Showing posts with label Raja Petra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raja Petra. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bar Council Promoting Hearsay Culture

Hantu Laut

What's the big outcry about the lawyer who drafted S.Bala 2nd SD (Statutory Declaration)?

You don't need a lawyer to write your SD, you can draft your own SD as it is your own testimony. 

If you can write simple language, you certainly can prepare you own SD. 

When you lose your I/C, you need to swear an oath where,when and how you lose your I/C and to fulfill that requirement you need to have a statutory declaration. 

Most people do it themselves, but for more complex matters you may need a lawyer, but it is not mandatory that you must use a lawyer if you are confident of doing it yourself.

I am not sure whether Raja Petra used a lawyer for his SD, as he himself is a good writer, well exposed and are not ignorant of the many laws of this country. 

S.Bala may be dumber than a fifth grader, that's why he needs a lawyer to draft his SD and later changed his tune that he signed it under duress.

If you think you are not capable of writing it yourself, you may engage your friend who is better at writing to do it for you and all you have to do is to sign the SD in the presence of a Commissioner for Oaths as assurance that you are the actual person behind the SD.

In the case of S.Bala the question is not who drafted the SD but whether S. Bala was forced or coerced to sign the SD.

Did he sign it under duress, or was he the one who demanded that he be paid if they want him to change the SD?

He claimed he was paid and his testimony was confirmed by Deepak, who claimed he was the bag man, who arranged S.Bala to retract his 1st SD.

Both SDs of S.Bala and Raja Petra were based on hearsay and may not be admissible in a court of law. Heresay evidence is not acceptable in any court of law. 

It makes one wonder why some lawyers including the MOTHER of them all the BAR COUNCIL gives so much credence to the SD, which should have been destined to the rubbish bin and the makers charged for false declaration.

Any SD can be a work of fiction. Raja Petra and S.Bala SDs are not based on first hand knowledge but on stories provided to them by third party, who for all intents and purposes, might have been sent by the enemies of Najib with the cooked up stories.

It's mind boggling to think Rosmah Mansor had been that stupid as to attend the execution of Altantuya personally. That sounds more like a script written for Hollywood crime movie and the sad think is many Malaysians believe in the story.

I am surprise the Bar Council has jumped on the bandwagon in joining the witch hunt against the lawyer who was only doing his job for his client.

If the Bar Council had shown impartiality as defender of the law it would have advised the public to ignore the SDs of both Raja Petra and S.Bala from the day they were made public.

Unashamedly, the BAR COUNCIL is acting like an opposition political party with its own political agenda.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Block Buster Of The Year: Script Writer RPK

Hantu Laut

The dirty linens of the murky world of dirty politics, stolen money and broken promises would be washed in our court house in Kuala Lumpur starting today as reported by Raja Petra here.

This could be the block buster of the year as it promises a startling performance of a very prominent politician who has portrayed himself as the cleanest politician in Malaysia.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Anwar Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin.

Hantu Laut

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

The "tough" is not Anwar, it's Raja Petra, who had from the very beginning says he is prepared to face Anwar.

You can see the sheepish grin on Anwar's face when he tried to avoid the controversy surrounding his demand for Wikileaks to drop Raja Petra from the forum and of him, subsequently, being called a chicken by Raja Petra.

Raja Petra stripped naked his hypocrisy and falsehood.Anwar deemed himself so powerful, unconsciously, he already behaving worse than the devil he wanted to get rid off to bring more freedom to this country.

Though, I hate to use this somewhat idiotic American phrase which is gaining popularity among Malaysian politicians and writers such as he did not "WALK THE TALK", or "WALK THE WALK", or "TALK THE TALK". What's wrong with the original and proper English version of "TALK IS CHEAP" or "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THEN WORDS", or "PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH"

I prefer the one in Malay, sounds more euphonious and appropriate "CAKAP TAK SERUPA BIKIN"

What did he do? As versatile as a chameleon he quickly changed colour to suit his surroundings, out of the blue, asking Najib to be included in a debate on the Wikileaks sponsored forum.

His mistake of demanding the exclusion of Raja Petra sank his big fat bullshit about making Malaysia "land of the free" The abrupt turnaround is definitely his attempt to try to "tutup malu" by diverting attention.The man doesn't have a single grain of sincerity and honesty in him.In the first place, Najib was never invited, why should he bring Najib into the picture now.

This is the kind of cunningness Anwar possessed.

Unfortunately, to scatterbrained Malaysians he is right, he is the hero, the saviour, the infallible and the man who is going to save Malaysia from clutches of evils.

Anwar is unsuitable to be leading this nation, a person who can tell one story to one community and a different story to another community.

I must admit he is a good orator that can impress the uninitiated.If you care to look deeper and analyse his actions and speeches you would be surprise how inconsistent and contradictory the man is.

He had never impressed me from the day he became active in UMNO when his political speeches were full of bombastic Malay words I have never heard of before.His earlier speeches were designed to impress rather than for want of delivering the substance.

Anwar loves the world stage where he can show off his oratory articulation and show the whole wide world his chamelonic skills.

A picture speaks a thousand words.Only in Malaysia where leaders can shake your hand and look the other way.Most Malaysians don't mind this kind of rudeness, my grandfather would have flogged you to death.

It is Najib prerogative to participate or not.Political debate has never been a tradition in Malaysia.Why now!

A good orator does not necessary make a good leader.

