Showing posts with label DAP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DAP. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Are The Chinese Overly Sensitive, Or Politicking ?

Hantu Laut

Malays are seldom racists, misguided maybe, but there is no inherent racism in them. Ibrahim Ali and those of his ilk is a different kettle of fish.Even they are not racists, they are just very angry Malays.

Ismail Sabri's choice of word may not be pleasing to some people's ears, but he made a very specific and profound statement...."boycott the Chinese traders who refused to lower prices" , the emphasis was on "those who refused to lower prices"

If people have not read between the lines there would not be a problem, or allegation of racism. He did not say boycott all Chinese traders, just those who refused to lower prices.

Can you blame him?

Let's get our perspective right, the reality, almost 90% of retail businesses in this country are in the hands of the Chinese in urban and semi-urban areas and the majority of consumers are Malays/Bumiputras with limited spending power. 

The non-Chinese outlets are minute, insignificant and immaterial to mention.

Sometimes, when push comes to shove, bluntness get noticed.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Malaysian Charlie Hebdo?


If they are not careful, unknowingly, it would be the non-Muslims that will turn this country into a truly Islamic state, if they don't stop interfering with Islam.

A lawyer, but an idiot, the lady lawyer a Muslim, also an idiot. What is a non-Muslim doing interfering with what happened inside a mosque with the KUTBAH on Friday prayers?

What happened inside the mosque is none of your business and that Muslim lady lawyer defending you should have known better.

Trying to make political mileage out of bashing Jakim and Islam?

Sorry mate! No sympathy for stupidity. 

You are lucky this is Malaysia, Muslims here are basically still more civilised than in many other parts of the world.

One must know where and where not to poo!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Would DAP And PKR Dare To Kick PAS Out of Pakatan Rakyat?

Hantu Laut

I frankly think PAS should part ways with DAP and PKR as they have no common ground, it was a marriage made in hell, of irreconcilable differences and of one feeling loftier than the other. 

Both DAP and PKR consider PAS a kampong party run by country bumpkins and dependent on DAP and PKR for its enhanced political performance. Otherwise, parochial PAS would be confined to Kelantan.

An insult PAS had swallowed all this while and taking it in its stride so far.

It's puzzling that with the constant bickering, mistrust and distrust among the partners the  politicians in DAP and PKR still want to stay together with the hudud wielding PAS.

The Khalid Ibrahim debacle may be the straw that will break the camel back and it looks like DAP and PKR are more afraid of losing PAS than the other way round.

Desperation has turned to more insults being thrown at PAS to decide quickly its stand on the issue

I am against hudud law and strongly feel that PAS mixing religion with running of a nation is not healthy for this multiracial and multi religious country.

PKR and DAP should stay in PR and work harder to challenge the BN in the next GE (General Election) and leave PAS to its own device.

A pick from a news portal on the Selangor impasse.

It almost seemed as if Hadi had forgotten that his party had shared the trenches with DAP and PKR in two wars – GE12 and GE13 – and had won significant battles along the way.
Also, for someone whose party under-delivered in GE13, whose refusal to change the menteri besar in Kedah caused the fall of the state to BN and who needed a chunk of non-Malay votes to win a chunk of parliamentary seats in the peninsula and state seats in Selangor, he was cocky and dismissive of the importance of PR to PAS.
Read more here

Monday, August 11, 2014

Anwar Screw-Up Big Time, Is Fresh Elections In The Offing?

Hantu Laut

Is fresh election in the offing for Selangor?

Anwar Ibrahim has cut his nose to spite his face and had thrown Selangor into political turmoil that may see PR (Pakatan Rakyat) road to Putrajaya going up in smoke.

This man whom I have rejected as a leader since his days in UMNO has shown vacuousness of his highly questionable power grab that backfiring not only on himself but on the whole Pakatan Rakyat, which may see the demise of the three-party coalition.

Every step taken by Anwar and PKR against Khalid Ibrahim has been in the wrong direction. 

Anwar demanded that Khalid resigned to pave way for his wife to take over the MB position as Khalid was appointed by Pakatan Rakyat. For those with moral principle, this is nepotism of the highest order. Are there not enough qualified candidates in the PKR elected representatives line-up to become MB? 

Why his wife? 

