Showing posts with label Bersih. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bersih. Show all posts

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ambiga: Stop Deceiving The People

Hantu Laut

This is the problem with people who thinks they are cleverer than everyone else. They drown in their own intelligence and project themselves as unfailing and flawless.

In the case of Ambiga, who thinks she is the doyenne of the legal fraternity and considers Malaysians as plain stupid and easily duped, she must be suffering from "I am holier than thou" syndrome.

So, why not call the bluff, to bluff the people.... here. 

Did Prime Minister Najib inked the contract, or he just announced it, shall I say for posterity sake?

What guidelines is she talking about? 

Her guidelines, is she the law? 

Even countries like U.K and New Zealand did not legislate laws for caretaker governments preferring convention as the rule.

There was no ground rules laid down for a caretaker government in the Malaysian context. 

She is full of bluffs.

Is she eyeing a candidacy?

Najib would have just committed a moral offence if he had inked the contract, which I doubt he would do.

Over to you, Amiga! 

Stop deceiving the people.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pakatan's Biggest Fiasco: The 1 Million That Never Was

Hantu Laut

The 1 million that never was. The final tally less than 100,000 turned up. 

Read the idiotic prediction here.

Pakatan Rakyat jokers put the crowd at 500,000, which one can clearly see the need to drop one "ZERO" from the photo below, which was taken at the height of the gathering. The stadium can't accommodate more the 60,000 people. This is the kind of leaders you have in Pakatan, pathetic liars.

Free T-Shirts, free drinks and free makan.It's a festival of sort.Typical Malaysian mentality, bring your children, your amah, your dog if there are freebies.

They should have allowed the insufferable Ambiga Sreenevasan to organise the event. She has better skill to persuade the cows to come to pasture. The turnout in all BERSIH outings were much better, which clearly show there are genuine support for BERSIH, rather than the political parties in Pakatan.

As I have anticipated, the whole thing was a cover up for Anwar's soon to be released drama in court and final rehearsal for Tahrir Square type revolution, which judging from today's fiasco will not happen. 

Malaysians are getting tired of participating in street demonstrations that they now see as web of deceit and lies by the oppositions and one man insatiable greed for power, who cares not how he gets it, by hook or by crook.

This lady Ambiga is still in her woozy state regurgitating the same old story.

What better excuse can you have to prepare yourself now for the loss, blaming BN cheating at the polls for the defeat, just like the proverbial carpenter who blamed his tools for his shoddy work.

She conjures an image of fatality for Pakatan that they will lose GE13th because of unfair and unclean elections.

" Yet I have unhappy news ― by all account GE 13 will be far from clean and fair. I will not go into the details, many of you know them. The recent fiasco with the overseas voters is yet another example. The suggested process is not clean, not transparent and the conditions that have been imposed on overseas voters are not, in my view, constitutional.
So why am I so sure the election will not be clean and fair? Well, one of the easiest demands to fulfil is to give free and fair access to the media to all parties. It takes just a phone call. Yet we see no move towards that and the mainstream media continues with its skewed and often dishonest reports. It shows a complete lack of political will to even the playing field between the parties." Read more.

In March 2008 General Elections, Pakatan played dirty, using strong arm tactic, stopping outstation BN supporters from casting their votes in certain areas, branding them as phantom voters and taking the law into their own hand......that's cheating! 

GE13th will be the cleanest election ever, because they will not be allowed to bully and stop any voter to exercise the right to vote, not ever again and BN will win with comfortable majority.

Few of my friends in Sabah have joined PKR and are now going round to see some Chinese towkays asking for donations to bankroll their candidacy. 

It's corruptions all over again if they win the elections. The Chinese towkays, surely, want his money back and multifold.

It's a vicious circle!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Kit Siang, Don't Belittle The Special Branch Report

Hantu Laut

It is irresponsible of Lim Kit Siang and other Pakatan leaders to ignore the Special Branch report of possible infiltration of subversive elements in PAS, DAP and PKR, accusing the government of spinning the story. 

Instead, Kit Siang should start his party's own investigation before he simply discard it as a ploy by the government to demonise the opposition. Story here.

For start, maybe, Kit Siang should explain the spate of protests and demonstrations that started with Hindraf and culminated in tension and chaos with BERSIH 3, organised under the guise of peaceful demonstration for free and fair elections. 

If Malaysia's elections are truly rotten how come his son can become the Chief Minister of Penang and the state came under DAP control. The same happened in Selangor, Kedah, Perak and Kelantan. Pakatan also took 8 out of 9 seats in The Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. 

Can Kit Siang answer this question! Did Pakatan also used phantom voters to win?

History has shown that it is common communist tactic to organise protests, demonstrations, sabotages and civil disobedience to bring down elected government. 

Between the late 1940s to 1980s Singapore was under serious communist threat. The CPM organised strikes and other forms of political agitation.Many attempted assassinations were foiled by the Special Branch. Singapore continued to face communist threat after independence with pro-communist elements resorting to organised strikes and act of arson and vandalism. Lee Kuan Yew was quick to realise the threat and used every possible means at his disposal to wipe out the communist threat, which he did successfully.