As an employer before, I have met those who excel at interviews just because they can talk better but turned out to be pretty useless on the job.

Don't judge a book by its cover, it's the inside pages that matter.

Latest!Breaking News:

Cops say scuffle did not involve Nazri’s son

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hypocrisy : A Tribute That Vice Pays To Virtue

Hantu Laut

An honest, sincere person need not dissemble, only deceitful ones would.

Hypocrisy! As we all know is to pretend to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principle. etc when the person actually possessed none of them.It is also often called "tribute that vice pays to virtue"

If one have read Boris Pasternak's Dr Zhivago in one of the passages Yuri Zhivago flayed hypocrisy as "Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you say the opposite of what you feel, if you grovel before what you dislike... Our nervous system isn't just fiction, it's part of our physical body, and it can't be forever violated with impunity."

No matter how careful you are the day of reckoning will come when you would "slip and fall" in front of the very eyes of society you deceived or try to deceive.

Enter the true Anwar.......... hypocrite, magician and snake charmer, if you may.The charismatic man of contradictions, freedom come, freedom go up to his whims and fancies, freedom is for him alone, not others.

He cowardly refused a face-off with Raja Petra and now making stupid excuses that RPK was never supposed to be in the forum in the first place.Does it matter whether RPK was chosen earlier or later? His objection to RPK presence at the forum clearly shows he feared RPK's "no hold barred" attitude and that he may spill more beans at the forum.

With Salman Rushdie, his refusal to sit at the same table is a different ballgame altogether.Anwar would very much love to meet Rushdie but his "Satanic Verses" and the rage against him by the Muslims world is still out there and the Muslims in Malaysia would not be happy if he is seen rubbing shoulders with the "shaitan"

You see, sooner or later not only your hypocritical self but your past will catch up with you too.

His former good friend and confidante Nalllakaruppan says here "Anwar is a bisexual" and asked Anwar to sue him if he is man enough and threatened to reveal the names of people's wives and boys who slept with him.

Would Nallakaruppan stake his name if there is no truth to his claim?

Here's a funny one from Megan Fox, the actor whom every man would die for to take to bed and she said "I think people are born bisexual and they make subconscious choices based on the pressures of society. I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who is bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never sleep with a girl who had slept with a man."

I am not about to debate on other people's sexual inclination, I think they should be left to themselves.

However, our culture are not matured enough to accept such anomaly in politics and to allow homosexuals and bisexuals to reach the top of the political ladder.What one might think is politically right in Australia, Britain and other Western countries is not necessary right here.

Anwar has been very successful in hiding his true self and the Malaysian public is convinced he is a victim of calumny by his political foes.

Bad days for Malaysia if this man become prime minister.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

RPK Reveals 'Dirt' On Two PKR Reps

PETALING JAYA: Controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, who vowed to reveal the dirt on the sand-mining scandal in Selangor, has implicated two Pakatan Rakyat state assemblymen.

In an article published on his Malaysia Today news portal today, the blogger claimed that Mat Suhaimi Shafiei (Sri Muda) and Amirudin Shari (Batu Caves) had colluded with a well-heeled contractor, who forked out cash whenever requested.

Raja Petra also published the transcripts of alleged taped telephone conversations between Mat Suhaimi and the contractor, whom he referred to as “A”.

During their first conversation, the name “Azmin” had also cropped up but it could not be ascertained if this was in reference to PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.

Raja Petra claimed that on May 23, 2009, Mat Suhaimi had allegedly met the contractor at the Sunway Hotel in Seberang Prai, Penang, to discuss the sand-mining issue.

“Mat Suhaimi asked A to submit an application to mine sand to Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd with a copy to him (Mat Suhaimi). Kumpulan Semesta is a Selangor state-owned company involved in the mining and selling of sand in Selangor,” he added.

In a subsequent meeting on July 2 at Mat Suhaimi’s office, the blogger claimed that the state assemblyman had asked A to incorporate a company called Double Dignity (M) Sdn Bhd.

He added that both Mat Suhaimi and Amirudin were among the five directors of the company and their agreed fee was RM5,000 per month.

“On Jan 18, 2010, Double Dignity submitted an application to mine sand in Dengkil, an area of 45 acres. The letter was signed by A and copied to Mat Suhaimi and Amirudin.

“Amirudin supported the application and signed the ‘letter of support’,” he said.

Raja Petra also claimed that Mat Suhaimi and Amirudin were both registered as directors of Double Dignity on that same day, Jan 18.

Requests made for funds

Prior to this, the blogger claimed that Mat Suhaimi had requested for funds from A on numerous occasions and the latter obliged.

On Aug 15, 2009, Raja Petra said, the state assemblyman contacted A and asked him for RM3,000 in cash as election campaign funds and the money was handed over the next day.

“The contractor handed over another RM2,000 in cash to Mat Suhaimi on Aug 25, 2009. The meeting was held at room 1514 of the Pearl View Hotel in Seberang Prai, Penang,” he added.

Following this, the blogger claimed that on Sept 9, 2009, Mat Suhaimi had requested RM35,000 from A for “Ramadhan expenses” and the sum was given in cash when the duo met at a Nasi Kandar restaurant in USJ12.

“It was clearly stated that all this money was payment to assist Double Dignity in getting approval from Kumpulan Semesta on its application to mine sand. Mat Suhaimi told A that they would need to pay off certain people in Kumpulan Semesta,” he said.