Why not the wolfish Azmin Ali, who had been played out twice of the MB post by him.A promise he made to Azmin, but couldn't deliver because the other two partners PAS and DAP were not comfortable with Azmin.

We can rule out Azmin due to his unacceptability, which leaves PKR with 12 more choices. Are the Muslims among the 12 all dumb? If it's true no one in PKR is capable other than his wife why not pick someone from PAS to replace Khalid, as the MB post rightfully belong to PAS, which they sacrificed to PKR for peace sake.

This is where stupidity reigned over sensibility, Anwar caught with his pants down as exposed by his little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli that PAS was never consulted on the "Kajang Move" as PAS is not likely to agree. What's the point of a coalition if you don't trust your partner and do things on the sly?

Like morning dreams come true, PAS dissented saying Khalid has not done anything wrong to justify his removal. 

Anwar claimed that Khalid was appointed by PR, therefore, must abide by the decision, again this conniving otter made another big mistake.

Was there unanimous decision? 

It is now clear there wasn't any consensus at all. The God-fearing leaders in PAS have no time for Anwar's greed and connivance. PAS has also identified who are the moles in PAS, planted by Anwar to help further his ambition to become PM (Prime Minister) of this country, by hook or by crook.

By what transpired lately, PAS appears to have gotten fed up with the constant bullying by PKR and DAP and is prepared to leave the coalition if Anwar proceeded with the removal of Khalid and replaced with his wife.

PAS has no objection to other names, but Anwar appears not keen and insistent in putting his wife.

PKR has stripped Khalid of his membership making him an MB without a party and PAS showing its displeasure with Anwar by inviting Khalid to join PAS.

PAS has thrown a spanner in the works and not likely to change its stance.

With Khalid out, PKR is now left with 13 ADUNs and if Khalid join PAS the likelihood of PAS demanding the MB to come from PAS is highly probable.

Khalid may go for broke. A dissolution of the assembly and fresh elections is even of higher probability.

I have said many times before that this coalition of strange bedfellows will one day disintegrate because they have nothing in common other than dreaming of taking over Putrajaya, which will also end up in chaos as PAS is not comfortable with Anwar as PM as revealed by little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli, the so-called architect of the "Kajang Move". 

As they say "never send a boy to do a man's job"  

Anwar has stripped himself naked of his true colours. This is his biggest blunder. I expect many of his faithful supporters would have seen through the smoke screen and will shy away from him.

Anwar will soon be a liability to Pakatan Rakyat.

Khalid Ibrahim will eventually have to go, but not before he inflicts more serious damage on Anwar's reputation. 

There is a Chinese idioms that says "greed over small gains brings big losses"

Anwar screw-up big time.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Anwar Ibrahim A Bad Chess Player, Checkmated By Khalid.

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim is a poor chess player compared to Khalid Ibrahim, who checkmated him of his insatiable desire to kick out Khalid and make his wife Wan Azizah as the Menteri Besar of Selangor. 

Strange as it may sound, PKR had also issued Khalid with a show cause letter, which stated among other things the following.

The letter dated 5 August 2014 sates that Khalid had, by way of a press statement on 22 July 2014, defied the decision of the Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (Central Leadership Committee) to put forward Dr Wan Azizah as the MB (Menteri Besar) of Selangor.

What's the point of a show cause letter from the party when the MB position comes under the purview of the state legislative assembly and only members of the the house with consent of the Sultan can remove Khalid as MB.

Even if PKR sack Khalid from the party, but he still enjoys majority support of the house, he can still legally continue as MB.

A simple majority can oust Khalid. The house has 56 seats, Pakatan needs minimum of 28 ayes have it, to remove Khalid. PAS with 15 seats in the assembly refused to give assent to the removal of Khalid to be replaced by Anwar's wife Wan Azizah. PAS leaders are convinced Khalid has done nothing wrong and see Anwar's desire to put his wife as the MB an immoral act.

It is obvious Anwar can't get enough lawmakers to support him in a vote of no confidence against Khalid and is now resorting to dirty Nazi type tactic of hounding Khalid by disseminating false propaganda and spurious character assassination about Khalid's wrongdoings to mislead the Selangor people.

Looks like little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli's "Kajang Move" has turned sour and has turned docile Khalid into a badass. Little boy wonder thinks Khalid can be bullied into submission. How wrong can he and Anwar be!