I will not dwell on the communist insurgency in Malaysia as they are the same as in Singapore, led by Chin Peng and the CPM and most Malaysian politicians knew the history.

However, with the resurgence of a strong opposition there were attempts by certain quarters to make Chin Peng a hero and a freedom fighter, which again point to the possibility of communist elements or sympathisers in DAP, which Kit Siang may not be aware of.

I will not put aside the likelihood of Jemaah Islamiah (JI) infiltrating PAS. Members of PAS particularly the "youth wing" has shown deep intolerance for anything outside the realm of Islam.They have constantly protested against foreign artists performing in Malaysia without due consideration that Malaysia is multiracial and multi religious. The Memali incident was related to PAS.

Not all Malaysians are Malays or Muslims and the Constitution only make Islam the official religion and not the other way around, Islam has no jurisdiction over non-Muslims. 

Non-Muslims would have to deal with the problem of encroachment of their rights should Pakatan came to power. PAS is not going to let "sleeping dogs lie" it will pursue its Islamic doctrine. 

Sometimes, people are easily misled.The other day a friend told me that the Chinese in Kelantan are very happy and voted for PAS. The question I asked him, was there any Chinese candidate in Kelantan's elections and whether he knew of the insignificant of Chinese votes in Kelantan.

Almost 95% population of Kelantan are ethnic Malays and the balance 5% divided between Chinese and Thai. PAS knew the insignificant of these two ethnic groups and is not the least bit worried whether PAS gets their supports.

There are vast differences between Chinese in Kelantan and Chinese in the rest of the country.Except for religion, the Chinese in Kelantan, for all intents and purposes, are Malays, speak the same language and adopt "Malay behaviour as front stage and Chinese behaviour as backstage"

Without looking at the person, it would be hard to tell a Chinese from a Malay by listening to his speech in the Kelantanese dialect. They are not your normal Malaysian Chinese.

Can Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh and the rest of the Chinese and Indians in the country be like the Kelantanese Chinese? If they can than this country would not suffer racial polarisation.The Kelantan Chinese have given the Malays the comfort of being truly Kelantanese, by adopting and respecting the Kelantanese Malay culture in their presence and still practised the Chinese culture backstage.The Kelantanese Malay do not feel threatened or overwhelmed by the Chinese.

Many Chinese are misled by this exaggerated story spread by the opposition to hoodwink the Chinese in the country that PAS is Chinese user friendly. It may, or may not be, but going by its actions, in all likelihood it will stay the Islamic journey, embolden to pursue "hudud" as they have asserted, time and again.

Do not belittle the SB report, terrorist incident is visible, espionage cases are not easy to detect unless you have excellent police work.

Our SB is one of the best in the region and that's why Malaysia was spared the act of terrorism, unlike our neighbours Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, who weren't so lucky.

I suggest Kit Siang do some soul-searching before he politicises the SB report. Malaysia have seen a number of attempts by small group of militant out to topple the government.

I would like to refresh Kit Siang's mind of past terrorist's act in this country:

1.August 1975 - Terrorists from Japanese Red Army (JRA) held approximately 50 civilians including members of the US consulate and the Swedist charge' d'affaires as hostages within the AIA building and demanded release of 5 imprisoned comrades and flew them to Libya. I was working and living in KL then and my office was not far from AIA.

2.December 1977 - A lone member of the JRA hijacked MAS Flight 653, shot the pilots and himself killing 100 passengers when the plane crashed.

3.November 1985 - Memali - About 400 people of an Islamic sect led by Ibrahim Libya took up arms against the government out of serious rift in the Malay Muslim community between PAS and UMNO. Leaders of PAS had concluded that members of UMNO were apostates.The stand off resulted in clashes that killed 14 civilian and 4 policemen. I was on the same plane as former PM Mahathir on the way to Beijing, being part of a trade delegation when the news was broke to us about Memali.

4.July 2000 - The Al-Ma'unah group stole over 111 military firearms and ammunitions.Police negotiation failed and gunfight ensued killing 3 people including 2 hostages.In the same year Kedah state assemblymen Joe Fernandez was shot by a member of a religious militant group.

5.August 2001 - Discovery of KMM, a militant group and underground movement out to topple the Mahathir's regime.Received training in Afghanistan led by Nik Adil Nik Abdul Aziz, all arrested under the ISA.

The network has already been put in place for massive demonstrations to accuse the BN of cheating in the next general elections and calling for people's power to demolish the government should Pakatan Rakyat failed to capture Putrajaya.

The oppositions can deny it until the cows come home, the momentum had been set by BERSIH 3 and Ambiga is only a pawn in the game.

Kit Siang! See who's scrapping the bottom of the barrel!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bersih 3 Video: The Stinkpot Calling The Kettle Black

Hantu Laut

Lim Kit Siang  issued a challenge to the Home Ministry not to edit the Bersih video which the ministry intend to show the public on why police took action against rioters that day. FMT report here.