Raja Petra claimed that on Sept 16, 2009, Mat Suhaimi informed A that he wanted to organise a “buka puasa” (breaking of fast) function. The assemblyman had asked the contractor to organise the event and foot the bill.

“The function was held on Sept 17 at the coffeehouse of the Legend Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. That same night, A paid Mat Suhaimi and Amirudin their director’s fee of RM5,000 each,” he said.

A few days later, the blogger said, Mat Suhaimi asked A for RM10,000 to hold a Hari Raya bash and the latter handed over the money to the assemblyman at the Jaya Jusco mall in Klang.

On Jan 5, 2010, Raja Petra claimed that the assemblyman had once again requested for RM50,000 from the contractor.Read more.

Friday, April 15, 2011

In The Land Of The Blind The One-Eyed Man Is King

Hantu Laut

I can't believe this kind of spinning can come from a purportedly intelligence man like Haris Ibrahim

He said the two-part interview aired during prime time on Wednesday and yesterday was heavily edited and distorted in favour of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to give him a “squeaky clean” image to the people in rural Sarawak, who have only access to mainstream media, ahead of the state vote.

Did Ibrahim read what Raja Petra wrote in his blog and what he said on TV, where were the great divide, the variance between the two, or he just watch the TV and spun a story that the tape was hyped by the UMNO controlled network.

If you want to spin a yarn just make sure you first learn to do it properly.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Raja Petra Dropped The Bomb!

Hantu Laut

Most unexpected.Raja Petra has finally come out with the truth and the people behind his statutory declaration.A bombshell, a real shocker....the people behind the conspiracy to stop Najib from becoming prime minister. Anwar involvement can be expected but Tengku Razaleigh??

I know John Pang was a close aide to Tengku Razaleigh because he has corresponded with me when I wrote an article on Tengku Razaleigh when he was vying to stand as president of UMNO but did not get enough nominations.If I am not mistaken Razaleigh only managed one nomination from his own division of Kubang Pasu.

The world of politics is intriguing and full of surprises and as they say in politics you don't have permanent enemies and friends.A foe today can be your friend tomorrow.

Read Raja Petra's explosive expos'e here and here

Here, what I wrote about heresay statutory declaration.

This and the yet to be disclosed video tape could be the ultimate scupper....... the sinking of Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan's ark.

Just watch what Anwar and Pakatan's reaction would be like, their typical antics of denial and accusation would be spontaneous.................the headline would read "Raja Petra Bought By Najib" or "Raja Petra A Blatant Liar" or something to that extant......and the whole Pakatan's world would explode in spontaneous combustion in condemnation of the man they used to love.

Also read:

Anwar Ibrahim’s Double Game: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Chosen Man Stumps Among the Christians

Monday, April 4, 2011

You can't take the kampong out of the Malay

Hantu Laut

You want to fight a war just make sure you have the right armaments in your war arsenal.In today's modern warfare using crudely made weapons should never be an option.If you don't have the right weapons to match or better your enemies than you should not wage war.

It is no use having all the money in the world if you have no class.UMNO has plenty of it.

Money does not come with class.That's why 'nouveau riche' is often a derogatory term used to describe those who just came into money, obviously, lacking the finesse and the proper pedigree to use the new found wealth in the same manner as old money.Malaysia has ample supply of them, the products of political patronage and the gravy train.

The finer things in life can only come with money over many generations, otherwise, you are just another Jack in the street, uncouth and uncultured.Education, too, plays an important role in our daily lives, giving us the power to rationalise and discipline ourselves.Obviously, discipline and self-respect is not inherent in majority of Malaysians.Some are prepared to sell out their friends for money.

What would be the desired effect of such badly constructed smear campaign.Obviously, it is like a bullet that ricochet and hit back the shooter instead of the desired target.In plain language, it backfired,

Would the multitudes buy such rickety and sickening piece of artwork?

I would have to agree with Raja Petra here that it is the crudest and most disgraceful form of character assassination.A no-brainer, distasteful and counterproductive.Even if Anwar was guilty such smuts would only serve to help him get more sympathies and from wider audience.

UMNO's credibility has hit rock bottom.Most Malaysians chose not to believe them.Najib's rising popularity is not good enough to win the war if the party continue to be disconnected with the ground.

It is about time Najib rail in those self-appointed defenders, sycophants, ball-carriers and kiss-asses type that resort to profanities and lascivious caricatures to please their masters and Najib should not be pleased at all by such gutter politics.

It is utterly disgraceful and reflects badly on his leadership.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

RPK:Finally,it's a matter of perception

Raja Petra Kamarudin

This was the problem we faced in the past. We could never get Anwar Ibrahim’s legal and political advisors to agree on a common strategy.

And Anwar had more than one advisor. And each advisor had his/her own idea of what the best strategy was. This was why we considered the Sodomy 1 legal/political defence badly handled.

Some of these advisors lamented about the frustration they faced in getting Anwar to agree to a strategy and to stick to the agreed strategy. Sometimes the legal team embarked on a political campaign rather than a legal campaign. And sometimes the political team appeared to be launching a legal campaign rather than a political campaign.

This was probably the best example of too many cooks spoiling the broth. And an added frustration was: after getting Anwar to agree to a certain strategy, someone else would go meet Anwar and he would agree to another course of action. It appeared like ‘the last one in’ had the final say and the earlier agreed course of action would be abandoned in favour of the latest idea.

