Showing posts with label Kitingan Jeffery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitingan Jeffery. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Flogging The Same "Sabah For Sabahans" Dead Horse

Hantu Laut

In spite of his and Yong Teck Lee's similar call of "Sabah for Sabahans" the people of Sabah have rejected these two political eunuchs. 

Can't bluff the people all the times. They have been part of the corrupt regime they accused of now but kept their mouth shut when the picking was good and when they shared the loot.

Now, he is still humming the same parochial "Sabah for Sabahans" jingle. Still flogging the same dead horse and nobody is paying attention of his useless labour.

He won the state seat on Kadazan parochialism.

Will Jeffrey lumber on as an independent or will he be a boiling frog?

Reported in the Daily Express:

Sabah State Reform Party (Star) on Wednesday said the Federal and State governments should abolish the Federal Secretary Office and dismantle the parallel government machinery in Sabah.
Its Chairman, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan also said that both governments should put words into action on their recognition of Sabah's autonomy.
Commenting on the call to channel Federal funds to the State Government, he recalled that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had announced that the 20-Points were still intact during the recent 13th General Election and that Sabah's autonomy was not an issue.Read more.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Green-Eyed Monster

Hantu Laut

It's called "cognitive dissonance" often involved in reducing anxiety about conflicting cognition. 

Remember "The Fox And The Grapes" one of Aesop's fables, the story of a hungry fox trying to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to,  in spite of jumping with all his strength.As he went away the fox remarked "Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes"

People who speak disparagingly of things they can't get would do well to apply this story to themselves.

His story of backstabbing and betrayal is well known in Sabah.He has switched parties God knows how many times, PBS, PBRS, AKAR, UPKO and PKR.In 1993 he applied to join UMNO but was rejected. He has joined almost every functioning political parties under the Sabah sun.

In 2010, out of desperation and frustrated with Anwar Ibrahim treatment of him as a pariah politician he left PKR to form United Borneo Front, aimed to protect the rights of Sabah and Sarawak under the 20-point agreement.

The people of Sabah, particularly the KDM, should open their eyes, is this man going to look after their interests or he is all for himself. 

Read his inadequacy and resentment below.

‘Big crowds not a judge of BN support’

KENINGAU: Flooding Keningau with busloads of Sabahans to celebrate the state level Kaamatan festival with Prime Ministe Najib Tun Razak  is not  a yardstick to measure support for Barisan Nasional in the state.

Alluding to the reported 20,000 strong crowd in the Interior division of Keningau yesterday, State Reform Party (STAR) Sabah chairman Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said it was ‘obviously a BN political gimmick and a waste of taxpayers money.’
“It is laughable that a national-level celebration is being held in the Interior when it should rightly be held in the national capital where it would attract national and global attention, and get participation from all states.
“The National Pesta Kaamatan is a strong instrument of national unity but what national unity are they going to achieve in the remote Keningau?
“It should be a grand national celebration based on the spirit of Sabah’s culture and not a political gathering.
“Obviously this is all just an expensive gimmick for the BN’s political agenda and a waste of taxpayers’ money,” he added.
He  said it was an obvious attempt to reverse the strong anti-BN sentiment in the Interior in which the shouts of “Ini kalilah!” is being heard in every nook and corner, even from small children.
“This is clearly more of a political campaign rather than a national festival to benefit all Malaysians!” he said alluding to the increasingly strong anti-Umno sentiment in Keningau where his brother deputy chief minister Joseph Pairin is MP.

Nothing new with KDM College
Kitingan also took a dig at the launch of the KDM College in Keningau, saying it was long overdue and that the BN was blowing the whole publicity out of proportion.
He said that the plan for one community college for every parliamentary area was decided a long time ago but had never materialised until now.
“The KDM College is actually a community college, not one with a special purpose for the KDMs.”
“And it is definitely not due to the special efforts of the (Pairin’s) PBS that the college is going to be built, ” he added. Free Malaysia Today.

