Sunday, May 6, 2012
Guan Eng, How DAP Took Control Of Penang And You Becoming The Chief Minister If There Never Was Free And Fair Elections In Malaysia?
DAP's only prominent Malay member Tungku Abdul Aziz came under fire from DAP Secretary General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for his opposition to Bersih demonstration.He was a lone voice in his party and the coalition of liars.
Tunku Aziz said “My opposition to this kind of demonstration is — we are encouraging people to break the law and we are supposed to be lawmakers."
Not asking himself how DAP took control of Penang and he becoming the chief minister if there was never free and fair election, Guan Eng said "I am therefore compelled to publicly chastise Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz’s irresponsible remarks opposing Bersih’s right to assemble peacefully... to press for clean, free, fair and independent elections."
Who was right, you or Tunku Aziz about the possibility of protesters breaking the law, violence and civil unrest ?
You see, all these Pakatan leaders are just "full of shits" including the holier than thou Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz who is as old as the hills but refused to give up his chief ministership because he thinks Kelantan is only safe under his stewardship.
A religious man of contradiction, he has forgotten PAS's past rebukes of UMNO, calling UMNO leaders "Orang-orang Islam yang berkongsi dengan orang-orang kafir untuk memerintah negara menjadi kafir atau haram".(Muslims who share power with the infidels to govern a nation are also infidels and committed sin against Islam) and Nik Aziz himself said "UMNO komunis dan serupa Ayah Pin" (UMNO is communist and like Ayah Pin)
Let me ask Nik Aziz what is PAS doing sleeping in the same bed with DAP? Does it mean all PAS leaders including himself are infidels?
Let me ask Guan Eng how can DAP took over control of Penang and he becoming the chief minister if there never was free and fair elections in Malaysia?
Guan Eng, let's have some answers!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Is Malaysia Already A Welfare State?
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin deriding PAS by saying that the BN had not only achieved but exceeded its benevolence as a welfare state is false and pure histrionic.
Either the DPM do not understand the definition of welfare state or he is trying to bluff his way thinking Malaysians would swallow his unfounded claim hook, line and sinker.
Giving across the board subsidies to the general population does not make you a welfare state if that what the DPM think welfare state is all about.You can't call your country a welfare state if there still exists abject poverty.Malaysia has pockets of abject poverty scattered all over the country.You read about them in the news quite regularly.Maybe, the DPM only read political news and missed this social scourge that still afflict the nation.
A welfare state has the responsibility for the well being of its citizens by ensuring minimum standard of living for everyone.Most Western nations are welfare states because they provide the minimum comfort and standard of living for its citizens.
A welfare state would make available universal free education and medical care, insurance against sickness, disability and unemployment, income supplement and old age pension.Malaysia, by any definition is not a welfare state.Its housing programme for the poor is pathetic resulting in squatter's colonies sprouting all over the country.
PAS proposal is good but can they actually implement it when they took power.It needs a lot of financial resources.The only way is to remove all subsidies for the general population and use part of the savings for welfare purposes.
The present system of subsidies practised by the current government is an unfair system.Its benefits the wealthy and the middle class much more than the lower income and the poor, particularly and food and fuel subsidy which should be scrapped all together and spent the money on providing welfare benefits for the poor, old age citizens and good public transportation system in every major cities.
The lower income do not wish to own a car but some are forced to buy one because of the poor public transport.The government's policy of putting a car in every household is wrong, it's a burden on the poor and lower income group, when they have to pay through their noses for a car that could have cost much less if the protectionist policy is removed.
Owning a car eats major part of your income if you are in the lower income bracket.Even some middle income living in the city find it hard to make ends meet.
It is common in Malaysia for someone earning RM700-800 a month to buy a car.After paying the monthly instalment and fuel they have no money left to maintain the car which is one of the reasons for the high road fatalities in this country.
Let's hear what Muhyiddin means by saying Malaysia is already a welfare state.I hope he can explain in details.
For PAS I hope it is not a political gimmick to fish for votes.
