they cannot accept such unprincipled politicians. It does not matter whether they are from BN, PKR, DAP or PAS but there should be laws to stop such unethical politicians. There has to be consistency, however, when we push for such legislation. There cannot be a right to a wrong. If a BN elected representative joins Pakatan Rakyat, it is still wrong. It cannot be right. We cannot justify it simply because of our political emotions. Read more.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Takuron Bangad - Sabah Froggy Politics

Hantu Laut

Tukaron bangkad, in Dusunic language means "changing shirts".

In Sabah, when a politician do the froggy thing, hopped to another political party to continue fleecing the state to feed his insatiable greed for position, money and power, the polite kampong folks would say he is only "changing shirt"  as the old shirt has become soiled, old and tattered. Kampong people are simple folks and knew no better.They get cheated by sweet talking politicians.

This kind of politician would plead to his constituents that what he did are in the interest of his people and that the present government has failed to take care of the interests of his constituents, so he needs to "takuron bangad" to care for his constituents. 

Jefery Kitingan is one man who cares about Sabah and its people, long suppressed by those colonialist West Malaysians he said.He blamed the West Malaysians for everything wrong with Sabah. He and other Kadazan leaders raised the issues of illegal immigrants and NCR lands when it was those Kadazan leaders in PBS the biggest culprits in selling NCR lands to plantation giants from Peninsula Malaysia during PBS rule. Today most of these big plantations are owned by West Malaysian companies, a legacy left by PBS leaders. Most have joined BN for obvious reason, to continue the legacy of not Sabah for Sabahans but Sabah for themselves.

More often than not, poor Sabahans bought the story and found themselves getting poorer and poorer and these corrupt politicians getting richer and richer. They squandered millions of ill-gotten gains they acquired during their tenure and turned to becoming frogs when they have no more money and position.

This curse on Sabah and its people reverberated everytime the general elections comes around and greedy politicians that have exhausted the largesse in their party would look for excuse to jump ship. 

In the 2008 General Election I wrote this article for Asia Sentinel on Sabah. The elections' result came close to what I wrote, that the BN in Sabah would not lose its majority.

In recent days, two Sabah politicians have announced leaving the BN and courting the opposition without naming any party of choice. Leaving their option open, I suppose........for Najib to persuade them to stay, of course hoping for sweeteners from the Prime Minister. 

Lajim Ukin of UMNO and Wilfred Bamburing of UPKO have tendered their resignations from all party positions but have not resigned from the party for obvious reason.

The two, have in recent months, been critical of the government and party leadership and have upped the ante to rattle Prime Minister Najib, whom they deemed in a precarious position hoping that Najib would persuade them to stay thus giving them the bargaining chip.They are using their kampong cunningness of not resigning from the party first but threatened the party leadership. Lajim is still keeping his minister's position in BN, waiting to be sacked he said. Pigeon-hearted threat that will eventually force them to quit.

Their threats have not moved the seemingly weak Najib who refused to submit to political blackmail, particularly, from political lightweight the likes of Lajim and Bamburing whose grassroots, if any, are confined to the kampong they came from.

Rumours have been circulating that Anwar Ibrahim has offered Lajim the Sabah chief ministership if he joins PKR and if Pakatan win the elections.What he promised Bamburing we don't know yet.He will be attending Bamburing's function this Saturday. 

Anwar would also be breaking fast with Lajim on the same day. This is his last chance, his final fling to be "Malaysia's Next Prime Minister", so anything goes. The man have absolutely no principle. As the Malay idiom "Cakap tak serupa bikin" that's the real Anwar Ibrahim.

Does he care of his payola of corrupt UMNO politicians that he constantly attack, accusing them of massive corruptions.Isn't Lajim an UMNO man that come from the corrupt regime?

Lajim, was also rumored to be Shafie Apdal's man to destabilise Musa Aman. Shafie, aspiring to be Sabah next Chief Minister, reputedly, had given Lajim RM90 million project from his Ministry of Rural Development allocation.

Here, Lajim says his meeting with Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz was in his official capacity as Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister and not as a "frogger". How comes he never visited Nik Aziz before this.

It makes one wonder how Malaysians, particularly, Sabahans give their time of day to listen to the cock and bull stories of these good-for-nothing politicians who should have been sent to the rubbish bin of history long time ago. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I Am Desperado.........for the sake of Sabahans!