If you don't already know, the phrase "Green-Eyed Monster" is taken from Shakespeare's Othello.... means jealousy personified.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

'Dr M regretted bringing Umno to Sabah' and Sabah folks enjoying development under Najib

Who is the schizophrenic liar?

'Dr M regretted bringing Umno to Sabah'

Kota Kinabalu: Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan claimed Tuesday that former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammed expressed regret in bringing Umno to Sabah, especially after seeing how its leaders actually only cared about themselves than the party.

The Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Vice President said Dr Mahathir had expressed this to him when he met the latter after his release from Internal Security Act (ISA) detention.

"After I was released from detention, I went to his (Dr Mahathir was then also Home Minister) office. During our conversations, he (Dr Mahathir) told me he actually regretted bringing Umno to Sabah, saying this is because the other leaders involved only cared about themselves and not the party," he said.

Dr Jeffrey further claimed he then asked Dr Mahathir why he did not take Umno out of Sabah and to this Dr Mahathir said he cannot do so "because of maruah (pride)É"

"So since Dr Mahathir cannot bring Umno back to Semenanjung, let the people in Sabah send Umno back," said Dr Jeffrey, who is also the party's Steering Committee Chairman for Sabah and Sarawak

He said this when officiating at the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Kota Kinabalu Division's AGM at its office in Jalan Sang Kancil, Karamunsing, here.

Sabah PKR Liaison Chairman Ahmad Thamrin and Deputy Chairperson-cum-PKR Kota Kinabalu Chief Christina Liew, among others, were also present.

Dr Jeffrey said the people of Sabah should give the next five-year mandate to the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and help change the fate of all the rakyat in the State.

"Because after so many years and until today, even after Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) rejoined the Barisan Nasional (BN) nothing has changed," he said.

He said when he met his brother (Deputy Chief Minister and Parti Bersatu Sabah President Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan) he told him to join them in going back into Barisan Nasional (BN) as then "it would be easier for us to solve all problems like illegal immigrants, economic-related and so on.

"He told me this. And so sudah berapa tahun durang masuk balik BN (its been many years already after they rejoined the BN), more than 10 years, but what has happened now...have they solved the poverty problem?

"No, instead the poverty problem has become biggerÉSabah is now the second poorest state in the country with the largest poorest population in the whole country," he said.

"Recently there was a report quoting the State Deputy Chief Minister as saying the poverty rate in Sabah has dropped by seven per cent, but do you believe thisÉ?"

"If all the prices of goods have increased, tapi gaji tidak naik (salary remains), meaning we are actually becoming poorerÉit means the poverty rate has increased, there are more poor people in Sabah now than the last two years," said Dr Jeffrey.

As for the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah, he said, today even after there were so many operations to nab the illegals nothing has actually changed and the problem remained unsolved.

On the development side, Dr Jeffrey said the development allocation from the Federal Government to Sabah was increased from RM2.7billion under the Ninth Malaysia Plan to RM20billion.

"But what has been achieved from this RM20billion? What can we see from it? mana ada (nothing)Éyang ada adalah sana sini sikit sikit (what we can see are a little here and there), so the question is where did the money go?" he asked.

He said it is fortunate that there are opposition parties watching over them "because if not I believe all the development allocation would go into the pockets of the Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders."

Daily Express

Sabah folks enjoying development under Najib

KOTA KINABALU, April 1 — In less than one year after Datuk Seri Najib Razak took over the leadership mantle, the people in Sabah were already enjoying the development transformation championed by the prime minister.

There are various changes visible all over the state — regardless at village or town.

At the north coast of Sabah, the people of the “cowboy town” known as Kota Belud have every reason to smile as they are enjoying upgraded roads in the villages and schools in the outskirts.

According to the Kota Belud district chief, OKK Tungking alias Amirshah Kantiong, the upgrading project worth RM30 million was started less than a year after Najib became the prime minister.

The same goes to the agricultural project to eradicate poverty, generate economic activities for farmers through the rice bowl programme for Kota Belud and the rural electricity supply project.

“In advocating development for the people, the Prime Minister has mobilised all the elected representatives and community leaders to identify the problems at the grassroot level,” said Tungkin.

