Showing posts with label Karpal Singh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karpal Singh. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rebuking Jusuf Kalla: Birds Of A Feather Flock Together

Hantu Laut

Karpal, a bloody disgrace, rebuking the wrong man. 

The man who should be reprimanded is not Jusuf Kalla, but the sociopathic Anwar Ibrahim, who thought his friend will never spill the beans on him and his lies.

If you lied to your friends, you lied to your party members and you lied to the people, do you expect decent people to keep supporting you?

When you have no honour do you expect honourable people to stick by you?

I hope Karpal gets his bearing right and can differentiate between right and wrong.

Karpal is asking Jusuf to apologise to Anwar on what ground? 

Who broke the bond?

Who broke the promise to respect the result of the elections whichever way it goes?

Whatever happened to freedom of speech that Pakatan Rakyat leaders claimed to be lacking in this country and promised "no hold barred" if they come to power?

The Chief Minister of Penang Lim Guan Eng is another dictator in the works, who banned media he doesn't like from attending his press conference.

Aren't they all laying?

As in the old adage " birds of a feather flock together"

Read on.......

Anwar Turn On Old Friend Jusuf Kalla Through Karpal

The life of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim must be terribly convoluted at times. The continuing saga of Anwar's breach of his own, proposed peace agreement with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, mediated by former Indonesian vice president Jusuf Kalla, is no different.
Not long ago, Jusuf was Anwar's friend. Today, he is a target for Anwar's proxy in Pakatan Rakyat, Karpal Singh, determined to cover for Anwar's lack of honour and refusal to peacefully stand down after he lost GE13.
"Jusuf Kalla should express regret for his statement and apologise to Anwar," said Karpal, the DAP National Chairman at a press conference Saturday, claiming that Jusuf was apparently always untrustworthy. He added that Jusuf had disgraced himself by disclosing the peace agreement and Anwar's failure to abide by the agreement, and by destroying public confidence in Pakatan Rakyat.
Pakatan, after all, does not need help in destroying the rakyat's confidence.
This marks yet another turn in Anwar's post-GE13 saga, which has seen Anwar claim victory before a single result was announced, the 'Black 505' rally delirium, a flirtation with boycotting his swearing-in to the Dewan Rakyat, and now a willingness to burn a high-profile friendship of over a decade.
Jusuf had been a friend of both Anwar's and Najib's for years, making him the perfect mediator for any agreement between the two. So when Anwar, certain that Pakatan Rakyat would take Putrajaya at GE13, reached out to Jusuf to mediate an agreement by which the loser of GE13 agreed to accept the results of the elections peacefully, Jusuf happily agreed. Anwar signed the final agreement, and Najib gave an oral commitment – which Anwar accepted.
When Anwar launched his wave of 'Black 505' rallies and categorically refused to accept the election results, Jusuf finally revealed the agreement, its origins and his anger at Anwar's betrayal. Anwar rotated through several excuses for his failure to honour the very agreement for which he asked, each of which Jusuf rubbished in turn.
Enter Karpal Singh. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tunku Aziz Beware: Karpal's DAP Official Secret Act Will Get You

Hantu Laut

Karpal Singh warned former DAP vice president Tunku Abdul Aziz to stop exposing party secrets.

Is DAP a secret society that they have too many secrets to hide and afraid of them being released into public domain? Do they have their own OSA (Official Secret Act), whereby the party can charge party members or former members for contravening the act?

How exactly is he going to take action against Tunku Aziz for telling the truth?

They talk about democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to protest, freedom to demonstrate, freedom to tell lies and freedom to do anything they want. When it comes to where it hurts them, freedom flew out of the window. 

Are they the untouchables, not of the Hindi lowest caste, but of the Mafioso type? You squealed, you are dead meat.

What a bunch of plaster saints. Hypocrisy of the highest order.

Read here Karpal threatening the Tungku.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Political Hotchpotch

Hantu Laut

The Dayaks are not happy with P.M Najib's oversight, miscalculation, or calculated move. They want more ministers. Najib "kepala pusing" banyak orang "kepala besar" 

Karpal says abolish senate, he wants to kill our bicameral system. Maybe, he is right. Can save a lot of money by not paying the no work senators. Their salaries and perks must be running into millions each year for doing nothing.

Anwar Ibrahim says he is going to be arrested soon. Looks like he is stirring the hornet's nest, hoping there'll be an uprising if he is arrested, because he is so loved by the people. We must throw the BN government out he said. He is looking forward to be arrested so his dream of a Malaysian Spring will materialise. I say it won't happen, like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Pakatan Rakyat Sabah will form a shadow cabinet to monitor Sabah government performance said political chapman Lajim Bin Ukin. When the money ran out, don't rule out this man returing to UMNO. One lost Pakatan candidate, former UMNO man who ditched the party at the eleventh hour to join PR is knocking on Musa Aman's door, saying he was misled.