Khalid stood firm because he has enough lawmakers behind him in the event of a showdown and also hold the trump card in the event of anticipated foul-up in the house, last resort...... a dissolution.

I hope PAS stood steadfastly against the onslaught of bullying from PKR and DAP and stood by their principle.

Khalid has made a good menteri besar and no reason to replace him.

Anwar is a dangerous man and should never be allowed to always have his ways.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Of Running Dogs, Misunderstanding And Proving UMNO Shortcomings

Hantu Laut

The arrogance in DAP continued.Tony Pua slandering the ROS and UMNO, he says:

Do the police, Utusan Malaysia, the five groups that lodged the reports or even Umno understand what running dogs even means? It’s an English translation of the Mandarin word that refers to lackeys or lapdogs.
Maybe Bakri Zinin should go for English classes too, if he is unable to figure out what the phrase means. It is fine to accept police reports on anything but to waste time considering which law to apply here says a lot about the police.Read more here.

I agree, it's stupid to charge him under sedition, but that doesn't mean he is not liable for what he uttered. UMNO leaders should used their heads, which shows they are incapable of. 

The Register of Societies or UMNO should take legal action against him for slander, instead, of using strong-arm tactic to try silent him.

UMNO may be the ruling party, but it is not the government per se and has no executive power to interfere in the administration of the state.

They should take Pua to the court of law for him to produce  evidence that they have interfered with the legal process.

The police should stay out of this.

If I call you stupid or ugly that's my opinion, you can't sue me,  but if I say you are a thief and have committed such crime and you know it's a lie than you can sue me for slander

UMNO leaders should learn from Lee Kuan Yew, use the court to take such people to the cleaners.

For UMNO, it's old habits diehard.

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Rogue Chief Minister And Rogue Loan Defaulters

Hantu Laut

Away on holiday somewhere in the Himalayas. 

Haven't posted anything the past two weeks, bit tired writing about Malaysian politics, which is fast sliding down the gutter.

Badasses from both sides of the political divide giving the country a bad name.

When you have chief minister of a state going overseas running down his own country, you know what kind of fuck head you have heading a government and one who thinks his state is a separate entity and another sovereign power.

Now, I would like to ask Lim Guan Eng where his allegiance lies, here or in Timbaktu?

No matter how much you are against the government, as an elected member you can only denigrate or ridicule the government within the country or in parliament, but doing it overseas in an international forum is outright treachery and should not be condoned by any patriotic Malaysian. 

To be fair to him, the government must get a transcript of his speech to determine whether the complaint is true or not and whether the nature of the speech is treasonous. The transcript should also be published in the media for the people to judge.

From a chief minister who thinks he is an emperor of an island nation to a government losing sense in good governance, using soft approach to loan defaulters depriving others of the opportunity to further their studies

I read this with great concern concerning PTPPN loan defaulters. What kind of signal is the government sending to the Malays and Bumiputras. 

Hutang, tak payah bayar balik kah?

A mind-boggling sum of RM2.3 billion in unpaid loans by 400,000 defaulters of the PTPPN study loans of mainly Malay/Bumiputra students. 

Now, you know why the other races rejected the BN government. This is the kind of nonsense they do that riled up the other races. 

A proposal to denounce and blacklist the name of defaulters was opposed by UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin and accepted by the Cabinet.Blacklisting may not be the answer. PTPPN must use legal action to collect the debts from adamant borrowers.

We, businessmen, would be severely punished if we failed to repay our debts, not only our own loans, but personal guarantee we gave to financial institution for third party's debt, which can be your friend, relative, or your own company where you may be one of the directors.Failure to repay would end up in bankruptcy.

Debt is a debt and must be repaid. If the borrower is not able to repay on time than the loan should be rescheduled to ease the borrower's burden.

Politicians should not set bad example by defending these rogue borrowers, who, obviously, have no intention of repaying the loans from the very beginning.

Legal action should be taken against the loan defaulters. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

DAP Wayang Kulit

Hantu Laut

Indeed, what Tunku Aziz says here is not far from the truth, exaggerated and excessively dramatic, the DAP theatrics.

What grave injustice and abuse of power  against you when you cheated some of your members of their rights to vote?

You continue to cheat the people by proselytising lies into truth and truth into lies.

Accused the government of cheating in the recent polls, when you have not been entirely honest yourself.