The fishermen in the east coast too have every reason to rejoice as people like Hamis Mingkilan, 65, from the fishing village of Kampung Indrasabah Tawau, finally got to see metal roads in their village after waiting for decades.

The metal roads for the fishing villages help the villagers to market their produce — fishes, anchovies and dried fishes — or to ferry agricultural produce like the oil palm to the factories to be processed.

In those days, said Hamis, many of the vehicles plying the route end up getting stuck in the mud especially when it rains. The 12-kilometer laterite route was opened by his grandmother after the Japanese Occupation.

“My own car had ended in the mud many times especially when I returned with my wife from the town at night. I have to leave the car there and return the next day to free the car from the mud,” he told Bernama.

The village was named Indrasabah after his grandmother, Saadullah from the Suluk ethnicity and her friend Indal from the Tidung ethnicity.

Hamis hoped that his village which now enjoys facilities like electricity, mosque and many others, would also see clean water supply as the people there depend on rain water.

Another villager Jamal Abdul Sani, 20, noted that before the road was surfaced those travelling up and down to the town had to bear with the dust, especially during the dry season.

“In those days, to reach the town, it took almost an hour from the Balung town roundabout. Now it only takes less than 20 minutes,” he added.

Najib’s approach in getting to the ground serves as the core principle in serving the people and has boosted the spirit of Sabah’s leaders and the elected representatives.

Meanwhile, the fishermen in several villages in the Batu Sapi Parliamentary constituency in Sandakan are enjoying solar powered lights that make it easy for them to return at night other than providing safety to the villagers who use the jetty in the dark.

This is due to the initiative taken by the Batu Sapi Parliament Member Datuk Edmund Chong Ket who had allocated RM200,000 to finance the solar light system in 15 jetties.

So far, the solar powered lights have been installed at five of the jetties and when the installation is completed in all the 15 jetties, about 1,000 fishermen will benefit from it.

Jamil Ismail, a fishermen in Pulau Tronglit, noted that the lights would help the fishermen there to land their catch at night unlike previously where they had to do it in the dark.

A housewife Suraya Otoh, 26, noted that the solar powered lights were also installed at several homes near the jetty and they no longer need to use the generator.

A private sector employee, Francis Junior Chu from Penampang felt that the government led by Najib have taken into consideration many of the issues relating to Sabah and Sarawak.

“Maybe because Sabah and Sarawak have helped Barisan Nasional(BN) to secure its victory during the last general election...So Najib wants to see these states develop on par with the other states in Peninsula,” he said.

The United Sabah Bajau Organisation (Usbo) President Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said Keruak said Najib’s first year at the helm witnessed many success and has placed the nation’s economy on a more stable position.

“Within the context of Sabah, the effort and approach taken by the federal government like the Sabah Development Corridor(SDC) will bring a paradigm shift for the people,” he added. — Bernama

For a state that saved UMNO from oblivion in the last GE (General Elections) can we have former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohammad's response to this rather strange and invidious disclosure.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Anwar's Contradictions

Dr Jeffrey (far left), Anwar (third left) and PKR leaders during the press conference.

Anwar Ibrahim says PKR wovs in Sabah are over and Jeffrey Kitingan is happy and has accepted to stay in PKR.Read the story here.

Read the contradiction below.
Sabah Times

PENAMPANG: Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan remains unhappy with the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) central leadership’s way of selecting party leaders in Sabah.

“I’m just unhappy with the way the appointment was made, that’s all,” he said of Ahmad Thamrin Jaini’s appointment as the state liaison chairman.

He insisted that both Sabah and Sarawak PKR should be given the autonomy to pick their own leaders.

“For me, one of the things I want is that PKR Sabah and Sarawak should be given the autonomy, so we can be a local national party,” he told reporters after the closing of the Sabah PKR Convention 2009 yesterday.

Contrary to his sentiment, party advisor, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said yesterday that internal problems bogging the Sabah PKR have been resolved and members have expressed the state party line-up.