Any general would tell you that you do not change course in midstream. Once the direction has been decided you stick to it and see it to the end. Once the forces have advanced and you change course, this would mean utter chaos with everyone not only going in opposite directions but also at times bumping into each other.

This is a sure way of losing the battle and finding your forces trapped in the open. As they say, there are no bad soldiers, only bad commanders. And a bad commander is one who sends his/her forces all over the place with no clear direction from the top.

I used to be one of those who faced this frustration. Just as I thought everything had been agreed and a concrete battle plan had been formulated, I receive word that someone has managed to convince Anwar to agree to a new strategy and what had been earlier agreed was now no longer on.

There was many an occasion when I just gave up. When I inquired into whom this new ‘mastermind’ was, I was appalled to hear that the change of direction was mooted by the very person who was the architect of an earlier most disastrous campaign.Read more.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Egyptian Lesson: Malaysia Beware!

Hantu Laut

Power of the Internet which have either been largely ignored or curtailed by tyrannical governments had been instrumental for the Egyptian uprising.

Social media do not topple nasty regimes but activists can use it to mass mobilise people on to the ground by harnessing the power of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs.The main stream media do not have the speed and reach as effective as these social media.

The Egyptian uprising was started online by Google 30-year old executive Wael Ghonim who used Facebook as his platform.

Wael was arrested and detained for over a week but later released. He is now considered a hero in Egypt.He could have been killed if the Army had been brutal in supporting Mubarak.The Army eventually came to their senses that they can't kill millions of Egyption on the streets and demanded Mubarak's resignation.

The White House is now in a quandary, they have supported this tyrant for too long, the next leader may not be as friendly.

Egypt <span class=

As news of the protest spread it triggered off a wild fire harnessing all available social media primarily Facebook,Twitter and YouTube. Facebook was the biggest contributor among the three.

The Egyptian government eventually shut down the Internet hoping that the trouble would go away which by then was too late as the news had travelled the length and breadth of the nation.It had no choice but to restore the Internet or lose favour with its Western allies particularly the U.S.

The Malaysian March 2008 General Elections where the BN was almost routed losing 5 states and its two-thirds majority was a stark reminder of the power of the Internet.In the Malaysian case the media support was mostly by bloggers and to lesser extent YouTube.Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are just as potent, fast and effective but was not as popular then.

The BN government is still living in a state of denial that the alternative media had played an effective role in diminishing their grip on political power. They still depend on the MSM which have seen most circulation declining as more and more people used the Internet to source their news.

During the untenable tenure of Pak Lah the most damaging to the ruling party was Malaysia Today, a blog with huge following run by the politically incorrigible Raja Petra Kamaruddin.He provided the most effective arsenal in the opposition's war chest.The government credibility was so low at that time even the untruths became the truths to his followers.He was a kind of Julian Assange on a smaller scale publishing sensitive documents on his blog on government's wrongdoings. He is still a wanted man in Malaysia.

The BN won the recent 3 by-elections which has put them back in the comfort zone and a state of complacency.Instead of embracing the Internet and use it as an effective weapon to their advantage they are now busy trying to pass a law to curtail the free flow of information.It would be the greatest folly if such law is passed and is likely to backfire on them.

There will not be massive protest on the Egyptian scale in Malaysia but there will be substantial cyber war during the 13th General Elections.

There will be hundred of thousands of blogs, Facebook and Tweeters they have to deal with in the event of a showdown.

It's about time the government embrace the Internet instead of looking at it as its enemy.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Murder He Wrote

Hantu Laut

The murder he wrote in a "Statutory Declaration" based on hearsay could not be the basis for a court proceeding.

Anyone with ill intent could have signed a farcical statutory declaration.

Statutory declaration is not 'gospel truth' as the opposition and pro-opposition media made it out to be.

I don't see the point of writing about the issue anymore other than sensationalising what was already a dead horse.

Anyway, enjoy "The Murder He Wrote"
Written by Our Correspondent
ImageThe episode of a sensational killing of a Mongolian translator appears to be about finished

The closing of a case earlier this week by Malaysia's attorney general over allegedly false statements by a private investigator that tied Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to the 2006 murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu literally lets unknown persons close to the prime minister get away with murder.

The closure of the case appears to write the final chapter in one of Malaysia's most sensational murder cases, one involving a gruesome death, intrigue in high places, more than 100 million euros in alleged bribes and a trial that appeared to be rigged to keep prosecutors as far as possible away from Najib, then the deputy prime minister, and his wife, Rosmah Mansor.

The private investigator, P Balasubramaniam, was hired in 2006 by Abdul Razak Baginda, one of Najib's best friends and a defense analyst from the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre think-tank, to attempt to keep Altantuya away from Baginda because he had jilted her. She was demanding revenge and US$500,000 for her role as a translator in the sale of French submarines to Malaysia. A French prosecutorial team continues to probe the sale of the subs to Malaysia and whether kickbacks were paid to top French and Malaysian politicians.

In July of 2008, as the trial droned on, Balasubramaniam issued a statutory declaration alleging that Najib, then the deputy prime minister, was involved in the murder, only to retract the entire contents of the declaration a day later and issue a second saying he had made the first under duress (Note:
Both declarations can be found here).

Balasubramaniam's lawyer, Americk Sidhu, denounced the closing of the case, saying that if the supposedly false statements were investigated thoroughly by police, they would have led to the conclusion that people close to Najib were involved in the murder.

