Showing posts with label Lim Kit Siang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lim Kit Siang. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2013

DAP Wayang Kulit

Hantu Laut

Indeed, what Tunku Aziz says here is not far from the truth, exaggerated and excessively dramatic, the DAP theatrics.

What grave injustice and abuse of power  against you when you cheated some of your members of their rights to vote?

You continue to cheat the people by proselytising lies into truth and truth into lies.

Accused the government of cheating in the recent polls, when you have not been entirely honest yourself.

Can you be trusted to be part of the big government?

DAP will continue to play the wayang kulit to hoodwink the people that they are being victimised by ROS and the government. 

I agree calling on PM Najib Tun Razak to guarantee that the party won't be de-registered is mischievous.

Sadly, too many Malaysians believe in this wayang kulit.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

BN Will Lose The Next Elections ?

Hantu Laut

Anwar say he is firm in opposing electoral fraud, corruption and racism.

It's about time someone tell him, in no uncertain term, to stop  his charade and call a mea culpa, smoke a peace pipe, or be a gentleman and accept defeat graciously.

Everything of what he said is true, there were corruptions, there were racism and there were some cheating in the elections, but not the way he portrays them. 

Corruption is nothing new, been rampant since his time in UMNO and electoral fraud twiddling with the electoral boundaries, which he never complained before when he was riding high in UMNO everything was hunky-dory then and not forgetting he was also charged and found guilty of corruption. The court only overturned his sodomy sentence. 

Gerrymandering is not an election offence. The electoral boundaries need to be redrawn every eight years and Malaysia's population in rural areas are sparsely distributed making equitable distribution of voters per constituency the same as urban areas, impractical and a logistical nightmare.

Racism ? Yeah, it is more DAP's piece de resistance!

Why I say racism is DAP's forte?

There are lots of Chinese chauvinism in DAP. 

The Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor and Gelang Patah are showcases of Chinese chauvinism. Former Johor MB Ghani Othman would have won if just 15% of Chinese voters had voted for him.

DAP had grown from a 'mosquito party' into the second largest political party in this country on the ground of solid Chinese supports. A Chinese tsunami is not a overstatement, without which it will never have achieved its present status. 

DAP leaders are more sophisticated, clever and subtle with their political campaign to woo the Chinese, unlike the crudely fashioned 'rough and tumble' ways of UMNO leaders, uncouth, unpolished and very unMalay.

Homogeneity, is in the Chinese blood when their common interests at stake, they cohere.

Ha! The Malays, will they ever learn? They are split three ways, the educated urban Malays (the self-indulging highbrow), the rabble rural Malays (the simple kampong folks) and the Islamist Malays ( who want to be more Arabs than Malays)

UMNO, has certainly failed, otherwise, the Malays won't be so divided. The Malays who can think independently feel they have been played out by their own kind.

If  Najib does not carry out drastic changes in his party and government, stop all nonsense of rewarding UMNO warlords with government largesse (the people's money), reduce corruption and appoint capable people to key positions based on merit rather than cronyism and nepotism and if there are no radical changes made between now and the next general elections, BN will lose the next election..GE14.

BN have lost the popular votes, which is a clear indication that worse is to come.

Changes that the people wanted, not what UMNO wanted.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

One Stupid DAP MP Against Construction Of A Mosque

Hantu Laut

One stupid and insensitive DAP MP against mosque construction with stupid excuse of azan disturbing the people's sleep. 

I am not a religious person, but this kind of stupidity is going to cause unnecessary racial and religious tension.

The kampong people sounded smarter than him, telling him that dogs barking also disturb their sleep and even worse dog barking can be incessant or sporadic throughout the night.

Azan only occurred twice after sundown, once in the evening just after dusk (maghrib) and every morning just before dawn (subuh). There is another one at night after 8 p.m (isyak), but some mosques do not sound the azan as the worshippers who came for the maghrib prayers usually stayed on for the isyak prayer.Most azan lasted less than 5 minutes.

Obviously, he is too thick to understand the imputation.

Watch the video:

What say you, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang and SakmongkolAK47 ?

Azan (call to prayer) below.

DAP has 38 seats in Parliament making it the second largest political party in the country after UMNO. 

In the old days, before the dawn of cheap amplifiers, almost all azan were done unplugged, maybe mosque committees should consider turning down the volume or go back to the good old days.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Shithead's Minority Government!