“I am glad to say at least now they support the party line up in the state. At the same time, we want to make sure the national leadership which includes Dr Jeffrey, Christina Liew and Ansari Abdullah to be given a chance to perform in Sabah and Sarawak,” he told reporters after closing the Sabah PKR Convention 2009 here yesterday.

Anwar said however that he was sticking to the decision to appoint a second-liner of leadership to spearhead the party and hoped that the senior leaders would support and provide guidance to them like how it is being done in some states in the peninsula.

“Since it is spelt out very clearly in the PKR policy statement, I think we should adhere to that,” he said.

Dr Jeffrey, when asked for comments, said he had no problem with the second-liner rationale and without elaborating said, “but you have to ask the others.”

“For me it’s okay. I do what I can to bring up the Borneo issue of Sabah and Sarawak. I am happy to have seen the PKR policy already. But you have to ask the others, it is not just me,” he said.

Anwar had earlier said that the party leadership had received a lot of feedbacks from members and had explained the decision-making process to them.

He clarified that although Ahmad Thamrin’s appointment had caused controversy, it was a mandate given to him just as what the central leadership had done for party divisions in Sarawak and the peninsula.

The State PKR had been bogged down by internal problems when Dr Jeffrey’s announced his resignation as the vice president in October following the appointment of Ahmad Thamrin Jaini as the state liaison chairman by the party’s central leadership. Soon after, Liew relinquished her post as supreme council member.

The party however did not accept their resignations.

“As far as I’m concerned, he (Dr Jeffrey) is (still) the vice-president and I didn’t see his resignation letter,” Anwar said.

Meanwhile, on reports that he would join Party Cinta Malaysia, Dr Jeffrey said: “As far as I’m concerned there is none.’

He said the PKR leadership had also given him the assurance that all his ideas had been accepted.

“That is important, because that is what I am about, I want some real changes and I am banking on their sincerity,” he said.

Here's another contradiction on PAS Hadi Awang's statement that PAS was in no hurry to register Pakatan Rakyat that got Anwar putting a new spin to it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Jeffrey Claims His Boys Just Being Impatient

Daily Express

Kota Kinabalu: Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said he is not aware of an application submitted to the Registrar of Societies (RoS) here to register a new party on his behalf.

"Probably it was done by some of my men who could not wait...but personally I don't know about it because I am still on leave until January," he told Daily Express. He was asked for comment on a report Friday stating that an application for a new party linked to him was submitted to the RoS on Thursday.

It was learnt that the application for Parti Cinta Sabah or (Love Sabah Party) was submitted by a Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah leader who is in Dr Jeffrey's camp.

Dr Jeffrey said as far as he was concerned they are still waiting for a solution to the party's problem in Sabah and Sarawak.

"There is a solution to this problem in Sabah and Sarawak about which we expect an announcement to be made soon," he said.

Jeffrey fell out with the leadership of PKR due to their choice of the PKR Sabah liaison chairman, which resulted in him relinquishing his post as a Vice President and other important posts.

However, the party did not accept the resignations, including that of his colleague Christina Liew, who is also the party's former State deputy chairperson. Liew, when contacted earlier, also said she was not aware about any new party and that as far as she is concerned they are still with PKR.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Jeffrey's ultimatum to PKR

Published on: Friday, November 06, 2009

Kota Kinabalu: Former PKR Vice President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said he will rather be an elected Sabah Parti Keadilan Rakyat head than an appointed one, if at all.

He also set four conditions for the party if it wanted him to remain.

They are: 1] For the party headquarters to reform the party and ensure all appointments are elected;

2] It must respect the people's wishes;

3] Political autonomy for PKR operations in Sabah; and

4] For the party to set up a committee to look into the terms of the Inter-government Committee on the formation of Malaysia and its shortcomings.

He is understood to have put on hold plans to form a new political party following persuasion by party Advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Some 200 people had gathered in Tambunan, Thursday, where he was expected to make the announcement but this was shelved.

Meanwhile, PBS President Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan said his younger brother is welcome to rejoin Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS).