Can you be trusted to be part of the big government?

DAP will continue to play the wayang kulit to hoodwink the people that they are being victimised by ROS and the government. 

I agree calling on PM Najib Tun Razak to guarantee that the party won't be de-registered is mischievous.

Sadly, too many Malaysians believe in this wayang kulit.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Malaysia's Biggest Opposition Party Under Threat

On May 5, the opposition Democratic Action Party became the second-largest political party in Malaysia, drubbing its main rival for Chinese affections, the Malaysian Chinese Association and taking 38 seats in Parliament. The election made the DAP, as the party is known, a powerhouse in Malaysian politics, with the legitimate claim to represent the country's Chinese, who make up 24.9 percent of the country's population.

Today, however, the 48-year-old DAP's status is in doubt amid allegations that the government, headed by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, has set out to put the party out of business in the wake of its electoral success. 

Malaysia's Registrar of Societies on Monday invalidated the party's Dec. 15, 2012 central executive committee election over alleged intraparty irregularities during its annual general meeting after two DAP members, the vice chairman and secretary of a local branch, lodged reports in January, saying the party's election results had been manipulated to exclude them. 

Tellingly, the Home Minister, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, announced the decision against the DAP rather than waiting for the Registry of Societies to deliver a formal letter. The letter was delivered Thursday, containing the directive to hold fresh party elections.

In any case, the party's executive committee has now been ruled illegal and a new election of executive committee members must be held within a specified period, probably 30 to 60 days, according to the registry. The party, however, is refusing to hold a new election, meaning the registry could put the party out of business. 

The facts appear up for grabs. Certainly the DAP appears to have made an embarrassing error in the election. 

"It's their own members who took out the complaints," said the head of a think tank in Kuala Lumpur. "It was a huge embarrassment to them during the election. This is registry of societies business, it has nothing to do with anybody. The DAP, as paranoid as they are, say they are under siege." 

The DAP strategist Chin Tong acknowledged in an interview that the party had erred in computing results of the election, but that it had rectified the mistake. In any case, it is questionable why the action is being taken now. Although the agency investigated the situation earlier this year and issued a letter that put the validity of the central executive committee in doubt, in the end it cleared the party for the general election. After first refusing to allow the DAP to use its "rocket" symbol on election materials, the registry relented and allowed its use.Read more.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

BN Will Lose The Next Elections ?

Hantu Laut

Anwar say he is firm in opposing electoral fraud, corruption and racism.

It's about time someone tell him, in no uncertain term, to stop  his charade and call a mea culpa, smoke a peace pipe, or be a gentleman and accept defeat graciously.

Everything of what he said is true, there were corruptions, there were racism and there were some cheating in the elections, but not the way he portrays them. 

Corruption is nothing new, been rampant since his time in UMNO and electoral fraud twiddling with the electoral boundaries, which he never complained before when he was riding high in UMNO everything was hunky-dory then and not forgetting he was also charged and found guilty of corruption. The court only overturned his sodomy sentence. 

Gerrymandering is not an election offence. The electoral boundaries need to be redrawn every eight years and Malaysia's population in rural areas are sparsely distributed making equitable distribution of voters per constituency the same as urban areas, impractical and a logistical nightmare.

Racism ? Yeah, it is more DAP's piece de resistance!

Why I say racism is DAP's forte?

There are lots of Chinese chauvinism in DAP. 

The Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor and Gelang Patah are showcases of Chinese chauvinism. Former Johor MB Ghani Othman would have won if just 15% of Chinese voters had voted for him.

DAP had grown from a 'mosquito party' into the second largest political party in this country on the ground of solid Chinese supports. A Chinese tsunami is not a overstatement, without which it will never have achieved its present status. 

DAP leaders are more sophisticated, clever and subtle with their political campaign to woo the Chinese, unlike the crudely fashioned 'rough and tumble' ways of UMNO leaders, uncouth, unpolished and very unMalay.

Homogeneity, is in the Chinese blood when their common interests at stake, they cohere.

Ha! The Malays, will they ever learn? They are split three ways, the educated urban Malays (the self-indulging highbrow), the rabble rural Malays (the simple kampong folks) and the Islamist Malays ( who want to be more Arabs than Malays)

UMNO, has certainly failed, otherwise, the Malays won't be so divided. The Malays who can think independently feel they have been played out by their own kind.

