Showing posts with label Yong Teck Lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yong Teck Lee. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Flogging The Same "Sabah For Sabahans" Dead Horse

Hantu Laut

In spite of his and Yong Teck Lee's similar call of "Sabah for Sabahans" the people of Sabah have rejected these two political eunuchs. 

Can't bluff the people all the times. They have been part of the corrupt regime they accused of now but kept their mouth shut when the picking was good and when they shared the loot.

Now, he is still humming the same parochial "Sabah for Sabahans" jingle. Still flogging the same dead horse and nobody is paying attention of his useless labour.

He won the state seat on Kadazan parochialism.

Will Jeffrey lumber on as an independent or will he be a boiling frog?

Reported in the Daily Express:

Sabah State Reform Party (Star) on Wednesday said the Federal and State governments should abolish the Federal Secretary Office and dismantle the parallel government machinery in Sabah.
Its Chairman, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan also said that both governments should put words into action on their recognition of Sabah's autonomy.
Commenting on the call to channel Federal funds to the State Government, he recalled that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had announced that the 20-Points were still intact during the recent 13th General Election and that Sabah's autonomy was not an issue.Read more.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Yong Teck Lee Lost Libel Suit Harris Salleh Awarded RM1 million.

Hantu Laut

Yong Teck Lee lost the libel suit brought against him by former Sabah Chief Minister Harris Salleh.Harris was awarded RM1 million.More to come

Read story here.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Analyse:Yong Done In By DAP ?

Hantu Laut

It would have been a fight between BN and SAPP without any doubt.PKR was in obscurity before DAP took to the campaign trail.

Obviously,DAP has strong influence over Chinese voters which they managed to convince to swing to PKR's Ansari who would not have done better than Yong without the Chinese votes split between him and Yong.

The Prime Minister may want to take note that in majority Chinese areas in Sabah swing votes to Pakatan particularly towards DAP is very possible.This victory and that of Galas are not indications that the ground swell is massively moving in BN direction. Calling a snap election may be prematured and risky.The BN needs to do more to recapture the people's imagination.

Ansari's bumiputra votes is dismal.Without the swing Chinese votes he would not have done that well.

BN, is advantaged by the three-cornered fight and right choice of candidate.A straight fight would have the BN walking the tightrope.Yong and Ansari shared what the lone independent candidate got in 2008 against the late Edmund Chong.

UMNO and its Director of Operation Musa Aman was the prime mover without which PBS would not have the capacity and will to ensure victory.The same man who delivered almost all the seats in the 2008 General Elections and whose political demises have been predicted countless times by those opposed to him and those who didn't get what they asked for, has against all predictions, delivered victory to the BN.

The big win for Linda is a combination of sympathy votes mainly from female voters, unfettered support for the BN by the bumiputra Muslim community and good campaign strategy.

Yong took a big gamble and lost.He needlessly used too many political bankrupts and losers to help him campaign in the bumiputra areas.These are political mercenaries discarded by other political parties that came for short term collect money.

With his tattered image Yong would find it hard going from now on.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Batu Sapi:Desperately Seeking Political Integrity

Hantu Laut

Been busy and away in Brunei for the past few days and were unable to keep track with the progress of the by- election in Batu Sapi.

Obviously, there have not been much changes in poll forecast of the ground swell.All three parties claimed they are ahead of each other but most political pundits gave BN the edge over its rivals.

There have been rumours and speculations that Yong Teck Lee is a BN's plant and that he would be returning to the BN's fold if he won the election. This whispering campaign spreading in mostly Chinese areas were rumoured to be the product of DAP.

Both DAP and PKR are eyeing the seat for the 13th General Elections and if Yong came second in the race than DAP could claim the seat in the next general elections using the Chinese factor as justification of its demand.Even if PKR came second DAP would still demand for the seat as without swing votes of the Chinese engineered by DAP Ansari Abdullah is not likely to take second spot. Either way PKR is at the losing end.

PKR is fighting and uphill battle. In some bumiputra areas they were even asked to leave and never to come back again so much so that Ansari, for better or for worse, has to revealed his two broken ribs and excruciating pain he has to endure due to the falls he had from the rickety kampong jetties built by the BN government.

Batu Sapi could be a pointer of what in store for the next general elections in Sabah.It could be a death knell for the loser.

Linda Tsen, with her clean sheet has got everything going for her.

Batu Sapi has almost 50 percent female voters which majority is expected to give her the emotional votes.Her husband's untainted background would be another plus factor.The BN huge machinery and majority bumiputra voters would give her added weight to win Batu Sapi.