Hantu Laut

From Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang to the smallest fry, they keep referring to the Najib's government as minority government.

Do they understand what a minority government is?

Here, Anwar claimed "we won the elections"

Here, Guan Eng claimed "we are the majority"

Ironically, there are hundreds of articles that appeared in news portal and blogs that portrayed BN as minority government

It doesn't take much to cajole and fool the average Malaysians including the over-educated ones because they are just too lazy to do their own homework preferring to be spoon-fed by whoever they fancy.

Najib's government, by any stretch of your imagination, is not a minority government. For all intents and purposes, it is a majority government. Only in a hung parliament situation or where no clear majorities are obtained by any parties would a minority government be formed.

A minority government exists where it lacked outright majority of seats and depends for its survival on the support of other parties or independents who hold the balance of power in the  lower house.

Without formal coalition being formed among the parties concerned, a minority government is the only solution to a functioning parliament. It is usually given to the party with the largest number of seats and supported by smaller parties or independents to form a minority government. This form of government is most unstable and can collapse anytime if the other parties withdraw their supports. 

Unlike Pakatan Rakyat, BN is a single legal entity and won 133 seats giving it a comfortable majority of 22 more seats over the finishing line of 111 seats. Any party that finished beyond 111 seats can form the government under the "first past the post" system. 

Don't let these shitheads fool you with their own ignorance and melodramatic jingle of the meaning of  "minority government"

It ain't true !

Najib's government is duly elected by the people and is a majority government. 

They can FO with their claim of popular votes, because our electoral system does not work that way and they knew it fully well, but can you blame these kiddos........a bunch of sore losers and a chieftain with a chronic sore throat and a congenital liar.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is DAP Eying The Prime Minister's Post ?

                                                                DAP's Darth Vader

Hantu Laut

DAP would field Malay candidates in a number of places to reflect the party multi-racialism stance and bolster Malay supports. 

Is that all it is, or it has other more sinister agenda?

Malaysiakini reported here today that the party would field UMNO renegade Mohd Ariff Sabri, a former UMNO assemblyman for Pulau Manis in Pahang as candidate for the Raub parliamentary constituency. Sabri fell out with Najib for not being selected as candidate in the 12th GE (General Elections). He is also a blogger known as SakmongkolAK47 and regularly used his blog to deliver brutal attacks on Najib and UMNO. Seen as a lightweight, a nobody and not a threat, those in UMNO ignored his rambling.

Another strong advocate of DAP is Aspan Alias, another UMNO dropout with a deep vengeance to make it even with UMNO. He  may also be chosen to stand as candidate. His blog "Aspan Alias" also regularly delivers tirades of abuses against his former party. 

DAP also announced that the party would field Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji, a member of the Pahang royal house, as candidate for Mentakab state assembly seat. 

DAP, might have missed a heartbeat, not all member of the royal household are popular with the people.

Will DAP field more Malay puppets on a string to fulfil its ambition to be the leading party in Pakatan Rakyat.

I expect DAP to also field Malay candidates in Perak and Selangor, where it has better chance of becoming the lead party and DAP menteri besar could become a reality. 

I called it to "circumnavigate the constitution" and sail through the loophole. Most state constitution in Peninsula Malaysia, with the exception of Melaka and Penang, only allow Malay Muslim as menteri besar.

It seems obvious DAP leaders are focused of getting the premiership for its party. The only way they can achieve this is to have Malay members of parliament in the party.

In the event they garnered more federal seats than PKR and PAS, the party can demand the PM post be given to its Malay MP. 

This, maybe, the umpteenth time, I say DAP will be the biggest gainer in the 13th GE. Whether Pakatan makes it to Putrajaya or not, is another story.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lim Kit Siang: "Legit, Not Legality" Moronic Twist Of The English Language

Hantu Laut

Lim Kit Siang, don't try to fool the people with your "it's about legit, not legality" nonsense.

If it is legal, it's legit.

They are synonymous !

Najib is still a full functioning legitimate prime minister and whatever he does from now until dissolution of parliament is legitimate and legal under the law. 

You threatening to cancel contracts signed by him should Pakatan comes to power shows how irresponsible your government will be. 

You vangefulness shows you couldn't care less for the nation to be sued and taxpayers money used to pay compensation for your impetuous action.

Parliament will only dissolved itself on 29 April 2013, unless dissolved sooner by the PM and you know it,  but typical of all Pakatan leaders, you thinks all Malaysians are stupid to fall for your hoax.

