Showing posts with label Rais Yatim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rais Yatim. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2011

Rais:Why Ban Something Good ?

Hantu Laut

I do not agree with Rais Yatim's reasoning for taking off the airing of this video on TV.It is a good public message to bring awareness to Malaysians to discharge their rights to vote and it's free.

The video is also free, the government need not fork out any money for its production and, thankfully, they did not, otherwise, it would have cost a bomb.

Rais, should tell us Malaysians, which segment of our society would be offended by the video and what is the subliminal message?

The unspecified negativities he asserted of the video is lamentable because they are non existence.I can't find any subliminal message other than the presence of some opposition's superstar like Nurul Izzah.To be fair to the maker of the video he has also invited and included in the video BN ministers to sing the same message.

Is the government haunted by its own shadow?

Is it because of Namewee?

Frankly speaking, I do not agree with many of his antics, he is just a publicity maniac using politics as cheap publicity. We should not be bothered by his appearance in the video, we should look at the content and context of the whole video and its ultimate message.

Is it because of Tengku Razaleigh who says Malaysia has many problems?

Isn't it true we have many problems ? Which country don't have problem?

We have political problem, economic problem, corruptions problem, crime problem, widening racial divide problem, religious problem, FDI problem and last but not lease the Anwar Ibrahim's problem.

Instead of finding solutions to the many problems, why not sweep them under the carpet, in the typical fashion of UMNO leaders.

I hate to generalise or stereotype people, but ONE'S SUPPORT CAN WEAR THIN when the objects of your support keep shooting themselves in the foot. Many UMNO leaders are suffering from this malady.Even my hero, former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohammad, disappoints me when he contradicts himself by saying Malaya had never been colonised. There is nothing to be ashamed of being colonised, almost three-quarters of the globe was colonised by European powers.

When he was prime minister he said the Malay sultans sold their souls to the British now he says the sultans invited the British as advisers but the British acted as colonialists.I forgive him because of his age and fading memory but how do you forgive a learned man, a professor named Zainal Kling who sing the same song referring to some obscured document saying the sultans never signed any treaty agreeing to be colonised.

Ask the African countries,India,Indonesia,the West Indies, how many of them have signed documents to allow the European powers to subjugate them? Ask the Sultanate of Malacca did he sign any treaty before the Portuguese armada came with their gun blazing to take Malacca?

In some cases treaties were signed after subjugation either by force or intimidation.In the case of Malaya the British used subtle intimidation on the sultans to accede to their demands.It is called "gunboat diplomacy", a display of superior military power to intimidate.

Malaya was colonised that way and that's why we have "independence day" and our northern neighbour Thailand do not have any because they have never been colonised.Incidentally, Thailand was also never invaded by Japan in World War II.They became allies and signed a secret military alliance with Japan for safe passage to invade Malaya on condition the Japanese helped them to get back the 4 northern states in Malaya formerly under Thai rule.

It appears that some UMNO leaders are still living in past glory.Some of the excuses given are so pubescent, like a growing child's fantasy, ONE WOULD NOT KNOW, whether they are REAL, IMAGINED or just PURE BULLSHIT.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Are We A Police State ?

Hantu Laut

People who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.

Let us go back to the year 1940, when Hitler's armies were driving the French and British forces back across France, and Britain faced imminent invasion.The British people heard the words of Winston Churchill:

"I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat"

Only a great leader would have dared to make such a promise - and the British people suddenly knew they had such a leader.

When Churchill turned to America for help he didn't spend hours to persuade Roosevelt, all he said was:

"Give us the tools, and we will finish the job"

He got the tools and finished Hitler off.

One would have thought after the bad outing at the recent polls the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would bring some meaningful changes to its administration for the benefits of the people.Many promises were made but none have been implemented. There seems to be certain forces in his government who were against reforms.They still wish to continue their old feudalistic and unrealistic way.

A government that believes in strong-arm tactic to protect themselves from public scrutiny would eventually self-destruct. History is kind to those who learned from it and damned to those who don't.

The sheer arrogance of those in power are shown by the recent police harassment of the infamous( through the government eyes) blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin on an article he wrote which the government deemed to be seditious.

What is sedition ? The Oxford Dictionary says "the use of words or actions that are intended to encourage people to oppose a government". The Webster Dictionary says "incitement of resistance to or of insurrection against lawful authority".Both gave the same meaning and we will examine whether the article is seditious.

Although I don't quite agree with some of Raja Petra's composition, I couldn't find any word, sentence or phrase in his article " Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell" inciting the people to go against the government. It was more directed at a few individuals associated with the murderers of the Mongolian model and the way investigation was conducted and the snail pace of the court case. If the article had offended or defamed anyone the rightful thing to do is to take civil action against Raja Petra and bring him to a court of law.Using the police to harass and intimidate him is most improper and makes Malaysia looks like a totalitarian nation and a police state.

It would be interesting to know which part of the article the police found to be seditious and whether such writing can bring down the government.

The police not being able to produce a police report they purported to have is inexcusable.It is within a person rights to know the allegations made against him by someone in a police report before he gives his statement, if he voluntarily wanted to. Why would a policeman and not the aggrieved party makes a police report against Raja Petra ?

The recent police action against a well-known blogger goes to show the government talk of reforms and freedom of expression are nothing more than lip service.We are back to square one and the old-fashioned way to settle a score.

Another very disquieting and absolutely ridiculous news is the proposal by Foreign Minister RaisYatim for local women to get consent from parents or family members before they can travel alone overseas.It says out of 119 cases of Malaysian women hauled up before foreign courts, 90% were linked to drug. I would say out of the 119 women 90% knew what they are doing, only 10% are gullible, stupid and innocent. Are you going to inconvenient millions of women in this country because of 119 women whoring themselves to drug traffickers.

Honorable Minister, put on your thinking cap and think again whether your proposal makes any sense.

I know one thing for sure come next elections you would have lost most of the women's votes.

What happened on 8th of March 2008 was only the beginning. If you don't get your act together now and repair the damaged bilge pump on your ship, it may not make the journey to the next polls.

Related article:
Women's groups express outrage