Can she outshines the other two contenders? In this political game anything can happen, it's like a mind game.

The same cannot be said of Yong and Ansari who both were veteran politicians with past history.

Both are desperately seeking their political integrity and both are not likely to find it here but than in Malaysian politics who cares about integrity, the constituents always the losers and deservingly.

A BN sympathiser whom I met said "If the BN wins this election the credit should go to Musa Aman, he worked his guts out as if he is the one standing for the by-election"

For Musa's sake I hope he is right.

Yong is using both the Chinese and Suluk cards for his "Sabah for Sabahans" using many relatives including sons of former Sabah Chief Minister the late Tun Mustapha Harun to campaign in the immigrant constituent areas.

BN might just scrap through.

More to follow.

Friday, October 29, 2010

BN Riding The Ghost Train ?

Hantu Laut

It appears that BN may be in for a rough ride dogged by component parties unwilling to give their utmost to help in the campaign.

LDP,MCA,Gerakan, the three Chinese based party only made dim appearances.UMNO seemed the only party working hard to ensure victory.PBS, not here, nor there.

Unless, UMNO can protect majority of the bumiputra votes and garner at least 20% of the Chinese votes the end result may not be very pretty.

Yong Teck Lee seemed to have big war chest rumoured to be bankrolled by some Foo Chow towkays from Sarawak.

Pigs with wings always fly around during election times, can't really tell the truth from the lies, but it is a well known fact that Malaysian Chinese businessmen always put their bets on both sides of the coin, just in case.

PKR is a non starter. Some, predicted bad omen for Ansari after taking a dip in the sea.

Yong Teck Lee showed his arrogance by belittling Ansari saying he is not fit to debate with him, he wants nothing less than Anwar Ibrahim.

A Sabah politician who refused to be named said "If BN loses it's most likely by unseen hands of one or two of its own component party and Prime Minister Najib knew who they are"

New and untainted, the lady should still have a chance.

The opposition PKR taking issue with her poor Bahasa is absolute rubbish.She has enough intelligence to polish her Bahasa in the next six months and they would be surprised that she probably speaks better Bahasa than Lim Kit Siang by then.

Also read:

Sabah rights a SAPP afterthought in Batu Sapi Yong was also instrumental in Umno seizing control of Sabah in 1994 from PBS after the latter had successfully fought the state election for an unprecedented fourth term. This was despite Yong deserting the party on the eve of the state election and getting the registration of SAPP approved within 24 hours. Yong formed SAPP and aligned himself with Umno in the state election after Pairin rejected his demand that he (Yong) be given the exclusive right to name all the Chinese PBS candidates.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yong Teck Lee, You Cannot Fool All The People All The Time!

Hantu Laut

How do the people particularly the Chinese community believe in this man.He joined the very same devil that made him chief minister and never for a moment dared face up to Mahathir and tell him how badly he treated Sabah and Sabahans then.

Now, he is trying to fool Sabahans with his "Sabah for Sabahans" bullshit which he dared not whisper let alone mentioned when he was chief minister while enjoying all the privileges and sharing the bounty of the BN government he forgot Sabahans ever existed then.

What the point of a debate with Chief Minister Musa Aman.There are enough skeletons of his in the closet to strip him naked and shame him to the bone without going for a debate.It's obvious, the party he called upon to debate knows he is playing the devil's advocate.

There is no need to say in too many words for this 'old wine in new bottle' as Lincoln would have said "you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time,but you cannot fool all the people all the time"

It just too bad if the people of Batu Sapi is taken in by his rhetoric.

If BN wins the 13th General Elections, I bet he will rejoin the devil again.

Monday, October 25, 2010

PKR, " a dog in the manger"

Hantu Laut

Politicians, if I may say, make monkey of themselves when it comes to facing reality, unable to think clearly,sensibly and logically and...... all for selfish reason.

By their own undoing, the Batu Sapi by-election is a case of selfishness and greed which has spelled disaster for both the opposition candidates.

The chances of SAPP's Yong winning has now disappeared into the thick cumulus cloud all for the irrational greed of one man.... Anwar Ibrahim.

PKR knew of its poor chance of winning yet deprived Yong of a good fight against the BN.

Anwar has taken a 'dog in the manger' attitude and worse still fielded the most unlikely candidate.He is sending a message to Yong " if we can't have it, you can't have it too".

Ansari Abdullah will be vanquished not because of his own fault but the stupidity of PKR not giving way to Yong, who has far greater chance of taking on the BN. The voters will show their unhappiness in the ballot boxes.

