Showing posts with label ISA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISA. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Pembangkang "Panas Panas Tahi Ayam"

Hantu Laut

I feel sorry for all the Pakatan supporters, who put so much faith in their quirky and unreliable elected representatives, who promised them heaven and hell to change the face and fate of this country for the better, if they were given a chance to govern. 

What happened in Parliament recently has shown that they prefer their beauty sleep over the promise of making the country a better place for everyone. They failed their first test big time.

Due to absence of many of their MPs, they have allowed the government to pass another repressive law.

To make thing worse, they are now making excuses for their irresponsible act and inaptitude.


It’s a matter of principle, Wong Chen

If that was the case why the need to attend Parliament at all, might as well all of them stay at home?

It's so much easier taking defeatist attitude........... ain't it?

Inilah pembangkang yang hanya "PANAS PANAS TAHI AYAM"

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Nation's Best Birthday Gift.

Hantu Laut

Doing the unexpected.

Najib's best gift to the people and the end of a sordid legacy.The oppositions were stunned, numb and lost for words.
They got what they have been asking for, yet there were deafening silence on the opposition's front.

Completely caught by surprise they have yet to find their voices of
uncomfortable gratitude.

Malaysians can now rest comfortably knowing they would not be deprived of the justice system.

Read what the Malaysian Insider's CEO/Editor deduces here.
"It's the economy, YOU IDIOT !" he says, drowning in his own muddled intelligence. Some people are just too smart for their own good.

Najib's detractors are now busy digging into their lexicons to find the right words to ridicule him.

Happy hunting, you badasses !

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's Time To Bring Out The ISA

Hantu Laut

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's feeble warning on the worsening religious and race relations would not be effective enough to stop the troublemakers of wanting to turn this nation into a state of chaos by fanning religious fervour.

By now the government should realise Malaysians are incapable of handling freedom of expression responsibly.Elements from both the oppositions and the ruling party are equally responsible for the deteriorating inter-racial and religious relations.

As much as I hate to say it, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad was right when he said such racial polarisation and religious conflicts did not happen under his watch.Say what you like about this misunderstood man, we had 22 years of peaceful co-existence under his regime.There were no religious issues or racial polarisation that we see is building up now which could ignite at any moment into something more unpleasant, unless, drastic actions are taken forthwith to arrest it before it gets out of hand.

Mahathir was prepared to take unpopular decision to protect the delicate membrane that separate the different religions and races in the country, which has kept the nation alive in peace and harmony for 22 years.He responded quickly, though at time harshly, to any attempt to undermine our peaceful society that have co-existed for many decades in the harsh realities of religious and ethnic differences.

Hated by politician and loved by the rabble, Mahathir had used the carrot and stick approach to ensure peace and prosperity.His detractors may not agree with his less than desirable approach but it certainly has been for the greater good......keeping the nation at peace.

Though, I am no supporter of the opposition I do not believe the recent claim that the DAP was conspiring with Christian leaders to make Christianity the official religion of the country and to install a Christian prime minister.It is highly improbable and was nothing but mischievous attempt to cause civil unrest.

The bloggers that started the rumours should be investigated, if found guilty, arrested and thrown in the slammer.

Utusan Malaysia that propagate the rumours without checking its facts first should be given a show cause letter why its publishing permit should not be suspended or withdrawn unless it come up with reasonable explanation or give material evidence that such allegations were true.

I believe the leaders in DAP are not that stupid to trot on such improbable and sensitive subjects.No one in their right mind could have believed that the minority Christians have such ambitions and DAP toying with such an idea seemed preposterous.

Is Najib in a Catch 22 situation? Why has he not acted against the troublemakers and show them he meant business.His 1 Malaysia would remained a mere slogan and a sham if he continues to allow such disemboweling of religious issues for political mileage.Is he maintaining his elegant silence because he is afraid of losing the Malay supports if he slammed Utusan and pro-UMNO blogs for the spectre they have created .

The opposition DAP are equally guilty of raising sensitive religious issues for political mileage. The Allah and Malay Bible issues were boldly and loudly accentuated by DAP in their political campaigns in the Sarawak state elections.They were hoping to turn the Christians in Sarawak to vote massively against the BN. However, the swing was not enough to dethrone Taib and the BN. DAP, not Pakatan, was the winner.

