Showing posts with label Malaysia Today. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malaysia Today. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Loyar Bodoh Pandai!

Hantu Laut

There is a limit to free speech. You can't go around insulting other religion or other race and thereafter claimed immunity under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution on the basis of free speech.

With advice like this who needs a lawyer.
This half-past-six lawyer should stop calling herself a lawyer.

Free speech does not allow you to insult other religion. Propagating hate or insulting others on the basis of race, colour and religion is a crime. Hate crime can lead to violence and death.

Though, I do not agree with the severity of the punishment, appropriate action must be taken against the couple as deterrent to others. 

Not taking action can open the floodgate of racial and religious slurs. 

Just read the many nasty racist comments on blogs and social media, one can assume that this country is not short of racists and bigots out there waiting to unleash their torrent of racial abuses.

Read here.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bar Council Promoting Hearsay Culture

Hantu Laut

What's the big outcry about the lawyer who drafted S.Bala 2nd SD (Statutory Declaration)?

You don't need a lawyer to write your SD, you can draft your own SD as it is your own testimony. 

If you can write simple language, you certainly can prepare you own SD. 

When you lose your I/C, you need to swear an oath where,when and how you lose your I/C and to fulfill that requirement you need to have a statutory declaration. 

Most people do it themselves, but for more complex matters you may need a lawyer, but it is not mandatory that you must use a lawyer if you are confident of doing it yourself.

I am not sure whether Raja Petra used a lawyer for his SD, as he himself is a good writer, well exposed and are not ignorant of the many laws of this country. 

S.Bala may be dumber than a fifth grader, that's why he needs a lawyer to draft his SD and later changed his tune that he signed it under duress.

If you think you are not capable of writing it yourself, you may engage your friend who is better at writing to do it for you and all you have to do is to sign the SD in the presence of a Commissioner for Oaths as assurance that you are the actual person behind the SD.

In the case of S.Bala the question is not who drafted the SD but whether S. Bala was forced or coerced to sign the SD.

Did he sign it under duress, or was he the one who demanded that he be paid if they want him to change the SD?

He claimed he was paid and his testimony was confirmed by Deepak, who claimed he was the bag man, who arranged S.Bala to retract his 1st SD.

Both SDs of S.Bala and Raja Petra were based on hearsay and may not be admissible in a court of law. Heresay evidence is not acceptable in any court of law. 

It makes one wonder why some lawyers including the MOTHER of them all the BAR COUNCIL gives so much credence to the SD, which should have been destined to the rubbish bin and the makers charged for false declaration.

Any SD can be a work of fiction. Raja Petra and S.Bala SDs are not based on first hand knowledge but on stories provided to them by third party, who for all intents and purposes, might have been sent by the enemies of Najib with the cooked up stories.

It's mind boggling to think Rosmah Mansor had been that stupid as to attend the execution of Altantuya personally. That sounds more like a script written for Hollywood crime movie and the sad think is many Malaysians believe in the story.

I am surprise the Bar Council has jumped on the bandwagon in joining the witch hunt against the lawyer who was only doing his job for his client.

If the Bar Council had shown impartiality as defender of the law it would have advised the public to ignore the SDs of both Raja Petra and S.Bala from the day they were made public.

Unashamedly, the BAR COUNCIL is acting like an opposition political party with its own political agenda.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Block Buster Of The Year: Script Writer RPK

Hantu Laut

The dirty linens of the murky world of dirty politics, stolen money and broken promises would be washed in our court house in Kuala Lumpur starting today as reported by Raja Petra here.

This could be the block buster of the year as it promises a startling performance of a very prominent politician who has portrayed himself as the cleanest politician in Malaysia.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Transformer: The Rise Of Asri And Wahabism.

Hantu Laut

Dr Asri is probably the most level minded ulama than most that I have come across.He is on my blog roll and I occasionally read his blog.It's heart-rending that he is being branded as terrorist.

The government as shown bad judgement by branding him as terrorist.

Just because someone does not agree with you it does not make him a terrorist.Being critical of the government does not make you a terrorist.To change a government in a democratic process does not make you a terrorist.

At one time, UMNO tried to woo him to join the party but failed to convince him. Since he spoke against some of the policies of the government and against UMNO leaders he has suddenly transformed into a terrorist.Maybe, someone should do a movie on him "TRANSFORMER: THE RISE OF ASRI AND WAHABISM"

Al Qaeda is a terrorist organisation comprising only Muslims, does it make all Muslims terrorists? The recent bloodbath in Oslo, Norway by a Christian terrorist who hates Islam killing scores of his own people, does it make all Christians as terrorists?

Although, I don't agree with some of its practices, Wahhabism is mainstream Islam and should be allowed to be practised freely.The government have also banned Shia in this country which is one of the two main branches of Islam.

Malaysia may be the only Muslim country that ban the other branch of Islam.Why? I am not sure. The government has not given comprehensive explanation for the ban.

In the old days Muslims were allowed to differ in opinions, that is why we have two main branches, Sunni and Shia and many sub-branches derived from different imams (madhhab).Since then no Islamic scholars dared to bring changes for the good of the religion.Doing so would be branded a deviant or worse, a death penalty.

What next? Are the government going to ban other Madhhab (Schools Of Jurisprudence) and will only allow the imam subscribed and practised by the majority........ to be the only type of Islam legal in this country?

We have Hanifi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali, which of the four imams is recognised by the government?

I do not agree with the government labelling of Prof Madya Dr Asri Zainal Abidin as terrorist.

Simply calling someone a terrorist is not on.The government has full responsibility to give detailed explanation to the people on why he is labelled as terrorist.

It makes one wonder who is the real terrorist here?


Back to the Middle Ages

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Raja Petra Dropped The Bomb!