There is more than one way to skin a cat. Your ploy sucks.

Read here twisting the English language.

Monday, March 25, 2013

DAP Johnny-Come-Lately Arrogant F--kers

Hantu Laut

If he can be so arrogant before he captures Federal power what would you imagine he can do when he has real Federal power?

Lim Guan Eng has grown too big for his boots. A little success has screwed up his brain. Arrogant to the core.

Arrogance is a cover up for insecurities that leads people to sickness of mind and unpredictable behaviour.Arrogant people perceived themselves as more valuable and superior than others. They are always on tenterhooks. Story here.

No government in the world offer free airtime on TV for politicians or political parties. You want it you have to pay and TV airtime does not come cheap. 

They complained about it, they asked for it, they ridiculed the government for lack of freedom of speech and when offered they declined with reproachable rudeness.

Born in the barn type behaviour. You don't want you can decline graciously.

I hope the Chinese community change their minds towards this bunch of arrogant johnny-come-lately politicians whose real concern is not the welfare of the people but their insatiable greed for power. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lim Kit Siang's May 13 Expos'e: Truth or Chicanery ?

Hantu Laut

The 1969 General Election was held on 10th May in West Malaysia, but in Sabah and Sarawak the parliamentary elections was postponed to between 17 and 21 June. 

Gerakan and DAP, the two opposition parties intense political campaign was against Article 153 of the Constitution, which outlined special privilages for bumiputras.

The Alliance Party lost Penang to Gerakan and Perak to DAP and Selangor hunged in the balance, which the Alliance eventually gained by one seat in collobration with an independent candidate. UMNO's arch-rival PAS took Kelantan.

What Kit Siang said may be true, but the question is, has he any prior knowledge of the impending trouble? 

Gerakan and DAP held a victory march in KL on 12 May, which turned rowdy, with party members shouting racial slurs at Malay bystanders. They diverted from their approved route and changed it to pass through Kampong Baru, a Malay dominated area in KL with the attention of throwing epithets at the Malay bystanders. UMNO countered with its own rally on 13 May, which broke out into full-scale rioting.

Which side fired the first salvo is still very fuzzy. 

Kit Siang affirmed he was not in KL on the fateful day. Watch the videos.


Let us good Malaysians hope history won't repeat itself. Let us set aside our ethnicity and cultural differences and think as One Malaysia.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Kit Siang, Don't Belittle The Special Branch Report

Hantu Laut

It is irresponsible of Lim Kit Siang and other Pakatan leaders to ignore the Special Branch report of possible infiltration of subversive elements in PAS, DAP and PKR, accusing the government of spinning the story. 

Instead, Kit Siang should start his party's own investigation before he simply discard it as a ploy by the government to demonise the opposition. Story here.

For start, maybe, Kit Siang should explain the spate of protests and demonstrations that started with Hindraf and culminated in tension and chaos with BERSIH 3, organised under the guise of peaceful demonstration for free and fair elections. 

If Malaysia's elections are truly rotten how come his son can become the Chief Minister of Penang and the state came under DAP control. The same happened in Selangor, Kedah, Perak and Kelantan. Pakatan also took 8 out of 9 seats in The Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. 

Can Kit Siang answer this question! Did Pakatan also used phantom voters to win?

History has shown that it is common communist tactic to organise protests, demonstrations, sabotages and civil disobedience to bring down elected government. 

Between the late 1940s to 1980s Singapore was under serious communist threat. The CPM organised strikes and other forms of political agitation.Many attempted assassinations were foiled by the Special Branch. Singapore continued to face communist threat after independence with pro-communist elements resorting to organised strikes and act of arson and vandalism. Lee Kuan Yew was quick to realise the threat and used every possible means at his disposal to wipe out the communist threat, which he did successfully.

I will not dwell on the communist insurgency in Malaysia as they are the same as in Singapore, led by Chin Peng and the CPM and most Malaysian politicians knew the history.

However, with the resurgence of a strong opposition there were attempts by certain quarters to make Chin Peng a hero and a freedom fighter, which again point to the possibility of communist elements or sympathisers in DAP, which Kit Siang may not be aware of.

I will not put aside the likelihood of Jemaah Islamiah (JI) infiltrating PAS. Members of PAS particularly the "youth wing" has shown deep intolerance for anything outside the realm of Islam.They have constantly protested against foreign artists performing in Malaysia without due consideration that Malaysia is multiracial and multi religious. The Memali incident was related to PAS.