Here, another moron from the Bar Council seeking cheap publicity says Malaysia has no official religion.He cited Article 3 as stating “Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation” and pointed out the word “official” was nowhere in the provision.

This learned fool is worse than the man in the street, is he splitting hairs, or just plain stupid? Was it necessary to mention the word "official" in every articles in the Constitution, is it not sufficient that Islam was explicitly mentioned as religion of the Federation.

Malaysia is not the only country with such provision in its Constitution, many Christian nations particularly in Latin America and Europe and Muslim nations in Middle East have the same provision in their constitutions.

If it was not so, why the need to mention Islam as religion of the Federation. Article 3 (1) would be simply written as shown below.

"All religions can be practised freely in the Federation"

The learned joker failed to widen the scope of interpretation of Article 3 (2), (3), (4) and (5) which officially makes the rulers of the states and by extension the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as head of Islam.

Article 3 of the Malaysian Constitution is reproduced below:
1. Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.
2. In every State other than States not having a Ruler the position of the Ruler as the Head of the religion of Islam in his State in the manner and to the extent acknowledged and declared by the Constitution, all rights, privileges, prerogatives and powers enjoyed by him as Head of that religion, are unaffected and unimpaired; but in any acts, observance or ceremonies with respect to which the Conference of Rulers has agreed that they should extend to the Federation as a whole each of the other Rulers shall in his capacity of Head of the religion of Islam authorize the Yang di-pertuan Agong to represent him.
3. The Constitution of the States of Malacca, Penang, Sabah and Sarawak shall each make provision for conferring on the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall be Head of the religion of Islam in that State.
4. Nothing in this Article derogates from any other provision of this Constitution.
5. Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall be the Head of the religion of Islam in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan; and for this purpose Parliament may by law make provisions for regulating Islamic religious affairs and for constituting a Council to advise the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in matters relating to the religion of Islam.
It's about time Najib use his absolute discretion to invoke the ISA, fairly and squarely, on the troublemakers from both sides of the political divide.

This is the time to bring out the ISA
, without fear or favour.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Who Is The Lair ?

Hantu Laut

Who is the lair, Tun Dr Mahathir or the intolerable Mr Lim Kit Siang? Read what former IGP Tun Hanif Omar says here.

Mahathir wasn't lying when he says the police, on security reason, decided to arrest those troublemakers to save the nation from another tragedy.Anwar could have put the record right but for political expediency he wouldn't.

Do you want this kind of people to rule this country lying through their teeth just to score brownie point with voters.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ha! Ha! RPK Not A Fugitive ?

Hantu Laut

Read this and than read this.

When is he going to be honest with the people and call a spade a spade instead of beating around the bush and spent months not knowing what to do and not knowing what to say. The Home Minister needs some serious reinventing.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has even spoken out against criticising the police force. “If these attacks continue, how can we teach the younger generation about nationhood?

What have criticising the police got to do with nation building? If something goes wrong just stay still and do nothing to fix it? Is that what he wants us to teach our children ? Great! That's why he couldn't figure out how to handle the British government.

As in the idiom " one man's meat is another man's poison" one must not assume all things are alike.Different strokes for different folks.There is no detention without trail in Britain.It has abolished seditious libel and criminal defamation in January this year.The AG Chambers ,the Police and Home Ministry should know this and should stop misleading the people that they can get RPK back.

Malaysia is not alone, many American states and European countries still have criminal libel laws.

The Prime Minister is in a Catch 22 situation.If Raja Petra is truly bankrupt than a civil suit against him is difficult to pursue.I am not sure whether an aggrieved party can apply for direction from the court or Director General of Insolvency to sue a bankrupt.Maybe, some legal eagles out there can clear the air.

In the case of Najib and Rosmah a defamation suit should not be for punitive damages but essentially to clear their names.They were the ones implicated and defamed, not national security under threat, therefore, the use of ISA and the Sedition Act against RPK is not looked upon fondly by the British government.The Malaysian government needs some serious soul-searching.

Read RPK resonating blast here.

This thorn in the flesh will be around for a while. You may just have to tolerate him.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

ISA It Is Not,Don't Be Fooled

Hantu Laut

The Malaysian police is not as brutal as their Thai counterparts when it comes to quelling demonstrations.

The demonstrations in Thailand which invariably started as peaceful march have, more often than not, turned violent with fatal results.