De facto Law Minister Nazri Aziz, in a written statement to parliament, said the case was closed because Balasubramaniam had given conflicting statutory declarations, and that anyway, they didn't affect the trial of two of Najib's personal bodyguards and Abdul Razak Baginda, which ended in April of 2009 after a 159-day trial in which the bodyguards were sentenced to death. They are appealing the verdict, with suspicions running high that they will somehow be given their freedom in exchange for their silence on whoever ordered them to kill the woman.

"Although there are contradictions between the two statutory declarations, the contradictions do not affect the outcome of the trial of Altantuya," Nazri said. "Moreover, the individual (Balasubramaniam) is still believed to be abroad." Nazri added that the decision to close the case was made after "careful consideration" of the results of the police probe and witness statements.

Although the two bodyguards were convicted of the crime, Baginda was acquitted under controversial circumstances without having to put on a defense. He then hurriedly left the country for England, where he has remained ever since. One of the two bodyguards said in a cautioned statement that they had been hired to commit the killing and were to be paid RM100,000 to do it. But the statement was never introduced into the marathon trial and never was anybody asked who had done the hiring or made the payment offer.

The 27-year-old Altantuya, the translator in some phases of the billion-dollar purchase of French Scorpene submarines that netted Baginda's company €114 million in consulting fees, was shot in the head and her body was blown up with explosives in a patch of jungle near the suburban city of Shah Alam. Before she died, she told Balasubramaniam she had been promised US$500,000 for assisting in the submarine transaction.

In the bodyguard's cautioned statement, it emerged that Altantuya, almost with her last words, told her two assailants that she was pregnant and begged them not to kill her. That has led to speculation that her body was blown up with C4 explosives to hide any DNA evidence of who the father might be.

Balasubramaniam, who remains somewhere in Chennai, has continued to insist loudly that Razak Baginda, who is married, had told him that the translator had been Najib's sexual companion before the then-deputy prime minister passed her on to Baginda because it wouldn't look good for a prospective prime minister to have a girlfriend.

Read more..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bad English: RPK Protected By British Government

Hantu Laut

First, listen to the group 'Bad English' with its haunting version of "When I see you smile"

The article below is taken from Malaysian Instinct, presumably a pro UMNO blog.

RPK's grandfather from his Welsh side would be kicking in his grave to read what follows.

PostHeaderIcon RPK Protected By British Government

By Tarmizi Md. Jam

Anwar trip to prison is around the corner after opposition strategies and tactics to win the election have become chaotic due to falling into their own trap.

Anwar is desperate and had to kneel down explained to his master at the west, the reason that he critised Zionist. However, it is unclear why Anwar need to apologised and explained for critising Zionist.

Until now the only answer that Anwar could replied is APCO related to Israel....Hmmm..never mind, just assume thast he do not understand the question. That is why he only barely made it graduating from the university. (geli hati)

It is difficult to debate with stupid, arrogant and crazy person including one of the main mover in PKR, Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK).

RPK was caught in the act for spreading a picture that feature him, Bala and other PKR leaders in London. Now he had to change his strategy to cover up his mistake by challenging Malaysia to arrest him in London.

To provoke Malaysia, he spread more picture of him with Bala and other PKR leaders showing that they are bond to each other. The picture also proved that PKR is the sponsor for RPK and Bala.

To cover up his mistake, RPK wrote a new script that Rosmah is sponsoring Bala to continue their manupilation towards PKR supporters. The same script also played by other PKR representatives in hoping the government will be shock.

At the end, PKR realised the script is not logic because if Rosmah sponsored Bala, for sure she is also sponsoring the crazy RPK to defame herself.

A new order came from PKR to write another script that RPK is not hiding like coward but protected by British government.

Looks like his old mental problems had reoccured due to his work load of lying. RPK is living in his dream that he is not running from the law but as a political fugitive.

Why should Britain protect a criminal like RPK who is not a leader of a country, organisation and family. Continue reading.

More "Bad English" below.

More bad English here.

We all are not prefects. Sorry ! I mean perfect we are not.

The fallout of our education system.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ha! Ha! RPK Not A Fugitive ?

Hantu Laut

Read this and than read this.

When is he going to be honest with the people and call a spade a spade instead of beating around the bush and spent months not knowing what to do and not knowing what to say. The Home Minister needs some serious reinventing.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has even spoken out against criticising the police force. “If these attacks continue, how can we teach the younger generation about nationhood?

What have criticising the police got to do with nation building? If something goes wrong just stay still and do nothing to fix it? Is that what he wants us to teach our children ? Great! That's why he couldn't figure out how to handle the British government.

As in the idiom " one man's meat is another man's poison" one must not assume all things are alike.Different strokes for different folks.There is no detention without trail in Britain.It has abolished seditious libel and criminal defamation in January this year.The AG Chambers ,the Police and Home Ministry should know this and should stop misleading the people that they can get RPK back.

Malaysia is not alone, many American states and European countries still have criminal libel laws.

The Prime Minister is in a Catch 22 situation.If Raja Petra is truly bankrupt than a civil suit against him is difficult to pursue.I am not sure whether an aggrieved party can apply for direction from the court or Director General of Insolvency to sue a bankrupt.Maybe, some legal eagles out there can clear the air.

