Showing posts with label Elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elections. Show all posts

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Malaysia's Biggest Opposition Party Under Threat

On May 5, the opposition Democratic Action Party became the second-largest political party in Malaysia, drubbing its main rival for Chinese affections, the Malaysian Chinese Association and taking 38 seats in Parliament. The election made the DAP, as the party is known, a powerhouse in Malaysian politics, with the legitimate claim to represent the country's Chinese, who make up 24.9 percent of the country's population.

Today, however, the 48-year-old DAP's status is in doubt amid allegations that the government, headed by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, has set out to put the party out of business in the wake of its electoral success. 

Malaysia's Registrar of Societies on Monday invalidated the party's Dec. 15, 2012 central executive committee election over alleged intraparty irregularities during its annual general meeting after two DAP members, the vice chairman and secretary of a local branch, lodged reports in January, saying the party's election results had been manipulated to exclude them. 

Tellingly, the Home Minister, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, announced the decision against the DAP rather than waiting for the Registry of Societies to deliver a formal letter. The letter was delivered Thursday, containing the directive to hold fresh party elections.

In any case, the party's executive committee has now been ruled illegal and a new election of executive committee members must be held within a specified period, probably 30 to 60 days, according to the registry. The party, however, is refusing to hold a new election, meaning the registry could put the party out of business. 

The facts appear up for grabs. Certainly the DAP appears to have made an embarrassing error in the election. 

"It's their own members who took out the complaints," said the head of a think tank in Kuala Lumpur. "It was a huge embarrassment to them during the election. This is registry of societies business, it has nothing to do with anybody. The DAP, as paranoid as they are, say they are under siege." 

The DAP strategist Chin Tong acknowledged in an interview that the party had erred in computing results of the election, but that it had rectified the mistake. In any case, it is questionable why the action is being taken now. Although the agency investigated the situation earlier this year and issued a letter that put the validity of the central executive committee in doubt, in the end it cleared the party for the general election. After first refusing to allow the DAP to use its "rocket" symbol on election materials, the registry relented and allowed its use.Read more.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Where Is Ansari Abdullah ?

Hantu Laut

PKR Tuaran division chief Ansari Abdullah who has been a loyal and dedicated party member for many years made a pre-emptive announcement of candidates of his choice earlier this month. His list was later rubbished by PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.

His action shows a clear depth of distrust against PKR central leadership. People who can't be trusted to keep their words. 

Ansari's name have not appeared anywhere on the list of PKR candidates that have gone around the political sphere. 

UPKO's turncoat Wilfred Bamburing is slated to contest the Tuaran parliamentary seat and Tamparuli state seat, leaving Ansari out in the cold. 

Is Ansari being punished for his pre-empative announcement of his own candidate list?

If there is anyone who should contest the Tuaran seat, it should be Ansari. 

Has Anwar ever been honourable with his promises ?

Anwar also promised Ibrahim Menudin to contest in Labuan and Douglas Lind in Tenom, both are ex-UMNO members who ditched the party a few months back to join PKR and are considered newcomers at the angst of long-serving party members. Both have started campaigning in the promised constituencies about two months ago based on assurances given by Anwar. 

Ibrahim had distributed free rice to the kampong folks in Labuan in the hope of getting their supports. He has now been moved to Bongawan to face the hyenas.

Douglas, who was so sure of standing in Tenom, unfortunately, was not selected. Being newcomer the rejection may not be as painful as Ansari.

Sabah PKR is in a real shambles as long-serving and loyal party members are being sidelined for newcomers to contest the elections.

Can we trust a man who never kept his words to lead this country?

Updated: PKR has confirmed that Ibrahim Menudin will also contest the Labuan parliamentary seat.

More to come..

Monday, April 8, 2013

Clive Kessler: The Nutty Professor

Hantu Laut

Here he comes again. It's Kessler's time. 

This time, reading too much into Najib's dissolution speech.

His writing here is nothing more than thought reading on a speech lost in translation and impalpable idiosyncratic ranting of a quirky academician.

Below is Najib's full dissolution speech in Malay. 

If you can find similarity of the above speech with this so-called political anatomists's writing, you must be as nutty as he is.

All Najib said was there should be a smooth and calm transition of power should there be any change in the government of the day, whether at state or federal level.

