Showing posts with label Election 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2013. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Post-Election Payback Time in Malaysia

Mahathir backs moves to punish minorities and reward pro-government voters, companies
Last week, the Malaysian government announced its allocation of public university seats for the upcoming academic year. Only 19 percent of Chinese students got places, along with 4 percent of Indians despite the fact that the two together make up about 30 percent of the student population. Last year, Chinese students got 23 percent, in line with their proportion of the overall population.

That was the first tangible fallout from the 13th general election held on May 5, in which the Barisan Nasional, the ruling national coalition, won 133 of the 222 seats in the Dewan Rakyat, or Parliament, preserving its majority despite the fact that it only received 47.38 percent of the popular vote against 50.87 for the opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition headed by Anwar Ibrahim.

The second came yesterday with the revelation of the award of a RM1 billion (US$314 million) commuter railway project in the massive government-backed Iskandar development in the southern state of Johor to Malaysian Steel Works Sdn Bhd through direct negotiations rather than open tender, in contravention of competitive bid regulations supposedly implemented by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak as a part of his three year old Economic Transformation Program to loosen the state's reins on the economy.

Masteel, as the company is known, is 40 percent owned through its investment in KUB Bhd by the United Malays National Organization, the dominant political party in Malaysia and one known for its cornucopia of rent-seeking businesses that steer money to the party. In addition, Masteel gets a RMB700 million government soft loan to develop the project. According to an official with the company quoted in local media, Masteel will receive a 37-year build-own-transfer arrangement on the project despite the fact that it is slated to break even in 12 years.

The common denominator appears to be the return of Mahathir Mohamad, the 88-year-old former prime minister, and his close friend and ally, former Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin, at the top of the power structure in UMNO, politically emasculating the current Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak. Despite the loss of the popular vote, the majority of the rank and file inside UMNO believe it was Mahathir's strident racial politics that preserved the Barisan's - and particularly UMNO's - place at the top of Malaysian politics, and that it was Najib's attempt to reach out to the other races that cost them.

Ethnic Malays make up 60.3 percent of Malaysia's population, Chinese 22.9 percent and Indians 7.1 percent, according to the latest census. Malays and Indians dramatically abandoned the Barisan Nasional in the May election, with the Malaysian Chinese Association hit so hard that the party, once the second-biggest in the coalition, refused all cabinet positions. The Malaysian Indian Congress fared somewhat better, but not much.

"Najib was a good prime minister. But instead of strengthening his hand the Chinese and non-Malays and non-Muslims weakened him. But UMNO is strong. So Najib is out of steam," said a lawyer with close contacts to the Mahathir wing of the party. "Najib has lost energy, lost his mandate, lost respect. Mahathir, Tun Daim and the UMNO grassroots are in charge," Read more.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Way, The UMNO Way

Hantu Laut

Change, reform, transformation, reconstruction, renewing, or whatever name you want to give it,  if you take no effort to do what you preached, you'll eventually be fucked!


If it is not now, it's a matter of time, the crunch will come.

Reforms and transformations are words that have been tossed around since Mahathir left the scene and the "wimps" took over and promised change they had no desire to carry through.

Frankly, I think UMNO had no desire to change. UMNO is  hellbent in running the country the way they deemed fit, running it to the ground.

There are many bloggers like me that have been supporting their cause for nothing and are tired and have had enough of defending people who had no desire to change.

How many times have we heard the word uttered whenever the party's barometric level goes up and stormy weather looms ahead?

Former Prime Minister Ahmad Badawi had said it umpteen times since March 2008, but nothing had came out of it. The only change that happened was changing of the guard in UMNO from Badawi to Najib, who like his predecessor has also uttered "CHANGE" umpteen times yet change remained empty war cry.

Now, the Malay first, Malaysian second Deputy Prime Minister says the same thing that "UMNO must change if they want to stay relevant"

Will they ?

The Malays in the streets knew very well they have always been taken for a ride and gotten raw end of the deal, more often than not, would not have benefited from the "ketuanan Melayu" bullshit. The NEP was to serve the interests of UMNO leaders and warlords. 

Maintaining the status quo had become so irresistible to these leaders, come what may, they will not change. Even low ranking UMNO leader can make a fortune if he knows which apple to polish.

One have to go round the country to see the sub-standard and shoddy works of completed government projects that have gone through the UMNO laundry machine.

One can see the extent of the power and influence of the UMNO warlords by the Prime Minister's recent action of appointing those dropped at the last elections with cosy and rewarding jobs in GLCs and other government agencies. 

UMNO elected members continue to show their revolting habit and lack of intellectuality by asking anyone that criticises the government or Malay rights to migrate to other countries. 

How much shallower can you get with this kind of response?  

Najib, whom many had been looking forward to execute radical changes had been a big disappointment so far. Can we expect him to bring about meaningful changes? 

He is still surrounded by the same old people, the same old politics of patronage, cronyism and nepotism. He has to pay tributes to these self-serving bloodsuckers and re-appoint them to pivotal positions in government and government agencies.

His sovereign vehicle 1MDB had become the butt of jokes and laughing stock of the financial world after paying the highest fee ever, 7.7 % of the face value of the bonds to Goldman Sach for underwriting fees. The industry average for that year was 1.32 % for junk bonds. 

The Malaysian government had given a "Letter Of Comfort" to Goldman Sach, which they say did not amount to a guarantee. Who are they trying to fool, themselves or the Malaysian public? 

1MDB is wholly owned by the Malaysian government and in the event of a default the Malaysian government, with or without the "letter of comfort" will have no choice, in order to save its world's credit rating and credibility will have to make good the default and pay up. That's your money and mine!

The people at Goldman Sach know it, the people at 1MDB don't, they are bluffing themselves and the Malaysian people.

I presumed the bonds are US$ denominated and the currency may go north or south making the bonds vulnerable to foreign exchange currency fluctuations. If the US$ goes north at maturity than bad luck for 1MDB, they may incur huge forex losses.