Before we realise it, ours may be going the same direction if the oppositions do not stop the nonsense, a clear attempt to undermine and destabilise the government and using the ISA as an excuse. A clear message should be sent to Pakatan Rakyat leaders that should there be anymore demonstration in the future with their participation they would have to answer their illegal actions in the court of law.

The demonstration was Anwar's attempt to rouse the people's sentiment against the government relating to his sodomy case which will be heard in court soon. The Prime Minister should not fall into the trap and felt pressured to abolish the ISA. What we see on the streets may not be representative of the majority segment of the population that want the ISA abolish.I am sure there are many ordinary citizens who do not really care or are against the ISA. Those against it were mostly politicians who are in the habit of raising sensitive racial issues and militants who resort to violence to overthrow the government.Even if the ISA was abolished the oppositions will not stop their implacable propaganda and destabilisation of the government.

I would rather have the ISA than another May 13 or senseless bombings killing innocent people.The ISA has it own uniqueness and have to certain extent help the nation maintain peace and stability.We have also been spared from acts of terrorism.Without the ISA there could never be immediate detention of militants to stop them from doing irreparable damage to the security of the nation. Without the ISA and using the slow process of the justice system militants would have ample time and opportunity to escape. They wouldn't be sitting around waiting for their court cases, would they? Sometimes, to save the majority, human rights may have to take a back seat for the individual.

There is no ISA in Indonesia and militants were having jolly good time over there.The bombing in Bali few years ago and recently the bombing of the Marriott and Carlton in Jakarta were reminders of what grievous damage the absence of such law could bring to this nation if the ISA is abolished. Do you think Nordin Top would surrender himself and say he would like to be tried in the court of law to prove that democracy and the rule of law are the best avenue to deal with such problem.

The Indonesian government has identified that the recent bombing in Jakarta was the handiwork of Nordin Top but they don't know where he is.The American with their modern gadgetry and super intelligence network do not know whether Bin Laden is dead or alive.America, previously strong opponent of the ISA has, unashamedly, copied it for their prisoners of war whom they labelled as terrorists and sent them to Guantanamo without trail.

When it comes to doing anything Malaysians are great copycats.Thailand has become a role model for them to follow including copying the use of red T-shirts resembling the Red Shirts of Thailand's pro-Taksin group and whom do you see many among the demonstrators? Though, I am far away from Kuala Lumpur I can see from my TV screen they were mostly Malays.Are the Malays that easily disoriented to fall victims to the opposition's propaganda.

There seems to be very few Chinese and Indians this time.Most were probably PAS supporters.Maybe, PAS is worried about Permatang Pasir after what happened in Manik Urai and needed to show solidarity

Do not BE FOOLED it is not about the abolishment of ISA, it is about the saving of Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why Malaysia needs the ISA

Hantu Laut

Is the ISA a necessary evil? It is not evil by itself but made evil if leaders abused it to silent their critics and political opponents.

The oppositions wanted the ISA removed for different reason, not so much to protect our civil liberty, but more to serve its own political agenda. Using the ISA to go to the streets was only an excuse. The real reason behind it is to paint a picture of solidarity of the group and to constantly remind the people that Pakatan is united when it is not.If you are so popular why the need to go to the streets every now and then.

So, don't be fooled that they actually wanted the ISA repelled to protect you and I. They wanted it because they want to turn this nation to be in a state of upheaval and topple a duly elected government.

Interesting article from the Nutgraph below.

Why Malaysia needs the ISA

10 Dec 08 : 8.00AM

By Wong Chin Huat

NO, your eyes do not fool you. Nor have I been visited by Special Branch officers and “turned over”.

I was at the Petaling Jaya Civic Centre car park Sunday night, 7 Dec 2008, attending the weekly anti-Internal Security Act (ISA) gathering. A passionate speaker lamented that there were so few Malaysians there because they were afraid of the ISA. He was also disappointed that corrupt governments can be overthrown once and again by demonstrating crowds in Bangkok, but not in Kuala Lumpur.

The gentleman could not be more wrong if he thought the causality works only in one direction — that the ISA causes people to shun demonstrations. It actually works both ways — the ISA also exists because of some people's fear of demonstrations and all other forms of political expression.

Also, one could not be more wrong to think that the ISA is merely an evil tool of the Barisan Nasional (BN) to control citizens. It is not a complete falsehood when BN politicians claim that the people want the ISA since they support a ruling coalition that desires the ISA.