Hantu Laut

Most unexpected.Raja Petra has finally come out with the truth and the people behind his statutory declaration.A bombshell, a real shocker....the people behind the conspiracy to stop Najib from becoming prime minister. Anwar involvement can be expected but Tengku Razaleigh??

I know John Pang was a close aide to Tengku Razaleigh because he has corresponded with me when I wrote an article on Tengku Razaleigh when he was vying to stand as president of UMNO but did not get enough nominations.If I am not mistaken Razaleigh only managed one nomination from his own division of Kubang Pasu.

The world of politics is intriguing and full of surprises and as they say in politics you don't have permanent enemies and friends.A foe today can be your friend tomorrow.

Read Raja Petra's explosive expos'e here and here

Here, what I wrote about heresay statutory declaration.

This and the yet to be disclosed video tape could be the ultimate scupper....... the sinking of Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan's ark.

Just watch what Anwar and Pakatan's reaction would be like, their typical antics of denial and accusation would be spontaneous.................the headline would read "Raja Petra Bought By Najib" or "Raja Petra A Blatant Liar" or something to that extant......and the whole Pakatan's world would explode in spontaneous combustion in condemnation of the man they used to love.

Also read:

Anwar Ibrahim’s Double Game: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Chosen Man Stumps Among the Christians

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Egyptian Lesson: Malaysia Beware!

Hantu Laut

Power of the Internet which have either been largely ignored or curtailed by tyrannical governments had been instrumental for the Egyptian uprising.

Social media do not topple nasty regimes but activists can use it to mass mobilise people on to the ground by harnessing the power of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs.The main stream media do not have the speed and reach as effective as these social media.

The Egyptian uprising was started online by Google 30-year old executive Wael Ghonim who used Facebook as his platform.

Wael was arrested and detained for over a week but later released. He is now considered a hero in Egypt.He could have been killed if the Army had been brutal in supporting Mubarak.The Army eventually came to their senses that they can't kill millions of Egyption on the streets and demanded Mubarak's resignation.

The White House is now in a quandary, they have supported this tyrant for too long, the next leader may not be as friendly.

Egypt <span class=

As news of the protest spread it triggered off a wild fire harnessing all available social media primarily Facebook,Twitter and YouTube. Facebook was the biggest contributor among the three.

The Egyptian government eventually shut down the Internet hoping that the trouble would go away which by then was too late as the news had travelled the length and breadth of the nation.It had no choice but to restore the Internet or lose favour with its Western allies particularly the U.S.

The Malaysian March 2008 General Elections where the BN was almost routed losing 5 states and its two-thirds majority was a stark reminder of the power of the Internet.In the Malaysian case the media support was mostly by bloggers and to lesser extent YouTube.Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are just as potent, fast and effective but was not as popular then.

The BN government is still living in a state of denial that the alternative media had played an effective role in diminishing their grip on political power. They still depend on the MSM which have seen most circulation declining as more and more people used the Internet to source their news.

During the untenable tenure of Pak Lah the most damaging to the ruling party was Malaysia Today, a blog with huge following run by the politically incorrigible Raja Petra Kamaruddin.He provided the most effective arsenal in the opposition's war chest.The government credibility was so low at that time even the untruths became the truths to his followers.He was a kind of Julian Assange on a smaller scale publishing sensitive documents on his blog on government's wrongdoings. He is still a wanted man in Malaysia.

The BN won the recent 3 by-elections which has put them back in the comfort zone and a state of complacency.Instead of embracing the Internet and use it as an effective weapon to their advantage they are now busy trying to pass a law to curtail the free flow of information.It would be the greatest folly if such law is passed and is likely to backfire on them.

There will not be massive protest on the Egyptian scale in Malaysia but there will be substantial cyber war during the 13th General Elections.

There will be hundred of thousands of blogs, Facebook and Tweeters they have to deal with in the event of a showdown.

It's about time the government embrace the Internet instead of looking at it as its enemy.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Who Says I No Spik Inglish?

Hantu Laut

Remember the Utusan Malaysia reporter who thought 'ultra vires' means to insult..... and to him Karpal Singh insulting the Sultan of Perak.

As a result of his poor English he has disseminated wrong message to the public and created chaos in the seditious case against DAP leader Karpal Singh.

Well, read the piece below from fugitive blogger Raja Petra on bad English and the 'bodoh sombong' culture among some Malaysians which in Malay would mean 'orang yang tidak mahu belajar dan tidak mahu diajar.

Worse, the smart-aleck or pretender of know-it-all refused to ask what they don't know.

In Sabah we have one word for it 'temberang'

The problem, however, they told me, is that I write in English while the readers who had made police reports against me do not understand English that well. So, because of their poor command of English, they have misunderstood what I had written and thought that I had insulted Islam.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

DAP chairman Karpal Singh was cleared of sedition today without his defence being called.

The Bukit Gelugor MP was charged with sedition last year for saying the Sultan of Perak could be taken to court over the removal of Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin as the mentri besar.

The High Court here found the prosecution had failed to prove it had a case against him.

In his decision today, judge Azman Abdullah noted that the news reporters, key witnesses and police involved did not understand English and the meaning of sedition. -- The Malaysian Insider

Continue reading..

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bloggers Beware! Are You Ready For The Lawsuits?

Hantu Laut

Democracy depends on the flow of responsible, trustworthy and accurate information.That's why the mass media has self-regulating "code of ethics".It encompasses truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality and public accountability.

Press ethics are self-regulating in developed democracies but, more often than not, compliance by laws in less developed democracies. It differs in form from one organisation to the other. The New York Times has its comprehensive "Ethics On Journalism" here.

In Britain, there is no law regulating the press but most media adhere to guidelines under the "Press Complaints Commission"

In the US, freedom of the press and freedom of free speech are protected under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, forming part of the Bill of Rights.It also includes the right to peaceful assembly and respecting the establishment of religion and the free exercise of religion. The Bill of Rights prohibit the making of any law to abrogate the rights under the 1st Amendment.