If  Najib does not carry out drastic changes in his party and government, stop all nonsense of rewarding UMNO warlords with government largesse (the people's money), reduce corruption and appoint capable people to key positions based on merit rather than cronyism and nepotism and if there are no radical changes made between now and the next general elections, BN will lose the next election..GE14.

BN have lost the popular votes, which is a clear indication that worse is to come.

Changes that the people wanted, not what UMNO wanted.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

One Stupid DAP MP Against Construction Of A Mosque

Hantu Laut

One stupid and insensitive DAP MP against mosque construction with stupid excuse of azan disturbing the people's sleep. 

I am not a religious person, but this kind of stupidity is going to cause unnecessary racial and religious tension.

The kampong people sounded smarter than him, telling him that dogs barking also disturb their sleep and even worse dog barking can be incessant or sporadic throughout the night.

Azan only occurred twice after sundown, once in the evening just after dusk (maghrib) and every morning just before dawn (subuh). There is another one at night after 8 p.m (isyak), but some mosques do not sound the azan as the worshippers who came for the maghrib prayers usually stayed on for the isyak prayer.Most azan lasted less than 5 minutes.

Obviously, he is too thick to understand the imputation.

Watch the video:

What say you, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang and SakmongkolAK47 ?

Azan (call to prayer) below.

DAP has 38 seats in Parliament making it the second largest political party in the country after UMNO. 

In the old days, before the dawn of cheap amplifiers, almost all azan were done unplugged, maybe mosque committees should consider turning down the volume or go back to the good old days.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tunku Aziz Beware: Karpal's DAP Official Secret Act Will Get You

Hantu Laut

Karpal Singh warned former DAP vice president Tunku Abdul Aziz to stop exposing party secrets.

Is DAP a secret society that they have too many secrets to hide and afraid of them being released into public domain? Do they have their own OSA (Official Secret Act), whereby the party can charge party members or former members for contravening the act?

How exactly is he going to take action against Tunku Aziz for telling the truth?

They talk about democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to protest, freedom to demonstrate, freedom to tell lies and freedom to do anything they want. When it comes to where it hurts them, freedom flew out of the window. 

Are they the untouchables, not of the Hindi lowest caste, but of the Mafioso type? You squealed, you are dead meat.

What a bunch of plaster saints. Hypocrisy of the highest order.

Read here Karpal threatening the Tungku.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Using PAS Symbol: DAP Biggest "PLOY" To Delude Malay Voters

Hantu Laut

I'll be laconic about this. No point writing lengthy article that eventually will be lost in translation. 

Why use PAS and not PKR in West Malaysia, and PAS not PKR in Sabah and Sarawak?

It is not difficult to guess.....ain't it....... the ploy to mislead. 

The ROS has confirmed that DAP can still use its symbol as the party had not been deregistered. Why the need to use your coalition partners symbol when you can still legally use your own.

This is DAP biggest "wayang" to delude the kampong Malays into believing they are voting for PAS. 

DAP, well known for its theatric of sadness or outrage, depending whether it's the father or the son, played the usual victim. Lim Kit Siang was seen shedding crocodile tears as if the whole DAP world had fallen apart, when any level-headed person knew DAP is still a full-fuctioning political party and able to use its own symbol. The son was in furious outrage.

Simple kampong folks use the symbol to vote for the party they like and allowing DAP to use PAS symbol will create much confusion in rural/semi-rural areas.

I can foresee a near total rejection of PAS by majority Malay voters likely to happen when they see the DAP ploy and PAS leaders condescending ways. PAS leaders used to call UMNO members "infidels" for associating with Chinese.

Most educated Malays want to believe communal politics is over and done with while the smarter Chinese have formed a cohesive centre-right bloc that will cement Chinese unity and allow DAP to capture most predominantly and marginal Chinese constituencies. The Chinese have learnt the art of divide and rule and giving the Malays a taste of their own medicine, which they have been dispensing to the Chinese and other non-Malay communities for over half a century.

The real war is not in the urban areas but in the rural/semi-rural areas where majority of seats are located and DAP was smart enough to see this godsend opportunity.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is DAP Eying The Prime Minister's Post ?

                                                                DAP's Darth Vader

Hantu Laut

DAP would field Malay candidates in a number of places to reflect the party multi-racialism stance and bolster Malay supports. 