Nik Aziz here.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Twitter Twits That Nik Aziz Should Consider Legal Action Against Rocky Bru
freelunch2020 ...allegations when we have the PKFZ billion ringgit scandal....Morgan Stanley said Msia lost abt RM100bn from corruption....
reelunch2020 It's not as if Nik Aziz can't afford to go on Haj with his own money so the sum is prob negligible to him....35 minutes ago from TweetDeck
freelunch2020 ...behave in a way tt suggests that it was a bribe for favours then politicians r also human beings....about 1 hour ago from web
freelunch2020 Buat isu dari tak de isu. Nik Aziz is considered a religious teacher tt ppl respect, etc.... As long as he did not...about 1 hour ago from web
freelunch2020 Allegedly sponsoring Nik Aziz's haji. I dunno-lah, this Bee End. In churches, it's quite normal to "sponsor" the pastor + family's holidaysabout 1 hour ago from web
freelunch2020 Now this fella has attacked....Nik Aziz, calling him a hypocrite!!! I really dunno. So wat? Protected by Dr M?about 2 hours ago from web
What did Rocky writes here.He never alleged that Nik Aziz is corrupted, all he did was tell what he knows about the background of that very generous Santa Claus.
Frankly speaking,UMNO is foolish to pursue their actions asking MACC to investigate Nik Aziz.
All Pakatan's politicians are as clean as a whistle?
Would you believe that?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Unforgiven
What do Nik Aziz, Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh have in common?
Karpal and Lim have been incarcerated under the ISA during Mahathir's time.The same goes with Nik Aziz's son, who was also detained under the ISA for his involvement in militant movement to overthrow the government. They only have one thing in common that is to see and ensure UMNO is dead and buried.
They hated UMNO with a vengeance and perceived they have neared the time to finally sink the nail to seal the coffin and bury UMNO once and for all. Can't really blame them.They are not Ghandi or Nelson Mandela.It's personal not politics. All three of them have not forgiven UMNO.
Nik Aziz is still sore with UMNO and are prepared to allow the breakup of PAS, if it had to. Asking Nasharuddin who was recently elected by a landslide victory to get out of PAS and join UMNO is certainly not a reasonable and forgiving attitude expected of an ulamak.
If anything to go by, Nik Aziz is behaving like a tyrant, a dictator, undemocratic and unconcerned with the wishes of the majority of his party. The right thing for Nik Aziz to do is if majority of PAS members insisted on a unity government with UMNO, which is against his principle, is for him to resign from PAS and, maybe, join PKR or DAP. So far he has been the only leader in PAS with the loudest condemnation.
Karpal Singh asking for confirmation of Najib racist outburst and utterance of "soak the keris in Chinese blood" in 1987 was a cheap shot, most unnecessary and serve no purpose other than trying to drive a bigger wedge between Najib and the Chinese community.
"I wanted to know if he said it, and he gave his answer, let's just leave it as it is, the matter should not go on further," said Karpal, the shit stirrer.
Talk about racism, it takes a racist to identify another racist, it more like the pot calling the kettle black.Racism exists in every community and in everyone of us to a certain degree, but as long as it doesn't bother us emotionally it should stay harmless.
I will not waste time talking much of Lim Kit Siang. Most people would already know what kind of racist he is.He is the typical chips on the shoulder chauvinistic 'kui', that most Chinese in term of endearment call all other races. malaikui, kelingkui, and if your are a white man in Hong Kong you would be a 'gwai loh'.
There are actually very little racism among the common people, at least not in Sabah, we are comfortable with each other and name calling or being called a 'kui' among close friends are not taken as an insult.Unfortunately, it is always the politicians that keep reminding us and are the real troublemakers, bringing up racial issues every now and then to suit their political agenda.
When I first started blogging I ponder for quite a while what name should I give my blog.Since I love the sea very much and found that 'kui' if used in the right context is not at all that bad, I decided to call my blog 'Hoi Gwai' or Hantu Laut in Malay but in English I would prefer it as 'Spirit Of The Sea' as in St Elmo's Fire which I have seen twice at sea at night, a phenomenon those not in the know would think as some kind of UFO or a supernatural force, a hantu of some kind.
The real hantus in this country are the politicians not the people.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Nik Aziz,Gangsterism,Corruption And Violence In The Pakatan Camp
Here he goes again, now with some modification to his earlier tune.
Nik Aziz, the PAS spiritual leader said Saiful’s act of taking an oath on the holy book was Islamic but it was not according to the Muslim culture.