P.Warthamooty, Najib's magicked minister described his appointment as "historic opportunity to change the fortunes of the Indian community". Let's hope he is not like Samy Velu, who changed the Indian fortunes and kept all for himself. 

Getting a little tired of politics, let's enjoy the beauty of Sabah.

Mengkabong river with Mt.Kinabalu in the background.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A State Of Chaos - Pakatan's Maladroit Politicians

Hantu Laut

When can they put their act together, or can they? 

Anwar not making sense’

How can these defecting leaders who are the very reason Sabah politics is in its current state be Pakatan’s solution to wresting Putrajaya in the 13th general election?

“It makes no sense… how can the problem [of defectors] be the solution for Sabah ” was the immediate response of a political analyst in reaction to Anwar Ibrahim’s live chat on “Borak Bersama Anwar” [Chat with Anwar ] on Google Hangout on Friday night.Read more.

Karpal: Pakatan will ban party hopping

If Pakatan Rakyat were to capture Putrajaya, the DAP would propose to remove the constitutional barrier that bans a resigning parliamentarian or assemblyman from re-contesting for five years.

In its place, said DAP supremo Karpal Singh the party would propose a constitutional amendment to deter party hopping by federal and state lawmakers.

He said the current constitutional barrier was being used by defecting elected representatives to justify their refusal to relinquish their seat when they defect.Read more.

To hudud, or not to hudud? Another contradiction. Read more
When will these maladroit politicians see eye to eye?

Friday, March 9, 2012

Karpal, Letter Of The Law or Spirit Of The Law?

Hantu Laut

Find fault with the judge if you can't find fault with the judgement.It's a trend among opposition leaders to ridicule judges when they couldn't find flaw in the judgement.

Anwar did it many times, asking judges to be removed from his case accusing them of being bias, his tactic to delay the trial.His Sodomy II trail ended with him off the hook more out of incompetent evidence provided the police rather than anything else.The prosecution appealed the case.

In his sedition case Karpal the nutty as a fruitcake lawyer couldn't find any flaw in the Court Of Appeal's judgement decided to insult one of the three judges, Datuk Clement Skinner for not being fluent in Malay and implied he couldn't have understood the written judgement in Malay because of his poor understanding of the language.It's obvious he is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.There were two Malay judges on the panel,there must have been discourse among the three judges before they reach a consensus.The written judgement is just academic.

Here, he politicised punishment by the court for contempt of a crazy imam who threw his shoes at the judges because he was not happy with the judgement.He was sentenced to a year imprisonment which Karpal and a few other half-past six lawyers say too excessive.If the imam were an UMNO man they would say the opposite, too lenient.

Throwing shoes at people is the biggest insult in any culture and are not taken very lightly in the Malay culture.

This ex-imam and ex-Mat Rempit is lucky, if I were the judge I would give him one for each shoe, two years in prison and five stroke of the cane.

One year is not enough deterrent, particularly, for 'kurang ajar' imam.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Do Not Appoint Karpal,It Will Be Another Circus

Hantu Laut

It's typical of Pakatan.The usual bankrupt of constructive ideas.They are going to make another Teo Beng Hock case out of another tragic death.

The late Amirulrashid's family should not appoint Karpal Singh as their lawyer to handle the case.He would not do justice to the case but would use every possible means available to politicise the case and make a circus out of it to give Pakatan maximum mileage out of the family miseries.The family should be given an independent lawyer that has no political affiliation.Someone, who can do the job professionally.Karpal is a politician at odds with the police and the government.

Considering the family may not have the money to engage a lawyer some good Samaritan lawyer can represent the family pro bono or if that is not possible a fund could be set up to raise the money for the family.

Karpal and his ilk in Pakatan should be ashamed that they are taking up the case not out of sincere concern for the family but to turn the case a cause celebre to hit back at Najib and the BN.

It is sad that morality play is not in the blood of these Malaysian politicians.

The family may come to regret it if they keep Karpal, because he is going to turn the trail into another circus.

Friday, February 12, 2010

No Wisdom In Old Age:Karpal Singh Should Be Cited For Contempt

Hantu Laut

What has become of this country? Have we become the wild and woolly? The land of barbarians.

Now, you can show disrespect for a judge in a court house.Courtesy of Pakatan Rakyat,
the government in waiting that many Malaysians think they deserve.

Since the dawn of a new era, the born again democracy, it's free for all, even in the court house where judges are held in high esteem, uncouth and contemptuous behaviour insulting a judge has become accepted form.So called freedom..... masking a culture of 'kurang ajar'. Boundless effort to ridicule the judiciary.

Our judge Mohd Zabidin has stayed cool, calm and collected in spite of being called a liar.He could have cited Karpal Singh for contempt and send him straight to jail.He was smart not to fall into the trap.That's what exactly Anwar and his lawyer wanted. To sell to Malaysians that the judiciary is corrupted and controlled by the executive.