PKR, will never be a force to be reckoned with in Sabah and I find it hard to believe that the leaders are still living in a state of denial. There is no credible leader in Sabah PKR that can garner massive support for the party.

Anwar may be big name in the Peninsula but in Sabah he has still a long way to go.Sabahans still remember the coup of 1994.

Yong is not my favoured candidate, as far as I am concerned he is no different from other shameless politicians, but the fact is, Anwar Ibrahim has ruined his chance of giving the BN a run for its money.

A ploy of last minute withdrawal by PKR to give Yong a chance will be too late and will not work.

There was a dog lying in a manger who did not eat the grain but who nevertheless prevented the horse from being able to eat anything either. (from an old Greek fable)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Will Batu Sapi Be Yong's Waterloo ?

Hantu Laut

Yong Teck Lee's candidacy for the Batu Sapi by-election defy description.It's a big surprise for everyone that he would stake his political career on a whim.

Yong is no different from other politicians that the people might want to throw out.He has been in PBS and stayed while the going was good.In 1994 at the behest of former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim he with other PBS leaders deserted the party and formed their own parties to topple the duly elected PBS government.

Soon after, his party joined the BN where he was given position and later made the chief minister on Mahathir's rotation system.He is no different from other shameful politicians that betrayed the people's trust whenever it suits them.

This is the same man who wooed the illegals voters when he was in the BN and did absolutely nothing when he was the CM but wailed and hailed about the presence of illegal immigrants the moment he is out of the BN.

For the same reason what he did to Joseph Pairin he did again with Pak Lah when he couldn't get what he wanted.Sabahans are fools if they think he cares for them.

His stratergy is to start a spat with Pak Lah making Pak Lah looked bad in the eyes of Sabahans and him a hero, leave BN, and contest the 13th General Elections under his own flag and win a few seats.He would than keep his option open, to join whoever the victor is, BN or PR.

Sabahans, are simple folks, they keep believing in the same old politicians and keep recycling them when new and younger faces should be given the chance to change the politics of this country irrespective which party he or she represents.

In the fore front with Yong are other political has-beens, ex-Berjaya Deputy CM Mohd Noor Mansoor of the famous I borrowed my mother's RM5 million for political funds when he sold the Berjaya building and the X-Man, ex-USNO,ex-PBS,ex-UMNO Nahalan Damsal.

Batu Sapi has significant number of immigrants voters and Yong would close his eyes once again and canvass for votes from the very same people he wanted to kick out of the state.Are these the kind of politicians worthy of the people's trust? The hypocrisy of 'do as I say, not as what I do' and yet Sabahans are fooled to vote for them.

One of the most controversial deals during his tenure as chief minister was the exchange of blue chip MISC shares with junk NBT and Sugarbun shares of his closed friend, a lawyer turned businessman Joseph Ambrose Lee.

Today, MISC shares are still in blue chip category and paying dividends while NBT and Sugarbuns shares are worthless, a fate worse than a toilet paper.His excuse that the collapse was due to the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 is constructively untrue.MISC shares have recovered and are still trading on the KLSE while NBT and Sugarbun shares have been relegated to the rubbish bins.Both companies have been de-listed from the KLSE.

Yong denied he has anything to do with it and the collapse of the Saham Amanah Sabah which happened during his tenure.

It is common knowledge that he is a buddy of Ambrose Lee which used the relationship to transact business with the government, from exchange of shares to the award of FMU (Forest Management Unit).

Most of Ambrose Lee's businesses failed.Today, his assets are under receiving order (RO) but he is still a very rich man and free to travel overseas, courtesy of banks and financial institutions who care not about their fiduciary duties.After few years of RO the banks should know whether they can recover those assets or not and should adjudicate the process whereby a public examination of the debtor could be carried out to determine that there were no fraudulent transactions.

The share swaps incurred the state government agency to lose huge sums which shortfalls were supposedly guaranteed by Ambrose's company.Being insolvent the company was unable to make good the guarantee.Ambrose offered the state government another losing concern of his to take care of the shortfall.

Borneo Marble was offered with highly inflated price which was said to have been accepted by the idiot savants at Warisan but eventually rejected by Chief Minister Musa Aman who has better business sense than his boys at Warisan.

Sometimes, in making decision, dishonesty precedes logic. I have done and seen umpteen valuation of properties during my business days and most, more often than not, were overstated in value and valuers cannot be taken to court for their opinion.It's up to the interested parties to attache their own value.

Here, to confuse the audience, Mr Lee feigned not to know the reason of Musa's refusal. The state has the right to refuse not withstanding whatever the valuation is.

