Showing posts with label Hadi Awang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hadi Awang. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It's No More ABU, It's Now ABBA !

Hantu Laut

First, it was Lim Guan Eng reminding PAS of its digression from who shall be prime minister? Subsequently, panic-stricken,  scores of ants crawled out of the woodwork trying to frame a right picture of what transpired at the 58th PAS Muktamar.

The just ended PAS Muktamar has produced some unsettling news  that put a chink in the coalition's armour and likely to destroy its chance of capturing Putrajaya.

The question of who PAS delegates want as prime minister has been decided at the party's annual meeting.

Is DAP in the hogwash, or real trepidation?

The declaration has send shivers up the spines of DAP leaders, who always believe PAS would concede to Anwar Ibrahim becoming the PM even if PAS garnered the most parliamentary seats among the three. DAP leaders hit the panic button and looking for ways to weather the storm. The Chinese community is now re-calculating its coordinates......whither are we bound ?  To be or not to be.......with Pakatan.

Though, I believe Pakatan won't make it to Putrajaya, the nation would be better off with God-fearing Hadi Awang's clean slate that would make him a better prime minister than Anwar Ibrahim.

A person, chosen by the people, does not need prerequisite to be prime minister, he will be guided by the civil service.To say Anwar has vast experience and therefore more qualified, and Hadi had not, is a lame argument.

Moderate Chinese and Indians see PAS apparent goodwill as nothing but dangling the carrot to hoodwink non-Muslims. The surprise turnaround at the Muktamar by the conservatives revealed that all is not well in the coalition. There is mutual feeling of distrust between PAS and DAP and PAS do not trust Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister as he would  be running the same kind of government as his former party........the spoils system.  

Anwar, who was 'the' doyen of political patronage during Mahathir's administration would have to reward his supporters and leading figures in the coalition partnership with the spoils system. Otherwise, people like Lajim Okin, Wilfred Bamburing and other UMNO/BN turncoats, used to the spoils system, would not have joined him. Some have reaped the harvest since USNO and Berjaya days but could not satisfy their insatiable appetite for more. PAS expect the spoils system would continue under Anwar's leadership and Malaysia would be back to square one. 

The conservatives in PAS feared that the state of corruptions would only change hands and likely to continue under Anwar if he is made prime minister hence the call for Hadi Awang as prime minister. 

To PAS it's no more ABU, it's now ABBA (Anything But Brother Anwar), a contingency they have planned on the quiet to make sure Anwar would not be prime minister.

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush

Hantu Laut

PAS, at long last, as I have always suspected a dream they secretly harbour, has fired the first shot for a PAS leader to be prime minister should Pakatan capture Putrajaya in the 13th General Elections.

The dream would become a reality if PAS garnered more MP seats  than PKR, which is highly probable taking into consideration the political ruckus in PKR. There are many long serving PKR members in Sabah unhappy being sidelined by its top leaders for newcomers chosen to stand as candidates in the coming elections.

Hadi Awang, who says he is not interested to be prime minister, but would rather be a khadam (servant) of the people may not be sincere. Is Hadi pretending just to keep Anwar happy until elections day, or pretending not to know that the prime minister is actually a servant of the people and that's what exactly he wanted to be........ rhetorically he refers to as "khadam"

Without any doubt this contentious issue will be hotly debated and pursued by PAS during the campaign period to fish for greater Malay votes to make PAS controlled Pakatan a reality and hence the emergence of a true Islamic state and the realisation of hudud (Karpal, the lone ranger, "over my dead body" conscientious objector would be powerless to stop the slide to hudud). 

By then DAP has a choice of staying with Pakatan and suffer the consequence of Chinese anger or join its arch-enemy UMNO to frustrate PAS push for hudud. I have mentioned earlier in one of my posts the high probability of UMNO MPs throwing their support to make hudud a reality to punish DAP for its chauvinism, arrogance and short-sightedness. 

If "blood is thicker than water" than "bloodline" is just as thick, UMNO  MPs had nothing to lose by joining their Malay brethren in PAS in making hudud a reality.

With hudud, DAP's dream for greater Chinese political power in Malaysian politics will evaporate into thin air. With hudud, the Malays would be able to better preserve political power infinitely and Malaysia would be what Kelantan is now, completely dominated by Malays.

Iran, is typical example of a nation that turned overnight from being secular to becoming one of the strictest Islamic nation after the revolution that brought down its dictatorial ruler Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1979. It hasn't looked back ever since and has become isolated, ostracised and made a pariah state by the Western world. Its Islamic branch of Shiaism is also banned in Malaysia.

Here, a Malaysian Insider reported a matured PAS seemingly moving to the middle ........which I believe is "dangling the carrot"
to fool non-Muslims that the leopard has changed its spots.

Changing is no more about making Anwar Ibrahim the prime minister. The whole scenario has changed, it is now change for the sake of change. Anwar is no more in the equation and may be highly frustrated that the highest office he so dearly coveted may slip away when the final count ended.

Here's another idiot who thinks hudud is not possible to implement in Malaysia.