However, the application would be subject to discussion and consideration before the party accepts him back.

Jeffrey was once a PBS former Supreme Council member and Assemblyman. Pairin said the party has always maintained its position to open its doors to anyone.

"But as usual there would be procedures and discussions about the application before any decision can be made," he said on reports that his younger brother might rejoin the Barisan Nasional (BN) after quitting his post in PKR recently.

But from Jeffrey's statement, he said it is unlikely that he would be coming back to the BN fold because Jeffrey appears to be more keen to form a new party. Moreover, he said the turmoil in the Sabah PKR leadership is still going on and there could be new developments since Jeffrey has not quit the PKR.

The leadership crisis saw Jeffrey and Deputy State Liaison Chief Christina Liew resigning from their respective positions in PKR but still maintaining their ordinary membership with Christina also keeping her post as KK division chief.

Pairin said the opposition party is facing an internal crisis because Jeffrey was not considered for the post of Sabah PKR Liaison Chief after Azmin Ali was replaced. To this end, he said the people are already matured and understood well the political tactics of their leaders.

"The people would know which leaders are sincere and which ones are driven by personal agendas," said Pairin.

On the Auditor-General's Report regarding water treatment plants in several districts not being up to standard, Pairin who is also Infrastructure Development Minister, said he would look into the matter.

He said the Ministry would have these matter rectified as soon as possible.

According to the report, the quality of water in several districts such as in Tenom and Beaufort, were low because of the sub-standard water treatment facility. Permanent Secretary to the Infrastructure Development Ministry, Datuk Pg Hassanel Pg Mohd Tahir admitted there were some weaknesses in water treatment plants particularly in the rural areas.

"But although there are some truths to it (Report) we did not receive enough allocation (from the Federal Government to provide a better system). Hopefully we can rectify this under the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP)," he said.

He, however, said the water was still safe for drinking and for other daily use although quality is below the required standard.

To SAPP's suggestion that Sabahans be given a special identity card, Pairin said careful study on related laws and the constitution must first be carried out.

"Whether it is sensible or not or allowed by the law, we must look at it first," he said and reminded the people that opposition political parties have been known to make all sorts of suggestion and promises.

"But what we want is balanced development, infrastructure, economic growth and stability that only the government can provide to us," he said.

Source:Daily Express

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Born Loser?

Hantu Laut

Jeffery Kitingan has always wanted to be number one.He has roamed the political wilderness and has 'takoran bangkad' (change shirts) many times in search of his elusive dream, to be 'first among equals'

Since the ouster of PBS as government of the state of Sabah in 1994 where he played the role of the grand master of political connivance and convenience he has joined not less than four other political parties. Every political party that he joined he mounted a challenge to the leadership for the number one post. He failed in his every attempts and got himself kicked out of the party.

History repeats itself, now, the very same man who kicked his brother, him and his party out of the government in 1994 has kicked his ass again.

Now, Jeffery can go back to his people and say never trust the West Malaysians whether they come from UMNO or PKR, they are all the same.We, Sabahans, are screwed either way.What we need is a Sabah party to take back the government.

SAPP might just open its doors for him.Would Yong Teck Lee takes the risk? For political expediency Yong might consider the parochial grassroots that Jeffery could bring into his party from the support of the hillbillies.

Alternatively, the doors to PBS would be opened to him to enter with ease, probably, much to the consternation of others in the party and for those who feared his passion for displacing the incumbents. He says he is keeping his option open.

This leaping, jumping and croaking frog has only himself to blame for his political chicanery and greed for power.

Is Jeffery Kitingan a doggone loser? Brutus Thornapple would have jumped with joy if he knew there exists someone worse than him.His erudition for deceit is his own failing and the castings of his public contempt and obloquy.

After the fall of PBS and his failed bid with other political parties he applied for membership in UMNO but was rejected.As cunning as the proverbial fox he deceivingly used his indigenous name Gapari to fool the UMNO headquarters and was accepted.Sabah UMNO eventually revoked his membership when they found out the humiliating mistake.