In all likelihood the insinuation was directed at Pakatan held states that are likely to fall to the BN.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ambiga: Stop Deceiving The People

Hantu Laut

This is the problem with people who thinks they are cleverer than everyone else. They drown in their own intelligence and project themselves as unfailing and flawless.

In the case of Ambiga, who thinks she is the doyenne of the legal fraternity and considers Malaysians as plain stupid and easily duped, she must be suffering from "I am holier than thou" syndrome.

So, why not call the bluff, to bluff the people.... here. 

Did Prime Minister Najib inked the contract, or he just announced it, shall I say for posterity sake?

What guidelines is she talking about? 

Her guidelines, is she the law? 

Even countries like U.K and New Zealand did not legislate laws for caretaker governments preferring convention as the rule.

There was no ground rules laid down for a caretaker government in the Malaysian context. 

She is full of bluffs.

Is she eyeing a candidacy?

Najib would have just committed a moral offence if he had inked the contract, which I doubt he would do.

Over to you, Amiga! 

Stop deceiving the people.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Hantu Laut

The long awaited day has come. It's time to put the anxiety to rest and put the nation back to normalcy and decide who should be running the country for the next 5 years.

Today, is the day. 

Najib, you have no more excuse to delay this elections.

BUBAR lah sebelum jadi BUBUR!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Will Semangat 46 Ghosts Return To Haunt Pakatan Rakyat


Remember, Tengku Razaleigh and Semangat 46?

Semangat 46 was formed by Tengku Razaleigh and Team B of UMNO, a breakaway faction to challenge the then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad and UMNO.

Razaleigh had the support of two former prime ministers, Tungku Abdul Rahman and Hussein Onn, both had fallen out with Mahathir and threw their weights behind Razaleigh.

The birth of Semangat 46 was the result of a battle for the presidency of UMNO between Razaleigh and Mahathir.

Mahathir won by wafer thin majority but as he says "a win is a win, even if by one vote." and went on to become Malaysia's longest serving prime minister.

On 3 June 1989 Semangat 46 was officially registered as a political party to challenge UMNO.

In the 1990 General Elections an overconfident Razaleigh formed two coalitions with other opposition parties to take on BN. Gagasan Rakyat coalition was formed with DAP (Democratic Action Party) and PRM (Party Rakyat Malaysia) and Ankatan Perpaduan Ummah coalition was with PAS, BERJASA, HAMIM and newly formed Malaysian Indian Muslim Congress.

There were much talk that UMNO will face the toughest challenge ever and may lose the elections to Semangat 46 and its allies.Despite these alliances, Semangat 46 did poorly, winning only 8 out of 180 parliamentary seats.However, the alliance with PAS was more fruitful, but only in the state of Kelantan, winning all 39 state seats. PAS took 24 seats and Semangat 46 won 15 state seats.

Strained relationship between Mahathir and Sabah Chief Minister Joseph Pairin of PBS led to the party sudden withdrawal from BN at the eleventh hour. PBS ditched BN after nomination of seats have been made and joined Semangat 46 as an ally to fight the BN. Unforgivable treachery that led to the downfall of the PBS government in the next general elections brought about by departure of its top leaders, a coup engineered by UMNO led by its deputy President Anwar Ibrahim.

In the 1995 General Elections after having changed the party name to Parti Melayu Semangat 46 to challenge UMNO on Malay communal issue, Razaleigh again tried his luck by taking Semangat 46 to the polls, However, his relationship with DAP have by then soured and squabbles with PAS over power sharing in Kelantan compromised the party credibility and was the beginning of its end. Semangat 46 and all other political parties that contested the elections were almost decimated with Semangat 46 the worse performer, winning only 6 parliamentary seats. The other parties performed slightly better than Semangat 46 (DAP 9, PAS 7 and PBS 8)

However, they failed to punch a big hole in the BN fortress and Mahathir stayed the winner.

Over the next few years Semangat 46 lost its support and many of its members left the party to rejoin UMNO. In October 1996, the coffin was finally nailed. Razaleigh announced he would disband the party. He and most party members rejoined UMNO.

Was 28 March 2008 a twist of fate and stroke of good luck for the opposition Pakatan Rakyat that gave them the most unexpected windfall and a near shocking defeat of the BN?