The ISA is here because it has served a purpose to a sizeable segment, probably the majority, of Malaysians. What purpose is that? Having a strong government.

(Corrected) Without the ISA and all other draconian laws, a government cannot be strong in an autonomous sense — it can only persuade and not coerce people to support it.

But why would people want a strong government? Because we are fundamentally a Hobbesian nation.

Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes (source:

Hobbesian nation

Thomas Hobbes, the 17th century conservative British philosopher, believed that human beings living in the state of nature were living in a state of war, their lives short and brutish. Incidentally, it was Hobbes who invented the concept of the social contract.

Driven by our selfish desire to compete for resources, we would pose threats to each other in the absence of government. Therefore, it is justifiable for a government to be absolute and disregard consent because the people cannot be trusted.

Push the Hobbesian logic to the extreme, and you will believe that even a bad government is better than no government. If only Hobbes was Asian, he would assure us that the government is always benevolent.

Most of us are Hobbesian because we do not believe that a multi-ethnic society can remain peaceful if the citizens are free. We are insecure with our differences.

Some of us wish for the differences to be eliminated through assimilation, with everyone professing one faith, speaking one language, observing one custom, or inter-marrying for common posterity.

And there are bound to be some among us who feel hurt when a “sensitive issue” is raised. The issue could be the constitutional “special position of Malays and natives of any of the states of Sabah and Sarawak”. Or it could be the extra-constitutional issues of bumiputeraism, Islam, the Malay language, the Malay rulers, or Chinese and Tamil schools.

And feeling hurt gives us a strong reason to ask others to shut up. So, we wave the keris, stage demonstrations, point fingers at other's noses, tear people's pictures up or even threaten to burn down buildings. The message is simple — stop this or you will incite ethnic riots.

Preventing ethnic riots 101

How do you prevent an ethnic riot? The government's answer is simple — crack down with the ISA.

In other words, the ISA and the authoritarian state that it protects is the lesser evil compared to looting and irrational mass killings. And since the ISA is here, everyone expects the state to use it against others who hurt their feelings. For many, the ISA is actually legitimate insofar as it is impartially used.

That is the reason why a government defending the ISA has been supported by more than half of the Malaysian electorate. It's like an insurance premium paid to hedge the risk of a disaster.Read more..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well Done! Pak Lah.

Hantu Laut

Yes, ask them to go.A mosquito party with a big appetite and a sickening attitude, resorting to political blackmail.If they don't leave sack them!.Bunch of ingrates.

I wouldn't waste too much words on those scheming political scums.

M'Kayveas and PPP stop threatening, if you want to leave, go ! I say, Good riddance !.

Well done, Pak Lah here.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thailand:A Lesson To Be Learned ?

Hantu Laut

Anti-government protesters in Bangkok have blockaded the city airports leading to massive transport disruption and unbearable inconveniences to the public in general and tourists in particular.

Suvarnabhumi and Don Muang airports are under siege by anti-government protesters that paralysed flights in and out of Bangkok.

The protesters are demanding the resignation of duly elected Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat alleging him to be a stooge of
brother-in-law and former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The protest could not be termed peaceful as explosives had been used to cause damage and injury.Scores of people have been injured by the blasts.Police have refused to use force to disperse the crowd of protesters preferring negotiation instead.It's coming to a week now and no end is in sight that the protesters would budge from the impasse.Look like the army have to move in again.

It will have serious consequence on its tourism industry and economic development.No one would like to visit or invest in a country that is politically volatile.

Maybe, the Thai government should introduce the ISA ?

The question now is for those Malaysians who love to think demonstrations could solve problems for them to take a cue from what happened in Thailand.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Candle Light Vigils With A Flaw

Hantu Laut

The group against the ISA organise regular show of their anti ISA stand by having what they called candle light vigil in various locations in Peninsula Malaysia.

What they intend to achieve by this regular maniacal show of solidarity against the ISA is hard to tell.It's almost like banging your head against a brick wall trying to push an issue against a government that only aren't listening but reacted with negative responses.

I am not against the anti ISA vigils.That's not really the issue I am concerned with.It's fine if they confine the vigils only to adults.It's the children. I can see in many of those vigils the presence of children as young as 3-4 years old.Both organisers and parents should be taken to task for exposing their children to this kind of dangerous culture. They knew fully well they are breaking the law and knowing our police force who do not take kindly to illegal assembly those children could get hurt or got lost in a melee.