It may not be too late for Najib to kick asses at 1MDB, remove those morons and replace with people who know the business.

UMNO may still be able to keep the rural Malay votes in the Peninsula, but Sabah and Sarawak may be gone. No more fixed deposits for BN. It will just be UMNO against the rest of the country. 

The erosion of KDM votes in the 13th GE in Sabah is a prelude to a wind of change. The same scenario prevails in Sarawak.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Reinvigorating Rural Malaysia

New Paradigms Needed
There has been a remarkable change in the composition of Malaysia’s rural-urban mix. In the 1980s approximately 70 percent was considered rural, where today 72 percent are urbanized and with the change taking place at about 2.4 percent annually.

It is a change that is taking place all over Asia, from China to India to Indonesia and more. Very few countries outside China have even attempted to cope, with the result that the rural-urban divide has grown and with very little being done to directly alleviate problems of poverty and rustication.

In Malaysia, rural sector development has been debated little, even though the primary sector still represents almost 12 percent of GDP and employs more than 11 percent of the population. Many rural issues affect the future in much greater magnitude than the rural contribution to GDP and employment. The sustainability of Malaysia as an eco(n)-system, the country's cultural basis, and even political destiny are tied up with rural evolution, with the vote in the kampung remaining a potent fiction if nothing else

In the meantime, deterioration continues in what was once one of the world’s most lush environmental green lungs. Forest cover is decreasing on a daily basis. Conservation has lost out to greed and development. Palm oil, rubber plantations and urban expansion are eating into the forests, with very poor land enforcement on the ground. Well-connected businesses get concessions that are extremely financially lucrative, at great environmental cost. Roads and new townships have divided rural habitats, playing havoc with biodiversity.

The precise needs of rural societies are best obtained from inside those communities. A "bottom up" problem identification process would ensure development objectives and implementation scenarios would remain relevant. Community shura (consultation) committees could be set up at the village level to identify and discuss needs, problems, and desired solutions, and advise village heads.

Such a democratic approach to community would provide policymakers with the guidance they need in setting objectives and programs, and assist in minimizing funding leakages during implementation. This measure alone would signal a very strong redistribution of policy decision-making to the communities themselves, empowering communities to have more say in deciding their own future destinies. The shura system should develop new leaders and champions who are willing to lead and help shape a new community sense of wisdom. Policies will never succeed without people to drive them.

Self-sufficiency and a vibrant local trade economy are the keys to future rural communities. However, rural SMEs should be facilitated to enter national and international markets. There are now many compliance procedures such as Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), necessary for agricultural produce to enter international supply chains. These practices need to be introduced within rural communities so products produced are accepted in international markets.

These compliance processes can be locally enhanced to include halal (Islamic compliance) certification, thus widening the compliance process to one inclusive certification, which would greatly enhance the desirability of Malaysian produce, especially within the exponentially growing halal markets worldwide.

Whole sectors like rice paddy production need to be reconfigured from the bottom up so they can become competitive. The paddy production process requires the hands of a number of contractors during field preparation, planting, cultivation, harvesting, and processing stages. Paddy production is an uncompetitive sector.

New methods like System of Rice Intensification (SRI) could be adopted, and more popular aromatic varieties of rice cultivated to increase industry viability. The rice monopoly held by the government regulator Bernas could be ended to allow new approaches to rice products and marketing by entrepreneurial individuals. Such an approach could drastically decrease production costs and add value to rice products, redistributing this added value back to farmers.

University and institutional research should change focus towards communities rather than using scare research funds to chase medals at exhibitions that have no research or commercial significance in places like Geneva and Seoul. The technology developed by Malaysian institutions should be simple, applicable to community enterprise, and appropriate to the size of the enterprises operating in rural areas.

This appropriate technology, if effective and viable is itself a source of competitive advantage that would enable rural enterprises to compete in the marketplace. Read more here.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

BN Will Lose The Next Elections ?

Hantu Laut

Anwar say he is firm in opposing electoral fraud, corruption and racism.

It's about time someone tell him, in no uncertain term, to stop  his charade and call a mea culpa, smoke a peace pipe, or be a gentleman and accept defeat graciously.

Everything of what he said is true, there were corruptions, there were racism and there were some cheating in the elections, but not the way he portrays them. 

Corruption is nothing new, been rampant since his time in UMNO and electoral fraud twiddling with the electoral boundaries, which he never complained before when he was riding high in UMNO everything was hunky-dory then and not forgetting he was also charged and found guilty of corruption. The court only overturned his sodomy sentence. 

Gerrymandering is not an election offence. The electoral boundaries need to be redrawn every eight years and Malaysia's population in rural areas are sparsely distributed making equitable distribution of voters per constituency the same as urban areas, impractical and a logistical nightmare.

Racism ? Yeah, it is more DAP's piece de resistance!

Why I say racism is DAP's forte?

There are lots of Chinese chauvinism in DAP. 

The Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor and Gelang Patah are showcases of Chinese chauvinism. Former Johor MB Ghani Othman would have won if just 15% of Chinese voters had voted for him.

DAP had grown from a 'mosquito party' into the second largest political party in this country on the ground of solid Chinese supports. A Chinese tsunami is not a overstatement, without which it will never have achieved its present status. 

DAP leaders are more sophisticated, clever and subtle with their political campaign to woo the Chinese, unlike the crudely fashioned 'rough and tumble' ways of UMNO leaders, uncouth, unpolished and very unMalay.

Homogeneity, is in the Chinese blood when their common interests at stake, they cohere.

Ha! The Malays, will they ever learn? They are split three ways, the educated urban Malays (the self-indulging highbrow), the rabble rural Malays (the simple kampong folks) and the Islamist Malays ( who want to be more Arabs than Malays)

UMNO, has certainly failed, otherwise, the Malays won't be so divided. The Malays who can think independently feel they have been played out by their own kind.

If  Najib does not carry out drastic changes in his party and government, stop all nonsense of rewarding UMNO warlords with government largesse (the people's money), reduce corruption and appoint capable people to key positions based on merit rather than cronyism and nepotism and if there are no radical changes made between now and the next general elections, BN will lose the next election..GE14.