People of Sabah who have lost so much under half century rule of Barisan Nasional (BN).
Star Sabah Chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said he is desperate only for the people of Sabah.

Responding to Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Radin Malleh who described 

Jeffrey as a "desperado", Jeffrey said Sabah's situation is very serious and if things continue the way it is the people will continue to lose their rights and place as true citizens and natives of the State.
Read more.

"Tukaron Bangkad" - Two Sabah Frogs 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Who Is Vell Paari?

Hantu Laut

Vell Paari, is the son of Samy Vellu, who currently manages MAIKA Holdings and is advisor of Putera MIC and MIC Youth. He was also appointed as Chairman of Unity and Community Development of MIC by its Central Working Committee. His wife Shaila Nair, 33, is also active in Puteri MIC, a special wing of MIC for Malaysian Indian women below 35 years old.

This rag to riches(with the help of UMNO) son of a former minister in the BN government has some bizzare and questionable past behind him.

In 2011 Vell Paari told The Malay Mail of his involvement in OKA Motor Co., the trading name of Reymer Pty Ltd, that he controls in Australia besieged by the disappearance of millions of dollars, missing accounting files and stolen intellectual  property manual.Read the full story here.

More mysterious is the death of  actress K.Sujatha who worked for Vell Paari as his personal assistant.He also bought her a condominum and a car on a strictly employer/employee relationship he claimed.Read the story here and here .

From the Nutgraph below:

Maika Holdings Bhd chief executive officer S Vell Paari told the coroner’s court here today that he never had a sexual relationship with his personal assistant K Sujatha.
He said his relationship with her was close and normally when he visited Sujatha at her condominium unit in Jalan Ipoh, it was for official reasons and if there were functions there.
He said he never paid her casual visits.
Vell Paari, 46, also admitted that Sujatha had visited him at home on numerous occasions and both of them had gone out for dinners.
“Sujatha had accompanied me for official and family functions,” he said.Read more here.

Vell Paari behaved as if he lost his wife at Sujata’s funeral.Read here.

The young and beautiful K.Sujatha

 I am sure many beautiful young Indian girls must have envied Sujatha for having such a good boss who takes care of her personal needs without any string attached.

In memory of Sujatha.

The type of car he bought her.

Vell Paari: My father rejected Tunship here.

Samy loosing his cool in Parliament:

The Melayu Bodoh (UMNO) who made him and his father rich gets a stinking attack here.

A frog in the making?

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Green-Eyed Monster

Hantu Laut

It's called "cognitive dissonance" often involved in reducing anxiety about conflicting cognition. 

Remember "The Fox And The Grapes" one of Aesop's fables, the story of a hungry fox trying to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to,  in spite of jumping with all his strength.As he went away the fox remarked "Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes"

People who speak disparagingly of things they can't get would do well to apply this story to themselves.

His story of backstabbing and betrayal is well known in Sabah.He has switched parties God knows how many times, PBS, PBRS, AKAR, UPKO and PKR.In 1993 he applied to join UMNO but was rejected. He has joined almost every functioning political parties under the Sabah sun.

In 2010, out of desperation and frustrated with Anwar Ibrahim treatment of him as a pariah politician he left PKR to form United Borneo Front, aimed to protect the rights of Sabah and Sarawak under the 20-point agreement.

The people of Sabah, particularly the KDM, should open their eyes, is this man going to look after their interests or he is all for himself. 

Read his inadequacy and resentment below.

‘Big crowds not a judge of BN support’

KENINGAU: Flooding Keningau with busloads of Sabahans to celebrate the state level Kaamatan festival with Prime Ministe Najib Tun Razak  is not  a yardstick to measure support for Barisan Nasional in the state.

Alluding to the reported 20,000 strong crowd in the Interior division of Keningau yesterday, State Reform Party (STAR) Sabah chairman Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said it was ‘obviously a BN political gimmick and a waste of taxpayers money.’
“It is laughable that a national-level celebration is being held in the Interior when it should rightly be held in the national capital where it would attract national and global attention, and get participation from all states.
“The National Pesta Kaamatan is a strong instrument of national unity but what national unity are they going to achieve in the remote Keningau?
“It should be a grand national celebration based on the spirit of Sabah’s culture and not a political gathering.
“Obviously this is all just an expensive gimmick for the BN’s political agenda and a waste of taxpayers’ money,” he added.
He  said it was an obvious attempt to reverse the strong anti-BN sentiment in the Interior in which the shouts of “Ini kalilah!” is being heard in every nook and corner, even from small children.
“This is clearly more of a political campaign rather than a national festival to benefit all Malaysians!” he said alluding to the increasingly strong anti-Umno sentiment in Keningau where his brother deputy chief minister Joseph Pairin is MP.