Karpal unruly behaviour was nothing but an attempt at disrupting and delaying the court proceeding.They are using every trick up their sleeves to delay the case.Attack on the judge was designed to make him look bias to serve the court of public opinion.

I hope when our lordship return on the 18th he would cite the uncouth or aptly what the Malay would call 'kurang ajar' Lion of Jelutong' for contempt and send him straight to jail.

A judge who feels someone is improperly challenging or ignoring the court's authority has the power to declare the defiant person in contempt of court. There are two types of contempt, criminal and civil. Criminal contempt occurs when the contemnor actually interferes with the ability of the court to function properly - for example, by yelling at the judge or calling the judge a liar. This is also called direct contempt because it occurs directly in front of the judge. A criminal contemnor may be fined, jailed or both as punishment for his act.

Disorderly, contemptuous, or insolent behavior toward the judge or magistrates while holding the court, tending to interrupt the due course of a trial or other judicial proceeding, may be prosecuted as "direct" contempt. The term "direct" means that the court itself cites the person in contempt by describing the behavior observed on the record. Direct contempt is distinctly different from indirect contempt, wherein another individual affected by a court order may file papers alleging contempt against a person who has willfully violated a lawful court order.

Need I say more?

Singh is King

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Unforgiven

Hantu Laut

What do Nik Aziz, Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh have in common?

Karpal and Lim have been incarcerated under the ISA during Mahathir's time.The same goes with Nik Aziz's son, who was also detained under the ISA for his involvement in militant movement to overthrow the government. They only have one thing in common that is to see and ensure UMNO is dead and buried.

They hated UMNO with a vengeance and perceived they have neared the time to finally sink the nail to seal the coffin and bury UMNO once and for all. Can't really blame them.They are not Ghandi or Nelson Mandela.It's personal not politics. All three of them have not forgiven UMNO.

Nik Aziz is still sore with UMNO and are prepared to allow the breakup of PAS, if it had to. Asking Nasharuddin who was recently elected by a landslide victory to get out of PAS and join UMNO is certainly not a reasonable and forgiving attitude expected of an ulamak.

If anything to go by, Nik Aziz is behaving like a tyrant, a dictator, undemocratic and unconcerned with the wishes of the majority of his party. The right thing for Nik Aziz to do is if majority of PAS members insisted on a unity government with UMNO, which is against his principle, is for him to resign from PAS and, maybe, join PKR or DAP. So far he has been the only leader in PAS with the loudest condemnation.

Karpal Singh asking for confirmation of Najib racist outburst and utterance of "soak the keris in Chinese blood" in 1987 was a cheap shot, most unnecessary and serve no purpose other than trying to drive a bigger wedge between Najib and the Chinese community.

"I wanted to know if he said it, and he gave his answer, let's just leave it as it is, the matter should not go on further," said Karpal, the shit stirrer.

Talk about racism, it takes a racist to identify another racist, it more like the pot calling the kettle black.Racism exists in every community and in everyone of us to a certain degree, but as long as it doesn't bother us emotionally it should stay harmless.

I will not waste time talking much of Lim Kit Siang. Most people would already know what kind of racist he is.He is the typical chips on the shoulder chauvinistic 'kui', that most Chinese in term of endearment call all other races. malaikui, kelingkui, and if your are a white man in Hong Kong you would be a
'gwai loh'.

There are actually very little racism among the common people, at least not in Sabah, we are comfortable with each other and name calling or being called a 'kui' among close friends are not taken as an insult.Unfortunately, it is always the politicians that keep reminding us and are the real troublemakers, bringing up racial issues every now and then to suit their political agenda.

When I first started blogging I ponder for quite a while what name should I give my blog.Since I love the sea very much and found that 'kui' if used in the right context is not at all that bad, I decided to call my blog 'Hoi Gwai' or Hantu Laut in Malay but in English I would prefer it as 'Spirit Of The Sea' as in St Elmo's Fire which I have seen twice at sea at night, a phenomenon those not in the know would think as some kind of UFO or a supernatural force, a hantu of some kind.

The real hantus in this country are the politicians not the people.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The 'Lion Of Bukit Gelugor' Is A Ruffian

Hantu Laut

Although, many of us are appalled at the way UMNO youths try to rough up Karpal Singh in Parliament, he is not completely blameless. This combative old coot in a wheelchair is a ruffian.He is a lawyer and should know it was wrong of him, without proof, to accuse UMNO Youth as the culprit who sent him the bullets.Anyone could have sent it including those in
Pakatan waging dirty war to discredit UMNO in the eyes of the people. His aggressiveness, uncompromising position and fondness for flabbergasting and abusive rants has earned him detention under ISA and suspension in Parliament. His aggressiveness and combative personality are the likely cause of his constant huff and puff.

His accusation without the burden of proof would certainly invite nasty responses from those who are short on fuse.

He might be wheelchair bound but he is no weakling.He should now be called the 'Lion of Bukit Gelugor"