What is this DAP muscleman talking about? Does he think all Malaysians are stupid to buy the Bersih sob story.

Below is a video released by DAP on Bersih 3,  slashed, cut, edited and finally audited and approved by DAP leaders for release to the public to hoodwink the people.

Watch the video lopsidedness, aggressive and unrestrained attack on the police and government.

How come the one below was not included in your video.

I can show you many more of such unruly and dangerous behaviour of the Bersih supporters, whom I presumed have been told to start trouble to  engage the police to take action so you guys can manipulate the issue to put the police and the government in a bad light.

If the police did not nip it in the bud there would have been wholesale rioting which the oppositions hope would destabilise the government and its imminent downfall,  which the opposition can fill in the vacuum,  if it had been successful.

You should have realised by now that even the Western media and politicians are getting suspicious of Anwar Ibrahim and questioning his real intention. Is it a fight for a freer and more democratic Malaysia or is it a fight for Anwar Ibrahim to be prime minister?

Come on Kit Siang! Can't you guy come up with something more constructive other than your usual stirring the shit, slinging the shit and re-circling the shit.

It just makes the whole bunch of you looking stupid, dwelling on the same subjects and re-circling old issues every now and then. 

The educated fools may buy your story but the uneducated ones can tell a shit when they see one.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Najib Disband The Panel And Treat The Bar Council As A Political Party

Hantu Laut

The Bar council is on head-on collision with the government when they show arrogance and disrespect to the government appointed panel on police brutality at the Bersih 3 rioting.

Without the opposition Pakatan Rakyat active involvement Ambiga would not be able to rally 100 people let alone 150,000. The huge number was claimed by Anwar Ibrahim and him taking much of the credit for the huge turnout and the subsequent mayhem. The Wall Street Journal, who used to love him dearly have asked him to plead guilty, pay the fine and be done with it.

When you overdo things even your closest ally would get fed up, just like many of his close friends and aides that left him because they could not tolerate his unjust behaviour.

My advice to Prime Minister Najib is to disband the panel immediately and start treating the Bar Council not as  amalgamation of lawyers but as that of politicians and a political party. 

Lawyer always think they are smarter than everyone else and this bunch of adolescent degraded the legal fraternity to a band of cranks, churlish and foolhardy.

What kind of oxymoron statement from the Council's vice-president, one Christopher Leong when he said "He said the council holds strong to its position that Tun Hanif Omar should be disqualified from the post of the panel’s chairman as the latter had already previously indicated his anti-Bersih views"

Then he said "however, that the council was not questioning Hanif’s integrity as it respects the former Inspector-General of Police’s contribution to the country"

Moron! You either respect his integrity or you don't! There's no two ways about it.

This is what happened when you have callow and wet behind the ears lawyers heading the council. 

If they want to party, let's party!

Story at

Latest: Bersih has joined the Bar Council snubbing the panel led by Haniff.  Here.

It makes sense to disband the panel as its finding would never be accepted by the Bar Council, Bersih, Pakatan Rakyat and pro-opposition supporters.

Melayu Lawan Melayu: Siapa Kah Yang Samseng Besar ?

Hantu Laut

Manusia cari kepandaian, UMNO dan PKR cari pergaduaan.

Inilah budaya samseng Melayu yang akan memusnahkan negara and bangsa.

Inilah ketua samseng PKR.

Mob strangling a policeman during Bersih 3

A policeman kicked off his motorcycle escaped from the mob.

Terdesak! Jangan salah sangkah, ini perbuatan PKR sendiri untuk mencari simpati rakyat.

Budaya ini akan berlanjutan selagi Anwar Ibrahim dan Pakatan tidak dapat memenangi Putrajaya.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Merdeka Poll: Are West Malaysians Cows ?

Hantu Laut

Nine out 10 West Malaysians voters want the electoral roll cleaned up before the 13th general elections.

George Gallup would be very impressed with the Merdeka Centre poll, a 90% affirmation, such extraordinary result.

How the Merdeka Centre conduct their survey and extrapolating the result is only known to them. 

Who audit their books?

Maybe, it's high time the government appoint a body to audit their poll results to ensure there would not be misleading polls to juggle public opinion.

Would that poll confirm that West Malaysians are cows? Can't think for themselves. They need people like Ambiga, the fame seeker, to rein them in and lead them to pasture.

Go to:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bar Council's Crock Of Shit !

Hantu Laut

I need not fill the glass to the brim or indulge in prolixity on the Bar Council claims of impartiality, even handedness and their premature condemnation of police brutality in the BERSIH 3  rioting. 

It was rioting in every sense of the word which requires forceful means to stop it flaring into uncontrollable civil unrest. The Bar Council seems to encourage this kind of political expedition in the name of the right to peaceful assembly. 

No assembly of tens of thousands of people congregating in a small place have been known to be peaceful, more tensional and tinder, if anything to go by, a potential source of trouble.

Need not write a lengthy masterpiece on this. A scattering would suffice.