Much of the erosion of supports for BN was due to former Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi failure to implement reforms that he promised the people before the 2004 General Elections. This new broom did not live up to the people's expectation.

After having given him a rousing victory in the 2004 General Elections, Badawi failed to spark the people's imagination and was the final straw that broke the camel's back. A wrong man for the job, a grave mistake made by Mahathir, who appointed him as his successor for selfish reason, to complete all his unfinished projects, particularly, the crooked bridge to Singapore and continue with his legacy.

Abdullah proved otherwise, he shelved most of the projects, which angered Mahathir to no end. Mahathir, being the man he is, started a vicious "remove Abdullah" campaign. Mahathir vicious and inundated attacks on Abdullah, infighting and sabotage in UMNO contributed to the poor performance in 2008.

Can Najib turn the table and give the opposition Pakatan Rakyat a run for their money?

Have the Chinese completely deserted BN, or are they keeping their cards close to their hearts and would spring a surprise come election day?

On the surface, it seemed obvious that the Chinese have completely abandoned the BN and trust the DAP and PKR would be able to control and stop PAS from pursuing its Islamic agenda. These are die hard chauvinistic DAP supporters and are concentrated mainly in urban and semi-urban areas and consider themselves Chinese first. This group will vote PR without hesitation.

There are about 30% smart Chinese voters who are fence sitters and pay no allegiance to anyone other then themselves. They would decide, without undue influence from any party, which side they'll cast their votes. They are voters suspicious of PAS tie up with DAP and PKR and suspect PAS of using the platform as their stepping stone to further their ambition to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state.  PAS recent encroachment into their lives by imposing Islamic values on non-Muslims have angered this group. Some have openly displayed their outrage and said if PAS can do it in the states presently under their control what makes you think they won't do it when they take the Federal government. These are the Malaysian first Chinese. Good chance this group likely to vote BN.

Though, small in numbers they can raise the highest decimal of noise to make their presence felt to whoever want to court them. These are the Indians.These are people who felt discriminated, marginalised, sidelined and abandoned by their leaders and the government. They sided with Pakatan Rakyat in 2008 to show their displeasure. They have now come to term that Pakatan Rakyat was all talk and no action and is no better than BN when it comes to looking after their interests. Most have become disillusioned with PR unfulfilled promises made in 2008 GE. Majority likely to vote BN.

The Malays, if united they alone can decide who should be the government. Unfortunately, that is not the case, they are split three ways with UMNO taking the bulk of supports and the rest divided between PKR and PAS.

The educated urban Malays, who think themselves as the intelligentsia and "I can do without the NEP" attitude are disillusioned with UMNO leaders and detest abuses of power and corruptions among Malay politicians in the party. They are also Anwar's diehard supporters, who believe he is the right man who should lead the country and won't believe any allegations of his wrong doings, or any of the videos of his illicit sexual acts, no matter how much alike the man in the video is to Anwar. These unshakable awe-stricken Anwar's supporters think Anwar is a victim of frame-ups and conspiracies by UMNO. These group is small in numbers but come, rain or shine, will vote PR.

The bigger block of Malay votes will come from the rural and semi-rural areas and with the threat of Chinese political power gaining strength majority of Malays in this group are expected to vote for UMNO, including PAS followers who are angered by PAS leaders subordinating the party to DAP and looked at these leaders as ineffectual, cowardly and interested only in power grab. There is  50/50 chance Kelantan may fall to BN.

Penang will stay with DAP,  Selangor and Perak can go either way. All other states in Peninsula Malaysia are likely to stay with BN.

Sabah and Sarawak will again be the jewels in the crown, losing some Chinese seats to DAP and nominal seats to PKR, which will not put a dent in the BN armour even if situation in Peninsula Malaysia may not be so favourable to the BN.

The rural/semi-rural areas are where the real battle will be fought and whoever win this will take Putrajaya. The greatest number of seats come from this sector, which is the basis of our electoral system.

Our electoral system is based on the Westminster system of Britain and on the basis of "first past the post, a "winner takes all" system that can make a party with more seats but fewer votes the winner.

There is a strong Malay political awakening in Peninsula Malaysia. 

The rural Malays biggest fear is that DAP may become the biggest winner in Pakatan Rakyat if their votes are split three ways and the country could end up with a weak Malay administration should Pakatan win the 13th GE.