“In Islam, there is no need to place your hands on the Quran when you swear. Placing one’s hands on the Quran is an act of copying the Christians.
“When the Christians swear they put their hands on the Bible, right?” quipped Nik Aziz.
“Other people’s cultures have entered the head of the Malays,” he said.Whether the Malays copy the Christians or any other religion does it matter now that it has become part of the culture.Most important is the significant of the oath using the Quran.
What would be the significant of your oath if the Quran is not physically present as testimony that you swear by it. Isn't it only right that you hold the Quran to symbolise that you swear by it in the name of Allah. This sacred act of oath taking is seldom used by Muslims unless there is great compulsion to do so.
The Malays have copied the practices of many culture, from being the original animism (which all culture originate from) to being atheist to Hinduism and finally Islam. There is no pure Islamic culture anywhere in the world including the place where it originates from.
Islam practised in Afghanistan would be different from that in Malaysia due to infusion of local custom and practices.The Afghans have embodied many of their tribal laws as part of Islamic culture when in fact it has got nothing to do with the religion.
In Malaysia the Malays have retained some of their animist and Hinduism past which clearly shows that Nik Aziz have either conveniently overlooked or ignored because I have not heard him speaking out against it.
Sorcery or bomoh (Shamanism) is still widely practised in this country and many including some ulamaks and Western educated Malays still consult Tok Bomoh if they fall ill or encounter some misfortunes that they have reasons to believe were caused by some supernatural elements. This practice is against the teachings of Islam but are still widely practised in Malaysia. Don't give me the crap that all bomohs are dukun because most of them are not.
The bersanding ceremony mandatory at every Malay wedding and the wayang kulit were Hindu culture that have stayed with the Malays.
The swearing on the Quran has been around since time immemorial and had become part of the Islamic culture in this country and to say otherwise is not true.
Nik Aziz should find ways and means on how to make Islam more progressive and respected instead of making contradicting statements that can confuse Muslims even more about the religion.
On 31st October 2007 the Associated Press reported Nik Aziz's statement on the state of abuse of Muslim's men mind:
Women’s Sexy Clothing Distracting Muslim Men From Sleep, Prayers
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Malaysia’s Muslim men are suffering sleepless nights and cannot pray properly because their thoughts are distracted by a growing number of women who wear sexy clothes in public, a prominent cleric said.
Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, the spiritual leader of the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, said he wanted to speak about the “emotional abuse” that men face because it is seldom discussed, the party reported on its Web site Wednesday.
“We always [hear about] the abuse of children and wives in households, which is easily perceived by the eye, but the emotional abuse of men cannot be seen,” Nik Abdul Aziz said. “Our prayers become unfocused and our sleep is often disturbed.”
Not all Muslim man is as libidinous as Nik Aziz, so he should only equate that to himself and not generalised to insult other Muslims.With this type of character in PAS I would really be careful and think twice before putting Pakatan Rakyat to rule this nation.
The arrest of two PKR exco members for corruption in Perak shows they are no better than the devil we have now and what make them even worse and disgusting is the refusal to admit that gangsterism, corruption and culture of violence exists among their members and supporters.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hypocrite Of The First Order
This is the man whose party will be part of the new government if Anwar Ibrahim takes over in September.
This is what he said yesterday:
Sumpah Mohd. Saiful bercanggah dengan Islam - Nik Aziz
Katanya, apa yang dilakukan Mohd. Saiful itu sama dengan penganut Kristian menggunakan Bible.
Menurut beliau, Islam hanya menerima sumpah Wallahi, Wabillahi dan Watallahi. -(Utusan)And this is what he said last month:
Nik Aziz: Bersumpah junjung al-Quran tentukan kebenaran
04-07-2008 10:04:01 PM
KOTA BHARU: Menteri Besar Kelantan Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berkata "mubahalah" atau bersumpah dengan menjunjung al-Quran adalah cara untuk menentukan kebenaran dan juga sesuatu yang dituntut dalam Islam.
Sambil menyokong cadangan Mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin berhubung perkara itu, beliau berkata melalui cara demikian, Allah SWT boleh melaknatkan manamana pihak yang bersalah.