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press do not give free rein to say or write anything you wish or something untrue or not backed by facts. The public, have the right to be protected against misleading and distorted information.

No civilised society can have mass media without moral obligations, restraints, responsibility and accountability.

The problem in Malaysia is not the mass media, they are self-regulating and regulated by licensing requirement.It is the new media,
the alternative media on the Internet that have opened the doors to abuse.A 'Carte Blanche' to the world of free speech.Some, are using it to grind their axes.Some, who fancy themselves holier and smarter than thou used it as conduit for conveying unrestrained character assassination and shit stirring.

Here's a good one pitting DPM Muhyiddin against PM Najib, whom the writer considered a good for nothing laggard and Muhyiddin coveting Najib's position.Good try, doctor. A fantastic clairvoyance.What about telling us who's the next PM of Malaysia.I bet it's not Muhyiddin, he just hasn't got the cut or not just yet.

Many have used it to vend their angers and frustrations against politicians, public figures and individuals.It's completely free,unregulated and unaccountable.

Some news portal and blog owners have thrown caution to the wind and think they can shoot straight from the hip and get away with it.It's a dangerous tool for those lacking in self-discipline.

In US and Europe, a number of bloggers have been taken to court for slander and libel.In Malaysia, the first case of bloggers being sued were Ahirudin Attan of Rocky Bru and Jeff Ooi of Screenshots.Whether the case is still standing or withdrawn I have no idea.

Here, a blogger was sued for US$20 million for just using the word 'scam' in her story. The case is still pending.Libel and slander are complex issues.If she lost the case and can't pay up the next step would be bankruptcy proceeding against her by the plaintiff.

Journalists are protected by the big media company that employ them. Bloggers, unfortunately, are not, they are on their own.If you, in any way, think putting a disclaimer on your blog can protect you, forget it, you still can be sued.

Not only you can be sued for your own article, even worse you can also be sued for comment left on your blog that might be deemed slanderous by the offended party.A young blogger here was sued for comment left on his blog.

In the US, politicians and public figures are less protected and opened to public scrutiny and criticism but one can still be sued for libel.In Canada, writing about politicians and those holding public office not backed by facts can get you into trouble.In Britain, politicians are more hardy and can take enormous amount of criticism in their stride.Again, one can still be sued for libel.

News portal like Malaysiakini, Malaysian Insider and hot-blooded Malaysia Today managed to stay in the clean and avert legal actions because Malaysian politicians have too many skeletons in the closet.Some may feel it would be a waste of time and money.

In the event they won the case majority of those sued would have no money to pay up.

They may end up paying good money to chase bad money.

Anyway, don't push your luck, there are some who wish to defend their honour, money or otherwise.Here, Chandra Muzaffar contemplates legal action against a blogger by the name of Antares for his nasty comment in Malaysian Insider.Antares kneeling apology here.

At this moment, only Anwar fits the picture, he has sued many people including former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad.

Also read:

The Economist:Najib v Anwar

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Believe It Or Not?

Hantu Laut

Doggone PERC report! Only barking dogs makes an issue out of such nescient and outlandish report.

Kit Siang wants Najib to respond to the PERC report that Malaysia is veering towards instability.Najib may be everything his enemies say but he is not that stupid to be upset by such report written more for its political agenda rather than its factuality.

Anyone can write a report.Raja Petra Kamaruddin is very good at it. He writes every day through his optical illusions on dirty politicians and dirty politics in this country.

His magniloquent claims of knowing everything happening in the police force and boasted that the police force report to him and not to the IGP is a mixture of lofty ideals and knowing everything but the kitchen sink.

Believe it or not?

Malaysia Today claims to have few million hits a day but never put a site meter to prove it.

Believe it or not?

Raja Petra, the princely populist,writing from his hideout somewhere in the fifth dimension (Mr Mxyzptik lives here too) claimed the police torture his son physically and mentally to get at him.

Believe it or not?

In his statutory declaration he claimed to know who and who were present when Altantuya was blown to smithereens in the forest.

Believe it or not?

He claimed to have a good time with some Polish women and posted photos to prove he is telling the truth.A picture paints a thousand words, he thinks.

Believe it or not?

He posted in his Malaysia Today photos of him with some beauty queens.Photos below.

You can see the two photos.Guess which is the fake one?

Believe it or not?

It is the Sun that revolves around the earth and not the other way round.

Believe it or not?

If you are a moron, surely, you would believe everything you read.

Friday, July 17, 2009

An Email From Raja Petra

Hantu Laut

I am all for a royal commission to investigate the death of Teo Beng Hock and I hope the Prime Minister would allow it for the good of the nation and for his own good.

In my article " DAP Leaders Playing With Fire" some of my commentators misconstrued that I am defending the MACC, I am not.What I am trying to convey is, DAP leaders should not act in haste that can lead to an ugly situation, let there be thorough investigation first before we start pointing fingers at anyone.

This is a tragedy that should not be left unanswered and a royal commission would be most befitting and fair to the deceased family and also to the government.

Criminal action by the police or MACC should not be construed as one condone by the Prime Minister and the government.Therefore, it is in Najib's interest that he gets to the bottom of this tragedy.If there were foul play than those involved must be punished according to the law.

In a kind of response to my article, I received an email from Raja Petra himself showing concern about the tragic incident and at the same time remind me of the article he wrote some time ago about the MACC which many people, I assume, including me, did not take seriously at that time.

I post Raja Petra's article below.He has also posted the article in his Malaysia Today.

by Raja Petra Kamarudin


The writing was already on the wall very much earlier. Alarm bells were wailing like banshees. But this was largely ignored. It was ignored because it was Malaysia Today that had triggered the alarm bells. Malaysia Today is not the most reliable source. It does not offer the best of information. What Malaysia Today dabbles in are rumours and innuendoes.