Not all Malaysians are Malays or Muslims and the Constitution only make Islam the official religion and not the other way around, Islam has no jurisdiction over non-Muslims. 

Non-Muslims would have to deal with the problem of encroachment of their rights should Pakatan came to power. PAS is not going to let "sleeping dogs lie" it will pursue its Islamic doctrine. 

Sometimes, people are easily misled.The other day a friend told me that the Chinese in Kelantan are very happy and voted for PAS. The question I asked him, was there any Chinese candidate in Kelantan's elections and whether he knew of the insignificant of Chinese votes in Kelantan.

Almost 95% population of Kelantan are ethnic Malays and the balance 5% divided between Chinese and Thai. PAS knew the insignificant of these two ethnic groups and is not the least bit worried whether PAS gets their supports.

There are vast differences between Chinese in Kelantan and Chinese in the rest of the country.Except for religion, the Chinese in Kelantan, for all intents and purposes, are Malays, speak the same language and adopt "Malay behaviour as front stage and Chinese behaviour as backstage"

Without looking at the person, it would be hard to tell a Chinese from a Malay by listening to his speech in the Kelantanese dialect. They are not your normal Malaysian Chinese.

Can Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh and the rest of the Chinese and Indians in the country be like the Kelantanese Chinese? If they can than this country would not suffer racial polarisation.The Kelantan Chinese have given the Malays the comfort of being truly Kelantanese, by adopting and respecting the Kelantanese Malay culture in their presence and still practised the Chinese culture backstage.The Kelantanese Malay do not feel threatened or overwhelmed by the Chinese.

Many Chinese are misled by this exaggerated story spread by the opposition to hoodwink the Chinese in the country that PAS is Chinese user friendly. It may, or may not be, but going by its actions, in all likelihood it will stay the Islamic journey, embolden to pursue "hudud" as they have asserted, time and again.

Do not belittle the SB report, terrorist incident is visible, espionage cases are not easy to detect unless you have excellent police work.

Our SB is one of the best in the region and that's why Malaysia was spared the act of terrorism, unlike our neighbours Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, who weren't so lucky.

I suggest Kit Siang do some soul-searching before he politicises the SB report. Malaysia have seen a number of attempts by small group of militant out to topple the government.

I would like to refresh Kit Siang's mind of past terrorist's act in this country:

1.August 1975 - Terrorists from Japanese Red Army (JRA) held approximately 50 civilians including members of the US consulate and the Swedist charge' d'affaires as hostages within the AIA building and demanded release of 5 imprisoned comrades and flew them to Libya. I was working and living in KL then and my office was not far from AIA.

2.December 1977 - A lone member of the JRA hijacked MAS Flight 653, shot the pilots and himself killing 100 passengers when the plane crashed.

3.November 1985 - Memali - About 400 people of an Islamic sect led by Ibrahim Libya took up arms against the government out of serious rift in the Malay Muslim community between PAS and UMNO. Leaders of PAS had concluded that members of UMNO were apostates.The stand off resulted in clashes that killed 14 civilian and 4 policemen. I was on the same plane as former PM Mahathir on the way to Beijing, being part of a trade delegation when the news was broke to us about Memali.

4.July 2000 - The Al-Ma'unah group stole over 111 military firearms and ammunitions.Police negotiation failed and gunfight ensued killing 3 people including 2 hostages.In the same year Kedah state assemblymen Joe Fernandez was shot by a member of a religious militant group.

5.August 2001 - Discovery of KMM, a militant group and underground movement out to topple the Mahathir's regime.Received training in Afghanistan led by Nik Adil Nik Abdul Aziz, all arrested under the ISA.

The network has already been put in place for massive demonstrations to accuse the BN of cheating in the next general elections and calling for people's power to demolish the government should Pakatan Rakyat failed to capture Putrajaya.

The oppositions can deny it until the cows come home, the momentum had been set by BERSIH 3 and Ambiga is only a pawn in the game.

Kit Siang! See who's scrapping the bottom of the barrel!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bersih 3 Video: The Stinkpot Calling The Kettle Black

Hantu Laut

Lim Kit Siang  issued a challenge to the Home Ministry not to edit the Bersih video which the ministry intend to show the public on why police took action against rioters that day. FMT report here.

What is this DAP muscleman talking about? Does he think all Malaysians are stupid to buy the Bersih sob story.