Read their pathetic response at

They say they arrived at the conclusion based on observations made by 80 lawyers deployed by the Bar Council. 

As Roger Tan rightly say who are these 80 lawyers, people of such impeccable character that their testimonies are gospel truth. 

Are they godsends ?

Are they saying all lawyers are saints and angels, unquestionably righteous, therefore, we must believe in what they say. 

How can they be independent and impartial if all of them represent the Bar Council ? 

No matter how hard they try, they can't fool right thinking Malaysians with their pile of poo. Only the blinkered opposition supporters would be in feeding frenzy and swallow the poo.......... hook, line and sinker.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Najib, Call Off The Probe on Bersih 3 Violence,There Are Many Ways To Skin A Cat

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim demanded Tun Haniff Omar to step down as head of the government's independent panel to probe on the Bersih 3 violence. 

As far as I am concern the probe is unnecessary as there were sufficient evidence to show the people that the police had acted with restraint until unruly protesters encouraged by the de facto opposition leader and his sidekick stormed the barriers to break into Dataran Merdeka. The police reacted only after they demolished the barrier and passed the security fence.

I am most disappointed with the Prime Minister to allow himself to be inundated with opposition's lies and  formed a panel to investigate the root of the violence to try mollify the oppositions, when the very man culpable of causing it was non other than the same man who now wanted Tun Haniff to step down. 

Najib should by now realise  there is no "thank you" from the opposition in whatever he does and he should not waste time trying to appease them. He must remember their main objective is to bring him down and those who are firmly against him would not change their minds and have a "dog in the manger" attitude, prepared to run riot to destabilise the country.

Haniff was right that there are neo-communist elements in the Bersih group that wanted very much to destabilise Malaysia for their own reason.Amiga is a puppet. 

Anwar can also be called a neo-communist as he does not tolerate opposition of any kind against him.How many of his friends have left him over the years as they could not stand his dictatorial ways? Ask how many of Najib's friends have left him? 

There, it shows who believes in democracy and freedom for the people.Anwar failed miserably, without any doubt. He is merely a user and a bad one.The moment he has no use of you or sees you as a political threat, your are dead meat! Chandra Muzaffar and lately,  Zaid Ibrahim knew what it takes to work with Anwar.

Anwar warned Haniff that the communist threat is over.If that rang true,  how would he explain the outpouring of sympathies for Chin Peng by certain sector of the Malaysian population, to the extent of even demanding that the Malaysian government reinstate his citizenship and allow him to come back to Malaysia.Chin Peng has clearly stated that he had no remorse and stuck to his ideology.

There are better things to do other than kow-towing to the troublesome oppositions who has nothing constructive to offer the people.

Since the opposition is unappreciative and not agreeable to the officials selected for the panel I would urge Najib to call it off.

There are many ways to skin the cat.

Amigagate Got A Burger, Testing Her Constitution

Hantu  Laut

Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you! Amiga gets dose of her own medicine.

Free country mah! Why complained.Those guys just doing their business, albeit, illegally.

Why lodge police report!

The proper authority to deal with this kind of problem is DBKL or the local council of the area where she lives. 

For sure, half-past-six lawyer, don't even know where to go or what to do.

Nothing would have happened if she had ignored them and let it be, but she wants publicity so badly she called for reinforcements from her fellow NGOs, Malaysiakini, etc, who are as blur as she is.

However, they have not trespassed into her property and committed an offence.They are just testing her constitution, for which she failed miserably to take it in her stride.

They are horrified! Over such petty matter ?

What about 27 million Malaysians horrified by Amiga, Anwar and Bersih ?

Not knowing whether the country would descend into civil strife and chaos.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Bar Council Not Only Sucks, It's Unprofessional, Partial And Bias !

Hantu Laut

The Bar Council not only sucks, it's unprofessional, partial, bias and working for the oppositions.

This is what happen when you put half-past-six lawyers as leaders who lack professional ethic.

The Bar Council should have been an independent body and distant itself from politics. In almost everything it does, it seems to be giving undivided support to the opposition Pakatan Rakyat.

Bar Council Chairman Lim Chee Wee is a disgrace calling for an EGM in seeking a public apology from the Home Minister and IGP for alleged use of excessive force against Bersih protesters even before receiving full report of the investigation by Suhakam, Bar observers and an independent panel appointed by the Home Ministry.

To Members of the Malaysian Bar and pupils in chambers

We refer to Circular No 092/2012 dated 4 May 2012, giving notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar to be held as follows:

Date : 11 May 2012 (Friday)
Time : 3:00 pm
Venue :  Grand Ballroom, Sunway Putra Hotel (formerly known as the Legend Hotel), Sunway Putra Place, 100 Jalan Putra, 50350 Kuala Lumpur

The “Motion in relation to the events of and surrounding the BERSIH 3.0 public assembly on 28 April 2012, and matters in connection therewith, proposed by Lim Chee Wee (Chairman, Bar Council), on behalf of the Bar Council, dated 4 May 2012” (item (1) of the agenda) is reproduced below.

