Showing posts with label manifesto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manifesto. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2013

There Is No Fool Like An Old Fool !

Hantu Laut

Why now!

Musa Hitam, a BN appointee as Chairman of Sime Darby, the largest Malaysian conglomerate, given as token of respect for his political contributions to the country says Pakatan Rakyat will not bankrupt this country

Maybe not, but those who don't know the value of loyalty, can never appreciate the cost of betrayal.

Obviously, Musa either forgets 'which side his bread is buttered,' or he is buying insurance, just in case Pakatan first passed the post and took the chequered flag. 

Another probable "cari makan" story. 

I too believe PR will not want to bankrupt the country, but that is not the real issue. The controversy is Pakatan's manifesto and bespoke budget, which Musa deemed propitious and was quick to give his support.

It is a policy that will have tremendous effect on the multitude who have no power to reverse a bad policy once passed by Parliament.

Yes, Pakatan populist policy is going to bankrupt the country because what they have proposed is unrealistic, unsustainable and is a foolhardy attempt to fish for votes. 

He can fool the spuriously intelligent urban dwellers who, rain or shine, good or bad, will blindly support and follow them to the centre of the earth, but he can't fool the real intelligentsia with uncanny eyes for details.

As in the adage "there is no fool like an old fool" he should have restrained himself.

Friday, February 29, 2008


Hantu Laut

I am not a great fan of the BN government but I would not take it lightly that some wasted politician like Anwar Ibrahim thinks Sabahans are fools, stupid and gullible enough to swallow his lies and empty promises. He can fool some of the KDM people but he must not forget not all Sabahans are KDM and not all KDM are fools. How would he expects to get support from Sabahans when even a ten-year old child knew he was lying.

A second DPM from Sabah ? You must be joking, or you are just as mad as that half-baked self-proclaimed Harvard graduate from Tambunan who can't even read and interpret a P&L Account and Balance Sheet after spending umpteen years in politics and government. That's why during the PBS tenure he and his brother completely screwed up the states finances.

Now he gets delusion of grandeur, promising the people a DPM from Sabah, which he dreamt to be himself.

Dream on Jeffery.

The DAP's manifesto make more sense. Your PKR manifesto is a piece of crap.

Please read the promises below and make your own judgement.

Second DPM in PKR's Sabah manifesto

Kota Kinabalu: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah, launched another manifesto here themed "A New Hope for Sabah and Malaysia" promising a second Deputy Prime Minister if it rules the land below the wind.

"As partners to the formation of Malaysia, the Borneo states deserve to have a Deputy Prime Minister for without the Borneo states, there would have been no Malaysia.

"Thus, under the PKR government there will be a second Deputy Prime Minister for East Malaysia," the PKR said in its 14-point manifesto launched Wednesday by State PKR Vice President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. State PKR head Ansari Abdullah was also present.

Other points in the manifesto included termination of any petroleum agreement with national oil company, Petronas, and replacing it with a petroleum sharing agreement apart from a review of the Petronas Act to give a fair revenue to Sabah.

PKR would also ensure that state immigration be placed under "state matter," where the movement of people in and out of Sabah would come under the purview of the state government and "the director of immigration would be a Sabahan".

The party said if it rules Sabah, Federal Territory Labuan will come under the jurisdiction of Sabah without changing the status of the island as an Offshore Financial Centre.

PKR also promised to introduce a comprehensive economic and development plan for Sabah called the Development Agenda for Sabah.

For the March 8 election, the opposition is putting up 55 candidates for the 59 states seats.

It promised to resolve the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah, restore relevant State rights, see to land reforms as well as set up a comprehensive economic and development plan for the State.

The manifesto also focussed on increasing the State's per capita income from RM10,000 to RM15,000, promoting transparency in the government as well as ensuring more women participate in decision-making processes.

PKR also wants to replace the Federal Development Department in Sabah (JPPS), which it describes as a waste of public funds, with a State Development Department (JPN) to ensure development funds go straight to the State Government.

On land reforms, PKR promised to restore the role of the village chiefs (Ketua Kampung) and Ketua Anak Negeri in land applications besides setting up a Land Reform Committee to review existing land laws.

An agency known as the Sabah Native Land Development Authority (SNLDA) will also be established by a PKR government for native land and interest.

The party also vowed to democratise the appointments of Village Development and Security Committees (JKKKs) as well as village chiefs (Ketua Kampung) and ensure these JKKKs are actively involved in the development of the respective villages. As such all projects costing RM25,000 and below will be implemented directly by these JKKKs.