BN have lost the popular votes, which is a clear indication that worse is to come.

Changes that the people wanted, not what UMNO wanted.  

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pintar Sangat Atau Loyar Buruk ?

Hantu Laut

This Mohd Zain, ex-police of some kind, seemed to have fixation on Najib of wanting him to be prosecuted for this, or for that. He seems to know the law better than the best lawyer in town.

There are three things that came to my mind after reading this story in FMT. Is he dumb, seeking rough justice against Najib, or just a loyar buruk?

Obviously, there must be some lawyers out there who must have advised loser Fariz Musa in Pekan to lodge a police report on that basis....penipuan, a strong word indeed, for a minor mistake, missing out the abundantly used "Mohd"

I am not a trained lawyer (you can also call me loyar buruk) and don't know the rules here, but in many other countries including the U.S. one can sign "One And The Same Person" affidavit if there are differences or mistakes made in various documents, or the name used differ from the birth certificate.

Why would Najib want to cheat or would have gained by using different names in different documents? Isn't inadvertent omission would be more likely the case?

Below is Fariz Musa police report in Bahasa, which I thing is a waste of time and likely to be thrown out of court if it ever reached  the courtroom.

1.Saya Fariz Musa adalah calon PKR yang bertanding dikawasan Parlimen P085-Pekan menentang calon Barisan Nasional ,YAB Dato Seri Mohd.Najib bin Tun Hj.Abdul Razak dalam PRU ke-13 yang lalu.

2.Beberapa hari yang lalu saya telah membaca satu laporan dalam Freemalaysiatoday (FMT) bertarikh 17.6.2013 diatas tajuk "Usulkan undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib".
Laporan ini adalah berdasarkan surat terbuka oleh bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah,Kuala Lumpur yang ditujukan kepada Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan turut disalinkan kepada Ketua Setia Usaha Negara,Peguam Negara dan Ketua Polis Negara.

3.Perkara utama dalam laporan berkenaan yang ingin saya bangkitkan ialah maklumat berkaitan DS Najib telah membuat affidavit-affidavit palsu pada 21 dan 23 September 2011 yang difailkan dalam Mahkamah, yang membicarakan kes liwat yang sekarang berada diperingkat rayuan.

4.Susulan dari itu saya telah mendapatkan salinan affidavit-affidavit berkenaan daripada Peguam PKR untuk semakan. Saya memandang berat perkara ini kerana setahu saya, membuat affidavit palsu adalah kesalahan jenayah yang serius dan sama dengan kesalahan memberi keterangan palsu di-mahkamah.

5.Saya mendapati dalam kedua-dua affidavit berkenaan, DS Najib telah membuat kenyataan secara bersumpah memberikan nama penuh beliau sebagai Najib bin Tun Hj.Abdul Razak. Isteri beliau Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor juga, ada membuat affidavit pada 21.9.2011 dan menyatakan secara bersumpah juga yang nama penuh suami beliau, ialah Najib dan bukan Mohd.Najib seperti yang saya sangka selama ini.

6.Bagaimanapun, pada hari penamaan calon pada 20.4.2013, DS Najib telah mendaftarkan nama penuh beliau sebagai Mohd.Najib dan diterima oleh Pegawai Pengurus bagi kawasan Parlimen Pekan. Nama yang DS Najib berikan dalam borang penamaan calon itu adalah bercanggah dengan nama yang beliau ikrarkan dalam affidavit beliau dan isteri beliau.

7.Saya mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai Pengerusi SPR sendiri telah mengetahui akan perkara ini, sebelum hari penamaan calon dan boleh menjangka percanggahan berkaitan nama sebenar DS Najib, akan berlaku pada hari tersebut.Ini berikutan surat terbuka bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur kepada Pengerusi SPR sendiri, memaklumkan akan kemungkinan percanggahan tersebut akan berlaku di-hari penamaan calon tersebut.
Rencana FMT bertajuk "Pencalonan Najib dalam PRU13 ditolak?" bertarikh 15.4.2013 iaitu lebih kurang 5 hari sebelum hari penamaan calon berkaitan maklumat kepada Pengerusi SPR itu, disertakan sebagai lampiran kepada laporan ini.

8.Sekiranya DS Najib atau Pegawai Pengurus SPR telah memaklumkan kepada saya atau wakil calon berkaitan percanggahan nama DS Najib dalam affidavit dan borang pencalonan beliau itu,maka sudah pasti saya akan membuat sesuatu bantahan dan akan meminta mereka merujukkan perkara tersebut ke-mahkamah dimana affidavit-affidavit berkenaan difailkan.

9.Memandangkan maklumat yang penting ini disorokkan daripada makluman saya atau wakil saya dihari penamaan calon tersebut, maka saya telah dinafikan untuk melakukan sesuatu bantahan yang pasti akan saya buat jika telah diberitahu akan maklumat ini.
Malahan saya akan membuat laporan polis terhadap DS Najib kerana membuat affidavit palsu seperti yang saya lakukan sekarang ini.

10.Saya membuat laporan polis ini adalah untuk menggesa pihak polis menyiasat Dato Seri Najib kerana dikatakan telah membuat affidavit palsu dalam perbicaraan kes liwat dan tindakan beliau menyorokkan yang beliau telah mengikrarkan affidavit dengan menggunakan nama yang berlainan dengan nama yang beliau berikan ketika mengisi borang pencalonan pada 20.4.2013.
Perbuatan menyorokkan maklumat mustahak seperti di atas boleh dikatakan sebagai perbuatan menipu.
Tujuan saya membuat laporan ini juga, untuk menggesa pihak polis menyiasat tindakan Pengerusi SPR kerana perbuatan bersubahat dengan DS Najib menyorokkan maklumat penting, iaitu mengenai pembikinan affidavit palsu dan pencanggahan antara nama dalam affidavit dan nama dalam borang pencalonan, daripada pengetahuan calon lain yang akan bertanding dan pengundi-pengundi kawasan Parlimen Pekan khasnya.