Nothing new with KDM College
Kitingan also took a dig at the launch of the KDM College in Keningau, saying it was long overdue and that the BN was blowing the whole publicity out of proportion.
He said that the plan for one community college for every parliamentary area was decided a long time ago but had never materialised until now.
“The KDM College is actually a community college, not one with a special purpose for the KDMs.”
“And it is definitely not due to the special efforts of the (Pairin’s) PBS that the college is going to be built, ” he added. Free Malaysia Today.

If you don't already know, the phrase "Green-Eyed Monster" is taken from Shakespeare's Othello.... means jealousy personified.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Recyling Politicians, Malaysia's Growing Industry.

Hantu Laut

Do you know that recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment?

Do you know?

1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.

1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes. 

1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours.

70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials. 

What benefits do you get from recycling discarded politicians? 

When come to moral standard Malaysian politicians stood at the lowest rung and Malaysian society never learned from their mistakes, we condone and allow, the same dirt to come back, over and over again.

Anwar Ibrahim is visiting Sabah today and is on a business of collecting discarded politicians to join his party.This is the man who fired the loudest anti-corruption salvos at the government and yet have no qualm to collect such politicians to join him.

We, vehemently, complained about too much corruptions and abuse of power much of which, I dare say, we have no actual intention of getting rid of. 

We just want to get rid of the faces we don't like and replace with those we like , corrupt or otherwise, does not matter, as long as we get some benefits.

Have we learned anything? 

I am afraid not, we are just as corrupt as they are.Malaysians have the attitude, if he is my friend, it's alright to be corrupt, if he is not,  let's bedevil him.

Until we learn to get rid of such politicians, once and for all, this country would never change.

Just look at the names being mentioned, true or false, we'll wait and see.

Lajim Okin, Wilfred Bamburing, Yahya Lampoh, Osu Sukam, Kasitah Gaddam and Amir Kahar. 

Some of these people have been elected members for over two decades. Most have benefited from every succeeding government and have done absolutely nothing for the state.Haven't they had enough?

Story here.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Tweedle-dum And Tweedle-dee

Hantu Laut

PKR's Fauzi Muda says he is prepared to reveal all evidence regarding his allegation of being offered RM50 million by Najib for him to organise defections of Perak's Pakatan assemblymen.Maybe, he should and let the public decide whether he is what he says he is.....of unquestionable integrity.

Only they seem to have the affinity to attract such offers , none of DAP or PAS elected members have been approached, or at least they have not said so.

Would you believe that PKR elected representatives are of the highest calibre and impeccable integrity that even RM50 million wouldn't buy their souls, if not their sins. It certainly have bought the sins of the two scumbags that left the party to be independents and supported the BN. Many of them have lamented the turpitude of the BN government and the icing on the cake of their unconquerable and unquestionable integrity.

Sometimes, facial expression and body language are instant give-aways. Some lie to try fortify their lack of self-esteem and some to seek self-glorification while some are just pathological liars.

I will not rule out the fact that there may be some offers made by the BN to entice those scumbags to shift royalty to their side but I also believe there are just too many embellishments to the story to make the scumbags look good and Najib looks bad. What different would Najib be to Anwar, who glorified and gave standing ovation to the jumping of the UMNO's scumbag to PKR, that, unfortunately, was a flash in the pan. Anwar's bid to takeover the government through unscrupulous means of crossovers of BN lawmakers were no lesser evil.The only difference is, he didn't succeed. If he had, and should Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi called for dissolution of Parliament and the king agreed, I bet my bottom dollar Anwar, Pakatan and its supporters would be screaming for blood and would accuse the Agong and show the same disrespect as they did to the Sultan of Perak.

There are more scumbags,villains and liars in PKR than in the other Pakatan's coalition partners.