Is the road to hell paved with good intentions?

Jeffery Kitingan may have the answer.

Where next, Mr Kitingan?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Now It's Jeffery Kitingan Turn To Go On Long Leave, Anwar Made Life Easier For BN In Sabah

Hantu Laut

As expected, Jefferey Kitingan was foaming at the mouth, said Anwar Ibrahim showed disrespect to Sabahans by not taking into consideration the majority voices of its supporters.About 16 divisions wanted him to lead Sabah PKR but was ignored by the central leaders. Jeffery's press statement here (updated).

In the same footsteps of Zaid Ibrahim, Jeffery says he is going on long leave to think over his political future in PKR.Since he is now out of favour with PKR leaders at the national level the thought of staying on in the party has become untenable and a big embarrassment for him.

At one time Jeffery was the flag bearer of PKR Sabah and many members of the KDM community were attracted to the party. Unfortunately, he was replaced just before the last general elections.

PKR may have lost its only possible source of support for the next general elections. The Sabah Muslims are not likely to support PKR, the Chinese given a choice would either stay with BN or vote for DAP or other Sabah based party.

Appointing Thamrin in the hope of getting Muslims votes is like shouting in the wilderness, nobody can hear, he has absolutely no grassroots and many people in Sabah have not heard of his name.

Anwar has made life easier for BN in Sabah.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Zaid In Sabah In Defiance, Sabah PKR Heading For A Breakup

Hantu Laut

Sabah PKR leaders heading for a split. Zaid came to Sabah in defiance of leadership's decision.

It is expected that one or both, Jeffery Kitingan and Ansari Abdullah might leave the party due to irreconcilable differences and frustrations with the party president's procrastination and indecisiveness on the issue of who should lead PKR in Sabah.Azmin Ali is a thorn in the flesh of Jeffery Kitingan and other PKR leaders in Sabah.

Azmin Ali is furious. Zaid has ignored the ban on him from going to Sabah, undoubtedly, engineered by Azmin.The unpopular and dysfunctional Azmin Ali is afraid that Zaid may steal the show from him.One PKR member lamented "What show, he never showed up". Why do you think Jeffery invited Zaid instead of him he said.

Jeffery Kitingan who invited Zaid for the PKR Hari Raya open house today admitted PKR is heading for a serious crisis.He, himself, is at loggerhead with Ansari Abdullah and despised the fact that he has been reduced to playing second fiddle.Jeffery's exit from PKR wouldn't come as a surprise, he is very adapt to 'takoran bangkad' (changing shirt), and PKR is no different from the rest that he had abandoned in the past.

Jeffery claimed a memorandum signed by by 18 of the 23 divisions in Sabah on the issue of Azmin Ali has been sent to the party president.

On the other hand, Ansari Abdullah refuted Jeffery's claim saying there was no such memorandum and that 15 divisions have disassociated themselves from the memorandum.

Meanwhile, Zaid said he was only taking leave from attending PKR political bureau meetings but would continue to be involved in activities to strengthen Pakatan Rakyat.

What that means? Your guess as good as mine, it must be Azmin Ali, that he doesn't want to meet in the bureau meetings.Zaid also admitted his visit to Sabah did not get the party leadership's blessings.

Will Anwar Ibrahim sacrifice Azmin Ali for the newcomers, Zaid and Jeffery? The probable answers below.

If no change come soon to replace Azmin, Jeffery would leave PKR sooner and Zaid differences with Azmin Ali, would be a matter of time, before he departs.

Read what OutSyed The Box says here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Shenanigans of Gapari

Make a brave decision on polling day: Jeffrey

Keningau: Parti Keadilan Rakyat Vice-President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan (pic) urged the electorate in Sabah to make a brave decision by voting for all PKR candidates to "stop the rot in Sabah."

Jeffrey who is contesting the State seat of Bingkor and Parliamentary seat of Keningau told a gathering of more than 1,000 people that they must reject BN leaders for turning Sabah into the poorest State despite being rich in natural resources.