"Dalam Quran sudah menyebut, setelah sudah tiada ikhtiar lagi dalam menyelesaikan kemelut yang memalukan itu, siapa yang tidak bersalah Tuhan tolong," katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di sini, hari ini.
Beliau yang juga Mursyidul Am PAS berkata demikian sebagai mengulas cadangan Mohd Asri supaya keduadua individu yang dikaitkan dengan kes liwat iaitu Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat Malaysia (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan bekas pembantunya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan "bermubahalah" atau bersumpah.
Dalam kenyataannya semalam, Mohd Asri berkata isu liwat yang membabitkan Anwar sudah semakin rumit dan rakyat pula menjadi keliru.(Bernama)This is what Ronald Reagan said about politics "Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Tell me how can the man, a tok guru, can be so confused about his own religion?
Is PAS truly an Islamic party?
Hoi! Tok Guru! Betoi kah ini cerita agama?
We Muslims are sensitive lot.Here's something that should upset members of PAS and not upset the non-Muslim community, courtesy of MYKMU.NET:

Charles De Gaulle once said "Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word."
Who should we believe in now?
Here is another one that even my 4-year old precocious grandaugher would know sounds stupid,making a storm in a teacup:
UiTM plans legal action against MB
SHAH ALAM: Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Vice Chancellor Datuk Seri Prof Ibrahim Abu Shah said the university will take legal action against Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim for refusing to apologise for proposing that it admit 10 per cent non-Bumiputera students. He said Khalid should apologise for making the statement on UiTM as it was not only unethical and degrading to the university but also not true at all.
"We are not hard-headed on this issue but the statement is 100 per cent wrong. We can accept criticisms if what was said was true," he told a media conference after opening an alumni homecoming programme at UiTM, here, Saturday.
Khalid had proposed that UiTM admit 10 per cent non-Bumiputera students and claimed that its students were unfriendly, of poor quality and non-competitive. His statement angered UiTM students nationwide who held demonstrations to protest the proposal.
The Menteri Besar had refused to apologise to UiTM claiming he was not questioning the special rights of Bumiputeras and the establishment of UiTM. Ibrahim said UiTM did not want to make enemies of the other races which was proven when the Chinese and Indians were recruited as the teaching staff.
"His statement (Khalid) had instigated non-Bumiputeras to hate the Malays and vice versa. It can also create hatred among the Malays," he said. - Bernama
Even though some of us might not agree with it, is there a law against making constructive criticism and suggestion?
Go back to school, mate! With this kind of mentality I don't blame Khalid Ibrahim for making the suggestion.It's not the students to be blamed, it's more a case of "bad teachers, bad students".
The mediocre education in this country is not the fault the students,it's the fault of the education system and that of the teaching profession.
Khalid Ibrahim, you don't have to apologise, it's not a crime to make suggestions.
Here's more on Anwar's sodomy charge:
Saiful had taken the oath on the Quran — regarded by many Muslims as the most serious form of oath-taking in Islam — on the eve of nomination.
Anwar has repeatedly refused to take up the challenge to do the same.
He told reporters yesterday that he had been advised by religious experts that this is not an Islamic practice.
“You are making a mockery of Islam,” he said.
Anwar insisted that the authorities, which have charged him with sodomy, have no proof.
“I have seen the first (medical) report and I am privy to the second report, and based on that, they have no case against me,” he said.
Anwar also said he has finally received a copy of the police report made by his accuser, which he said was inaccurate.
At a late Saturday night rally in a small neighbourhood, he took great efforts to counter the allegation of sodomy, and recounted how he was stripped and his private parts measured during a medical examination.
The sodomy accusation, although believed by the majority of Malaysians to be a political conspiracy, had taken a new twist after Saiful swore on the Quran that he was sodomised.
Analysts believe that this might cast doubts in the minds of some rural Malay voters.
“For us Muslims, this is important. No one can lie swearing on the Quran,” said Sapiah Ali, a hawker and voter in the constituency. (Malaysian Insider)
I wonder who was the religious expert who advised him, if it was Nik Aziz than I am sorry for him.Nik Aziz had proven he is more a politician than an Islamic scholar.
Well, if Anwar decides to do the same for political expediency, than we should know who is the liar.