If those parents brought their children to use them as instruments of compassion so the police wouldn't arrest them because of the children than there is something seriously wrong with them.Those children should be at home in bed not out in the streets late at night to participate in political activities of their parents.

Those in Hindraf had also shown similar irresponsible behaviour by using children to write letters,messages and sent flowers to meet the Prime Minister to appeal for the release of the Hindraf detainees.Aren't those children too young to be used in a political struggle.

Those who organised the candle light vigils and those parents actively involved should open their conscience and think hard whether those children should be there in the first place and whether they should ignore the potential dangers they are putting those children into.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Return Of The Oligarch

Hantu Laut

It's really difficult to make out this statement of Mahathir.There seems to be inconsistency in his idea of democracy.Up till now he has been asking for the party to remove the hurdles to allow for more contests in the party and asking Najib to go against Abdullah and to remove him from the premiership.Now when his favourite is being challenged he is accusing other contenders of money politics and asking them to be arrested under the ISA.It looks like he has different strokes for different folks.

There is little doubt he is not happy with Ali Rustam and Muhammad Taib, the two spoilers of an almost perfect equation to politics of the oligarch.

Are we moving back to his old ways?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Inside Kamunting:Who Wants To Know ?

Hantu Laut,

The blogs were hive of activities and everyone rushing to post the unexpected of the unexpected release of Raja Petra Kamaruddin from ISA detention.Like everyone else I wanted to be the first one to post the release of Raja Petra but than like everyone else I would simply be copying what was reported in the mainstream media.So I decided to post mine after 4 p.m. in case he gets arrested again.

With this government you can't tell whether your are going or coming.

The judge ruled that that the grounds for his detention by Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar under Section 8 of the ISA did not come within the scope of that section.In other word he is not a threat to the nation.He may be a threat to political career of an individual but certainly not the internal security of this nation by any measure.

Now, who can say the judiciary is not independent.In previous regime this would be hard to come by.In the next regime, we don't know.It could be better or worse.

Today, justice has prevailed and we should pray that it continued to be so.As Martin Luther King Jr said "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere".

First, it would be nice to hear Raja Petra's first hand experience of life in Kamunting so we bloggers would know what's exactly in store for us should any of us end up in that ghastly rehabilitation centre.It would also be interesting to learn of his contacts, relationship and stories from other inmates that have been there for many years and had become inured to life in prison.

I do hope the government would review all the long-serving detainees and release them or take them to court.It is inhumane to keep them that long without fair trail.Even armed robbers and those charged with serious crimes seem to get off more lightly than the ISA detainees.

I read with with sadness the story of a Malay lady who blogs under a blog named Merah Hitam whose husband Mat Sah Mohd Satray is still in Kamunting after seven years.

How can the government keep this man and some others like him incarcerated for such a long time.Just because they are poor kampong folks they are forgotten.Even more sad is the hypocrisy of those who wanted the ISA abolished and organised regular vigils with their candlelight only after their friends and well known figures got arrested.Before that none have done anything to highlight those who have languished in prison longer than any of those well-known names.

There were many lawyers who spoke against the ISA but went as far as only providing lip service.Why don't they take up the case for these poor souls on pro bono and show the world that they truly care and sincere and not only talk to seek publicity.

If I am not wrong there are almost 50 Malay detainees who have been in there between three to seven years and nobody have taken up their cause just because some of them are simple kampong folks.

I wish Raja Petra the best of everything and happy return to blogging.

Will he be a pain in Najib's neck again?

Will there be fireworks?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Bad Law Or Necessary Evil ?

Hantu Laut

The government have started the crackdown on those deemed as threat to security of the nation.

The recent arrests of blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, journalist Tan Hoon Chang and opposition MP Theresa Kok have put the people in a quandary and a government drifting away from the people.

There are over 60 ISA detainees currently in custody.Most are Malays allegedly involved in suspected terrorist organisations, Jemaiya Islamia and Darul Islam.They are the forgotten lots.Some have been there for as long as 7 years. Read list of detainees here.

Look like a big screw up, sent the messenger to prison and sent the culprit away scot-free. What about the editor, the gatekeeper, who decides what goes in and what goes out ?

Are there anymore sensible people left in the government?

Is the ISA a bad law or a necessary evil?