The Chinese voters in Sandakan may want to show they are kingmakers but I hope they vote sensibly.

It's time to kick out all these political donkeys and put new faces that can serve the people better.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Botak Yong Going For Batu Sapi

Hantu Laut

Yong Teck Lee just announced his candidacy for Batu Sapi. Yong is going for broke and will put up a good fight against the BN if it is a straight fight.

PKR, will nominate its candidate but is likely to withdraw the last minute to give Yong better chance of winning.

BN may still have the edge, depending on the candidate they choose.

More to come.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Many UMNO Leaders Seen At SAPP's Do.

Hantu Laut

Sabahans are known for their friendliness, generosity, hospitality and less partisan in politics.These harmonious relations can be seen at major festivals, religious or otherwise and putting politics aside, where Sabahans visited or hosted friends and foes with courtesy and civility.Religion had never been a dividing force for Sabahans.

At the SAPP's Chinese New Year open house many leaders from UMNO Sabah can be seen visiting its President Yong Teck Lee.Most of the UMNO leaders were from the ethnic association called USBO (United Sabah Bajau Association) let by its President Salleh Keruak. Also seen was Tun Sakaran Dandai, the President of USIA (United Sabah Islamic Association).The one that raised an eyebrow was Unity,Culture,Arts and Heritage Minister Shafie Apdal, who is reputedly close to Najib and rumored to be the future Chief Minister of Sabah when Najib becomes the prime minister.Others from the BN was Bernard Dompok and Edward Khoo and from PKR Jeffery Kitingan.

Some political analysts said something may be brewing on the political horizon.SAPP might be considering returning to the BN after Abdullah's departure.I think it was just normal visits on a festive occasion but than in politics any thing can happen.

Since most of the UMNO members who were there were from USBO.Is something brewing in USBO ?

Only its President Salleh Keruak would know, who is also rumoured to be wanting to become chief minister again.

After his disastrous term of zero economic development for the state that would be bringing back the Achillis heel and setting the clock back.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Three Monkeys:Will BN Lose Again ?

Hantu Laut

In my previous two articles I mentioned that Joseph Kurup of PBRS/BN lost his uncontested MP seat of Pensiangan, nullified by the court in an election petition brought against him and that the BN would lose the seat if he is fielded again.

The election petition was brought against him by PKR's candidate Danny Anthony Andipai .It was found that the returning officer had acted unfairly towards Kurup's opponent by rejecting his papers when Kurup objected during objection time, quoting late submission of the papers as the reason for rejection.The judge ruled that the rejection was wrong and nullified the Pensiangan parliamentary seat.

Kurup was the Assemblyman for Sook from 1985 to 2008 except for the period 1999 to 2004 and had been Minister,Finance Minister and Deputy Chief Minister under both the PBS government and later under his own party PBRS/a component of the BN.

The Pensiangan parliamentary seat was previously held by Bernard Maraat also of PBRS who won the seat on a thin majority of 608 against Matin Tomy, an independent candidate.In the March 2008 General Elections, in fear of losing the seat and thinking it would be safer to move to other constituency Kurup abandoned his state seat of Sook and moved to Pensiangan.He booted out his colleague the incumbent Bernard Maraat and as President of the party refused to let him contest the seat.He took it for himself.

Kurup together with Bernard Dompok and Yong Teck Lee abandoned PBS soon after the 1994 state elections to form their own respective party and joined the BN to topple the PBS government.The plot was engineered by Anwar Ibrahim and assisted by the trio.

Yong had shown his true colour and had left the BN using the weak leadership of Badawi as the excuse and his love for Sabah as the reason.He misread the situation, thinking Anwar would be successful in taking over the government then.Dompok is rumbling all the times about how much he loves Sabah and wanted the best for Sabahans and objected to Petronas gas terminal and Pak Lah lack of concern for Sabah.He was given the reclamation work for the project.See, sometimes, threat does pay off. Kurup would surely abandon the BN if he is not chosen to stand in Pensiangan and good chance BN will succumb to his threat and let him contest Pensiangan.

One must admire this minute platform shoe-man, he has managed to stay in politics all this while.Pensiangan could be his death throes.

Following my comment of no place for Kurup in Pensiangan in the by-election, others have came out to express similar apprehension.Joseph Pairin has his doubt about Kurup here.Today, PBS Secretary-General Radin Malleh cautioned Kurup against his overconfidence of winning Pensiangan.He requests Kurup to do some soul searching here.