When the Anti-Corruption Agency, now called the MACC, kidnapped the family of a police inspector, Malaysia Today raised the alarm. They had kidnapped the wife and child of a police inspector who had investigated a Chinese underworld boss on the instructions of a higher-up with the rank of ASP.

The inspector was just doing what his boss had ordered him to do, and that was to open a file and launch an investigation into the activities of the Chinese prostitution, loan shark, drugs and gambling syndicate. And this resulted in the detention of three syndicate bosses.
What the MACC wanted the police inspector to do was quite simple. They wanted him to change his report so that the three underworld bosses can be freed from detention.

And he would have to do that if he wants to secure the release of his family.

The police inspector refused to do that. Instead, he made a police report. And so did his wife. But nothing was done about the matter. The MACC officers were not arrested and dragged to court on kidnapping charges.

The MACC then leaked information to the media that they are investigating a very senior police officer, the Director of the CCD, for the crime of not declaring RM27 million worth of assets. The fact that MACC investigations come under the Official Secrets Act was not a hindrance. After all, the OSA is only used against opposition supporters and not against those who serve those who walk in the corridors of power.

Nevertheless, the Director of the CCD was finally not charged for not declaring RM27 million in assets. He was charged for using police property for his personal reasons, something that all government officers, ministers and politicians do blatantly every day of the week. But his real crime is that he detained several Chinese underworld bosses who control the prostitution, loan shark, drugs and gambling business all over Malaysia.

Then they arrested the lawyer who acted for the CCD Director. The MACC officers came to his office on the eve of Hari Raya and handcuffed him after roughing him up like one would do to an armed bank robber. To ensure that the lawyer suffered the greatest embarrassment this Hollywood-style arrest was done in full view of the entire office.

Malaysia Today wrote about all this. Malaysia Today not only wrote about all this but Malaysia Today repeated the stories again and again to make sure no one would say they somehow missed the story. But still nothing was done. No one denied the story. More importantly, no one did anything about what Malaysia Today revealed.

The MACC has been a tool of those who walk in the corridors of power for a long, long time. Officially, Barisan Nasional has 14 component members with Umno as the lead partner. Unofficially, Barisan Nasional has seventeen component members. The Election Commission is the fifteenth component member of Barisan Nasional, the Malaysian police the sixteenth, and the MACC the seventeenth. They all serve the interests of Umno and the Prime Minister.

The writing was already on the wall very much earlier. Alarm bells were wailing like banshees. But this was largely ignored. It was ignored because it was Malaysia Today that had triggered the alarm bells. Malaysia Today is not the most reliable source. It does not offer the best of information. What Malaysia Today dabbles in are rumours and innuendoes.

“Where is the smoking gun?” they ask. “Show me the body!” they demand. No gun, no body, then no crime has been committed.

Well, today, there is a body. It is the body of a most unfortunate Chinese opposition member who was arrested and tortured by the MACC officers. Yes, he was tortured. And he was tortured because the MACC wanted him to talk.

But he could not talk. He could not talk because there was nothing to talk about. The MACC wanted him to finger his comrades in the opposition. They wanted him to implicate his friends in the opposition for various crimes that the MACC alleges had been committed by those in the opposition.

He tried to explain that he is not being stubborn. He tried to explain that no crime had been committed. He tried to explain that he could not possibly implicate his comrades in the opposition for various crimes if these crimes are merely a figment of the MACC’s imagination.

So they continued to torture him. And he could no longer stand the torture. After all, he is not the macho type of man. He is but a gentle man who only wanted to get married this weekend. That was all that he wanted.

They threatened to kill him if he refuses to talk. With tears running down his cheeks he begged for mercy and pleaded with them not to harm him. They threatened to throw him off the top floor if he refuses to talk. Sobbing like a baby he went down on his knees and begged for his life.

They dragged him across the room and opened the window. Then something went terribly wrong. It was supposed to be just a threat. They just wanted to put fear in him. They did not really want to throw him off the top floor. They just wanted him to see what the ground floor looks like from the top floor.

The unfortunate young man panicked. He went ballistic when he saw the distance he would have to travel before hitting the ground floor. He struggled. They could not hold onto him. Gravity took over and the life of this young man was prematurely snuffed out.

The MACC then announced that they had released him the night before. They failed to announce that they had not released him from custody but released him from this world. Then they suddenly found his body the day after. He jumped. He committed suicide. He took his own life. He was never tortured. He was not dragged to the window with the threat that they would teach him how to fly.

This has been going on for far too long. The MACC acts like God. They kidnap families and torture those they arrest. They threaten those they interrogate with death if they refuse to talk.

And now one young man has really died. But no one will be punished. No one will be punished because they will say the young man took his own life. Why he took his own life no one knows. He was never tortured. He was never threatened with death. He was not made to look how far down the ground floor is. He was not accidentally dropped when he panicked and struggled and they could not get a good grip on him.

That is what they will be telling you and me later today.

This message sent to by

All opinion expressed above belong solely to Raja Petra.

I always believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt and you are innocent until proven guilty.So is the MACC, they are innocent until proven guilty.

In this respect I would like to thank Raja Petra for his concern and would urge the government to act fairly and justly.....appoint a royal commission to clear its name and let the family of the deceased know the truth so they can be at peace knowing what actually happened.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Susan Loone's Pathetic Sortie

Hantu Laut

In most big family there is good chance that one or more child would be black sheep. I mean, a child that is born biologically bad and no amount of moulding can reshape their insatiable appetite to do the wrong thing.Some come from good and well to do families where other offspring are normal. The black sheep are evidently different from the rest and are probably born with chromosomal defects.