In the case of Najib and Rosmah a defamation suit should not be for punitive damages but essentially to clear their names.They were the ones implicated and defamed, not national security under threat, therefore, the use of ISA and the Sedition Act against RPK is not looked upon fondly by the British government.The Malaysian government needs some serious soul-searching.

Read RPK resonating blast here.

This thorn in the flesh will be around for a while. You may just have to tolerate him.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Simple Man

Hantu Laut

Part of what Mukhriz Mahathir said.

“As far as I know, going by the way he goes about, RPK is a simple man, but for him to afford an apartment for so many months now in London tells me there must be a source of funding somewhere,” he said.

You can be impecunious and simple but not necessarily poor.

Listen to "Simple Man' by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

An American rock band formed in 1964 in Florida and rose to prominence in the seventies.Three members of the band died in a plane crash in 1977.Of its original members,only Gary Rossington remained with the band as of today.Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2006.

Below is their more popular song.

Bertrand Russell, the British philosopher and social critic once said "We have,in fact, two kinds of morality side by side, one which we preach but do not practice,and another which we practice but seldom preach"

(My blog font has gone haywire.Not sure whether it's my MacBook Pro or Google)

Posted at KLIA

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is Raja Petra Sitting On Top Of The World ?

Hantu Laut

Is Raja Petra Kamaruddin or popularly known as RPK a thorn in Najib's flesh, a spanner in his works and an adversary beyond reach?

He is, maybe, not in that order.He is taunting the Malaysian government to "catch me if you can"

RPK, always quoting Sun Tzu as his mentor and source of inspiration.Even James Clavell has made simple Sun Tze's tactical warfare in his book "The Art Of War'.It's was the best layman's interpretation in simplest English of Sun Szu's war strategy.

Is RPK, by Sun Tzu's definition, a warrior or a coward who ran away from a war he started?

When I was young I have always been told, if unsure, to always walk away from a fight, to fight another day.You don't need Sun Tzu to tell you that, it's simple common sense, never take on a more formidable opponent.

David and Goliath may exists in the Bible, a small man with mythical power of the sling that can down a giant.Today, the slings, the bows and arrows are no match for the guns.Might is right.Right is not always right.

The pen mightier than the sword is still true as steel.Just as formidable it can cut you down to pieces.It can kill your career.It can demolish governments.It can change the world for better or for worse.

Half of BN's problems today could be credited to RPK's ability and creativity to mix a hodgepodge of truths, lies and fictions.Because, the government credibility is so low, even the lies have become the truths.

To the uninitiated, young and restless they are nothing but the truths.For those unhappy with the way this country is being run they are nothing but the truths.For the Malay masses who see their names being dragged around and used for the benefits of a few they are nothing but the truth.For the Indians and Chinese who felt marginalised they are nothing but the truth.

Truth is where it hurts the BN's government the most.Most people of average intelligence can separate the lies from the truths. The ignorant and unlearned persons may be less discerning and are harmless than the ones who know better.

The more the government want to clamp down on freedom to speak, freedom of the press and freedom of association the more critical would be the backlash.

We are seeing a radical change in the politics of this country but unfortunately we are not seeing any serious reform within the government to accept the changes. They are still completely immersed in authoritarian and totalitarian behaviour.

I am a supporter of the BN concept of power sharing and accept that UMNO is the lead partner in the coalition.I do not support UMNO per se, I support the concept.I think it is the most ingenious idea of former prime minister, the late Tun Razak Hussein.

I do not support arrogance and wielding power born out of intense sense of insecurity. If those in power think that's how they can silence the restive, the restless and intimidate the people into submission than they ought to think again. Seriously, have they got the right formula to endear the people to them or in everything they do they are actually driving the people away from them?

The recent refusal to renew the publishing permit of PKR's mouthpiece is not good news, not not for PKR or Pakatan but not good for the government.It is good news for PKR and Anwar Ibrahim because the people would see it in a negative light.Surely, "ditindas" would be the word on everybody's mouth.The government has absolutely no reason not to renew the permit.Has anyone not think of damage control? Are there no more people in authority using the thinking cap?

The false reporting of Felda as being bankrupt by Suara Keadilan was no reason not to renew the permit.Felda is suing the publication and the government should allow the process to be settled in court and not use its arbitrary power to muffled the party's organ.Let the court and the people decide who is the liar.

What with Raja Petra?

Leave him alone.Let him be.All the publicity of wanting to catch him is just making him more popular. The government is giving him too much good publicity and itself bad ones.If there were a by-election today and he stood as an independent he may even win.That's how much ado over nothing the government has given him and people are giving credence to his writing because those in power are too lazy to counter his allegations.All they want to do is to arrest him.

Just look who are the bloggers? How many are sympathetic and are prepared to defend the government.How many members of UMNO who are bloggers and are prepared to defend their leaders.All they do all day long are chasing their leaders for contracts.It's all about money and more money.Does UMNO think they deserve to win with this kind of political culture?

I would say almost 80 percent of political commentators who visit political blogs and news portals are pro-opposition.

Since the fallout in March 2008 the BN government has done nothing to increase the use of the Internet to boost their declining influence.What a single man like Raja Petra can do, UMNO with mountain of resources can't.

If you were Pakatan Rakyat wouldn't you want to engage him, be his friend, love him and pay him,whatever? Why are UMNO complaining when Pakatan leaders are seen with him or finance his stay in Britain? Is there anything illegal? Why not some UMNO leaders go to see him and try to woo him to their side.Every man has a price. I am not saying you should buy him but you can woo him in other ways.Maybe, drop the charges against him and let him return to Malaysia on certain conditions.