11. Bersama-sama laporan ini,saya sertakan dokumen-dokumen bukti seperti berikut;
a) Affidavit-affidavit DS Najib ikrarkan pada 21 dan 23.09.2011.
b) Affidavit Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor diikrarkan pada 21.09.2011.
c) Rencana FMT bertajuk: "Usulkan undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib." bertarikh 17.06. 2013.
d) Rencana FMT bertajuk: "Pencalonan Najib dalam PRU 13 ditolak?" bertarikh 15.04.2013.

Sekian laporan saya.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jusuf Kalla's Expos`e Of Anwar Ibrahim's Foreign Backing

Hantu Laut

It came from his good friend, who probably had grown tired of his lies and fed up with his charade.

Former deputy president of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla exposes Anwar Ibrahim and the sources of his furtive funding, which will have far-reaching consequences if he had become prime minister.

Below is the English transcription by The MOLE of Merdeka Online interview with Jusuf Kalla.

Former Indonesian vice-president Jusuf Kalla believes that opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is receiving help and assistance from Washington to interfere in Malaysian politics.

In the second and final part of an interview taken from news portal Merdeka Online, Jusuf questioned Anwar’s motive in receiving help from countries considered enemies of Islam and Malays.

“I received a call from Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono informing me that he (Susilo) had received a call from the ‘Washington Police’ asking the president to accept Anwar’s invitation to a meeting,” Jusuf said, adding that he told Susilo not to bow to Washington’s demands and decline the invitation as Anwar is only an opposition leader and not the Prime Minister of the country.Read more

Here, is the original interview in Bahasa Malaysia.

Pakatan MPs Break Ranks with Anwar Over King’s Speech

It seems Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is now totally out of step with his own side of politics.

Just a day after he tried to downplay the King's speech as being merely a starting point for debate, MPs from his own side of the chamber have lined up to disagree with him.

On Tuesday the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah, called on the rakyat to discard attributes which caused disunity, saying: "I urge everyone to foster unity among Malaysians and do away with disruptive attitude."

To most people, a monarch wanting to see his nation united would seem uncontentious, but Anwar's reaction was swift. He effectively accused the King of being a BN mouthpiece.

But not everyone agrees with Anwar's blatantly self-conscious reaction.

PAS MP Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi praised the speech, adding that he welcomes cooperation between the Government and Opposition as long as it was based on Islam.

"Cooperation, as taught in Islam, would bring good, not something that would be detrimental or encourage hostility," he said, totally abandoning his leader.

PKR's Zuraidah Kamaruddin welcomed Tuanku Abdul Halim's words of encouragement for women in the workforce.
"Family institutions need to be strengthened, the relevant minister needs to take proactive measures to increase the use of women power in the country," she said.

And PAS MP Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz was even more fulsome in his praise saying: "The King's speech has left a positive impact on all of us. He has placed high hopes on us to work together to develop the country."

Read more here.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Anak Melayu Suka Berpesta Dan Berdemonstrasi Di Negara Dystopia.

Hantu Laut

The Black 505 held at Padang Merbok on Saturday 22 June was an anticlimax and incipient boredom for many attendees. Some left before the main event started, stating boring speeches and the haze as the killjoy.

Most attendees were Malays, who are hooked on to this carnival type protests, a wasteful social habit courtesy of Anwar Ibrahim.

Today, some youths mostly Malays tried to break into Parliament to demand EC members to step down.

Anwar have said Pakatan will not have anymore rallies, but he is not sure about the NGOs.

Your guess as good as mine who will be behind the NGOs demonstrations and who likely to be in the front.

The Chinese have delivered their message and have gone back to work to earn their rice bowls .

The Malays still think they live in dystopia.

In the meantime enjoy the lyrics of the song by OneRepublic.

Yeah! that's where you are heading for.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Black 505 Rally A Flop: DAP The Crowd Puller, Not Anwar

Hantu Laut

The distressed politician

As I have said in my earlier post 'will it fizzle out before it started' the expected happened.Anwar blamed the haze for the poor turnout.

It's not the haze, people are tired of listening to the same thing, the repetitious bashing of BN and the EC. An overdose of anything will have dire consequence.Even an overdose of vitamins can make you sick, or die from it.

An attendee when asked why is he leaving so early responded "Many of us were put off by speeches bashing BN and the SPR(Election Commission).Their speeches belong to pre-election ceramahs, not at a rally for the rakyat"

The general feeling among the people is that Anwar is too much"gila kuasa" and has become completely irrational. The content of his speech at the rally was a reflection of his emotional distress.People are beginning to realise that getting more popular votes do not guarantee a win, it's the party that collected the most number seats at simple majority that form the government. Anwar refused to accept the results and started a campaign of destabilising the government.

The Black 505 Rally at Padang Merbok was a big flop, they had less than 10% of the 300,000 people expected to turn up.The lukewarm response by DAP was a major cause of the failure, which should make Anwar realise that DAP is the crowd puller, not him. Lim Kit Siang presence was just a symbolic gesture not to upset Anwar. There were very little attendance of DAP supporters. Most Chinese that attended the rally were PKR members and supporters.

Here, the sycophantic pro-Anwar/PR portal Malaysia Chronicle pulled a bluff, putting the crowd at 70,000, when they hardly had more than 30,000.

The measly Chinese presence will not bode well for Anwar, he may be the de facto leader, but DAP the one calling the shots. DAP is definitely the crowd puller with massive Chinese solidarity in urban areas. Anwar's supports are mostly opportunistic, localised and scattered among the different ethnic groups.As I have written in an earlier post, PR elected members are dominated by non-Malays, boosted by swelling Chinese supports.

A good example to quote is Mohd Ariff Sabri also known by his blogging name SakmongkolAK47, who was DAP candidate for P.80 Raub, a mixed constituency of 11501 voters comprising Malay(49%) Chinese(44%) and Indians (7%). Sabri won by a majority of 2814 votes on the back of strong Chinese supports. The vote was not for Ariff Sabri, it was a vote for DAP. He would have lost if he had stood in a Malay majority area in Pahang.