Below is a video released by DAP on Bersih 3,  slashed, cut, edited and finally audited and approved by DAP leaders for release to the public to hoodwink the people.

Watch the video lopsidedness, aggressive and unrestrained attack on the police and government.

How come the one below was not included in your video.

I can show you many more of such unruly and dangerous behaviour of the Bersih supporters, whom I presumed have been told to start trouble to  engage the police to take action so you guys can manipulate the issue to put the police and the government in a bad light.

If the police did not nip it in the bud there would have been wholesale rioting which the oppositions hope would destabilise the government and its imminent downfall,  which the opposition can fill in the vacuum,  if it had been successful.

You should have realised by now that even the Western media and politicians are getting suspicious of Anwar Ibrahim and questioning his real intention. Is it a fight for a freer and more democratic Malaysia or is it a fight for Anwar Ibrahim to be prime minister?

Come on Kit Siang! Can't you guy come up with something more constructive other than your usual stirring the shit, slinging the shit and re-circling the shit.

It just makes the whole bunch of you looking stupid, dwelling on the same subjects and re-circling old issues every now and then. 

The educated fools may buy your story but the uneducated ones can tell a shit when they see one.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Purple Prose !

Hantu Laut

Remember! When we first learned to write English we were told about the correct usage of the language. 

Never start a sentence with a conjunction, an adjective is always followed by a noun and so forth. Those were the infant days of our learning process.

As many of you would know the English language has many pitfalls on the correct usage of words and grammar. 

Some of us do break the rules, murdering the language, preferring style over conformity.Some, killed the story they wrote with prolixity, quantity over substance. Some, are verbose, wordy and long-winded and the story got lost in translation. Some, are just not adapt to writing but tried anyway and got lost in the twilight world of ignorance. 

If you think that's all funny, nothing beats over-the-top word's there staring right at you.

PKR holds Umno responsible for ‘night of bloodshed’ in Lembah Pantai

Only two people were hurt in the fracas. The editor should be stoned for this laughable mix of contradiction and exaggeration.

The night saw a senior citizen suffering an open wound to the head after being hit with a stone and a 12-year-old possibly breaking her wrist.

What the hell a 12-year old doing attending a political ceramah? It shows Malaysian parents bear no discipline themselves exposing their kids to the smutty world of politics at such tender age.

"bloodshed" -slaughtermassacrekilling,woundingcarnagebutcherybloodlettingbloodbathviolence,fightingwarfareliterary slaying.

From Lim Kit Siang's blog by Mariam Mokhtar
To make these links is to overlook decades of known atrocities committed by Umno to control the rakyat. We cannot ignore the wider picture in an effort to seek easy answers and scapegoats to explain these abhorrent actions.

The tragedy of May 13 was blamed on worsening Malay-Chinese relations, the Memali incident on a banned Islamic sect and the murder of Altantuya on a greedy vindictive woman. Scratch beneath the surface and a different picture emerges.
"atrocities" -cruelty,enormityoutragehorrormonstrosityobscenityviolationcrime,abusebarbaritybarbarismbrutalitysavageryinhumanity,wickednesseviliniquity
Some become a joke unto themselves.
The purple prose!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pakatan:A Den Of Iniquity

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim instigated students to demonstrate against the PTPTN. Is he suffering from dementia?

He pretty well screwed his chance of becoming the prime minister because is now seen as a pathological liar.

Here, Rocky Bru revealed was transpired in Parliament in 1997. Extract from the Hansard here.

Anwar was then DPM and second most powerful man in UMNO and the government, the other jokers, Lim Kit Siang and his son Lim Guan Eng all supported the PTPTN with gusto.

All three telling egregious lie. Vote them at your own peril.

Desperate needs, desperate measures!

Monkey see, monkey do.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Kit Siang Confirmed Witch-Hunting Pakatan's Priority

Hantu Laut

As I have predicted in my earlier post Pakatan will be busy witch-hunting when they take power.

Here , straight from the horse's mouth, Lim Kit Siang confirmed they will probe AG Ghani Patail and former IGP Musa Hassan for abuse of power and corruptions.

Good luck Pakatan, the big "IF" you can take Putrajaya?

Don't forget Sabah and Sarawak will kick your arse so hard you wouldn't know where it's coming from.

One consolation, if it makes you feel better, your DAP will gain some Chinese seats in Sabah and Sarawak, but not enough to dethrone BN.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Lim Kit Siang For Prime Minister, Anwar Deputy ?