The infighting and jockeying for seats in Pakatan Rakyat will kill their chance of taking over the Federal government.

Anwar has screwed himself big time for running the party autocratically, choosing candidates himself and without consensus of opinion.

The result of the elections could be one big surprise and one not many people would have expected.

Lim Kit Siang: "Legit, Not Legality" Moronic Twist Of The English Language

Hantu Laut

Lim Kit Siang, don't try to fool the people with your "it's about legit, not legality" nonsense.

If it is legal, it's legit.

They are synonymous !

Najib is still a full functioning legitimate prime minister and whatever he does from now until dissolution of parliament is legitimate and legal under the law. 

You threatening to cancel contracts signed by him should Pakatan comes to power shows how irresponsible your government will be. 

You vangefulness shows you couldn't care less for the nation to be sued and taxpayers money used to pay compensation for your impetuous action.

Parliament will only dissolved itself on 29 April 2013, unless dissolved sooner by the PM and you know it,  but typical of all Pakatan leaders, you thinks all Malaysians are stupid to fall for your hoax.

There is more than one way to skin a cat. Your ploy sucks.

Read here twisting the English language.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Made By Anwar, UMNO, Or CGI ?

Hantu Laut

Hahaha! another sex video of Anwar and all fingers point to UMNO as the culprit.

Some people in UMNO may be incredibly stupid to try do it over and over again. They must be recalcitrant morons, brain dead, no new ideas how to fix Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar's blinded die hard supporters won't believe it is Anwar even though the person in the video is a spitting image of him, it is not him. 

That's how good Anwar is in the art of histrionics. He has captured the people's imagination of him the good man.

After Sodomy I, Sodomy II and the China doll episodes, wouldn't he be wiser and would have swept the room for bugs and tiny cameras before indulging in his favourite pastime, if it was truly the case. These UMNO morons must be as nutty as a fruitcake to think Malaysians will buy this type of story against Anwar.

Anwar is smart, cunning and fastidious and this kind of carelessness is not likely to happen to him, he can't be stupid time and again.

So, where that leads us to?

I can only come to one conclusion, logical illogical, it may be, a made by Anwar ' supporters videos not too far-fetched.

Why would they makes such videos to implicate him?

It is not to implicate himself but to inculpate Najib and UMNO, which they have succeeded extremely well so far, at least, among young people.

As I have said in my earlier posting Anwar has built an impenetrable shield around him and no shit, no matter how sticky and dirty it is, can penetrate the shield that gave him protection against public contempt and odium. This clever man has immunised himself so thoroughly, so well, no amount of shit can smear him.

Sodomy II was also, probably, staged with the active participation of Saiful to implicate Najib and destroy his reputation. Why would Saiful run to Najib first and not the police if he was truly sodomised against his will by Anwar ? Was he sent there with a specific mission?

It is one natural instinct, out of unrestrained anger, to seek justice and the appropriate place that comes to mind would be the police. Saiful did not know Najib that well yet he sought him out. Why?

The controversial video showing his illicit sexual tryst with a China doll is also highly suspicious as there are flaws in the video. 

If it was truly an entrapment and a hidden camera was used to capture his act, why was there no recording of full frontal image of him on the video, if the camera was truly hidden and he was unaware of its location. The video only showed side profiles of him, every time, he passed the camera, intentionally designed to obscure the true identity of the actor and create skepticism among the public. 

His good friend Datuk Eskay Abdullah who played a pivotal role in exposing the video and one who seemingly turned against him may not be what it seemed. Out of the three Datuks, only one may be completely innocent or guilty, the one that have an axe to grind with him,  easily duped and roped in to lay credence to the belief that the plot was engineered by UMNO.

Now, a second video has appeared showing him in compromising position with another man. 

The stills again showed only side profiles of him but one can still make it out, unless you are Anwar's blinkered supporters, it unmistakenly looked like Anwar Ibrahim, but certainly not Anwar.

Someone in UMNO must be really good, smarter than Spielberg, to be able to produce such fantastic humanoid CGI of Anwar Ibrahim.

What better ways to kill Najib and UMNO than this. 

Many young Malaysians are bought that Anwar is the good man and Najib is the devil that they must get rid off.

I rest my hypothetical case.

If it is truly people in UMNO doing it than they must be truly stupid.