DAP is the mainstay of Pakatan Rakyat supports and the crowd puller. Not PKR, PAS, or Anwar.

DAP have played their cards well, logical and rational, they have no ambition to make a Chinese prime minister. Even with more seats than PKR and PAS, they will accept Anwar as PM, but being the kingmaker, they can control him and shape the policies and future of this nation according to their prescriptions.

Penang is a modality.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mother Of All Rallies Today: Did The Chinese Smell Something Fishy?

Hantu Laut

Everything we do, good or bad, must have a reason, or an objective. We eat to live, we work to sustain that existence. We shower once or twice a day for hygiene, to keep the bugs away from making us sick. We have sex for pleasure or procreate to sustain the human race.

Unless, you are completely insane, everything you do must have reasons.

Pakatan Rakyat lost the elections and blamed electoral frauds as the cause of their misery. They know why they lost but they don't want the people to know the truth, they want the people to think that they have really been cheated, they want to anger the people to justify an uprising.

They say they have no intention of bringing down the government. If so, why hold so many rallies?

Later they say they want all Election Commission's members to resign for the electoral frauds.

Doctor apa ini, doctor ubat, doctor gigi atau doctor baru belajar (intern)

There are many lawyers in Pakatan Rakyat, don't tell me they don't know the law, who can appoint and who can remove members of the EC? Have the shit got into their heads that they can't remember the law.

Their propaganda of electoral frauds started long before the general elections as contingency plan in the event they lose the elections. As I have expected, they lost and are using that contingency plan now to take over the government, by hook or by crook.

The biggest honour should be given to Ambiga for the biggest political fraud of the century, openly colluding with Pakatan Rakyat to destabilise the government under the pretext of fighting for free and fair elections. This lady has a swollen head because of that award given by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, which is a real boo-boo. The same kind of ill-judged Nobel Peace Prize given to Obama, a joke I still could not comprehend till today. Alfred Nobel must be turning in his grave, though, he himself invented one of the most destructive invention, the dynamite being his most famous one.

This is Anwar Ibrahim's last stand, by hook or by crook, he must be prime minister, but as I have predicted time and again, he'll never be, man proposes, God disposes. Someone up there writes his destiny, and for that matter, for all of us.

Another propagandist, but not as smooth as Rafizi the Goebbels.

Shakespeare had also gotten into the act that one's destiny is in God's hand, in his works of Hamlet "There is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will". It means no matter how hard you try to shape your life in the end it is God, who decides your destiny.

In Islam we called it takdir.

Fate must have it that God is not ready to make Anwar the prime minister of this country yet.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place and as the democratic process had failed him, he needs to change the course of action and the only option opened is an uprising similar to the "Arab Spring"

No political party in a democratic system in any part of the world organises weekly rally as the one seen in Malaysia. What is the purpose?

It is undeniable that the whole idea of the weekly rally is to culminate into a huge one to bring down the government.

It seems DAP wise up to the wrong flavour of the rally as there are no signs of them participating. Did the Chinese smell something fishy, hence, not wanting to get involved?

It looks like an all Malay do, organised by incorrigible PKR and PAS leaders, the sore losers.

Inikali lah! Melayu pukul Melayu!

Today, we'll see how many stupid Malaysians will come out, in spite of the haze, to participate in the mother of all rallies....or will it fizzle out before it started?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Black 505 Rally,Arrest The Organisers Not The Blind Mice.

Hantu Laut

Is Rafizi Ramli a politician or a skunk? 

He doesn't seem to understand that there are laws in this country that all and sundry must respect. He couldn't care a shit. He wanted to show the people how big his balls are and how he can defy the long arm of the law and the police wouldn't dare touch him and if the police do touch him or any of the protesters, he and the whole herd of cows will claim police brutality and violation of their democratic rights.

Anwar's idea of the black rallies is to provoke the police into taking action against the protesters so he can condemn the government for its heavy-handedness and gross violation of human rights. He want his Western allies to see how bad the Malaysian government is. 

This bunch of pathetic jokers say they have no intention of bringing down the government, if so, why hold the rallies recurringly?

In which fucking country do they have members of parliament organising street rallies almost every week over unproven allegation of electoral frauds ? Only in Malaysia, like we have nothing better to do, making us a laughing stock of the world.

Anwar failed to capture Putrajaya out of his own stupidity. He thinks he can get Putrajaya riding on the waves of popular votes, which he knew very well is a complete fallacy, but is now using it to confuse and rile up the people to go against the government. He was in UMNO before and knew how the system works.

Spinning the yarn, twisting truth into lies and lies into truth is Anwar's alchemy.

He said Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was very concern with the massive electoral fraud that happened in Malaysia when in fact Susilo told him, he can only lend his ears, but can't interfere in Malaysia's domestic affairs. 

Did Susilo actually invites him for that reason or invites him to tell him to respect the democratic process and live to fight another day.

Indonesian papers only picked up what was spun by the pro- opposition spinning mills and Pakatan leaders like Anwar and his lackey Rafizi the Goebbels. 

Goebbels seems to be in a delusion of grandeur, insisting that the rally must be held at Padang Merbok, although, DBKL had refused to give permission for the rally to be held there as the venue has been given to another party earlier for its function.

The Black 505 Rally on 22 June is an attempt to bring down the government through forces of people's power.  Read Rafizi' stance here. Degil dan biadap.

Can 200,000 or so blind mice from Kuala Lumpur  represent 13 million or so Malaysian voters and 28 million Malaysians in the country?

My advice to the police, if they have to arrest, do not arrest the blind mice, arrest the organisers.

Razaleigh Should Go For President Not Prime Minister

Hantu Laut

'Salvage value', in accounting term is the estimated value that an asset will realise upon its sale at the end of its useful life.

At age 78 can Razaleigh performs as adequately and as furious as a younger man? What salvage value has Razaleigh?