Is that all it is, or it has other more sinister agenda?

Malaysiakini reported here today that the party would field UMNO renegade Mohd Ariff Sabri, a former UMNO assemblyman for Pulau Manis in Pahang as candidate for the Raub parliamentary constituency. Sabri fell out with Najib for not being selected as candidate in the 12th GE (General Elections). He is also a blogger known as SakmongkolAK47 and regularly used his blog to deliver brutal attacks on Najib and UMNO. Seen as a lightweight, a nobody and not a threat, those in UMNO ignored his rambling.

Another strong advocate of DAP is Aspan Alias, another UMNO dropout with a deep vengeance to make it even with UMNO. He  may also be chosen to stand as candidate. His blog "Aspan Alias" also regularly delivers tirades of abuses against his former party. 

DAP also announced that the party would field Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji, a member of the Pahang royal house, as candidate for Mentakab state assembly seat. 

DAP, might have missed a heartbeat, not all member of the royal household are popular with the people.

Will DAP field more Malay puppets on a string to fulfil its ambition to be the leading party in Pakatan Rakyat.

I expect DAP to also field Malay candidates in Perak and Selangor, where it has better chance of becoming the lead party and DAP menteri besar could become a reality. 

I called it to "circumnavigate the constitution" and sail through the loophole. Most state constitution in Peninsula Malaysia, with the exception of Melaka and Penang, only allow Malay Muslim as menteri besar.

It seems obvious DAP leaders are focused of getting the premiership for its party. The only way they can achieve this is to have Malay members of parliament in the party.

In the event they garnered more federal seats than PKR and PAS, the party can demand the PM post be given to its Malay MP. 

This, maybe, the umpteenth time, I say DAP will be the biggest gainer in the 13th GE. Whether Pakatan makes it to Putrajaya or not, is another story.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lim Kit Siang: "Legit, Not Legality" Moronic Twist Of The English Language

Hantu Laut

Lim Kit Siang, don't try to fool the people with your "it's about legit, not legality" nonsense.

If it is legal, it's legit.

They are synonymous !

Najib is still a full functioning legitimate prime minister and whatever he does from now until dissolution of parliament is legitimate and legal under the law. 

You threatening to cancel contracts signed by him should Pakatan comes to power shows how irresponsible your government will be. 

You vangefulness shows you couldn't care less for the nation to be sued and taxpayers money used to pay compensation for your impetuous action.

Parliament will only dissolved itself on 29 April 2013, unless dissolved sooner by the PM and you know it,  but typical of all Pakatan leaders, you thinks all Malaysians are stupid to fall for your hoax.

There is more than one way to skin a cat. Your ploy sucks.

Read here twisting the English language.

Monday, March 25, 2013

DAP Johnny-Come-Lately Arrogant F--kers

Hantu Laut

If he can be so arrogant before he captures Federal power what would you imagine he can do when he has real Federal power?

Lim Guan Eng has grown too big for his boots. A little success has screwed up his brain. Arrogant to the core.

Arrogance is a cover up for insecurities that leads people to sickness of mind and unpredictable behaviour.Arrogant people perceived themselves as more valuable and superior than others. They are always on tenterhooks. Story here.

No government in the world offer free airtime on TV for politicians or political parties. You want it you have to pay and TV airtime does not come cheap. 

They complained about it, they asked for it, they ridiculed the government for lack of freedom of speech and when offered they declined with reproachable rudeness.

Born in the barn type behaviour. You don't want you can decline graciously.

I hope the Chinese community change their minds towards this bunch of arrogant johnny-come-lately politicians whose real concern is not the welfare of the people but their insatiable greed for power. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Extremis Malis Extrema Remedia, Will Pakatan Lose Badly?

Hantu Laut

"Extremis malis extrema remedia"

That's Latin for "desperate times call for desperate measures"

Is Pakatan Rakyat going to lose the elections badly and they knew it ?

They are preparing for a "war of attrition" to wear down the people with lies and half-truths of BN plan to cheat in the 13th General Elections. It is the amber that will flame the "Malaysian Spring" advocated by Anwar to bring down the elected government, if he gets his way. 

Many Malaysians do not believe this but all indications point to a high probability of chaos and violence if Pakatan loses the elections. The series of attacks on BN leaders and PM Najib Tun Razak shows their lack of confidence.

