Showing posts with label Police State. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police State. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

IGP Should Adopt Zero Tolerance On Rogue Policemen

Hantu Laut

What is the responsibility of a policeman?

Undoubtedly, first and foremost, protecting the life and property of the people and responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.

When you are in trouble you look upon the police as your protector and saviour. That's what they are paid to do, to protect the public from criminal elements.  

One would not imagine being taken to a police station and gang-raped by policemen. 

You hear many horror stories of people dying in police custody and yet there have been very few serious internal investigations done by the police to resolve the problem and weed out bad elements in the police force. 

The IGP should take some responsibility of the misconduct of his men. There are just too many complaints against police misconduct for him to sit comfortably in his chair and do nothing constructive to salvage the police image, which have made the public to mistrust the whole police force because of the perverse behaviour of a few.

Though, we don't expect him to police each and every individual in the force, zero tolerance of indiscipline and waywardness by the top brass can drastically reduce shameful police misconduct among the lower rank. 

Obviously, some policemen think they can prey on the weak and the helpless as in the case of the hapless Indonesian girl who was stopped while on her way home in a taxi and practically abducted by three policemen with intent to use her to satisfy their lust. They took her to the police station, instead of giving her shelter and protection, raped her repeatedly. 

I hope justice will prevail for the poor girl and the three policemen if found guilty be given the maximum sentence under the law.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Ten Reasons Countries Fall Apart

Some countries fail spectacularly, with a total collapse of all state institutions, as in Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal and the hanging of President Mohammad Najibullah from a lamppost, or during the decade-long civil war in Sierra Leone, where the government ceased to exist altogether.

Most countries that fall apart, however, do so not with a bang but with a whimper. They fail not in an explosion of war and violence but by being utterly unable to take advantage of their society's huge potential for growth, condemning their citizens to a lifetime of poverty. This type of slow, grinding failure leaves many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America with living standards far, far below those in the West. Read more.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Having A Good Time: Sex Party ?

Hantu Laut

The Year 2008 was a momentous year which many of us would be glad to leave behind.The year ended with even more tragedies, the bombing of Gaza by Israel that killed hundreds of innocent civilians and a tragedy that took the lives of about 60 New Year's Eve revellers in a nightclub fire in Bangkok.A night of merry making that ended in tragic consequence.The nightclub owner should rot in jail for a long time.

I feel for the parents and loved ones of those who perished in the fire.Danger do not forewarn us and we accept acts of God as something beyond our control but when human failings were the cause of our grief, the pain, the anger and the desire to hit back persist for a long time.The pain of losing someone you love, those of your own flesh and blood is a torment that not many can endure.It's a stab in the heart that reposes in silence.For some of us time is a great healer but for some the wound would never healed.

New Year's Eve has always been a traditional and universal display of joy to usher in the New Year with resolutions and expectations.Alcohol is the spirit for those who needs it to trigger their adrenaline rush to meet this joyous occasion. The police have always warned revellers not to drink and drive.Good advice not many of us took seriously.

As we live far from where we are going for the evening and being law abiding citizens my wife and I checked into a hotel at 6.30 p.m.The first stage of our evening was dinner at a friend's house, a doctor by profession and a gourmet cook with a passion when he is not dissecting patients.Sumptuous food, good wine, good spirits and enduring conversations with doses of intellectual intercourse and unintelligible talks that went on till the wee hours of the morning.There were so much talking among friends and families, the drone of conversation actually drown the sound of music played in the background which finally died by itself and forgotten.There were so much to talk about even 'Auld Lang Syne' was forgotten at the stroke of midnight.

We left our friend's house at about 2 a.m. and both truly at 60 and still full of energy decided to go to our regular watering hole, our favourite club, and what a pleasant surprise most of our friends and people we know were still there.It was a jolly good New Year's morning.Went back to the hotel as the cock was crowing.We have never spent New Year's Eve this late, it must be a good omen.Checked out of the hotel 8 a.m.Slept only three hours, old people don't need much sleep, and we are old by any measure and poorer by about RM400.00 for a room that we only used for four hours but happy and glad to be alive.

Don't drink and drive ? Yes ! If you have too much,take it seriously, killing yourself may not be as painful as you killing others.

Well let me get to the real gist of the story. Most Malaysians would probably have read this hot item in the news.I could not but feel apprehensive about the whole thing.Was it really a sex party or just a group of friends getting together for a New Year bash and where alcohol would be consumed and the danger of drink driving was taken seriously hence the renting of the service apartment for the party.As usual Malaysia's main stream media including the worst of the lot, Bernama, can never publish a complete story. This kind of reporting print a pretty picture of the standard of journalism in this country.