The Tweedel-dum and Tweedle-dee, two of a kind, who look the same and say the same things.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Anwar's Cheap Offering To The Froggies

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim is all out to lure lawmakers from Sabah and Sarawak with cheap offerings of sentiment and psychology.

Who would have thought he can come up with such an idea of making 16th Sept a holiday in Pakatan-held states to show Sabahans and Sarawakians that he truly cares about the two states, which have in the past asked the Federal government to make Sept 16 as Merdeka day and a national holiday.Sabah used Sept 16 as the birthday of the Yang Di Pertuan Negeri to make it a public holiday.

The Merdeka day on 31st August is fallacious.Sabah,Sarawak,Singapore and the then
Federation of Malaya got together and formed a new nation called Malaysia on 16th Sept 1963.Singapore was kicked out in 1965 because of Lee Kuan Yew 's insistence of Malaysian Malaysia, a demand the Malays could not accept.

In all probability he may have problem getting those MPs from MCA,Gerakan and UMNO in Peninsula to join him and are putting all his bets on Sabah and Sarawak, an established and well-known 'katak' states.

His procurer Jefferey Kitingan ( the king of frogs)

has promised him 13 kataks from the 'land below the wind' where the paddy fields are awash with these tailless leaping amphibians.In the deep jungle they have many other species that perched on lower branches of trees and ready to leapfrog at the slightest disturbance.

The real danger to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi are not the frogs in the paddy fields or those on the trees, they are in Parliament, where only honourable men should sit---the 'yang berhormat'.

Anwar Ibrahim is a specialist in demolition of government, an art he acquired during his heyday in UMNO.The making of UMNO government in Sabah was partly his handiwork.

In 1994 he and his conspirators in PBS demolished democratically elected PBS government and established UMNO in Sabah in coalition with the conspirators' new parties and formed BN in Sabah with a new formula, the rotation of the chief minister among the major races, a perfect formula of divide and rule mooted by the then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad.

As in 1994, the first renegade was the equally charismatic and charming Yong Tat Lee, who, through his 2 MPs would be joining Anwar to remove the Prime Minister through a vote of no confidence.

Will Anwar succeed in getting the frogs to jump over for him to take over the government and wreck vengeance on those who did him harm before ?

Let's wait for D-Day - 16th Sept.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Came,I Saw, I Shall Conquer

Hantu Laut

Veni, vidi, vici or in English I came, I saw, I conquered was what Julius Ceaser told the Roman Senate after his victory at the Battle Of Zela.

I came,I saw,I shall conquer should be the parody for Anwar Ibrahim after his recent visit to Sabah if he can hoodwink the frogs with his bluff.

I have the numbers he says but I am not in a hurry to take over the government. Really?

"I don't think we have established a definite clear time frame when I will take over as prime minister but it certainly wouldn't reach three years" he said to a crowd of benighted Sabahans. Than in complete contrast he said it could be next month, the month after that, it could be in July or it could be during Merdeka... but I think it should not exceed Merdeka day.Than he chose the 16th of September as a date of the highest possibility for the coup to take place.

Anwar Ibrahim is a man always in a hurry and sometimes he trips, stumbles and falls as was the case when he tried to topple Mahathir with his stealthy campaign against the then prime minister. He became very popular with the younger members in UMNO at that time and it was even rumored that many of his supporters wore rings given by him to show their royalty to him, the making of a personality cult. His allegation of trump up charges against him could have been the result of his disloyalty and treachery against his boss who was not yet ready to hand over power to him at that time.

Mahathir is a man who doesn't take kindly to disloyalty and treachery. He had been responsible for the meteoric rise of Anwar in the party hierarchy, at the expense of more senior party stalwarts. He believed Anwar would make a good leader and prime minister until he found out the dark side of Anwar Ibrahim. The man who just couldn't wait his time to get to be prime minister of the nation.

This time he wanted to steal the premiership from Abdullah Badawi, a weaker opponent compared to gutsy Mahathir.

Anwar is back in his element after the minor windfall his party won at the recent polls. His party and his position can only survive politically as long as the coalition with PAS and DAP stays intact.Any discord and dismembering of the coalition could put Anwar back in dire straits and a miss as good as a mile at the coveted title.