When such thing happened to a child people tend to blame the parents for poor upbringing.In most cases no parents want their children to be bad.Even some bad parents don't want their children to be bad. Some may become bad due to parental neglect but some are just born with bad chromosome making them impossible to deal with, a thorn in their parents' flesh and a danger to society.They can immerse themselves from petty crimes to the most atrocious ones.

It was recently reported that Raja Petra's son was caught by the police for thef and in possession of stolen goods and he admitted to the crimes.

I am writing this article not because I would place blame on Raja Petra and his wife.I fully understand his predicament and as I have said earlier, sometimes, as parents, we may have exhausted every possible means to get the child turn over a new leaf but are left helpless and heartbroken.

In the case of Raja Petra's son he is no more a child, he is 31, he is considered a man and has passed the age of parental control. Raja Petra can't be faulted for what this young man did.

I am writing this article not because of what his son did, that's none of my concern, I am writing this to bring forth the ridiculousness of this antagonistic blogger who due her deep hatred for Najib and the government try to politicise the case and makes it appears as a retaliation against Raja Petra. I quote some of what she wrote below:

"Sure I read the story about Raja Petra’s son (here). Sure, many are doubtful that the story is even true.

I, too, have my questions, let’s put those aside.

All I can say is the police and the courts are really efficient when it comes to Raja Petra son’s crimes. I salute them. Hope they can be as efficient when it comes to other crimes, too.

I wonder, when it comes to big and internationally acclaimed crimes like murder by military/c4 explosives, we still do not yet know WHY the hell did those two cops blow up Altantuya, when they didn't even know her".

She made the impression that the whole thing was a frame-up.

A crime is a crime no matter how small it is.

It's a pity politics has ruined her faculty to tell left from right and right from wrong.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

RPK's Parody Of Tales Of Horror

Hantu Laut

The soap opera continued from a secret location. The scripwriter cum director of this highly explosive drama who claims he is in self-proclaimed exile is actually running away from the law and the law being the law here, couldn't find him. It's probably easier to find a needle in a haystack than finding this Anak Raja Bugis.

All roads now seems to lead to Tungku Razaleigh's office and with Anwar in the mist, real or imaginary, I don't know, but one thing I know, anything coming out of Malaysia Today, most, I do take with a pinch of salt.

Is RPK letting the cat out of the bag or another one of his odyssey of fictional writing.

Read his new explosive story here.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Where Is Raja Petra ?

Hantu Laut

Where is RPK? Shouldn't he stays back and fight for the truth? Is this another one of his demur and grandstanding?

He has written hateful invectives against those he doesn't like or political leaders he perceived of unsavoury characters.Reviled and dragged them through the muck without an ounce of guilty conscience. Sometimes, the truth is inconsequential. Sometimes, the truth will never be found.Sometimes, the truth prevails.Sometimes, we all failed to see the truth.

To be fair to him, he has brought openness and exposed abuses in government that many men in the streets wouldn't know of.He has thrown down the gauntlet at those he deems unsavoury.His fearless and insufferable ways have brought the law against him.

Shouldn't he stays back and prove to the people that "the proof of the pudding is in the eating" instead of running away from the law.

"You have made your bed, now lie in it" says an old adage.

Some people think he has left the country.It's unlike him. Once a fighter, always a fighter. He has come all this way, giving up is not a choice he would like to have.

You are a hero of the people, stay back and fight the injustice ?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Absolute Nonsense

Hantu Laut

Just because I don't support PAS and Pakatan doesn't mean I am against my own religion and there was nothing against Islam in my article.It was a comparison of what had happened in Pakistan and what can happen in Malaysia in the future. It is within my democratic rights not to support PAS and Pakatan and it is also my democratic right if I support UMNO and the BN.

I have removed the article which Raja Petra is trying to sensationalise.

I must thank Raja Petra for the terrific amount of traffic he has brought to my blog.
Due to popular demand I have brought back the article.Please read to your heart's content and see for yourself whether there is anything insulting to Islam.

Even the Muslims in Pakistan were outraged by what the Talibans did to the young girl and asking the Pakistani army to wipe them out.Are they insulting Islam? The whole world were outraged. The video was shown on all news channels of the world, CNN,BBC,Al-Jazeera and many more.

Al-Jazeera is a Muslim news network are they insulting Islam by showing the video.

Is not supporting PAS/Pakatan insulting Islam ?

I would like to know.

I have let the comments box opened to show how nasty, uneducated and dangerous Pakatan supporters are.

May God save this country from Pakatan rule.

Anyone who think the article deserves a police report, please go ahead.

Read Raja Petra's incendiary and embellished version here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who Put The Skeletons In Najib's Closet ?

Hantu Laut

There is concerted effort to discredit Najib as much as possible before he ascends to the premiership.As the saying goes 'throw mud enough, some will stick'

The recent article in "Abuse Of Power By The Deputy Prime Minister" that appeared in Malaysia Today where the writer claimed abuse of power by the DPM and gave a list of unsubstantiated SMS communications between Najib and lawyer Shafee Abdullah initially assigned to defend Razak Beginda who was charged with abetting in the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu.Razak Beginda is a close friend and adviser to Najib.

The reason I called it unsubstantiated is because it would have been more plausible if he had given a photocopy of the print out from the server.Surprisingly, some popular blogs including newsportal Malaysiakini carried the story on their websites.

It makes one wonder how a person can compile a complete list of SMSs for 24 days from the 8 November to 2 December 2006 with such dexterous result.It would be interesting to find out if this person is in possession of the original print out from the server of the telecom company concerned and who in the company gave him the information, if what was published is true and not fabricated.It is amazing how a private communication between two persons can end up in the hand of another person.Is everything for sale in this country? With million of messages going through those servers every day how long are they kept in the server before they are discarded?