More story here.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

There Is No Fool Like An Old Fool !

Hantu Laut

Why now!

Musa Hitam, a BN appointee as Chairman of Sime Darby, the largest Malaysian conglomerate, given as token of respect for his political contributions to the country says Pakatan Rakyat will not bankrupt this country

Maybe not, but those who don't know the value of loyalty, can never appreciate the cost of betrayal.

Obviously, Musa either forgets 'which side his bread is buttered,' or he is buying insurance, just in case Pakatan first passed the post and took the chequered flag. 

Another probable "cari makan" story. 

I too believe PR will not want to bankrupt the country, but that is not the real issue. The controversy is Pakatan's manifesto and bespoke budget, which Musa deemed propitious and was quick to give his support.

It is a policy that will have tremendous effect on the multitude who have no power to reverse a bad policy once passed by Parliament.

Yes, Pakatan populist policy is going to bankrupt the country because what they have proposed is unrealistic, unsustainable and is a foolhardy attempt to fish for votes. 

He can fool the spuriously intelligent urban dwellers who, rain or shine, good or bad, will blindly support and follow them to the centre of the earth, but he can't fool the real intelligentsia with uncanny eyes for details.

As in the adage "there is no fool like an old fool" he should have restrained himself.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Malaysian Polls Reflect US-China Competition

Nile Bowie

Asia Times

KUALA LUMPUR - In a bid to garner public support and win back several economically dynamic states lost to the opposition in 2008, Malaysia's ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition has introduced a series of populist measures to appeal to voters. But while the upcoming election will be decided mostly on domestic issues, the polls will also reflect rising US-China competition for influence in the country. 

Following the 2008 global economic crisis, Prime Minister Najib Razak looked to Beijing to revive Malaysia's export-oriented economy, emphasizing increased Chinese investment in Malaysian industry. The premier has also moved to expand Sino-Malaysian exchange in areas such as finance, infrastructure development, science and technology, and education. 

China is now Malaysia's largest trading partner, with trade reaching US$90 billion in 2011. Malaysia is China's largest trading partner in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). During a visit to China's Guangxi autonomous region last year, Najib officiated the launch of the China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park (QIP), a joint development by a Malaysian consortium of companies. 
At the event, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao paid tribute to Najib's late father, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, who established diplomatic ties with China in 1974 during his tenure as Malaysia's second prime minister. Malaysia was the first non-communist country in Southeast Asia to establish official ties with the People's Republic of China. Under Najib, 2014 has been designated as "Malaysia-China Friendship Year", while China has loaned two pandas to Malaysia for 10 years to mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations. Read more.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Khalid Ibrahim,Put The Money Where Your Mouth Is !

Hantu Laut

If you don't dissolve the state assembly after Chap Goh Meh, you might as well dissolve yourself as menteri besar, because you are all lies, all bark and no bite.

Do you think for one moment that Najib is worried about you dissolving your state assembly? I think Najib would be more than welcome for you to do so.

A man with real balls will carry out what he says. I hope you are that man.

So, please dissolve the assembly as promised.

BN would be very happy to deploy its full battalion and flex every ounce of muscle to recapture Selangor as they will only have 'one on one' fight.

The onus is on you to show that you are not an infernal nuisance, but a gentleman of your word and a true leader.

Yes, Khalid Ibrahim put the money where your mouth is.

If you don't, consider yourself a gibbering idiot, a liar and a coward. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush

Hantu Laut

PAS, at long last, as I have always suspected a dream they secretly harbour, has fired the first shot for a PAS leader to be prime minister should Pakatan capture Putrajaya in the 13th General Elections.

The dream would become a reality if PAS garnered more MP seats  than PKR, which is highly probable taking into consideration the political ruckus in PKR. There are many long serving PKR members in Sabah unhappy being sidelined by its top leaders for newcomers chosen to stand as candidates in the coming elections.

Hadi Awang, who says he is not interested to be prime minister, but would rather be a khadam (servant) of the people may not be sincere. Is Hadi pretending just to keep Anwar happy until elections day, or pretending not to know that the prime minister is actually a servant of the people and that's what exactly he wanted to be........ rhetorically he refers to as "khadam"

Without any doubt this contentious issue will be hotly debated and pursued by PAS during the campaign period to fish for greater Malay votes to make PAS controlled Pakatan a reality and hence the emergence of a true Islamic state and the realisation of hudud (Karpal, the lone ranger, "over my dead body" conscientious objector would be powerless to stop the slide to hudud). 

