Showing posts with label Amiga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amiga. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Making Of Malaysian Spring: Do Not Ignore Mahathir's Prophecy

Ready for Malaysian Spring? 

The allegations of rigging, tainted electoral rolls and now flying dubious voters from Sabah to KL are reaching epidemic proportion. 

This is how uprising started, flung enough dirt and you will have enough shit excuses to start an uprising when you found yourself at the losing end.

The logistical nightmare is just unbelievable to move 30,000 people from KK to KL and back over a period of 2/3 days.

You need 150 flights of Boeing 747-400, not forgetting board, lodging and busing, to and fro, voting centres.

MAS has only 94 planes of different models and configurations. Using MAS planes will disrupt its entire international/domestic flights. 

Of course, with money you can charter the planes from other companies, but it is almost impossible to charter 20/30 wide-bodied planes over such short notice.

The above flight schedule was posted in a blog here

Well done, Anwar Ibrahim, you have really made my day.  

Send your men to the airports to video tape all the flights and use it as evidence when the general-election is over. 

Read here this most incredible story.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Spooky Tales Of Pakatan Leaders Of Murder And Assassination.

Hantu Laut

The spooky tales of Pakatan leaders of threats to their "life and limb" by elements in UMNO and Perkasa, so they say.

From Anwar Ibrahim who took refuge at the Turkish embassy for fear of assassination after the sodomy accusation here to death threat to her daughter Nurul Izzah's life here and murder attempt again on Anwar here

Believe it or not it is a dangerous world they live in. Has Malaysia become the "Wild Wild West" where political duel are settled with a bullet in your head? 

Not for the first time, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng again had a brush with death here and slammed the police here for not giving him adequate protection.After calling the police all sort of names what do you expect. 

This is a dangerous country get you own bodyguards Mr Lim.If that's not enough carry your own gun for added protection which you are permitted to as a chief minister.

Bersih mastermind and chief operating officer S.Ambiga is again in the limelight yet with another death threat sent to her through email.The last thing anyone would use to send a death threat or warn you of impending threat to your life is an email. It'll take the police minutes to trace the sender and what did this smart or not so smart lawyer do, she withheld the identity of the sender in order to protect the source.

How are the police going to do their work if you withheld evidence that have come into your possession. If you don't trust the police why make a police report in the first place?

The email sent to her read "Beware hired guns out to kill you" and claimed that a particular group had contracted two thugs to terminate her .Reported here.

This was a second death threat the Bersih leader received this year.

From the day Anwar took refuge in the Turkish Embassy till today he is still alive and kicking, so is the daughter, so is Lim Guan Eng and of course not forgetting our dear lady Ambiga who again is in imminent danger of being assassinated.

Well, what can one say, it all make a good script for a Hollywood blockbuster.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Amigagate Got A Burger, Testing Her Constitution

Hantu  Laut

Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you! Amiga gets dose of her own medicine.

Free country mah! Why complained.Those guys just doing their business, albeit, illegally.

Why lodge police report!

The proper authority to deal with this kind of problem is DBKL or the local council of the area where she lives. 

For sure, half-past-six lawyer, don't even know where to go or what to do.

Nothing would have happened if she had ignored them and let it be, but she wants publicity so badly she called for reinforcements from her fellow NGOs, Malaysiakini, etc, who are as blur as she is.

However, they have not trespassed into her property and committed an offence.They are just testing her constitution, for which she failed miserably to take it in her stride.

They are horrified! Over such petty matter ?

What about 27 million Malaysians horrified by Amiga, Anwar and Bersih ?

Not knowing whether the country would descend into civil strife and chaos.