With Kurup the BN would surely lose.With a more acceptable candidate the BN would have a better chance of a close fight.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

PM Wanted Yong Arrested

Hantu Laut

The Borneo Post's headline today reported that SAPP Deputy President Raymond Tan dropped a bombshell by revealing that PM Abdullah Badawi wanted Yong Teck Lee arrested by the ACA but he pleaded to the PM not to take this unpopular decision.

Raymond said he may have differences with Yong but will do anything to defend him if the government decided to arrest him.

Although I have written articles not in Yong's favour I don't agree with this kind of intimidation and coercion tactics used by the government.Not right.This is a democracy, you just don't arrest people because they don't agree with you or wanted to throw you out as a leader.The ACA should be used only for its intended purpose not as a weapon to coerce those who oppose you.

This kind of tactic will only anger the people even more against the BN government.

Note: At the time of this posting Borneo Post Online was not accessible for me to do a link.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

He Who Cares For Sabah

Hantu Laut

What triggered off SAPP President Yong Teck Lee decision to pull out of the Barisan Nasional(BN) coalition?

SAPP Deputy President Raymond Tan revealed that Yong was unhappy when no additional seats were given to the party in the last general elections. Using the failure of the Federal government to look after the interests of the state were just poor excuses made up by the greed of one man.

Yong had been eyeing the Sandakan and Kota Kinabalu parliamentary seats for a long time of which he wanted the Kota Kinabalu Parliamentary seat for himself. He declared he would contest the seat in the 8th March General Elections thinking the PM would accede to his demand.

Those are seats that belong to other component parties that he wanted the Prime Minister to give to him.If his supporters and those who are blinded for their support of him and Anwar believe in his lies that he is fighting for the interests of Sabah and Sabahans no amount of explanation would suffice to change their mind how unreasonable the man is.Taking from what was revealed by Raymond Tan it is without any doubt he is pushing a self-serving agenda.

SAPP have 2 parliamentary and 4 state seats.The Sandakan Parliamentary seat belong to LDP which Yong's SAPP have been trying to grab since the 2004 General Elections that brought him and former LDP President Chong Kah Kiat at loggerheads. Chong accused him of sabotage in the 2004 Elections when LDP lost the seat to an independent.He was again alleged of having done the same in the last elections.

You can bet your bottom dollar SAPP would never have left the BN if Pakatan Rakyat didn't do well in the last elections and Anwar's promises of taking over the government and the premiership and if Yong didn't see Pak Lah as being weak and can be taken advantage of. You can again bet your bottom dollar that Yong and SAPP would still be in the BN contented with what they have and to hell with Sabah and Sabahans.

Anwar Ibrahim has promised to increase the oil royalty, give greater autonomy and a dozen or so other promises including the return of Labuan to Sabah to entice defections from BN lawmakers.He failed to deliver his boastful promise on 16th Sept, to takeover the premiership and the government.He has now come up with a new trick, he wanted Parliament to re-convene just for him to shout injustice and hope some broken-hearted MPs from BN would unconsciously spur of the moment reaction sympathise with him and cross the floor to give him support.

Can he be trusted to make good his promises for Sabah if he succeded ?

When time is rough for the BN it seems only Yong cares for Sabah and Sabahans.

Somebody should ask Yong what good has he done for Sabah when he was Chief Minister.
Did he make noise about the illegal immigrants problem?Did he goad the prime minister then to act or he would pull out of the BN?

Who accompanied him to Hong Kong to see Anwar Ibrahim ?

Also read:
REVEALED: 'Secret offers' to woo BN MPs

Friday, September 5, 2008

Good News For Pak Lah: SAPP Breaking Up

Hantu Laut

After all the bad news swirling around Pak Lah, there are some good news from the "Land Below The Wind".

As anticipated SAPP appears heading for a split.Several high ranking party officials contemplating leaving the party.Many are fed up with Yong over his repeated actions to embarrass the Prime Minister and the top BN leadership.

The Daily Express reported that at least 2 vice-presidents and up to 6 Supreme council members may quit the party in the coming days.

The vice-presidents and Supreme council members boycotted a convention organised by SAPP on Sabah issues on Saturday.Ironically, Harris Salleh, Yong's long-time political enemy now turned erstwhile opponent spoke at the convention invited by Yong. Even Tawau MP Chua Soon Bui had distanced herself from the party leadership.She and many SAPP top leaders were absent.

According to the source many are fed up with the way Yong led the party as most of the statements he made were not agreeable to the majority of the party leaders and Supreme council members.

In another event, PBS Vice-President Herbert Timbon took to task UPKO President and Minister in the Prime Minister's department Bernard Dompok for his statement on Wednesday that there should be no reason to stop any BN component member from having discussions or meetings with the opposition for reason of strengthening the Government.Dompok also said he sees nothing wrong with Yong meeting Anwar as UMNO has also met PAS over similar matter.