Hantu Laut

"Pakatan ready to take over the federal government" says Anwar Ibrahim here.

Sounds similar to his Sept 16 farce.The man waging psychological war against the BN government trying to hoodwink the people to ally to his side to fulfill his ravenous desire to be prime minister is once again doomed.

Anwar said three years ago, the party has no strength in Sarawak and PKR Sabah was a mess.

Anwar is still unable to ratiocinate Sabah and Sarawak politics and wake up to reality that things have not changed, PKR is still in a mess and unlikely to make much inroads into Sabah and Sarawak's politics.

Pakatan's chances of winning Sabah and Sarawak in the 13th GE is bleak.The spoilers, PKR and PAS.

As far as Sabah and Sarawak are concerned, PKR and PAS are the monkey wrenches in the works, they have nothing to offer other than empty promises that would eliminate Pakatan's chances of taking the two states.The only party that would do well in the East Malaysian states would be DAP, taking most, if not all, predominant Chinese seats.The unfortunate thing is, DAP alone do not have enough seats to form the government.Anwar's life long dream of taking over the federal government and he as prime minister would stay forever a dream.

DAP would do well nation wide and would collect the biggest number of seats among the 3 coalition partners.PAS insistence on hudud law would backfire among non-Muslims and forward looking Muslims.It would not perform well as the Malay votes would be split between PAS and UMNO taking bigger slice of the Malay vote bank.PKR is a lost cause, a wannabe multiracial party that has become a party for Anwar and his family. A party that only exist on sympathy votes for Anwar. Now, that the people have seen the real Anwar Ibrahim the "undi kasihan" have evaporated leaving PKR in a quagmire, fighting an uphill battle to maintain its influence.It would get less seats than those won in March 2008.

If Pakatan do pull through than the man that should be prime Minister should be Lim Kit Siang, Anwar as his deputy and Karpal Singh as minister of finance. As Anwar was against making mandatory a Malay as PM than he should not complain if he has to play second fiddle in the event PKR performed badly.

The West Malaysian scenario will not happen in Sabah and Sarawak.There is no guarantee that Pakatan would be a more benevolent government and not likely to be better guardian of state rights.

Some of their leaders are already behaving like gangsters threatening to break down prison walls if Anwar is incarcerated and threatened to deploy massive street protests should BN win the 13th GE.

Even if BN won, in free and fair elections, Pakatan can still accuse BN of cheating to justify them copying the Arab Spring which they have stupidly indicated they would do.

The contentious hudud, Anwar's sex tape and the oppositions incessant melodramatic attacks against Najib and his government may change the voting pattern as people begin to see the falsities of these attacks.The BN may even regain its two-thirds majority in the 13th GE .

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Guan Eng Must Protect His Family Good Name.

Hantu Laut

Guan Eng said today he was furious with the “barbaric lies” made about his teenage son by “pro-Umno ferocious beasts” and singled out Khairy Jamaluddin and other party leaders for perpetuating the allegations through snide comments on blogs and social media sites......Malaysian Insider.

The boy's grandfather Lim Kit Siang called it "gutter politics of the lowest I have seen in over 40 years of politics"

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said it showed that UMNO leaders know no limits when it comes to clinging to power attacking not just leaders but their families.

Pakatan's leader and their families are like prophets, infallible to a fault, they have not and would not sin.

The question is why was the boy moved to another school if there were no truth to the story purportedly fabricated by UMNO.There are only three reasons I can think of why a student moved to another school. First, would be logistic, moving to a school nearer to where he stays, or he has shown to be unfit student and his presence has become untenable for the school and fellow students and, lastly, he is too bright for the school and need to move to a better school.

I am against slander whichever side it comes from, more so, if the person is a juvenile but if you are a public figure than you should expect that your whole family would be under scrutiny.

I am surprised that Pakatan leaders think they and members of their families have immunity against public scrutiny and odium.Are such opprobrium reserved only for BN leaders and the public should close their eyes and refrained from the disapprobation of Pakatan's leaders?

Who is Anwar to even dare comment on the case when his philandering ways are available all over the Internet and yet the holies of holies inexhaustibly still defended him and accused UMNO leaders of fabricating his entire sexual escapades.

It appears that Pakatan leaders consider illicit sex among politicians and public figures not morally wrong as long as they come from Pakatan.It is only wrong if it concerned BN leaders.

Watch the video below and see who are the gutter politicians?