The Lahad Datu standoff is telling of their desperation for the people's attention. Instead of closing rank with the government in a matter of national security they chose to resort to all kind of subterfuges, making wild and unsubstantiated allegations and completely disregard their dangerous gameplay.

To kick start the propaganda he recruited Ambiga to form BERSIH under the pretext of demanding free and fair elections. BERSIH has successfully poisoned the minds of many Malaysians with its false and deceitful propaganda, accused massive cheating at the polls by BN in the past and that the BN will again cheat in the 13th GE. 

Now, a Facebook called "I Love New PM", which I suppose must be referring to Anwar has came up with the most stupid propaganda one can imagine, that the BN have issued 2,000,000 I/Cs to foreigners in Selangor and you can laugh your guts out the irony and incongruity of the whole thing, I/Cs with expiry dates.

Would any right thinking Malaysians believe in such ludicrous poppycock? The I/C shown was for temporary residence in Malaysia, but I am pretty sure there are Malaysians stupid enough to believe the story. 

The Facebook was set up either by DAP members or supporters .The Facebook page came with annotation "1,000,000 Chinese dont want MCA to represent the Chinese"

A dead giveaway that it is the handiwork of DAP. 

Here, PKR's biggest braggart and pseudo-intellect Mr Rafizi Ramli desperately trying to debunk the Economist Intelligence Unit prediction of BN winning the 13th GE. The man is all hat and no cattle. Consider himself the brightest rising star in PKR, and a possible threat to Anwar's blue-eyed boy, Azmin Ali.

The real intellects would rather believe the EIU report than pro-Pakatan grovellers the likes of Malaysiakini, Malaysian Insider, Free Malaysia Today and the mother of all whoring yellow journalism and bias-motivator of the worst kind, the Malaysian Chronicle, mostly for the reading pleasures of the plebs and the proles, gutter journalism at its worst. 

If stupid as stupid can be this man should take the coveted title for being the dumbest man ever to be used by the oppositions. Once they finished with him they will dump him by the roadside. Here, he is suing Najib for calling him not a credible person. Can you sue me if I call you stupid or your are ugly? You can try if you have a lawyer like R.Sivarasa. For someone used to scrapping bottom of the barrel every case is a possibility.

Deepak and his not so confident looking lawyer.

DAP leaders have misrepresented PAS to the Chinese community as a moderate Islamic party. They have traded in the threat to Chinese culture with their own selfish ambition to gain political power. 

From the few attempts by PAS to impose Islamic values on the Chinese in Kelantan and Kedah, one can safely assume PAS will not abandon its ambition to implement hudud once they get to Putrajaya and I will repeat here once again, what I have written before, the Muslim MPs from UMNO will give their supports to PAS to implement hudud through the backdoor, to punish the Chinese for abandoning them in their hours of need. 

UMNO leaders and many Malays for that matter still think they have been more than benevolent to the Chinese, sharing political power, allowing them to do business freely with the least interference and allowing vernacular schools which they think was a big sacrifice and at the expense of the Malay language, which is also the national language and many tales of young Malaysian Chinese not being able to speak the national language fluently.

There is no need to change the Constitution to enforce mild form of hudud. Mild for the Muslims but not necessary mild for Chinese and other non-Muslims. 

To start with they can  enforce Islamic values through local authorities such as city and municipal councils, which they invariably controlled. 

They can close down entertainment places such as discos, nightclub, bars and ban the sales of alcoholic drinks in designed areas or even the whole country. There is nothing in the Constitution that can stop them from doing so. If anyone can quote me the relevant article in the Constitution regarding this I'll be happy to hear from them. 

I am also looking forward to the eventuality of the day of pork free Malaysia.

Am I trying to scare you? 

No, that's the reality in Malaysia. No one want other religious beliefs or other's ethnic culture to be imposed on them. 

Just as the Malays feel Islam and the name Allah are sacred to them and will fight tooth and nail to preserve its exclusiveness, likewise, the Chinese do not want anything Islamic impose on them.

DAP overlooked the fact that 40% of Chinese are fence-sitters and wait for the wind before they set sail.

At this juncture they all looked ardent supporters of DAP, but should they have the slightest doubt of PAS political agenda, they all may scurry away like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Can DAP control PAS trumpeters comes elections day?