Like machines and other movable assets that depreciated in value every year as they get older, humans are the same, our mental and physical value diminished as we grow older. Of course, we do get the "oddballs" who would not cease to amaze you with their mental and physical dexterity. Think of Lee Kuan Yew and Mahatir Mohammad and you have the amazing prodigies of endless energy. These larger than life figures have dominated politics and societies for decades and have yet to whittle away their influence.

Are Malaysians ready for another blue blood to lead this country after a long hiatus from the first prime minister who came from a noble house, a libertarian with a laissez-faire policy that eventually led to the worst racial riot this country had ever seen. 

Would one born with a silver spoon in the mouth have touch with the ground and empathetic to the common people's aspirasions .

Good old Razaleigh has become a mirage of some sort for people in despondency. Everytime, there's leadership crisis his name is hawked around as 'fill in the gap' candidate for prime minister. He had not come any nearer the goal post. His last attempt at the UMNO leadership of its presidency was during Pak Lah's time and was a complete disaster. He had only one nomination from his own constituency, not enough for him to mount a challenge.

A man of refreshing candour and good stead, he should not believe and savour false hope given him by the few disgruntled UMNO/BN parliamentarians. They are 'dogs in the manger', selfish, self-centered and won't have enough string to pull off a coup. 

Will Razaleigh gives Najib a run for his money?

He may get some supports from MPs in PAS and DAP, but the spanners in the work will be Anwar's PKR and UMNO. If Razaleigh become PM the whole political equation will change, which may not be in Anwar's favour and not of his liking.

I believe sensibility will prevail. Razaleigh will not mount a challenge against Najib in a vote of no-confidence in parliament. He may not want to be prime minister using the back door and owe the opposition a favour. He would be in office at the mercy of the opposition if he accepts their olive branch.

However, he may do a Julia Gillard on Najib, mounting a challenge for president of the party, hence, the premiership. This is the more honourable way for him to claim the premiership.

Mahathir is still trying to call the shots, calling for no contest for the two top posts. He may have a valid reason, but will they listen to him?

Razaleigh still have enough time to campaign for supports and this time he will get more support from more divisions, but the journey may still be uncertain, a chance worth exploring in this uncertain time.

Note:UMNO has changed its voting method to what they claimed to be direct voting by 145,000 members from all divisions to stop money politics.The party claimed to have 3.5 million members. It is  still not representative of members choice.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some People Have The Cheek !

Hantu Laut

Ansari should have known better the cabals, the cheats and the fabulists that is Anwar's brand of politics. A dirty user of the worst kind

Never trust a man with a crooked smile!

Some people have the cheek!

Our target today is Ansari Abdullah.  A friend of his on Facebook sent us the following posting:

Many of you who follow us here and elsewhere must have thought that we are going to criticize Ansari like we did others - yes, we whack everyone!  But not today, in fact, we felt sorry for him :-(

It is extremely painful to be forsaken by people we trust but that should not hinder us from moving on and strengthening our determination to improve ourselves and contribute our part to society.

For Ansari, 35 years of legal experience is definitely not long enough to spot and handle vicious and deceitful politics...! Read more.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Flogging The Same "Sabah For Sabahans" Dead Horse

Hantu Laut

In spite of his and Yong Teck Lee's similar call of "Sabah for Sabahans" the people of Sabah have rejected these two political eunuchs. 

Can't bluff the people all the times. They have been part of the corrupt regime they accused of now but kept their mouth shut when the picking was good and when they shared the loot.

Now, he is still humming the same parochial "Sabah for Sabahans" jingle. Still flogging the same dead horse and nobody is paying attention of his useless labour.

He won the state seat on Kadazan parochialism.

Will Jeffrey lumber on as an independent or will he be a boiling frog?

Reported in the Daily Express:

Sabah State Reform Party (Star) on Wednesday said the Federal and State governments should abolish the Federal Secretary Office and dismantle the parallel government machinery in Sabah.
Its Chairman, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan also said that both governments should put words into action on their recognition of Sabah's autonomy.
Commenting on the call to channel Federal funds to the State Government, he recalled that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had announced that the 20-Points were still intact during the recent 13th General Election and that Sabah's autonomy was not an issue.Read more.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Cocksure Cocksucker !

Hantu Laut

He is the most amusing and at the same the most disgusting schemer in the whole PKR outfit that might have put to shame the real Goebbels.

If you don't know who the real Joseph Goebbels is. Here he is!

Rafizi thinks a video showing a Bangla, the correct term is Bengali (there is yonks old confusion in this country of calling Sikhs and Pakistani (West) as Bengalis) holding his inked thumb and saying he is not Malaysian is strong evidence of cheating in the13th GE by BN. Here, the story.

Who is he trying to kid?

Below is another allegation of vote rigging, which sounds as hollow as the 40,000 Bengalis voting in the 13th GE, an incredulous story of logistical nightmare to fly them in all the way from Dhaka to KL. 

Most people know (unless you are bozo like him) with today's technology you can do almost anything with photos and videos. Though, videos are more difficult to doctor but easiest to stage. As they say nothing is impossible, it's miracle that takes time. Every week this court jester will come up with new evidence of frauds by BN.

Rafizi can get one of his Malaysian Indian friends to act as a Bengali and claimed he is from Bangladesh. What so difficult about that. Even my 5 years old grandson can shoot the video for him. All he has to do is get the actor.

Morons will believe him.

Why should the EC investigate such incredulous claims. It is not their job to investigate. If a crime had been committed the right avenue is the police and the court of law.

We have sufficient law to take care of election offences. Go to court to seek justice there, if you think you had been had. The streets, the stadiums and the huge rallies are not going to render justice, it can only be the tinder box, which is what Anwar wanted, I guess!

Someone told me he is a prodigy of some kind, but I think he is a bit screwed in the head. From his body language and his grins you know he is a man ,either, in love with himself or suffering from "siege mentality", the same sickness afflicting Anwar that makes him delusional, a persecution complex that is an acute irrational fear that other people are plotting one's downfall and that they are responsible for one's failures.