God knows where this minister come from who can't differentiate between a turncoat and an army that wanted to consolidate its position.They are not one and the same.

Such atrocious statement coming from a minister in the PM's department can only mean Dompok has the intention of abandoning ship and only waiting for the right time.

The PM should watch this man closely.Potential

If you can't give your loyalty,don't beat around the bush, be a man, resign and join the opposition.After all you have been a before and it's not going to make your name smell any better.

Anwar, beware! Don't buy a pig in the poke.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Of Conduct Unbecoming

Hantu Laut

I am not going to walk, touch or talk on the subject of the Budget.Too many have commented, some with hardly a full sentence.We should leave it to the experts to dissect it and come to their own conclusion.This is an imperfect world and just like beauty,imperfection too is in the eyes of the beholder.

It would be foolish to think that the oppositions would have nice words for Abdullah's budget. Anwar Ibrahim although was a former finance minister chose to play to the gallery by saying Malaysia is the only oil-producing country that have a deficit budget.It's pure posturing and grandstanding.He should know what he says meant nothing in macroeconomic terms. There are many other indicators that determine the economic health of a nation, like balance of payment ,external debt,GDP growth and many others that are the essentials.

The United States had been on budget deficit for umpteen years and yet it is the wealthiest nation on earth.Of course there are differences between the U.S. and Malaysian economy, but overall the principles should be the same.

Anwar only tells you one side of the story.He didn't tell you that Malaysia consumed almost three-quarters of its oil production,some directly and some through import replacement, therefore, the net surplus is the quantity exported which is not by any measure considered huge and put Malaysia in the league of oil-exporting nations.If you don't have over a million barrels a day you are considered a non-entity and can't even enter the exclusive club---OPEC.

Oil is not Malaysia's staple export.To look at as a cash cow as suggested by Anwar Ibrahim is foolhardy.

I do agree wasteful spending and corruptions had some adverse effect on the economy but it is not anything dissimilar from the time he was deputy prime minister and finance minister when he had the chance to do something about it but chose not to for well known reasons.

Across the South China Sea, on the other side, in the 'Land Below The Wind' former Chief Minister and former President of LDP Chong Kah Kiat said what the people are witnessing today are leaders who once were lavishly praising the BN leadership barely four months ago, but now condemning the same publicly.

Without mentioning any quarters by name he said "It incredulous.Before we see them hugging and hovering around our PM and DPM and talking highly about them".He said the rakyat have good memory and remember what they have said earlier.

I couldn't agree more with Chong of the low moral standard of some of our politicians.Some of them think they can fool the rakyat with their audacious rhetoric.Some pretend not to remember the abuse of power and corruption they indulged in when they were in power and have the audacity to accuse others of the same.

In Sabah the President of SAPP had questioned Chief Minister Musa Aman on the fresh injection of capital of RM200 million into Amanah Saham Sabah to revive its unit share price.Many Sabahans lost their whole life-saving in this badly managed State investment arm.

The whole of Sabah knew the huge losses at ASS occurred during Yong's time as Chief Minister. This is also the very same man who did nothing about the illegal immigrants during his tenure as Sabah Chief Minister and is now harping and howling at the Prime Minister and accusing him of not doing anything about this long standing issue and ordered his MPs to pass a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

The only chief minister that had taken action against illegal immigrants was Chong Kah Kiat.

Some politicians seemed not to have any sense of shame and don't give two hoots of what people think of them as long as they can satisfy their greed.It's telling on your character if with the blink of your eyes you can flip over your tongue and say something in complete contradiction of your earlier statement.

The MPs of SAPP have attempted to remove the PM but failed to do so and the party is still in the BN.

There are two things Yong Tet Lee can do, he either take SAPP out of the BN or failing which, he should resign from SAPP.

That should be the way of an honourable man.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Anwar Ibrahim At Wits' End

Hantu Laut

Poor Anwar Ibrahim is at his wits' end? With not much help from his coalition partners to grab power he is beginning to sound more desperate and have started making foolish and sanctimonious speeches which aren't normally said by a normal person.

Below are some of his speeches delivered at Banting last night.

"Umno leaders are saying they are trying to protect the Malays because now they are at their weakest. But let me tell you this that it is too late for them. I am Malay but a responsible and cultured one. I will never stop from helping the Malays to progress,"

Guess what Anwar ?, there is social stigma attached to aggrandizement of oneself.A cultured person don't usually say I am handsome,I am clever,I am smarter and the last thing would be to say I am cultured.Let others judge you.