Some time ago Raja Petra published the same transcriptions in Malaysia Today.Whether it is the same one I haven't the faintest idea.Raja Petra seems to have the canny ability to get privy to information that most ordinary people wouldn't be able to get.He does better police work than the police.

It is not impalpable that when someone close to you is in trouble you have a natural instinct to help to the best of your ability.If your close friend or your brother is accused of murder which is a capital crime, wouldn't you be concerned and try your best to save him within the confine of the law? Has Najib broken the law by showing concern and trying to help his friend until he found the case was hopeless and withdrew because of his position in government? If Najib is guilty of a crime would he be so stupid to incriminate himself by using SMSs to communicate with a criminal lawyer who happened to be one of the best in the country.Wouldn't the lawyer knew better than to leave their footprints all over the place if he thinks Najib is involved.Only guilty people will always want to cover their tracks.

If one care to read properly the exchanges of conversation in the SMSs it is clear that they are open to interpretation at one's whim and fancy. Were there any wording to show Najib intend to commit abuse of power in those communications?The last conversation was the most telling when Shafee SMS him as follows.

Saturday 2/12/2006

S2N Date: 2/12/2006 18:59:15

--> Dato Seri, Got some info that are troubling.Quite serious.Are you in Taman Duta?Can we meet? Salam, Shafee

After the last message I believe Shafee withdrew from the case.I suspect he must have found something sinister that makes it untenable for him to carry on with the defence.How and why the writer concluded that Najib abused his position as DPM is beyond me.

Did Najib tried to stop the investigation and stop the case from going to court? Did the next of kin of the murdered girl lodged a police report that Najib interfered or attempted to interfere in the case? Did the police complain that the DPM tried to interfere in police work?

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has called on the police to investigate the matter?Don't you think it is absurd that the police have to waste their time to investigate every dubious story about politicians carried on the blogs on the Internets.The story didn't even carry the name of the writer. I find it is also absurd that a learned person like Anwar can give credence to a story that has no basis for official investigation.Read some of the comments from pro-Anwar blogs here and here and here .

It is foregone conclusion that we already knew the answer in the event of a police investigation Malaysian Today will refuse to divulge its source.

I don't see any abuse of power in the SMS messages other than a concern for a dear friend.Of course the oppositions will take every opportunity to make a mountain out of a molehill and accused him of abuse of power.

I have always been a sceptic and always give people the benefit of the doubt and would give Najib this one.I strongly feel there is something wrong somewhere, as the whole story just don't seem to fit together.

With Najib in such powerful position he could have killed the case at the early stage of police investigation and it would have never reached the court and the ears of the public.Everything will be hushed-up and the founding of Altantuya remains would never be known.

I am sure the police would have informed Najib about his friend involvement before the case went public.This happened not only in Malaysia.Even in developed countries in the West if a close associate of the President or Prime Minister is involved in serious crime they would be inform first as a matter of courtesy before the case goes public.

If your very close friend or brother was found guilty of murder would you be guilty by association? Sometimes, you don't even know what your own brother is up to, let alone your friends.A drowning man will clutch at a straw.Sometimes, those in distress would go down alone but there are some who want to bring the whole world down with them.Human aren't all that perfect.Some are liars,some are saints.

The oppositions and those with devious agenda have not ceased the mud-slinging and more is expected to come from now on and it wouldn't be, impertinent on my part, to say that much of the seedy sauces came from someone that have vested interest in taking over the helm.

Some time ago at the early stages of the Altantuya court proceedings there was a big hullabaloo about a photograph of Najib having dinner together with the late Altantuya and Beginda in a posh restaurant in Paris.None of those witnesses who said to have seen the photograph have delivered them to the court.The opposition in their desperate attempt to implicate Najib did the unthinkable.They doctored a photograph and posted it on the Internet showing the three having a cosy dinner in a not very elegant looking restaurant.With hundreds of million ringgit in commission collected Beginda must be a pathetically stingy man to bring his darling mistress to such hovel.An empty restaurant and a table meant for two but sat three people.Some people simply have no taste.

Till today not a single photograph of Najib and her had been found which seemed very odd if they have been out together there sure to be some photographs taken by her.Most young girls would like to show off their famous paramour to their friends.An outgoing girl and extrovert like the late Altantuya would be more than willing to show-off her secret lover to her friends.Don't tell me Rosmah has bought all the photographs and destroyed them.Amazingly, even her parents did not have such photographs and Mr Shaariibuu have not made any hint or allegation that her daughter knew Najib.

The photo was the handiwork of Tian Chua of PKR.Now, it makes one wonder whose handiwork was the SMS transcriptions published in Malaysia Today.

Raja Petra's Statutory Declaration implicating Najib and his wife in the murder of the Mongolian girl was investigated by the police.When asked for the source of his information he refused to give it to the police citing protection of his source material.

Raja Petra had taken the same stand as Judith Miller of the New York Times who was sent to jail for contempt of court by refusing to divulge the name of her confidential source of information in a case involving the CIA.Before taken into custody Miller told the judge "If journalists cannot be trusted to guarantee confidentiality,then journalists cannot function and there cannot be a free press."

Miller, who conducted interviews but never wrote an article about the C.I.A. operative, joins a line of journalists who have accepted jail time rather than betray their sources' confidences. That tradition, according to Judge Hogan, does not deserve respect.

But than Miller is a journalist whose bread and butter depended on her profession and the integrity of her keeping her promise.Raja Petra run a personal blog that have become popular for its sensationalism and creative writing.

Both the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister had taken what most Western leaders would have taken against disparaging articles on the Internet, ignore them.

It is not worthwhile to go down to their detractors level to answer to dubious allegations.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Please Don't Kill The Messenger

Hantu Laut

I view with grave concern the government contemplation of cracking down on bloggers.