By then DAP has a choice of staying with Pakatan and suffer the consequence of Chinese anger or join its arch-enemy UMNO to frustrate PAS push for hudud. I have mentioned earlier in one of my posts the high probability of UMNO MPs throwing their support to make hudud a reality to punish DAP for its chauvinism, arrogance and short-sightedness. 

If "blood is thicker than water" than "bloodline" is just as thick, UMNO  MPs had nothing to lose by joining their Malay brethren in PAS in making hudud a reality.

With hudud, DAP's dream for greater Chinese political power in Malaysian politics will evaporate into thin air. With hudud, the Malays would be able to better preserve political power infinitely and Malaysia would be what Kelantan is now, completely dominated by Malays.

Iran, is typical example of a nation that turned overnight from being secular to becoming one of the strictest Islamic nation after the revolution that brought down its dictatorial ruler Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1979. It hasn't looked back ever since and has become isolated, ostracised and made a pariah state by the Western world. Its Islamic branch of Shiaism is also banned in Malaysia.

Here, a Malaysian Insider reported a matured PAS seemingly moving to the middle ........which I believe is "dangling the carrot"
to fool non-Muslims that the leopard has changed its spots.

Changing is no more about making Anwar Ibrahim the prime minister. The whole scenario has changed, it is now change for the sake of change. Anwar is no more in the equation and may be highly frustrated that the highest office he so dearly coveted may slip away when the final count ended.

Here's another idiot who thinks hudud is not possible to implement in Malaysia.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why Should Foreigners Care Who Wins the White House?


“Is this presidential election really the most important in our lifetime?” That was the question asked, in so many words, by a concerned Brit at a discussion in London a few days ago. His words were directed at Larry Sabato, the American political analyst, whose countenance had been beamed onto a screen in a conference room like some giant electronic guru. Sabato didn’t blink. “This presidential election,” he replied, “is definitely the most important since 2008.”  
Appreciative laughter followed, but the audience wasn’t entirely satisfied. For the British—as for most other Europeans, and indeed most other foreigners—that aspect of this election is extremely hard to understand. Is the 2012 presidential race “important”—that is, will it mark a momentous change in American foreign policy and American attitudes toward the world—or will its result make no difference at all?
The source of the confusion is clear. Shards of harsh rhetoric from this nasty campaign do drift across the Atlantic, and many Europeans are aware that some Americans think Barack Obama is a Marxist-socialist bent on destroying America, while others think Mitt Romney is a vulture capitalist who will rob the poor to feed the rich. The British in particular like to “ooh” and “aah” over the stacks of cash Republicans and Democrats are spending in the apparent belief that the outcome matters a great deal.Read more.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mitt Romney's Loose Cannon And A Vixen

Hantu Laut 

Mitt Romney may have too much money and think he can win the election by insulting poor working class America, literally calling them parasites.

Just as well, he is not getting much help from his tempestuous wife. 

Read the two articles below:

Why Is Mitt Romney Such A Loser?

It’s a serious question. On the basis of fundamentals, the race should be a squeaker. The Yale economist Ray Fair’s prediction model, which ignores the opinion polls and just looks at economic factors, currently puts Obama’s share of the popular vote at 49.5 per cent, implying that Romney would almost certainly get a narrow majority in the electoral college and win the election. Because the margin of error in Fair’s forecasting equation is three per cent, he isn’t really predicting a Romney victory; he’s just saying that the race should be close, really close. As of today, it isn’t. Read more.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

A letter from Romney's wife

Dear Fellow-Republican,

I’m not a happy camper.
Over the past few days, some so-called Republicans have taken it upon themselves to lob some pretty harsh words in the direction of my husband. Now, it’s one thing when Mitt gets criticized by the forty-seven per cent of Americans who are parasites sucking at capitalism’s teat. But when former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan calls his campaign “a rolling calamity,” it’s time for Ann Romney to kick some ass.
Which brings me to you. This is not a fundraising appeal. Lord knows this campaign has all the money it needs, especially since Mitt went to Vegas and promised Sheldon Adelson he’d bomb Tehran on Day One. As Mitt’s wife, I’m asking you to pledge something far more valuable:

Your silence. 