In accordance with sections 65(4A) and 65(4B) of the LPA, the quorum shall be 500 Members of the Malaysian Bar, and the EGM shall be dissolved if a quorum is not present by 4:00 pm. 

Members are urged to make every effort to attend the EGM so that the issues on the agenda may be effectively discussed by as many Members as possible.

We look forward to your participation and presence at the EGM on 11 May 2012.
Thank you.
Tony Woon Yeow Thong
Malaysian Bar 

It is obvious, the Bar Council has, unashamedly, become an extension and mouthpiece of the opposition Pakatan Rakyat.They are fully aware that Anwar Ibrahim and the whole Pakatan outfit is using street politics for political expediency, yet as a professional body that should stand impartial they gave support to the abominable act of the opposition and ignore any of its wrongdoings.

Their proclivity in demonising the government in every respect clearly shows they have taken side in politics.This is not a cynical observation but a well documented factuality.

How else could he explain calling for an EGM blaming the police of brutality when many videos evidenced provocation was first started by protesters by breaking down barriers where court order has been obtained making Dataran Merdeka a "no man's land" that day.

Videos taken on that day showed the crowd attacking a police car, pelleting it with stones, shoes and whatever objects available to them which eventually sent the car out of control and the mob overturning the police car.

The Bar Council chose to ignore all these awful acts of the law breakers, instead, chose to support them,  threatening the police with legal actions.

Not all its members share the Bar Council Chairman's sentiment as evidenced by the video below.

Has the Bar Council also been hijacked by politicians and being used as their campaign machinery? 

Maybe, it's high time the Register of Societies (not sure under which jurisdiction they are registered) write a show cause letter to the Bar Council why they should not be de-registered?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Najib, Leave Amiga And Her Pakatan Bosses To Their Own Demise

Hantu Laut

Amigo Sreenavasan has threatened the government with another sequel, she called "Bersih 3". A showdown at Padang Merdeka on 28th April if electoral reforms are not executed before the 13th GE she said.

This lady lawyer is doing the oppositions' bidding.Without Pakatan's leaders full backing she won't be able to get a bus-load of mules onto the streets of Kuala Lumpur?

This bunch of Pakatan's political eunuches using her, overestimated their popularity and boasted they would have won the last GE if there were no massive cheatings by BN.Sounds more like one big lie and a case of sour grapes.

If you are so sure of your popularity why do you need to stage mass demonstrations every now and then? If the people love you so much, no amount of money and cheating can change their minds

We, Sabahans know this,
if we really want a change we'll take the incumbent's money and vote the other side.We have done it a few times before.

Harris Salleh is a living testimony and a victim of the power of the people.The most powerful BN leader in Sabah at that time, he and his party was trashed by a new born party led by Joseph Pairin Kitingan, winning only 6 seats out of 48 they contested.Harris lost his seat in Tenom to an unknown giant killer.

With all the power, the money and the cheating how come Harris faltered so badly?

Amiga, I am afraid you are not a very bright lawyer because you lack the power of reasoning.

I am sure there have been isolated cases of cheating in the Malaysian polls.Even in the largest democracy where her forefathers came from there have been cases of cheating and worst, murders.Not that we should condone such appalling behaviour but to say there have always been wholesale cheating by the BN government is stretching one's imagination too far.

Anyone with the head properly screwed onto the shoulder can see how so bloody disorganised the BN have been when it comes to cheating at the polls. They are so amateurish in their cheating they almost lost the government in the 12th GE.

If not for Sabah and Sarawak they would have been a reversal of fortune, the BN would have become the opposition and Pakatan Rakyat the government.

It's obvious that the people are still not ready for a Malaysian Spring that Anwar Ibrahim so much wanted to happen.Anwar knew that's the only way he can be prime minister.

So! Amiga, where are the proofs of massive cheating other than you living in a state of denial and trying to cheat yourself and the people?

Lest you forget, over the many decades that the BN was in power they have also lost seats to independent candidates.Mind you! these small fries can win against the mighty BN.

Obviously, you prefer to serve your political masters rather than serve the truth.

More shameful, you use that poor old near senile national laureate Pak Samad to lead the procession.This old bugger did not realise he is being used by you and your puppetmasters to try lend credence to your monkey business.

My advice to that very blur Minister of Home Affairs, let it be, let them loose on the streets, let them have their say.

One hundred thousands stupid mules in KL do not represent the political sentiments of the people of this nation.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

As Thick As Thieves

Hantu Laut

This lady is probably the most boring speaker I have come across and if I may say, dense and uninspiring, so much so, she has to beg the audience to applaud her.

It's certainly very transparent, you can see through the hand in glove of Bersih, Suaram and Pakatan.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Najib's Electoral Reform: Damned If You Do,Damned If You Don't!

Hantu Laut

What's the point at the end of the day the opposition Pakatan Rakyat and Bersih would still rebuke and ridicule him.