The emergence of stronger oppositions at the last elections was more accidental rather than a true reflection of the wishes of the masses. The shift was more due to disillusionment and disdain for Abdullah's weak and incapacitated leadership.

The shift towards Islamisation underwent a major change under his leadership and one of the many reasons for the non-Malays to abandon the BN. His openness had opened the Pandora's box where act of corruptions were nicely locked up before under previous administration.

In trying to compete with PAS Abdullah had fallen victim to radical Muslims in his government.He allowed them free reins in strengthening of the Sharia and its interpretation and brought it into conflicts with other religions. Even Muslims are beginning to wonder and worry where the Islamists in the government are going to take the nation to next. This was done in the hope of keeping the Malay votes with UMNO and away from PAS.The whole exercise of getting the Malays to close rank under UMNO backfired. Internal squabbling in the party, lack of consensus in selection of candidates and sabotage aggravated the situation.

To show what a staunch Muslim and a Malay nationalist he is, Abdullah theatrically took over the role of Imam and led worshippers at mosques when ever there is a need to remind the Malays where their faith and their future lies.

Abdullah's myopic view of the changing political landscape has done extensive erosion of support for other coalition partners in the BN.The Chinese and Indians almost completely abandoned the BN in favour of DAP and PKR. Majority of Malays are still with UMNO and pockets of very disgruntled Malays voted for PAS and PKR in other states with the exception of Kelantan which is its stronghold.

The Malay support for UMNO will continue to erode if Abdullah doesn't change his style of leadership or step down as prime minister.

His recent announcement of making the ACA fully independent is typical of the Badawi's syndrome.Next day he qualifies his previous statement by saying although the Commission would be required to table its annual report to the parliamentary committee, he would be responsible for the Commission. In other word they would still be taking directives from him.

Has he got a kitchen cabinet that advises him to change his statements after having made them or it is just his style ?

What's the point of making such announcement when you are only playing with words thinking
Malaysians are such an ignorant bunch that we can't differentiate between fact and fiction. It makes one wonder when will Abdullah be able to speak in a frank, honest and unambiguous manner.

Has Anwar the numbers or is he pulling the bluff ? I would say a bit of both.

Anwar would have formed the government yesterday if he had enough of those kataks. He probably has a few disgruntled BN MPs shopping around on what he has to offer if they cross over. The number is no where near as many as he made it out to be. Anwar is putting the cat among the pigeons.

Anwar is using psychological warfare to entice those MPs not happy with the BN but were afraid to make a move individually. Without solid proof from Anwar on the number of BN lawmakers that have confirmed to cross over very few will take the risk of leaving the BN and end up in a worse position. In the case of Sabah the state can only benefit if the whole status quo changed completely.

The only way Sabah can benefit from this 'katak' exercise is to ditch the BN completely and all elected assemblymen and members of parliament move to one multi-racial party. It means the end of UMNO in Sabah.

Sabah alone is not enough to form a simple majority for Anwar to grab the trophy.He would need additional number from Sarawak or the whole of Sarawak to follow suit to give him a comfortable majority.

Both Musa Aman and Taib Mahmud are BN loyalists.Would they dare make such a move ? Would they be deserted by their elected representatives in favour of Anwar?

Would Sabah gets the 20% oil loyalty and all the other promises made if Anwar succeeded in forming the central government?

There are many questions but can only be answered if Anwar formed the government.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain

Latest release: Anwar is now not sure of the numbers.
Sabah MPs joining Pakatan Rakyat only a possibility: Anwar

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dropped Desperadoes Trying To Mount A Frivolous Coup

Hantu Laut

New rumour circulating in Sabah of some dropped candidates in the recent election going round asking elected members of the Sabah State Assembly to pass a vote of no confidence against Chief Minister Musa Aman and support Rahim Ismail as CM, who was dropped by Musa from the State cabinet recently.

The main plotters rumored to be from an ethnic association who have records of switching parties many times are planning to unseat Musa first and than Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi. They have also apparently met the PM recently to demonise Musa hoping Badawi would listen to them.

The plan is to get Musa, an UMNO loyalist out of the way and a grand plan to shift the balance of power to the oppositions.

The coup which has little hope of success is rumoured to also include a deputy minister who resigned from his post recently and a former chief minister.

The frog culture is making a come back to Sabah. It will intensify when Anwar gets elected.

Details in the pipeline.