PKR Vice-President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said the manifesto is a supplement to the national PKR manifesto entitled "A New Dawn for Malaysia", which was launched recently by party adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

"I am confident the people would accept the manifesto as they have had enough of Barisan Nasional's empty promises since it come to power", he said after the launching at his residence at Bukit Padang, near here.

He claimed the BN's just unveiled manifesto themed "Security, Peace and Prosperity" was just another of its sweet promises".

"We must remember that when BN launched 'Sabah Baru' in the previous election, it promised to reduce poverty to zero, housing for all, etcÉ but today we bear witness that all their promises have not been fulfilled and for that the current government must be change," he said.

Jeffrey went on to say that the real power in BN Sabah was Umno and that the 10 component parties have little say in the State Government.

He urged the people of Sabah, especially the young voters not to be misled by the BN's promises and instead vote PKR for change.

"Sabahans have a history of making brave changes when needed and together we can do it again," he said.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Hantu Laut

Is Malaysia short of writers who can present uncomplicated and condensed manifestos that the man in the street can enjoy reading and understand.

Have any of you read the BN Manifesto? If you have, and you have read the full text to the minute details, than you are a rare specie and ought to have your head examined. A voracious reader would have eaten the whole piece of paper it was written on and try to digest it through the stomach rather than the brain. All I can say it was most uninspiring and makes dismal reading.

If it comes from the 4th floor, the den of the Oxbridge nerds, than I would rather send my children to Nanyang in Singapore or Beijing University in China where academic excellence not only prevailed on the scroll but are translated into reality.

Somebody should come up with an abridged version for less intellectually challenged mortals.

To be honest, I have no desire to read the 'Excellence, glory, distinction' and the 'not so honest to God' manifesto. Aren't excellence and distinction the same (in the form it is used in the manifesto) and carry the same meaning. A 'work of distinction' could also be called 'an excellent work'. Maybe, the 4th floor geeks should have consulted the Oxford lexicon before they decide to use it as the buzz words.

Almost all the major political parties have come up with strange sounding manifesto.

PKR, in sheer desperation for supports has promised a minimum wage of RM1500 per month. The ex-Minister of Finance (de facto leader of PKR), Anwar Ibrahim has lost touch with the economic viability of such promises. Many SMIs and small businesses with high labour content would be in serious trouble if such high minimum wage were to be imposed. A figure of RM800/Rm1000 would make the proposal more feasible, economically viable and without having to kill the goose that lay the golden eggs.

Anwar may have forgotten that the biggest chunk of employees in that income bracket would be immigrant workers and most of the money would be repatriated to the home countries, unless he has no intention to include them in the scheme.

Anyway, since PKR is not going to form the next government why bother making true promises.

The strangest of the strange is PAS manifesto. Completely out of this world and very very Islamic.

PAS promised to deliver a man to every fat, ugly and old women. Women who are afflicted with a combination of all those handicaps or any one of those handicaps and those who found it hard to find a mate would get matchmaking assistance.

Unless she is Han Andersen's ugly duckling, I wonder what kind of a man would want a fat, old and ugly woman.

The following report by AFP appeared on Tuesday, 26th Feb:

Match-making manifesto woos Malaysian voters

AFP - Tuesday, February 26

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 26, 2008 (AFP) - Malaysia's conservative Islamic party pledged Tuesday to provide match-making services for older women and cut the cost of dowries in an election manifesto for its stronghold of Kelantan state.

The fundamentalist Pan Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), which is hoping to retain control of Kelantan in March 8 polls against fierce competition from the government, also promised to boost development in the impoverished state.

"We are providing benefits like match-making and reduced dowry for women, but we have also come up with a plan to address the needs of all people in Kelantan," PAS deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa told AFP.

"It's about reassuring voters in Kelantan that we are the best choice for the people," he said.

A party leader caused controversy in the past by saying that ugly women should be given priority in public service jobs because pretty women can find rich husbands to provide for them.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's coalition government is trying to regain Kelantan -- the only state it does not rule -- with plans for a slew of new projects and investment funds if it wins.

At its peak, PAS controlled Kelantan and neighbouring Terengganu state which it won in 1999 elections.

However its fundamentalist line, including a campaign to turn Malaysia into a religious state, and prohibitions on nightclubs, skimpy clothes and alcohol, saw it lose Terengganu in 2004.

It now holds a wafer thin majority in Kelantan, a state considered a key battleground in the polls.

Well, many old ladies in this country will soon be happy to find their mating mates courtesy of PAS.