You can never appease the oppositions with their "kedai kopi" politics and Malaysia's dirty politics on both sides of the political divide.Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Giving in should not be an option now.
You should have acceded before the Bersih rally.

The politicking is going to get murkier and dirtier as you get nearer D-Day, muddled by your erstwhile comrade-in-arms and his political hopefuls and with not much help from your inertial UMNO leaders who half the time spewed foolish and unintelligible statements.

Malaysia's Najib Calls for Electoral Reform

Najib will clean up the electoral process

Or is it a ploy to buy time?

Apparently bending to widespread criticism of a government crackdown of a July 9 march demanding electoral reform, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said Tuesday that a parliamentary select committee is to be formed as soon as possible to seek to reform the current system.

The announcement appears to answer a central demand of the reform group Bersih, a coalition of good-government organizations backed by opposition parties to clean up the electoral process.

The big question, however, is how soon the select committee will meet, and whether the reform provisions it comes up with – if any – could be put in place before national elections expected to be called late this year or early next. In that, the announcement of the committee carries certain dangers. If the committee is still meeting when the election comes and goes, the decision to create it is likely to be regarded as a public relations gesture.

Wong Chin Huat, one of the leaders of Bersih, told Asia Sentinel that Najib must hold up the polls until the reforms can be implemented.

Bersih itself, in a prepared statement, said it welcomed Najib’s announcement of a bipartisan committee, asking that immediate reforms be carried out before the next state and general elections and that other reforms be put in place within two years after the formation of the committee.

The process is bound to be complicated and subject to possible delay. The Malaysian constitution must be amended after the legislative, policy drafting and enforcement mechanisms are finished, then laws must be put in place by the executive branch to carry out the mandate.

That will require an automated voter registration system. The government has already said it is creating a so-called biometric registration system which would use fingerprints or other biometric data for voter identification. Bersih, however, charges that the system is open to abuse and wants a system in which voters will be marked with indelible ink once they have voted.

The government took a severe beating in the international press after police cracked down on the so-called Bersih 2.0 rally, blocking entrances to Kuala Lumpur, dousing the marchers who got through with water cannons and firing tear gas at them despite the fact that most were determined not to fight back. Nonetheless, anywhere between 10,000 and 30,000 marchers got through depending on who was doing the counting. Some 1,700 people were arrested, many for merely appearing in yellow tee-shirts, the Bersih color.

Najib’s international image took a further beating when it was discovered that in an effort to turn around its negative image the government had paid RM86 million in two contracts to a British public relations company to plant favorable interviews and news stories with the international media. The contract was withdrawn abruptly when its existence was exposed by a Sarawak NGO, the Sarawak Report.

Just days ago, Najib was likening the Bersih marchers to the hooded rioters that torched buildings and caused violence in London and other cities. The abrupt about turn is being regarded in Kuala Lumpur as an indication that the government crackdown and attempt to demonize the marchers has backfired badly and hurt Najib’s standing.

The prime minister reportedly is already under fire from members of his own party, particularly those who advocate so-called Ketuanan Melayu, or Malay rights to take precedence over those of the country’s other races. Although some reports had him returning early from an Italian vacation to put down a party rebellion, those reports have been denied. But he clearly has been weakened from the affair.

“The prime minister must have realized that middle Malaysia will not tolerate a government that fanatically makes ‘clean’(Bersih, in Malay language) a dirty word, and losing the middle ground will erode his edge as a moderate leader in the increasingly rough intra-UMNO rivalry,” said Wong Chin Huat.

It is the mechanics of the process that are important. Although the prime minister said the committee would include lawmakers from both the Barisan Nasional, the ruling national coalition, to “discuss all the questions and issued raised about electoral reform so that a mutual agreement could be reached,” Deputy Speaker Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, a member of the United Malays National Organization, told local media that it would take at least year before the committee could finish its work and the reforms, if any, could be implemented. Read more.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Malaysia:A Reluctant Symbol for Electoral Reform

A Reluctant Symbol for Electoral Reform in Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR — Her photograph has been burned by ethnic Malay nationalists, there have been calls to revoke her Malaysian citizenship and she has been threatened, via text message, with death. The movement she leads, Bersih, an alliance of 62 nongovernmental organizations pressing for electoral reform, has been declared illegal, and a demonstration that brought thousands of its followers into the streets of this capital city last month ended with nearly 1,700 arrests.

But having stared down these challenges, Ambiga Sreenevasan, 54, a University of Exeter-educated lawyer and former president of the Malaysian Bar Council, is now being hailed by many here as the “new symbol of civil society’s dissent.”

“She has not been afraid to speak the truth to power,” said Ibrahim Suffian, director of the Merdeka Center, an independent polling firm in Kuala Lumpur.

Over peppermint tea in a busy cafe recently, Ms. Ambiga squirmed uncomfortably at the attention she had attracted.

“This focus on me is actually ridiculous,” said Ms. Ambiga. “It’s a true citizens’ movement, because the citizens have taken ownership of Bersih.”