By signing the pledge form below, you become an official member of Ann Romney’s Circle of Silence, an élite tier of the Romney for President Campaign. As a member of the C.O.S., you will receive priority ticketing to the Inauguration, as well as a collectible “Loose Lips Sink Mitt” ball gag. All you have to do is shut the freak up until Election Day.
That’s right, for the next forty-six days, I’m asking you to bite your tongue every time Mitt says or does something idiotic. If you think that sounds difficult, welcome to my world.
And Peggy Noonan, if you’re reading this: you want a piece of Ann Romney? Then get in the ring, girlfriend, and I’ll mess you up good.
Vote for Mitt,
She is sure one hell of a vixen! Good luck Mitt! 

How not to lose friends, if you have a wife like Mrs Romney

Read more.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How Bad Is It for Romney? You Decide

The New yorker

This being the Jewish New Year, a time for reflection, I’m going to heed the calls of some of our more conservative readers and refrain from passing another negative judgment on my old pal Mitt Romney. Instead, I’ll merely pass along ten headlines from the weekend. Once you’ve read and digested them, there’s a little multiple-choice test.
1. POLL FINDS OBAMA IS ERASING ROMNEY’S EDGE ON ECONOMY (New York Times, 9/14). From the beginning, the best thing Romney has had going for him is a widespread perception that he would do a better job than President Obama in handling the economy and creating jobs. As recently as July, a CBS News/New York Times poll showed him with an eight-percentage-point lead on this key issue, which has now been erased. According to the latest CBS/Times survey, fifty per cent of respondents said that Obama would do a better job handling the economy, and just forty-four per cent said Romney. Among “likely voters,” Obama’s lead was smaller—one point rather than six—but still.
2. ROMNEY AT RISK OF LOSING EDGE ON DEFICIT (Washington Post, 9/16). In most polls, the budget is just about the only other issue where Romney has held an advantage. In an April ABC News/Washington Post poll, for example, he held a whopping lead of seventeen percentage points—fifty-four to thirty-seven—on the question of who would handle the deficit better. But in the most recent ABC/Post poll, that lead has narrowed to just three points. Other polls show a similar trend.

Read more

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

BN Will Win !

Hantu Laut

Forget ABOUT the rabble-rousers, the prophets of doom, the soothsayers, to wit the skewed web portals with their skewed stories.

Read what the expert says....BN WILL WIN. 

After publishing the above, the news portal, if it qualify to be called one, found it fit, within less than an hour, published this crap.

If the crap is true how come Malaysia's 2012 second quarter economy recorded a higher growth rate of 5.4%, much driven by the unhappy Chinese economic engine.

Which Chinese this Datuk fella talked to, the Chinese in the ivory tower or the Chinese in the gutter ? ....or you know what I am thinking ....he is a DAP mole. 

Where's my adding machine, dude! The story don't add up.

What can one say, it's Clara Chooi and Malaysian Insider. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Elections Before Ramadan ?

Hantu Laut

Is there a likelihood that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak would dissolve parliament and call for elections before the starting of Ramadan?

Will he springs a surprise? 

More to come.

In the meantime, opposition Pakatan Rakyat is desperate for civil service votes.There are over 1.2 million civil servants and all are of voting age and over 90% Malays. 

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders reminded the country’s 1.4 million civil servants today that they should “be loyal to the country, the King and the Federal Constitution and not to the ruling party,” amid recent concerns about the lack of impartiality among senior government officials.Read more here.

They should be loyal to the government of the day.No need for Guan Eng to warn them. They will vote for whoever they think fit to run this country.

After being debased, rubbished and made the target of public hostility and odium would they vote for Pakatan Rakyat? 


Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Chinese View Najib Incapable - Selena Tay

Hantu Laut

Another dim-witted writer.

"The Chinese view the prime minister as not a capable person for not being able to do such a simple thing as dissolving Parliament. Thus the longer he holds off the polls, the more the Chinese will view him as being not capable and the more Chinese votes he will lose as many are already losing confidence in him due to his foot-dragging over the polls date".

Can write but stupid! 

Dissolving parliament is the prime minister's prerogative.No one can force him to do so, not until his term expires.