Calling a press conference based on SD of a person of questionable character.

Who doctored this?

Now you know why he wants hudud in this country!

Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you.

Lim Guan Eng should take legal action against the perpetrators of his family good name.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Who Is The Lair ?

Hantu Laut

Who is the lair, Tun Dr Mahathir or the intolerable Mr Lim Kit Siang? Read what former IGP Tun Hanif Omar says here.

Mahathir wasn't lying when he says the police, on security reason, decided to arrest those troublemakers to save the nation from another tragedy.Anwar could have put the record right but for political expediency he wouldn't.

Do you want this kind of people to rule this country lying through their teeth just to score brownie point with voters.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kit Siang:The 'Malaysian First' Bullshit Artiste

Hantu Laut

Jebat Must Die hits the nail on the head.

YES! LIM KIT SIANG, THE MALAYSIAN FIRST BULLSHIT ARTISTE, would you support the 'ONE SCHOOL' system.Close down all vernacular schools so we can all be truly 'MALAYSIAN FIRST' and Malay,Chinese and Indian never.

To show your patriotism and nationalism you should also stop speaking other languages and speak only in the national language.Even the prime minister and deputy prime minister are not Malaysians first, they are Malays first.At least they have the balls to be honest enough to admit it.

Since you are the first truly 'MALAYSIAN FIRST' I urge you take up the challenge and show your deep patriotism to this nation and be the first one to go to parliament to bring a motion to close down all vernacular schools.

Read Jebat Must Die challenge to Kit Siang here.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Anwar Ibrahim and Kit Siang's Deafening Silence

Hantu Laut

We always hear the never ending story of Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang on the poor state of the Malaysian economy, painting a bleak picture of gloom and doom, of foreign investors giving Malaysia a wide berth and the imminent collapse of the economy.Are these two jokers going to say something good with this news that they did not anticipate.Malaysia came a remarkable No.10 in global competitiveness.

As usual most pro-opposition news portal and blogs did not carry the news.

Are the two jokers going to dispute the report put out by IMD, one of the world's top ranked business school.

Lairs always feed on their own lies.

Those who are interested can read the full report here [Full release with charts (PDF)]

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Who Is Malaysian First In Good Deeds?

Hantu Laut

Is the BN in a scurry or would there be a tectonic shift in Hulu Selangor?

Tengku Razaleigh predicted grave portent for BN in Hulu Selangor and bad omen. He said majority of Malays wouldn't vote for BN candidate.

In wide contrast to Razaleigh's prophecy other political pundits including Malaysian Insider which had never had kind words for Najib, have taken different view of the probable outcome of the Hulu Selangor by-election.The groundswell seems to be shifting in favour of the BN, at least among Malays and Indians.

By rights, the BN candidate for Hulu Selangor should be a Malay. The fielding of an Indian candidate should be seen as a sacrifice by UMNO, in spite of it being a Malay majority area.PKR, more likely, would field a Malay candidate.

Lim Kit Siang should put his money where his mouth is.Who is Malaysian first in deeds and who is Malaysian first in lip service.He can only talk and ridicule 1 Malaysia. What has he done? He has done more to divide the races and heightened racial sentiments.At least, Najib practises what he preaches.

Malays formed over 50% of voters in the area while Indians comprises less than 20%.The Chinese votes at 26% will be comfortably Pakatan's main trust of support.

The constituents are fed up with all talk and no action.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Nod For Lim Kit Siang

Hantu Laut

I'll make an exception this time and give Lim Kit Siang a nod to his article here.

It's true, Minister of Health Liow Tiong Lai should take responsibility and resign his post.He has shown total incompetence, indifference and showed no concern at all on the worsening health care in Sabah.

The crisis is not new, it is over two years now and nothing has been done to stop the shuttling of patients from one hospital to another.

On one of his visits here the Prime Minister has assured Sabahans that he would make immediate allocation to resolve the health care crisis in Sabah.

The money might be there but what's the point if you have a minister who can only provide lip service and not the health care service that Sabahans have been deprived of for a long time.In spite of the much talked about takeover of SMC nothing significant has happened.

PM Najib should take personal interest in the crisis if he wants his fixed deposit intact.Better do it fast before Sabahans decide to tukaron bangkad.

It is poor Sabahans that suffered most and if the PM didn't already know, that's where most votes come from.Ignore it at your own perils.

Maybe, Najib should do a first, sack the man.