Let me ask this young and bright Melayu boy about Anwar's  sex video, which Anwar denied it was him and claimed the video was faked, though, the man in the video is a spitting image of him, does he think the video is pukka, the real stuff ?

If Anwar's video is faked, can we not also say Rafizi's video is also faked? 

In every game there should be fair play and level playing field. You can't win all the time. If you claim your video is genuine than Anwar's sex video must be the same.....pukka!

Whatever happened to Anwar's double, who was apparently apprehended by Malaysian Immigration and deported to Thailand. Another lie .There never was his double. That was another pre-election red herring to fool the people.

In spite of the fact that the experts confirmed the sex video is not faked, Anwar and every Pakatan leaders staged a wayang for the court of public opinion and the Malaysian public are sold..... log, stock and barrel.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Insulting The King's Speech

Hantu Laut

Anwar dismissed the King's speech. Said the text was prepared by the government desperate to solicit support from all areas including the King. Story here.

Does it matter who wrote the speech? The King must have had his trusted aide to go over the speech before he accepts it. I am sure the King is capable of making his own judgement whether to accept the prepared speech or not. 
Most countries, including his best friend's country "Down Under" have given recognisance to Najib's new government.Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr described Malaysian elections credible here. 

Why is he still grinding his axe and refused to accept defeat befitting a gentleman?

Anwar questioning the King's speech has also attracted malicious posting on social media belittling the King here.

Despite the King's appeal for all Malaysians to respect and not to destroy the constitutional monarchy and the process of parliamentary democracy, Anwar is adamant in pushing his "Malaysian Spring" rally forward, regardless. 

He will hold another one on 15th June, 2013.

Do you find remarks by Anwar Ibrahim of the King's speech insulting or not?

Have your say!

Nurul Izzah: Sabah Constituted Right

Hantu Laut

You can puke all you want, the state of Sabah has the right to bar anyone entering the state including politicians out to cause mischief.

Nurul Izzah and her father Anwar Ibrahim have shown to be rich repository for troubles, refused to accept the verdict that they have been defeated, cooked allegation of massive frauds by BN as reasons for massive rallies that they hope would inflame the people's anger and trigger a Malaysian Spring. 

The cows might have been cowed but they are not all that stupid. They were led to the watering hole but refused to drink. The Malaysian Spring that Anwar wanted so much to happen, didn't happen.

Malaysians are generally peace loving people and would not want to destroy this country for the sake of one man's greed for power.

Sabah shouldn't take chance and let her in freely to do what her father has done in West Malaysia. She played active role in the rallies in West Malaysia and could do the same in Sabah.

Prevention is better than cure.

You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

Her father promised to give more autonomy to Sabah, why is she complaining, the state is only exercising its autonomous right.

Below is Immigration Act 55 of the Immigration Act 1959/63 relevant to Sabah and Sarawak.

Restriction on citizen’s right of entry into an East Malaysian State

66. (1) Subject to subsection (2) and to sections 67 and 68, a citizen shall not be entitled to enter an East Malaysian State without having obtained a Permit or Pass in that behalf unless—
  1. (a)  he belongs to the East Malaysian State;
  2. (b)  he is a member of the Federal Government, or of the Executive Council or Legislative Assembly of the East Malaysian State (or of any Council having similar functions in the State);
  3. (c)  he is a judge of the Federal Court or of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak, or is a person designated or nominated to act as such, or he is a member of any Commission or Council established by the Federal Constitution or by the Constitution of the East Malaysian State; or 

    (d) he is a member of any of the public services of the Federation, or of the public service of the East Malaysian State, or of a joint public service serving the East Malaysian State, or is seconded to any such service.
    (2) Where a citizen is entitled to enter the East Malaysian State under subsection (1), the citizen’s children under the age of eighteen years and (if he is a man) his wife, if entering the East Malaysian State with, or to be with, the citizen, shall not be required by subsection (1) to obtain a Permit or Pass in that behalf.
    (3) Where a citizen is not entitled to enter an East Malaysian State under this section, Parts I to VI, in their operation as a special law for the East Malaysian State shall apply to him as if he were not a citizen:
    Provided that a citizen arriving in Malaysia in the East Malaysian State or in the other of the East Malaysian States, and proceeding to a part of Malaysia which he is entitled to enter, shall be entitled to such Pass as is reasonably required to enable him to do so.
    (4) The burden of proof that a person is entitled to enter the East Malaysian State under this section shall lie on him.
    Right to enter East Malaysian State for exercise of political rights
    67. Subsection 66(1) shall not have effect in relation to a citizen entering the East Malaysian State for the sole purpose of engaging in legitimate political activity; but the burden of proof that a person is entitled to enter the East Malaysian State under this section shall lie on him. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Time On Whose Side?

Hantu Laut

I concur ! 

The Economist is always closest to the truth, unlike the half-baked professors in our local universities, can never get their equations right.

Time On Whose Side?
The Economist

IN JAIL, Anwar Ibrahim read a lot of Shakespeare. To understand Malaysian politics, the opposition leader says, you have to know Macbeth, a tragedy of overweening political ambition. For the government, the ambition defacing the country’s politics is that of Mr Anwar himself, to become Malaysia’s prime minister. He had promised to retire if he lost the general election held on May 5th. “But we won,” he says.
That is not how the government sees it. Though the opposition coalition which Mr Anwar leads, Pakatan Rakyat, got 51% of the votes, it won only 40% of the seats in parliament. Years of gerrymandering favour the Barisan Nasional coalition that has ruled Malaysia since independence in 1957. Mr Anwar also alleges outright electoral fraud. He has been leading protest rallies around the country against the “theft” of the election.Read more.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

UMNO Is Very Much Alive, Well And Kicking

Hantu Laut

Somebody broached the idea of turning BN into a single party. Smart idea for the losers, but not good for UMNO. With such excellent bill of health who need losers.