Except for this stupid lady, who called the PM incapable and assumed Chinese are stupid,  I am sure most Chinese knew the PM's term has not run out, he has until March 2013 to call for elections.

Why blame the prime minister if you monkeys, every now and then, make you own wrong prediction! 

As I have said in my earlier posts, read my lip....anytime after Ramadan and before end of the year..... or if it makes you feel better, he may dissolve parliament by Monday 25 June, or just to annoy you political scumbags he may stretch the whole nine yards.

Has she been appointed spokesperson for the Chinese community?

Anyway, I have written off Chinese supports for BN long before the shit hit the fan.

Majority Chinese supports would go to DAP and most Malay votes would go to UMNO, except for the so-called scroll conscious Melayus who think they have made it, think smarter than a 5th grader and think can survive the level playing field......on mere perception of self-conceit.

PKR would be the only party in Pakatan limping home.

Don't you think it would be nice, for a change, to have a real opposition leader and not a de-facto one.

I'll vote Lim Kit Siang for opposition leader because DAP would get the most seats among the 3 components in Pakatan.

Read her scabby piece here.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Merdeka Poll: Are West Malaysians Cows ?

Hantu Laut

Nine out 10 West Malaysians voters want the electoral roll cleaned up before the 13th general elections.

George Gallup would be very impressed with the Merdeka Centre poll, a 90% affirmation, such extraordinary result.

How the Merdeka Centre conduct their survey and extrapolating the result is only known to them. 

Who audit their books?

Maybe, it's high time the government appoint a body to audit their poll results to ensure there would not be misleading polls to juggle public opinion.

Would that poll confirm that West Malaysians are cows? Can't think for themselves. They need people like Ambiga, the fame seeker, to rein them in and lead them to pasture.

Go to:

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ambiga, Anwar:Is The British Electoral Roll Dirty Too?

Hantu Laut

Is Malaysia electoral roll as dirty as Ambiga and Anwar made it out to be that they have to organise a huge rally calling for free and fair elections?

Our laws and parliamentary system are inherited from the British.Almost everything in government are based on the British system including our civil service and not forgetting we, like the Brits, also drive on the wrong side of the road, different from the rest of Europe and America.

We have inherited a unique system of government which had prevailed well over the decades until some smart asses came up with their stupid argument that there was something very wrong with the system. 

The 2005 U.K.Elections gave Labour only 36.1% of the total votes, but they managed to form the government on their own, against the total oppositions votes of 64.%.

Even if all the opposition parties joined forces, they still do not have enough seats to form the government.

This table indicates those parties with over one seat, Great Britain only
Seats %Votes %Votes
Labour Party35556.536.19,552,436
Conservative Party19831.533.28,782,192
Liberal Democrats629.922.65,985,454
Scottish National Party61.01.6412,267
Plaid Cymru30.50.7174,838


The Labour Party only had 36.1% of the total votes but 56.5% of the total seats.The Conservative and all other parties put together had 63.9% of the votes but only 43.5% of the seats.

No citizen and no one in the opposition complained that the UK electoral roll is dirty or the system is fucked up.The losers took the losses in their stride.

Even Raja Petra has written about this a number of times, which was a bit unfortunate, since he now lives in the U.K, he should have known better that the same anomaly exists in the British system.

The 2010 U.K.Elections was highly contested that ended in a 'hung' parliament.No single party has sufficient majority to from the government. The result below.


  • Prediction
  • 326 to win
Liberal Democrat
Democratic Unionist Party
Scottish National Party


  1. CON36.1%
  2. LAB29.0%
  3. LD23.0%
  4. OTHERS11.9%


5%From LAB to CON

Labour lost the government on 5% swing to the Conservative, yet the Conservative can't form the government on their own.

We are different from the American system as far as elections are concerned.The American president is indirectly elected by the people through what they called electoral colleges, but members of the federal legislature, the Congress are elected directly.

I have great faith in our democracy and our electoral system, it may not be perfect, but than no system is perfect, everyone has a fair chance of winning an election, without fear or favour, as can be seen in March 2008. The opposition did not win the federal government then was because of the system, not of cheating or dirty electoral rolls.

I challenge Ambiga and Anwar to show substantive proof that there had been massive cheating in past elections and that the electoral rolls are dirty.