We want to check who finance him? Big words.You can't even catch him what more finding out where his money came from. Even, if you know who, what can you do?Arrest the man for parting with his money?

"Cops Working Hard To Bring Raja Petra Back" screamed the inside page of NST today's edition.

CID Chief Bakri Zinin says it is not easy to bring a fugitive back but they are working very hard.He also said that something is wrong in our country may not be so in another country.Very profound, he should have known much earlier and knowing so now he should stop wasting time and money to pursue RPK.

What's the point of wanting to interview Zaid Ibrahim?It is not that Zaid would easily throw up everything he knows? He is a seasoned lawyer and a politician who would meticulously choose what to say.

It would be better if the police can get down to doing real police work like working on many of the unsolved murder and missing children cases.

Anwar Ibrahim may no longer be the cause for change.

Beware of people's power.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Now Hisham Admits They Can't Get RPK

Hantu Laut

Over a month ago I wrote in "The Untouchable Putra" that RPK will not be extradited from Britain and today I again reiterated in "Can They Get Raja Petra" that it would be unlikely that the British government would agree to extradite him.

After much delay in making the announcement Hisamuddin has finally admitted here what I knew all along would happen to the case.The British wouldn't play ball with the Malaysian government.

In Britain such act is not considered serious, a non-indictable offence. In fact it is not an offence to criticise or admonish politicians and public figures if they are backed by facts, if not than you are liable and can be sued for libel by the injured party.

Is RPK sitting on top of the world?

Here's something to entertain you. A song of the same title.This blues has been sung by many singers and groups with equal gusto. Below is Eric Clapton reunion with one of his old bands, Cream.

Sorry folks! That was the Yardbirds(Clapton has a short stint with them before).Below is Cream and Clapton.

Too bad, Khairy Jamaluddin.You said it too late.

Can They Get Raja Petra ?

Hantu Laut

Is getting Raja Petra as simple as a walk in the park as the police seems to think?

Bukit Aman CID Chief Bakri Zinin said the police would seek co-operation of Interpol to arrest Raja Petra according to legal procedures.

It is unlikely that the UK police would arrest him based on legal documents presented from Malaysia.

Extradition is a lengthy process and can go on for years and are usually the preserve of criminals including white collar crooks.For non-criminal cases the court process would be more tedious.

Remember? Lorraine Osman, who fought the longest extradition battle in British history.He spent seven years incarcerated in Britain before being extradited to Hong Kong for his role in the biggest banking scandal in the world at that time, loss of $1 billion by BMF, a subsidiary of Bank Bumiputra to the Carrian group in Hong Kong.

Lorraine Osman was a criminal.Hong Kong was then a British colony and even then extradition was a messy and lengthy affair.

Is Raja Petra a criminal?

In Malaysia, he may be, in the eyes of his detractors and those who wanted to silence him.In Britain, under British law, he may not necessarily be considered a criminal.

Western democracies see political persecution as crime against humanity and would give protection to those whom they perceived lives to be in danger or facing political persecution in the home country.

Raja Petra knows his stuff.He knows he can get asylum in Britain or anywhere in the EC.He has two ISA records to prove eligibility.

All he needs to do is to scream for one and he has Sun Tze on his side.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Who Says I No Spik Inglish?

Hantu Laut

Remember the Utusan Malaysia reporter who thought 'ultra vires' means to insult..... and to him Karpal Singh insulting the Sultan of Perak.

As a result of his poor English he has disseminated wrong message to the public and created chaos in the seditious case against DAP leader Karpal Singh.

Well, read the piece below from fugitive blogger Raja Petra on bad English and the 'bodoh sombong' culture among some Malaysians which in Malay would mean 'orang yang tidak mahu belajar dan tidak mahu diajar.

Worse, the smart-aleck or pretender of know-it-all refused to ask what they don't know.

In Sabah we have one word for it 'temberang'

The problem, however, they told me, is that I write in English while the readers who had made police reports against me do not understand English that well. So, because of their poor command of English, they have misunderstood what I had written and thought that I had insulted Islam.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

DAP chairman Karpal Singh was cleared of sedition today without his defence being called.

The Bukit Gelugor MP was charged with sedition last year for saying the Sultan of Perak could be taken to court over the removal of Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin as the mentri besar.

The High Court here found the prosecution had failed to prove it had a case against him.

In his decision today, judge Azman Abdullah noted that the news reporters, key witnesses and police involved did not understand English and the meaning of sedition. -- The Malaysian Insider

Continue reading..

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Untouchable Putra

Hantu Laut

Raja Petra finally crawled out of his secret hideout and openly challenged the Malaysian government to bring charges against him in British courts which he knew very well would not happen.

The Malaysian government would be foolish to even try.He is considered a political refugee not a fugitive criminal.The Brits are not likely to extradite him.

The Malaysian government is caught in a quagmire.They can't get him. They can't get him extradited. The British won't play ball.

Freedom to express oneself and personal liberty may not be a big thing in Malaysia but in the West it has become a religion.

For almost a year the Malaysian Police have no idea where he is, how he left the country and how to get him back.If they do, much to their embarrassment they are keeping mum, knowing to get him back is an exercise in futility.