The idea was first mooted by Gerakan acting president Chang Ko Yuon, not surprising because Gerakan is done, kaput!...... so is MCA and MIC. 

It wasn't UMNO that suffered serious erosion of supports. On the contrary, UMNO fared much better this time around than in the 12th GE.UMNO delivered 109 seats out of the total of 133 won by BN. At  state level it won 244 out of 339 seats it contested. 

UMNO is alive, well and kicking. This stallion had run the gauntlet and proved the doomsayers wrong. It is BN, particularly, MCA and Gerakan that is in trouble, not UMNO.

Here, two Melayu bodoh organisations, KPRU and Umcedel predicted unmitigated disaster for UMNO at 13th GE. They either have lost their mojo, or just pretty useless at what they do.

Communal politics will continue to stay the favoured political domination in this country. A true multiracial party is still a far cry. The Malays don't want it, the Chinese don't want it even more, the Indians don't want it and Sabah and Sarawak natives don't want it.

The minority races, particularly, Chinese will not be receptive to the idea because a single political entity will overwhelm and dilute their political power and may jeopardise the language and culture in the long term.

Try ask DAP and PAS to dissolve their parties and join PKR as a single umbrella, I bet my bottom dollar the first to object would be the apparatchiks,  Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Karpal Singh. PAS leaders will tell you "Kami orang Islam tak boleh campur orang kafir"

I am surprised that Tengku Adnan Mansor entertained the idea of a single party when UMNO is physically and political robust and had not lost its appeal to the Malay masses. It has done extremely well in the 13th GE capturing substantial Malay votes as compared to PKR and PAS. These two Malay based parties are straggling far behind with PAS getting 20 parliamentary seats and PKR 15 Malay dominated seats. Both parties would not have gathered that number of seats without help of DAP supporters. 

It was MCA, Gerakan and MIC that have been consigned to the rubbish bin. Other components in Sabah and Sarawak were still able to defend their territories with minimal losses.

I am not a member of UMNO, but I can safely say it won't happen. UMNO is very much alive, well and kicking.

Makes more sense that MCA, Gerakan and MIC should consider converting to a single party.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Word Of Honour Need No Pen Nor Paper

Hantu Laut

Honour is the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right. A man who is confident of his word of honour need not put it down to pen and paper.

"Word of honour"...a verbal commitment by a person to another agreeing to do, or not to do something in the future. In simple language it is called "gentlemen's agreement", relies on honour for its fulfilment.

A man who is a modal of rectitude and sure of his honesty will not bother with a written covenant. Only in business such written instrument is necessary. 

Najib needs not sign such agreement as I am pretty sure Jusuf Jalla who had experience in brokering such deal before had called for a gentlemen's agreement, not a written one. 

Being a businessman before, I have seen fair share of broken contracts by clients, who cared not about reputation when they have made a bad decision. 

Written contract is no guarantee of performance, it just give you comfort and something to fall back to if you need to take action to enforce it.What legal action can he takes if Najib signed and broke the agreement. Does he not know that word of honour if can be proven can also seek justice in the court of law?

Anwar knew but need a bad story to tell his followers. 

If one is of crooked mind no amount of written agreement is good enough protection. Cooked and crooked excuses can be used to break it.

Throughout our adult life many of us have had bets, lent or borrowed money from friends based on word of honour. Mutual trust bind us to honour our promise and pay back what we owe.

The excuse given by Anwar for not honouring his side of the deal  lack plausibility and atrociously shameful.

Let us look at number one of his demand of "no personal attack" 

In all honesty, he has actually implicated himself, his party and the whole Pakatan Rakyat outfit guilty of this. There are thousands of evidences on the Internet to prove that he and his soldiers are more guilty of this than Najib and his battalions. The attack on Najib was vicious and uncalled for. All the blogs and news portal friendly to Anwar have done pretty good job demonising Najib. Malaysiakini, Malaysia Insider, Free Malaysia Today, Malaysia Chronicle and many others are pro-Anwar and Pakatan.

Of course, it goes without saying he will say he has no control over these people. Najib can also claim he has no control over the mass media in this country.

Anwar and Pakatan are not interested in the print and mass media, that was just a cooked excuse. They have access to bigger and more effective media.

The Internet has humongous penetration compared to the mainstream mass media. Almost 60% of the country are wired to the Internet and 80% of urban dwellers have access to the alternative media. That's why they won big in the urban areas and lost in the kampongs. He is only interested to show off in the cities and big towns, as Daim Zainuddin aptly described a "clown in  a circus". His political campaigning was skewed, favouring the urban areas.His megalomania and exhibitionist nature made him lose the elections.

Number two "free and fair elections". If the elections had not been free and fair how come Pakatan Rakyat can get more popular votes than Barisan Nasional? 

He used this another crooked excuse to say that he should have won Puterajaya because of popular votes, but was cheated by BN. He was not truthful to tell his followers that our electoral system is such that you can get more popular votes but still not get enough parliamentary seats to form the government, the same as  those practised in U.K and many other Commonwealth countries. 

His design to question and ridicule the electoral roll as being dirty was done long before polling day using BERSIH as his vehicle and street demonstrations as his dirty trick to hoodwink the people that all is not well with the Election Commission. In U.K the Labour Party ever had just over 30% of the popular votes, but collected over 50% of the seats, worse than what we had in the recent elections where the difference was only 3.4 % and Anwar claimed victory based on this absolute nonsense.

In spite of his accusations of massive vote rigging he came so close to taking over the government but bungled it because of over confidence, arrogance and stupidity.

Anyway, it was Anwar who asked Jusuf to broker the deal and it was Jusuf Kalla who first broke the story to WSJ, not Najib. Why didn't he whack Jusuf Jalla instead?

Why Anwar wanted the deal with Najib?

Because he was so over confidence of winning, he was afraid that Najib may not concede and give way to smooth transition of power. 

Najib was sure of himself and knew, win or lose, he would honour the agreement.

Anwar biggest problem is, he can't tell the difference between a lie and the truth. 

Today, he is a desperate man seeking justice on the streets.