"I am a Muslim therefore I am responsible to uphold justice for all Malaysians,

You mean only Muslims are responsible and others are not?

"I will fight, as I know there is no evidence, this is just a wild accusation, and I have enough witnesses. I have fought with dragons and these people are just lizards, and the people will reject this latest allegation,"

Gosh! You sound like Ide Amin and Robert Mugabe.

"I have forgiven (Tun Dr) Mahathir (Mohamad). He is senile. (Tan Sri) Mohtar Abdullah (the Attorney-General in 1998) is no longer with us and (Tan Sri) Rahim Noor (the former Inspector-General of Police) is retired. We want to move forward, let bygones be bygones."

If you go to Mahathir's blog he certainly doesn't appear senile.His blog has over 4 million hits within a span of few months, which means in spite of his age and current status people still respect him and he appears to be more popular than you.

There are no sitemeter on your blog and those dedicated to you, so it would be hard to judge your popularity.

Adding to his plea, Anwar also reminded the crowd to seek divine intervention. "Let us hold solat hajat (prayers seeking God's help) and readings of the Surah Yasin (a Quranic chapter asking for God's help), to ask God to save the country. We can only plan but God will decide,"

A desperate attempt of pandering to the Malay masses.The same sickness that he accused UMNO of suffering from.

There wouldn't be any Sabah MP crossing over ,except, maybe, those from SAPP and Yong Tet Lee who is seeking to revive his dormant political career.

Orang Melayu kata "Tak baik lah! Pukul gendang sendiri"

Read the full story here.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Yong:The Scientism Of Politics

Hantu Laut

It is now confirmed that the President of SAPP Yong Teck Lee is going for broke.It is now a matter of make it or break it.

He said it was the Supreme Council decision to support a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to be tabled on Monday and Anwar Ibrahim has acknowledged that he has now 2 more MPs in his pocket.

However, SAPP Deputy President Raymond Tan said it was totally wrong for Yong to say it was an unanimous decision, not all Supreme Council members agree, there were opposing views.

Tan who is Deputy Chief Minister and Au Kam Wah, the Assemblyman for Elopura walked out of the conference room and said he wouldn't have walked out if he was in agreement with Yong.He said Yong just wanted everybody to agree with him without giving others a chance to express their views.

Some sources say Yong has planned this and is doing it partly to gain sympathy from the Chinese community as he had earlier been informed by those in the SLDB corruption case that one of the accused would mention his name in court as one of the recipients of commissions from the illicit sales of SLDB shares, making it looks like he is being victimised by Abdullah. The timing was perfect and it was a very clever move on his part as most Malaysians would believe him rather than Abdullah,whose popularity is at the lower end of the scale at the moment.

Yong's scintillating performance includes waiting to be sacked which will get him more sympathy from the people. In Malaysians politics and more often than not sympathy always go to the underdogs.

Although the motion of no confidence has little chance of getting through, Yong's MPs must introduce it to make sure they are sacked from the BN, to enable them to switch side to Anwar's Pakatan Rakyat.Since the failure of the motion is imminent there is no need to speculate on how DAP and PAS going to vote, as both parties have stated their principle against party hopping.

It is not known yet how many SAPP elected representatives will ditch the party as a show of protest against the decision.

Politic is not a scientism that has hard-and-fast rules, anything can happen.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yong:The Monkey King

Hantu Laut

The President of SAPP, Yong Teck Lee has announced that either one of his two MPs would initiate a vote of no confidence against Abdullah when Parliament re-convene on Monday but said SAPP will remain in the BN and would let the BN decides on its fate.

This will be the first time in Malaysian history an attempt to remove a Prime Minister and a sitting government through vote of no confidence in Parliament.

Is Yong going for broke ? It appears so.

It may be a foregone conclusion that most of the opposition MPs,if not all, will support the motion.Without the support of additional MPs from BN the motion may not go through.Yong needs the support of at least 30 MPs from BN to throw Abdullah our if he already has 100% support of the oppositions.It is rumoured that PAS MPs may not participate in it.

It is common knowledge in Sabah that Yong was angry with the PM for not giving him the Sandakan parliamentary seat to contest under SAPP in the recent General Elections.The seat was given to LDP, a rival party once headed by his archrival Chong Kah Kiat, whom Yong has long standing feud with.Both were vying to be the accepted Chinese leader when Chong was still the President of LDP.