If you were given the bad news and are not happy with it should you kill the messenger or do something to find out the source of your trouble.That's exactly what our government going to do with the internet,make it simple and easy, kill it.

In January this year, after the Davos conference, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced that Google is interested in building a data centre in the country. Google is also looking at Japan,South Korea Taiwan,India and few other countries in Asia as possible data centres.Would Malaysia have one hell of a chance to compete with the others with the recent clampdown on bloggers and blocking of the most popular website?

The government have ordered 21 ISPs in the country to block the controversial website Malaysia Today as a prelude to a bigger and wider clampdown on bloggers and websites that are deemed to be anti-government.The government explained here.What happened to the BILL OF GUARANTEES that promised no Internet censorship? Where would the government stands in the eyes of the international community having reneged on its promise to foreign and local investors.

Is Raja Petra one bad apple that's going to spoil the whole damn basket? He might have spun a yarn or two, much to the anguish of the aggrieved party, but why punish the messenger when there are laws in this country to bring civil actions against him for libellous publications.Were there too many skeletons hidden in the closet that deter those who felt the heat of his seemingly venomous compositions to drag him to a civil court to settle the score.

Using the doctrine of fear to silence him have not deterred him at all.It appears the government have found Raja Petra a hard nut to crack and are prepared to lose its credibility by blocking his website which is more a news portal rather than a personal blog.Among other things including his own writings, his website also carries assortment of local and world news and writings from other blogs that he deems worthy of wider audience and readership.

The government is adding more iron to the fire. It's already suffering a serious credibility crisis,instead of simmering down the flame it has added more inflammable material to add to its misery.

For how long could the government stop bloggers from speaking up?

Any further clampdown and restrictions would send them underground, which is not too hard to do for those who are determine.Using a laptop and blogging under anonymity a blogger can move from one place to another using public wi-fi system, it would be hell of a hard time for the authorities to nap him.What than, ban all wi-fi in the country?

I am all for pulling in rogue bloggers and charged them with the relevant laws but to try close down or block websites just goes to show the government have ran out of ideas on how to find the right solution to the problem.It has brought itself to inextremis malady.

For those who truly believe in their political cause being incarcerated is not something that they fear.Anwar Ibrahim spent many years in prison and has come out stronger and more determined to change the political landscape in this country.He may be unstoppable if the government do not shape up pretty soon.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Gallup Poll:Malaysian Bloggers

Hantu Laut

The findings of Gallup Poll on the state of the internet, blogging and government aversion to the popularity of blogging in the country.

Click on video.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Raja Petra: Prisoner Of Conscience?

[Prisoner peering through wire screen]
Hantu Laut

Webmaster Raja Petra Kamaruddin was today charged under the Sedition Act over an article he wrote on his website.

He was allowed bail of RM5000, which he refused to post, deciding instead to stay in custody until the hearing which has been fixed on 6 to 10 Oct this year.

The popular blogger is represented by a team of 6 lawyers led by Karpal Singh.

What's the point? It is not RM5 million, only RM5000 unless he wants to be a "prisoner of conscience".

Not worth it, mate! Better be out, than out on a limb.

In 1945 the founder members of the United Nations approved theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 18.—
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion: this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom either alone or in company with others in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19.—
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression:this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Raja Petra, does he truly believes what he is doing is for the greater good or is he just an anarchist and a demagogic blogger ?

He doesn't deserve that treatment.Let's wait and see whether he gets a fair trail.


"The Trial"

Good morning Worm your honour
The crown will plainly show
The prisoner who now stands before you
Was caught red handed showing feelings
Showing feelings of an almost human nature
This will not do


I always said he'd come to no good
In the end your honour
If they'd let me have my way I could
Have flayed him into shape
But my hands were tied
The bleeding hearts and artists
Let him get away with murder
Let me hammer him today

Crazy toys in the attic I am crazy
Truly gone fishing
They must have taken my marbles away
Crazy toys in the attic he is crazy

You little shit, you're in it now
I hope they throw away the key
You should talked to me more often
Than you did, but no you had to
Go your own way. Have you broken any homes up lately?

"Just five minutes Worm your honour him and me alone"

Come to mother baby let me hold you in my arms
M'Lord I never wanted him to get in any trouble
Why'd he ever have to leave me
Worm your honour let me take him home

Crazy over the rainbow I am crazy
Bars in the window
There must have been a door there in the wall
When I came in
Crazy over the rainbow he is crazy

The evidence before the court is
Incontrovertible, there's no need for
The jury to retire
In all my years of judging
I have never heard before of
Some one more deserving
The full penalty of law
The way you made them suffer
Your exquisite wife and mother
Fills me with an urge to defecate
Since my friend you have revealed your deepest fear
I sentence you to be expunged before your peers

Tear down the wall

Related stories:

IHT:Malaysian blogger charged with sedition
Asia Sentinel:
Malaysian Political Blogger Charged with Sedition
Malaysian Insider:Free speech is costly!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Are We A Police State ?

Hantu Laut

People who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.

Let us go back to the year 1940, when Hitler's armies were driving the French and British forces back across France, and Britain faced imminent invasion.The British people heard the words of Winston Churchill:

"I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat"

Only a great leader would have dared to make such a promise - and the British people suddenly knew they had such a leader.

When Churchill turned to America for help he didn't spend hours to persuade Roosevelt, all he said was:

"Give us the tools, and we will finish the job"

He got the tools and finished Hitler off.

One would have thought after the bad outing at the recent polls the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would bring some meaningful changes to its administration for the benefits of the people.Many promises were made but none have been implemented. There seems to be certain forces in his government who were against reforms.They still wish to continue their old feudalistic and unrealistic way.

A government that believes in strong-arm tactic to protect themselves from public scrutiny would eventually self-destruct. History is kind to those who learned from it and damned to those who don't.