PAS will not make any headway in Sabah and Sarawak.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Much Ado Over Nothing..Piddling The Politics

Hantu Laut

If you want to run the political mileage just make sure you choose the right contrivance.

This guy must be the biggest joker in town, getting upset over trivial things, SMS sent to him by BN, making it sounds like he received a death threat.

Hundred of thousands of people received SMS every day, messages they don't need. Most people would usually ignore or delete them, or complain to the service provider, who can't do much to help you if the SMS is from a third party.

This DAP man must be starving for publicity for him to make such big fuss over nothing.

Read here his piddling around .

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Anak Raja Melayu dan Anak Raja Melayu Bygone

Hantu Laut

"Tunku Aziz ialah bekas naib presiden DAP. DAP memandan
tinggi Tunku Aziz.Sejak meniggalkan DAP, Tunku Aziz bertugas
sebagai algojo bagi pihak UMNO.Kerja nya 24 jam menghentam
DAP.DAP tidak pernah mencerca nya semenjak berpisah.Hanya 
ahli DAP yang tak seberapa seperti saya sahaja yang rasa perlu menyanggah tindakan Tunku Aziz."

Excerpt from SakmongkolAK47's "Anak Raja Melayu dan DAP" Read more.

I am not sure what to make out of his broadside attack of Tunku Aziz when he had done worst against his former party UMNO. Almost all of his writings are malodorous blitzkrieg against his former party and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Not a single day pass by without him spurting venom against UMNO or Najib. 

Here's one on Najib.

This must be the archetypal  "pot calling the kettle black."

Like most pro-opposition writers they reckon only they have the privilege to deploy their foul and filthy attacks on their political opponents, the other side should not have the privilege to do so, should not be accorded the same freedom of speech and should not retaliate if under attacks.

For the 'anak raja Melayu' born with the silver spoon who wants to join DAP or any other political party for that matter, if your genetic constitution is of the higher order, my advice is do think twice,  you'll be dealing with uncouth leadership bereft of good manners, which the Tunku soon found out to his great dismay, rudely awaken by the "Little Emperor" that rule over the tiny blob called 'Pearl Of The Orient, or as Mahathir once said "Rubbish of the Orient"

I do agree with Sakmongkol there is absolutely nothing wrong for a Malay prince to join DAP or any other political party, but it is of convention and expected of the prince that he ends his princely role with the royal household should he decides to take active role in politics. 

In Malaysia, 'convention'  is a word amiss, certainly not in the political lexicon.

Tunku Zain is "Anak Raja Melayu", Tunku Aziz is "Anak Raja Melayu"  

If necessity is the mother of all invention than experience is the mother of all teachings. Maybe, Tunku Aziz had eaten more salt and knew better.

For SakmongkolAK47,  since he is all huff and puff about UMNO having lost majority Malay support, I hope DAP will reciprocate his good work of soiling his former party by making him a suitable candidate in a Malay majority area.

As they say "as you make your bed, so you must lie in it."

Saturday, January 19, 2013

PAS Dogged Implementation Of Islamic Values Waning Pakatan's Non-Muslim Support

Hantu Laut

The Christians in Sabah and Sarawak will be keeping their option open and will be watching closely PAS political direction after the dissolution of Parliament. Further erosion may come during the campaign period if PAS grim persistence continued.

Below is a truthful analysis, surprisingly, coming from the opposition Pakatan Rakyat.

Non-Muslim support for Pakatan waning

KOTA BARU: Non-Muslims support for Pakatan Rakyat has dipped in the past five months due to the actions and policies of PAS and DAP, said the PAS Supporters Congress.

Its outspoken chairman, Hu Phang Chaw, said the support dwindled following a series of events, which has left a bitter after-taste among the non-Muslim community.
“We cannot outrightly proclaim it as we have yet to conduct a proper study, but one must be brave to admit that support has eroded due our inability to manage issues well.”
He cited the local authorities in Kelantan banning women from cutting the hair of male patrons and the move to slap non-Muslims with charges similar to khalwat as examples.
He also pointed out to the insensitivity of the Kedah government for enforcing restrictions and conditions on cultural shows during the Chinese New Year celebrations.
Another example he gave was DAP’s secretary-general Lim Guan Eng’s Christmas Day message reviving the useage of the word “Allah” among Christians.Read more.