All the hullabaloo about illegal immigrants issues are just excuses.This problem has been there since Mustapha's time.Mahathir has been there for 22 years and Yong was thick in the government with him and was Chief Minister under him.Why didn't he fight tooth and nail with Mahathir to resolve the problem then?

He could have done what he accused Abdullah of not doing now when he was Chief Minister and the more powerful Mahathir was Prime Minister, who had no qualms about sending political opponents to prisons but are not prepared to send illegal immigrants away from this country.It showed that when he was in that chair Yong forgot there was a serious illegal immigrants problem in the state.

Yong also forgot there were allegations of a Project M, whatever that meant, where illegal immigrants were issued with Malaysian identity cards and allowed to vote.Some of those voters voted for him when he stood for election in the constituency that covers Likas and Pulau Gaya where thousands of this kind of voters are found.Did he complain?

Every chief minister of Sabah has failed the people on this issue but at least most of them don't go around pretending to champion the cause after they were no more in office and used it as an excuse to challenge the leadership.Leaders like him should have the guts and do the honourable thing, ask his MPs to resign and challenge the government to a by-election and prove it that he and his party have the people's support.

The illegal immigrants problem started with former Chief Minister Mustapha, with the blessings of the Federal govenment then, allowing Filipinos from the southern Philippines to enter Sabah as refugees.

During Mustapha's time no Malaysian identity cards were ever issued to them, they were given UN approved status as refugees and issued with documents known as IMM 13. The issuance of Malaysians identity cards,geniune or otherwise, can be traced to the days of Berjaya and has now exploded to unimaginable proportion.

After the fall of Berjaya, Yong played active part in politics in Sabah from being a deputy chief minister during PBS time to a chief minister under the BN and he had every chance to pursue his very noble cause of getting rid of illegal immigrants from Sabah.Former Chief Minister Chong Kah Kiat tried and failed miserably because the Federal government didn't play ball with him and at that time the all-powerful Mahathir was Prime Minister.

All previous prime ministers and chief ministers had failed the people of Sabah to provide them security and protection from the 'enemy in the midst'.None have been sincere to tackle the problem once and for all.Sabahans are now refugees in their own land because of greedy politicians like Yong and the rest of them.

What makes Yong thinks if all the previous prime ministers couldn't do what he wanted them to do, Badwai can do miracles and resolve the problem instantaneously.

I am sick to the bone listening to such pathetic and shameless talk of politicians who are rotten to the core with personal greed and pretend to champion the rights of Sabahans.

Yong is a political animal, he truly believes Anwar Ibrahim would be the next prime minister and he is preparing himself to jump on the next bandwagon and on to the next gravy train.

It's nothing but a sham and political blackmail.

"The Monkey King" is a renowned classical Chinese novel written by Wu Cheng-en .The Chinese name for the novel is "Jouney To The West".

Monday, June 16, 2008

Haste Makes Waste

Hantu Laut

Tengku Razaleigh revelation that a component party of BN might be leaving the coalition before the end of this month have many people guessing.It may not be too difficult to identify the party concerned .

Speculation is rife that the SAPP may be the party that is going to ditch the BN due to unhappiness of its President Yong Teck Lee with Abdullah Badawi's inaction to the grouses of Sabahans on the thorny issues of illegal immigrants, cooking oil subsidy and hosts of other problems effecting the state.

Was Yong's concern for Sabah sincere or it is just an excuse to 'tukoran bankad' (changing shirt) to fulfill his own personal agenda?

SAPP is not the sole Chinese-based party in Sabah and Yong couldn't claim to represent the whole Chinese community in the state. LDP, another Chinese-based party formerly headed by Chong Kah Kiat has 3 state seats and 1 parliamentary seat.Peninsula-based MCA holds another state seat.

Yong's rumbling of discontent for the past few weeks and his ultimatum to Abdullah to resolve the issues by August is seen as a precursor to SAPP leaving the BN and stimulus for Anwar to launch his machinery to take over the federal government through a vote of no confidence against Abdullah which at this moment look impotent unless there is a big exodus of lawmakers from Sabah and Sarawak or the Peninsula joining Pakatan Rakyat.

Abdullah imperious treatment of Sabah and Sarawak after the 8th March General Elections has transformed the massive support for the BN into anger and disillusionment for the people of the two states, Sabah in particular because of its excellent contribution to the victory of BN.

This would be the second time Yong parted ways from political expediency. In 1994 he defected from PBS to form SAPP which was later accepted into the BN.

Would Yong and SAPP join Anwar or would he goes into political oblivion if Anwar failed to secure the federal government?

For a minuscule party like the SAPP pointing gun at the Prime Minister's head may not be a wise move.