The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections, or Bersih — “clean” in Malay — got its start in November 2007. Members of the political opposition and civic groups defied restrictions on gatherings of more than five people without a permit and rallied for changes in an election system they said unfairly favored the governing coalition, which has been in power since Malaysia achieved independence in 1957. Read more.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

London Riots:Of Black Scums and White Trash

Hantu Laut

What should we call the people who ran riot,looting, destroying other people's businesses and properties for the past four days in half-a-dozen British cities?

Do you want to be politically correct and called them protesters like what the BBC and the British media did.

What are they protesting about? Asking for fair and free elections, against racial discrimination or just pure badness, madness and criminality?

A rioter in London poses in front of a burning van

Genuine protesters do not loot, attack the police, torch properties and vehicles.

The West was quick to brand any form of extremism involving Muslims as terrorism.What do they consider those black scums and white trash as? The incendiary attacks on properties and human lives, are they any different from terrorism?

Obviously, the Western type of laissez-faire parenting mixed with the black voodoo culture has muddled the gene pool of offspring mired in badness and indiscipline.

Buildings burn on Tottenham High Road, London after youths protested against the killing of Mark Duggan by armed police in an attempted arrest

Buildings burn on Tottenham High Road, London after youths protested against the killing of Mark Duggan by armed police in an attempted arrest

I have no time for political correctness and indulge in niceties with these monsters, an evil manifestations of its nurture and conditioning.

Are they not thugs,scumbags,hooligans, criminal opportunists and last but not least terrorists? The products of bad parents and bad parenting.

Here, an eleven-year old caught for looting. He was just unlucky there were probably more of his delinquent that got away.Where were the parents of these young punks, were they also involved in rioting and looting?

I am always against any street demonstration, no matter how peaceful the organisers claimed it to be.The London riots are reminders that it takes only one man to start a feeding frenzy.

Ambiga and Bersih beware!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bersih 2.0: Dirty War of the “clean” crusaders

August 10, 2011

FMT LETTER: From Calvin Sankaran, via e-mail

In the fevered state of our country, no good can ever result from any attempt to set one of these fiery zealots to rights, either in fact or principle.

They are determined as to the facts they will believe, and the opinions on which they will act. Get by them, therefore, as you would by an angry bull; it is not for a man of sense to dispute the road with such an animal.

Thus was the advice from one of the Founding Fathers and the 3rd President of the US, Thomas Jefferson.

It is indeed surprising that more than 200 years on, we still find such advice is to be incredibly germane especially so in view of the prevailing poisonous political zeitgeist in the country.

Whether it is the American Tea-Party politico-terrorists or our homegrown pseudo reformers of Bersih 2.0, the ability of unruly mobs of angry zealots to be weapons of political and economic mass destruction and holding a nation hostage remains undiminished.

Bersih, like so many other groups subscribing to political extremism, has a noble aim and helmed by charismatic, internationally respected figurehead in Ambiga Sreenevasan. Bersih’s manifest demand is the amendment of the electoral laws to provide a level playing field to all political parties thus advancing the process of democratisation in Malaysia.

But beyond this wafer thin veneer of credibility everything else about Bersih reeks of political gamesmanship. It is a bitter irony that a coalition which strives for clean politics employs chicanery, deceit, hate mongering propaganda, half truths and lies to mislead people and demonise their opponents.

However, to be fair it must be said that the charge that Pakatan Rakyat leaders had hijacked Bersih to further their political ambitions is wildly inaccurate and completely baseless. For there is hardly a need do so since Pakatan and Ambiga’s Bersih are joined at the hip in an unholy, incestuous relationship.

Surely the former Bar Council president isn’t that naïve to assume that the PR parties are sincerely committed to clean and transparent election process when they themselves don’t practice the said principles for their own party elections.

Unless Ambiga has been a part of NASA’s space mission to Mars over the last few years, she would surely have witnessed the shambolic, scandal-ridden, violence-marred joke that passed for PKR’s version of democratic election.

It is worth noting here that Ambiga had declared the street rally was off and Bersih will be accepting the government’s offer of stadium after her audience with the King. However, Bersih’s real aim was exposed when Ambiga later spurned the offer of Shah Alam Stadium for the rally and stubbornly insisted upon Merdeka Stadium, citing ease of access and convenience.

It wasn’t long, however, when her concerns were proved to be as bogus as Hannah Yeoh’s Anak Malaysia comedy skit. This Lady of Liberty put lives and limbs of supporters in grave danger by urging them to defy the law, the riot police, tear gas and water cannons to march illegally in downtown KL. As such Ambiga and Bersih organisers must be accountable and responsible for the death of one of the participants instead of trying to pin the blame on the police.

That the Emperor Bersih wore no clothes was obvious to everyone except the blinkered legion of PR supporters; the shouts of “Reformasi” and “Takbir” far outnumbering cries for reform during the rally made that abundantly clear.

Within hours of the rally Pakatan cyber army was busy working overtime at their fiction factories and churning out highly edited, emotion-laden (if not terribly clever) videos on YouTube.