How did the police stumble on the private party,was there a tip-off, were they caught red-handed having sex orgies, were there complaint from the public of them being public nuisance and disturbing the peace? How can you called a party a sex party when there were no actual fucking and screwing and the people were found fully clothed.

The worst is the media reporting of personalities involved which can be narrowed down to identifying the persons concerned.Other than the drug taking which I am against, the police has no business busting a private party.Don't we Malaysians have anymore personal liberty?

Where their effort are much needed in crime prevention and solving crimes they pay little attention, so much so, the rape and murder of so many young girls were still unsolved.The thieves and robbers are getting bolder, violent crime is on the rise, organised crime are getting more organised and the police are more organised catching people who were having a good time, probably on a tip-off from a spurned lover or from someone out of envy and jealousy.

In Pahang, over-zealous enforcers from the Islamic Religious Council, who had nothing better to do other than raiding budget hotels hoping to get a hard on catching unwary couple in bed and hoping to make video of it and post it on the Internet.Around 56 people were detained in early morning raid.I wonder how many were forced to strip to face the camera as evidence they were screwing each other.There have been reported incidents of such appalling behaviour of these enforcers of God's laws.

In another news, Malaysiakini reported a man was tortured by police by pouring boiling water over him.He was badly scalded.Bukit Aman is investigating.We have to wait what Bukit Aman have to say about this gruesome action of the police if the allegation is found true.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Are We A Police State ?

Hantu Laut

People who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.

Let us go back to the year 1940, when Hitler's armies were driving the French and British forces back across France, and Britain faced imminent invasion.The British people heard the words of Winston Churchill:

"I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat"

Only a great leader would have dared to make such a promise - and the British people suddenly knew they had such a leader.

When Churchill turned to America for help he didn't spend hours to persuade Roosevelt, all he said was:

"Give us the tools, and we will finish the job"

He got the tools and finished Hitler off.

One would have thought after the bad outing at the recent polls the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would bring some meaningful changes to its administration for the benefits of the people.Many promises were made but none have been implemented. There seems to be certain forces in his government who were against reforms.They still wish to continue their old feudalistic and unrealistic way.

A government that believes in strong-arm tactic to protect themselves from public scrutiny would eventually self-destruct. History is kind to those who learned from it and damned to those who don't.

The sheer arrogance of those in power are shown by the recent police harassment of the infamous( through the government eyes) blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin on an article he wrote which the government deemed to be seditious.

What is sedition ? The Oxford Dictionary says "the use of words or actions that are intended to encourage people to oppose a government". The Webster Dictionary says "incitement of resistance to or of insurrection against lawful authority".Both gave the same meaning and we will examine whether the article is seditious.

Although I don't quite agree with some of Raja Petra's composition, I couldn't find any word, sentence or phrase in his article " Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell" inciting the people to go against the government. It was more directed at a few individuals associated with the murderers of the Mongolian model and the way investigation was conducted and the snail pace of the court case. If the article had offended or defamed anyone the rightful thing to do is to take civil action against Raja Petra and bring him to a court of law.Using the police to harass and intimidate him is most improper and makes Malaysia looks like a totalitarian nation and a police state.

It would be interesting to know which part of the article the police found to be seditious and whether such writing can bring down the government.

The police not being able to produce a police report they purported to have is inexcusable.It is within a person rights to know the allegations made against him by someone in a police report before he gives his statement, if he voluntarily wanted to. Why would a policeman and not the aggrieved party makes a police report against Raja Petra ?

The recent police action against a well-known blogger goes to show the government talk of reforms and freedom of expression are nothing more than lip service.We are back to square one and the old-fashioned way to settle a score.

Another very disquieting and absolutely ridiculous news is the proposal by Foreign Minister RaisYatim for local women to get consent from parents or family members before they can travel alone overseas.It says out of 119 cases of Malaysian women hauled up before foreign courts, 90% were linked to drug. I would say out of the 119 women 90% knew what they are doing, only 10% are gullible, stupid and innocent. Are you going to inconvenient millions of women in this country because of 119 women whoring themselves to drug traffickers.

Honorable Minister, put on your thinking cap and think again whether your proposal makes any sense.

I know one thing for sure come next elections you would have lost most of the women's votes.

What happened on 8th of March 2008 was only the beginning. If you don't get your act together now and repair the damaged bilge pump on your ship, it may not make the journey to the next polls.

Related article:
Women's groups express outrage