Those who claimed to have been defamed by him won't get him either.If it is true that he is a bankrupt than you can't sue him.You probably can try but you wouldn't get anything or the court would ask you to refer to the Official Assignee's office.

Based on the roots of Western tradition if a person is persecuted for his or her political opinion or religious belief such person may be given protection by another sovereign nation.I believe he would be accorded such protection.He has been detained under the ISA twice which gives him more than enough reason to be given political asylum in Britain.

I am quite certain the British government has given him assurance of granting him political asylum should the need arises.His mother is Welsh and a British citizen or was a British citizen which removes the hurdles, if any, for him getting asylum in Britain.

Now, that he has resurfaced would he become an even bigger and inextricable thorn in PM Najib's flesh?

So, Raja Petra is sitting pretty in solidity, unchastened,untouchable and ready to renew his war on political corruptions and government impropriety.

We all know London is not a cheap city to visit let alone stay especially if you are earning ringgit.

Maybe, he can reminisce his younger days at the Stringfellows.

So, who is financing his stay in London?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rebel Without A Cause

Hantu Laut

Lim Kit Siang said "Let us have higher standards in politics and elections, as it is the avenue to serve to people and nation and not to indulge in personal attacks and character-assassinations."

He further reiterated "We can do the same but we refuse to do so. Zaid has regretted his drinks in his youth. But he has gone one step further to declare that he will not follow the gutter politics of the Umno leaders."

I am pretty sure there are some Muslims in UMNO who are boozers,if not publicly, at least discreetly, in the closet.However, they are not the one standing for election, therefore,for now, they are out of the limelight.

The rabble-rouser Lim Kit Siang asking those in UMNO to stand up to identify themselves as drunkards is nothing but a cheap shot and sign of desperation.

Zaid Ibrahim, like it or not, has, by his candidacy opened himself to public scrutiny of his character.Anyone running for public office would have to bear the embarrassement of being exposed for their ethical,religious or moral transgressions. Zaid has admitted to his sins.

If he can prove that the smear campaign is untrue and done out of malice, than he has the right to take legal action against those who slander him.

That may be water under the bridge now because he has admitted to consuming alcohol and the love for race horses.

I am not sure whether Islam is against keeping race horses.There are horse racings in some of the Middle Eastern countries.The Dubai World Cup is 11 of the world's thoroughbreds racing and is now worth US$10 million.Maybe, Zaid should send his horse to Dubai.

Politics, the world over, more so in a democracy, is a dirty game.Those who stands for public office should make sure they have a clean slate or be prepared to be ridiculed and shamed if their dirty linens are washed in public by their enemies.

Personal attacks and character assassination is not something unfamiliar to politics, it happened everywhere, even in the most advanced democracies.

Obama, was branded a closet Muslim by his rivals during the campaign for the US presidency.The American voters didn't buy it.The beer-bashing of Zaid may end up the same way.The folks in Hulu Selangor might not care about his boozy past and his love for race horses.

If you have skeletons in the closet and someone caught you with your pants down than it's just too bad, it becomes fodder for the cannon.

I personally think Zaid drinking habit should not make him a lesser person and should not be an issue.

However, what I think is not important or crucial to Zaid winning the by-election.It is how the majority of Malays in Hulu Selangor view his indulgence with alcohol and race horses that would decide his fate.

In the West, casual and social drinking are acceptable but alcoholism are frown upon by society.In the Muslim worlds alcohol is completely tabooed and punishable under Sharia.

Zaid could just be a social drinker, but than Islam does not differentiate between social drinkers and alcoholics, it carries the same sin and punishment.

In the West, alcoholics and drug-abusers are considered as patients that need help.In Islam they are considered as sinners and criminals that must be punished.There is a distinct difference between Muslim and non-Muslim view of alcohol.

That's besides the point.The point I am trying to make here is why do people like Lim Kit Siang and Raja Petra, who can attack others in wild abandon, suddenly become averse to personal attacks, an art they have perfected and are very skillful at. Najib has been in worse scatching attacks by Pakatan leaders and pro-Pakatan bloggers than people like Zaid Ibrahim and Anwar Ibrahim.When others played the same game they blow a fuse and decried of being hit below the belt.

The privilege to smear or sling mud at others is not theirs alone, others can do the same.There is 'quid pro quo' for everything.Pakatan leaders seemed to think they are holier than thou and only they have the privilege to attack others and not the other way around.

Raja Petra in his blog here in critical response to my article 'Anwar's Can Of Worms' thinks loyalty to a leader is not important.He prefered loyalty to a cause.How can you be loyal to a cause if you have no loyalty to a leader that believe in the cause.Just like captain of a ship, whether they like it or not, the crew must obey his orders, no matter how wrong he is, such orders must be executed.Without a leader there would be chaos and anarchy.

Even in organised chaos you need some kind of a leader let alone a revolutionary political cause that have been organised to topple a regime.

That's why you need a captain to helm a ship, a general to plan and lead in a war, a prime minister or president to lead a country, a CEO to head a company and umpteen more.

In everything we do there must be a leader to lead a group with common interest and objective. Without dedication and loyalty of the followers no leader or cause can be successful.

Anwar Ibrahim like Najib Tun Razak is a politician and public figure.Likewise, he has no immunity against public criticism.Anyone, can criticise him so long as such criticisms are based on facts and the truths.

Anwar, without loyalty from his people would become a "rebel without a cause".