He said by allowing the prices of petrol and essential goods to go up, the government had caused suffering among the people.

"Sabahans must reject all BN candidates for creating a mess in Sabah, for making the natives even more poorer by driving them out of the land they have been occupying for generations and for allowing foreigners into the country without travel documents," he said.

In responding to Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman's comments that the PKR's promises in its manifesto are unrealistic and absurd, Jeffery said it is not difficult to reduce the prices of essential goods in Sabah.

He pointed out that the root of the problem is the withdrawal of the subsidy on petrol.

Jeffery said a PKR Federal Government will use part of the huge profit of Petronas estimated to be between RM65 billion and RM100 billion due to the current high price oil in the international market.

"Why can't the Government ask Petronas to use RM10 billion a year to subsidise petroleum to help all Malaysians reduce costs in doing their business and also to help the poor alleviate their daily financial hardship instead of keeping the money.

"In this way, the country will be more attractive to foreign investors, thus creating more job opportunities for Malaysians," he added.

Jeffery said the government effected the withdrawal of the subsidy on petrol throughout Malaysia with a promise to use the money saved to improve roads in the rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak but like other promises, this was not fulfilled.

Jeffery claimed the PKR was contesting 55 seats because it realised that the people genuinely wanted to change the State Government.

Daily Express

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Hantu Laut

The man with the fattest wallet will rule.

PKR received another blow today when its candidate for the Gum Gum state seat, Mohaspa Mohd Hassan pulled out from a straight fight with BN candidate, Datuk Zakaria Mohs Idris. This means that BN has won another state seat uncontested.

Two independents have also pulled out of Tanjung Batu and Senallang state seats.

Meanwhile, Datuk Jeffery Kitingan ( the father of all frogs) has accused his political secretary of betrayal:

A betrayal for not being chosen: Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Vice President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan (pic) described his former Political Secretary Kanul Gindol's pullout from the party as shameful and an act of betrayal.

"Wherever they go after this, people will knowÉ as betrayers they should be ashamed of themselves," he said in a statement, Tuesday.

He was commenting on Kanul's announcement of resignation from PKR with immediate effect stating, among others, that he had lost confidence and trust in the party's leadership.

Jeffrey was disappointed with Kanul and other friends who left the party "to sleep with the enemy just because they were not chosen as candidates".

"It is obvious they didn't know the true meaning of our struggle in the first place. Their action proves they are more interested in pursuing personal interests."

Keadilan leaders and members should know the party is more important than individuals and that they should have consistency with the interest of the people at heart, he said.

"If you believe in something you should stick with it to the end, no matter what the internal problems are and whatever incentive may be offered by the enemy," said Jeffrey.

Jeffrey, who is also the PKR State Steering Committee chairman, said the party must have a system and disciplinary control. At the end of the day, the party leaders would have to nominate the candidates and those not selected would have to accept it gracefully.

"I also know one of the BN candidates in Tuaran has been telling the people in speeches that I was going to join the BN today. They can keep on dreaming. It looks like the BN candidate there has no other valid issue, so he has to tell lies to the people," he said.

According to him, Kanul was also not telling the truth or is ignorant about the status of the Tambunan Declaration that had long been approved and adopted by the Supreme Council.

It was adopted with a slight amendment to the last item, i.e. "Membenarkan Sabah menggaris agenda pembangunan dan ekonominya sendiri" (allowing Sabah to underline its own development and economic agendas) with the addition of "selaras dengan pembangunan dasar pusat" (in line with the federal development policy).

For someone who had betrayed his own brother, Joseph Pairin, the late Mark Koding, Pendikar Amin, Joseph Kurup and God knows how many more lesser known souls and to shamelessly denounced another person as a traitor is beyond comprehension.

A man of the lowest common denominator.He has hopped from one political party to another.He is no stranger to switching political parties.He was in PBS, AKAR,PBRS and joined UMNO but was kicked out when he stood as independent in the last election.He tried to re-join UMNO but was snubbed.

Watch out Anwar Ibrahim ! You are next !

This man will take the KDM back to the political wilderness.