The sheer arrogance of those in power are shown by the recent police harassment of the infamous( through the government eyes) blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin on an article he wrote which the government deemed to be seditious.

What is sedition ? The Oxford Dictionary says "the use of words or actions that are intended to encourage people to oppose a government". The Webster Dictionary says "incitement of resistance to or of insurrection against lawful authority".Both gave the same meaning and we will examine whether the article is seditious.

Although I don't quite agree with some of Raja Petra's composition, I couldn't find any word, sentence or phrase in his article " Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell" inciting the people to go against the government. It was more directed at a few individuals associated with the murderers of the Mongolian model and the way investigation was conducted and the snail pace of the court case. If the article had offended or defamed anyone the rightful thing to do is to take civil action against Raja Petra and bring him to a court of law.Using the police to harass and intimidate him is most improper and makes Malaysia looks like a totalitarian nation and a police state.

It would be interesting to know which part of the article the police found to be seditious and whether such writing can bring down the government.

The police not being able to produce a police report they purported to have is inexcusable.It is within a person rights to know the allegations made against him by someone in a police report before he gives his statement, if he voluntarily wanted to. Why would a policeman and not the aggrieved party makes a police report against Raja Petra ?

The recent police action against a well-known blogger goes to show the government talk of reforms and freedom of expression are nothing more than lip service.We are back to square one and the old-fashioned way to settle a score.

Another very disquieting and absolutely ridiculous news is the proposal by Foreign Minister RaisYatim for local women to get consent from parents or family members before they can travel alone overseas.It says out of 119 cases of Malaysian women hauled up before foreign courts, 90% were linked to drug. I would say out of the 119 women 90% knew what they are doing, only 10% are gullible, stupid and innocent. Are you going to inconvenient millions of women in this country because of 119 women whoring themselves to drug traffickers.

Honorable Minister, put on your thinking cap and think again whether your proposal makes any sense.

I know one thing for sure come next elections you would have lost most of the women's votes.

What happened on 8th of March 2008 was only the beginning. If you don't get your act together now and repair the damaged bilge pump on your ship, it may not make the journey to the next polls.

Related article:
Women's groups express outrage

Friday, May 2, 2008

Buccaneering Blogger:Will Najib Be Prime Minister ?

Hantu Laut

The much awaited succession plan in UMNO has not materialised. There was no definite date or specific plan for Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) to hand over the helm to his deputy Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak.

Abdullah has asked UMNO members to refrain from calling for his resignation and to wait till December when he will either consider stepping down or contest the presidency of the party if challenged.

In spite of numerous calls for him to go, beleaguered Abdullah has stood his ground and refused to accede to the demand. Short of saying when he will resign and that Najib is definitely his successor he gave his deputy no glimmer of hope other than to wait for the day that may never come.

Are there things that Pak Lah is privy to that the Malaysian general public are not aware of ? Are there extenuating circumstances that he should not leave office now and hand over the helm to Najib or was it, he hadn't had enough yet and wanted to continue as prime minister as long as possible and to prove to all and sundry that he can bring back BN and UMNO to its former glory.

Despite the overwhelming calls for Pak Lah to step down Najib has been a good deputy and never took advantage to pressure Pak Lah to step aside.Najib's refusal to fish in troubled water has angered former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohammad who had openly supported him to displace Abdullah.The former prime minister called Najib a coward and said he is no more his preference to replace Abdullah.His reluctance to oust Abdullah could be due to lack of support from his comrades in the party.

Irrespective of his claim that he doesn't know her and not having met her before, his relationship with the accused murderers of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu has brought him public odium and ridicule.The photograph where he purportedly had dinner with the mastermind of the murder Razak Beginda and the murdered girl had not surfaced other than the one doctored by Tian Chua, a member of opposition party PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyaat). If there was such a photograph why hasn't it surface or is it being kept as an ace up somebody's sleeve and to be used at a later date.Even more puzzling he had not taken any civil action against Tian Chua for the doctored photograph and against Anwar for implications made against him during electioneering.

Is there a concerted effort to tarnish his name to pre-empt his succession? The possibility is always there.There are others who are covertly interested in the position but would not make it known until they are sure they have eliminated the competition.

In his article "Let's Send The Altantuya Murderers To Hell" the writer Raja Petra Kamaruddin raised some pertinent questions especially the way the court case is being conducted.The abrupt changes to defence team, prosecutors and judges in the early stage of the case are viewed as interference from the powers that be and deemed to be the progenitors of an eventual miscarriage of justice.Even if it was not true these are the widespread public perceptions. Such perceptions would be difficult to change unless there is palatable change in the on going trail.

In the same article Raja Petra also raised the issue on the erasure of immigration records which the prosecution seems not at all interested to investigate and get to the roots of the mysterious disappearance of the immigration records of the murdered victim.Who gave the order? It can either be directly from a very powerful person or some staff in the Immigration Department with password access to the computer received substantial bribes from someone involved in the murder. These are material evidence that the prosecution should have procured but wouldn't do so for reasons only known to themselves.

Is Raja Petra pushing his luck? In his article he also mentioned an affidavit that implicates Najib's wife Rosmah.Would he be able to prove all the allegations if he were called upon in the court of law?

In the past some of Raja Petra's stories have proven to be not far from some of the truth, if not the whole truth. Would he be on the right track this time or would he be dragged to court or worse still to the interrogation chamber.

His article has brought some very surprising outcome.He has received a response here from the Press Secretary to Deputy Prime Minister Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak and in true combat form and buccaneering spirit he has replied to the letter here.

Come December would Abdullah hand over the baton to Najib or would he let Najib challenge him.Looking at the changing political scenario Abdullah may prevail over Najib if it was a straight fight.

A dark horse may make an appearance come this December and Abdullah and Najib better watch out for the unexpected.