Using video imageries from past protests and even including foreign footages, these crusaders of clean elections played dirty by trying to elevate the illegal demonstrators as heroes while depicting the police as brutal thugs.

Even when these videos were exposed as fakes, no Bersih leader came forward to accept the responsibility or apologise for their deceitful, deplorable actions.

One of the Bersih videos that stood out for all the wrong reasons was the over-long clip titled, rather melodramatically as “The Truth That Cannot Be Covered”. Obviously produced by your average DAP cyber troopers next door (the atrocious English subtitles alone a dead giveaway) it was widely circulated via the social network among the Pakatan Kool-Aid drinkers.

This clip was the gold standard in exemplifying and showcasing the PR spinmasters’ level of intelligence and depths of delusion.

Unintentionally funny and laden with more tear-jerking sentimentalism than a dozen Kollywood movies put together, it scored several own goals by exposing the Pakatan supporters’ violent, rowdy behavior during the “peaceful” rally.

The maturity of the Bersih / Pakatan crowd was again amply demonstrated during a debate organised by the Sinar Harian newspaper between Ambiga and a representative from the EC. The debate almost violent when the some of them, unable to accept criticism or satisfied by answers given, had to be physically restrained from assaulting the EC rep. Read more.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Tottenham riots: police let gangs run riot and loot

Hantu Laut

A peaceful protest developed into one of the ugliest scenes in recent UK history as sections of London went up in flame and rioters clashed with police.

This can happen in Malaysia if Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat were given their ways.

Yeah! Democracy. Yeah!Freedom.

London's burning because the cops were afraid of being accused of police brutality.

Britain’s biggest police force is facing criticism after it let looters run riot in north London for almost 12 hours, in some of the worst scenes of street disturbances seen in recent years.

The Metropolitan Police said it was focused on containing violent disorder in Tottenham on Saturday night, which left dozens of officers injured and saw squad cars, shops and flats burned to the ground.

But its tactics meant gangs of youths were free to break into stores at nearby Tottenham Hale retail park and in Wood Green, with looters forming an orderly queue in broad daylight to steal from a sports shop.

Riot police did not intervene to stop the looting in some areas until 7.30am the following morning, almost 12 hours after the riots began, and last night there were fresh disturbances in Enfield.

Police defended their actions, saying that their priority was to avoid loss of life in the violent clashes that started after a peaceful gathering outside a police station, held to protest a fatal shooting by Met officers on Thursday.

Metropolitan Police Commander Adrian Hanstock said that police took a decision to devote resources to the scene of the riot rather than the looting.

He said: “What you have to recognise here is that this is opportunistic criminality. These individuals who stole, looted and rampaged through businesses, businesses which are struggling in the current climate, took advantage at a time where police were dealing with some serious incidents that posed a threat to life.

“Of course we are going to focus on fires and people potentially in danger.

“You have got a situation where people have been violent and are setting fire to things. Police officers have to remain in position even after the initial violence dies down.

“It is a very delicate balance. Officers have to consider that by staying here [the riot scene] can I prevent someone being seriously injured or should I intervene when someone is committing a theft that we might be able to investigate afterwards.” Read more.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Paradox Of Choice:Intellectualising Communism,Socialism & Capitalism

Hantu Laut

Is communism making a comeback? I doubted.

Living in a country like Malaysia anyone who wanted to be communist should be treated as a patient and should be sent to the mental hospital for observation.

With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the end of the Cold War, communism, more or less, is on its last breath.

China, for all intents and purposes, is only communist in name, has become the second biggest capitalist and the fastest growing economy in the world.

The only remaining totalitarian communist is North Korea, which will not survive for long.I foresee a reunification of the two Koreas in the next decade.

Six PSM members including Sungei Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar related to the Bersih rally were arrested under the EO (Emergency Ordinance) for using and distributing inflammatory materials such as T-shirts placarded with pictures of past Malaysian communist leaders.

The government took a strong view that they are trying to revive communism. After over 30 days incarceration they were released without conditions.

The police had a change of heart or I would rather say "flip-flopping" on the issue, decided to charge them for possession of subversive materials.

The question I would like to ask here are those people seriously influenced by communist ideology or they are just a bunch of shit-stirrers, in which case they should be charged for public nuisance or something to that extant.

We certainly are spoilt for choice, but as far as communism is concerned we should not have paradox of choice.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ad Nauseam:A Family Of Liars

Hantu Laut

The blatant lies continued in spite of a video clearly showing Tian Chua counting 1, 2, 3 and leading the charge towards the police.

PKR Subang MP R Sivarasa explained that Tian Chua was running away from the police rather than attacking them during an incident at an underpass at KL Sentral.

“Police seem to be focusing on Tian Chua running out of the underpass, trying to suggest that he was charging at the police and therefore they fired tear gas. But the videos show that that’s a complete lie,” said Sivarasa.

Story here.

Watch the video and judge for yourself who is the liar.

Shame on you Sivarasa!

The lies have reached ad nauseam.Disgusting and intolerable.