Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bung Mokhtar's (Sandiwara) Overdramatic Performance

Hantu Laut

Some politicians are good in theatrics and our guile and guts Bung Mokhtar is at it again.

A master of overdramatic performance, he wants to make himself feel important and indispensible. Kampong politics par excellence.

In the first place why bother to contest the party election if you intent to resign ?

Why the need to meet PM Najib if you are determined to leave, just submit your letter and be done with it.

Read here Bung Mokhtar's sandiwara.

I bet he won't resign.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Making Of Malaysian Spring: Do Not Ignore Mahathir's Prophecy

Ready for Malaysian Spring? 

The allegations of rigging, tainted electoral rolls and now flying dubious voters from Sabah to KL are reaching epidemic proportion. 

This is how uprising started, flung enough dirt and you will have enough shit excuses to start an uprising when you found yourself at the losing end.

The logistical nightmare is just unbelievable to move 30,000 people from KK to KL and back over a period of 2/3 days.

You need 150 flights of Boeing 747-400, not forgetting board, lodging and busing, to and fro, voting centres.

MAS has only 94 planes of different models and configurations. Using MAS planes will disrupt its entire international/domestic flights. 

Of course, with money you can charter the planes from other companies, but it is almost impossible to charter 20/30 wide-bodied planes over such short notice.

The above flight schedule was posted in a blog here

Well done, Anwar Ibrahim, you have really made my day.  

Send your men to the airports to video tape all the flights and use it as evidence when the general-election is over. 

Read here this most incredible story.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

No Thanks To Najib Mooed Anwar

Hantu Laut

When they clashed with police, it is Najib's doing, when the police allowed them to assemble as they wish, no thanks to Najib.

This swagger called Anwar Ibrahim find it hard to say thank you to anyone and in this case the person who actually has the last say, the Prime Minister. 

This is Anwar brand of politics, mired in self-glorification and self-aggrandising. A bitter man with one goal in mind, to be prime minister no matter what it takes and to punish those who did  wrongs to him.

Of course he thinks the whole police force are made up of morons. He thinks he can apply reverse psychology on them, after running them down like mange dogs to generate public hatred against the police force. Of course, there will be some supporters, particularly, those who think they deserved promotion but were not promoted.

Read here Anwar Ibrahim's ambition of capturing Sabah and Sarawak. 

Where he gets his information about the growing support of the indigenous people for PKR in Sabah and Sarawak, I don't know. I have just returned from some kampongs in the Tuaran and Kota Belud district. All I saw was PBS and BN flags.

I say he should not swagger too much as he may miss the flight of steps in the kampong house, fall and break his neck again.

Of course lying is his usual habit just like the baits he used to fish for votes that could bankrupt this country. Those who can't count will believe him.

As the old adage "pride goes before a fall" and  "you must not count your chickens before they are hatched."

Inikali lah! 

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Lady Is A Shrew

Hantu Laut

In my earlier article "Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned" I said I place my bet on Shahrizat winning the race against Rafidah.I still do and the ground swell is moving in favour of Shahrizat.

Rafidah has burned almost all her bridges to the top leadership in UMNO including former PM Tun Mahathir Mohammad and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.She only respect those who wield power and have no qualms about running them down once they ceased to be of any use to her.The many years of being in one of the most important ministries has made her lost her balance and made her arrogant,abrasive and completely inconsiderate.She has no finesse and social grace in dealing with her colleagues and the public.She and Azalina both need to go to finishing school.You can be tough yet graceful but unfortunately both of them are not.

During his tenure as prime minister Mahathir ignored the many allegations of abuse of power and corruptions against her and closed his eyes and ears to such talk.When Mahathir announced his resignation she was one of the first on stage, cried and pleaded to him not to resign.Her recent tussle with Mahathir on the issue of AP(Approved Permit) is a lingering reminder of her imperious,ungrateful and opportunistic nature.

Her biggest undoing maybe her recent barbs at Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.She told him he was so unpopular that he wouldn't be able to get enough nominations to contest the presidency and asked him to cut short the transition plan .This is the man who defended her from Tun Mahathir attacks during the AP controversy.Gratitude is not in her lexicon.

Isn't she "The pot calling the kettle black" by asking Abdullah to cut short the transition period.What is she doing contesting the Wanita Chief post and hand it over three months later.Isn't there element of insincerity in that promise.Since she going to forgo the position why not just let Shahrizat contest it and be done with it.

I believe majority of members of Wanita UMNO had already decided who they want as their leader.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mahathir: The Enigma

Hantu Laut

Well done Pak Lah! You should have lashed out much earlier. From Musa Hitam, Tengku Razaleigh, the late Ghafar Baba , Anwar Ibrahim and lately you, none of you are good enough for him.

Nobody is good enough for this man.None of those who had the misfortune of becoming his deputy can measure up to his high expectations and his immeasurably excessive demand for loyalty, right or wrong, he expects total subservience.

When he was in power and to protect himself from being challenged he changed the contest rules in UMNO. Now, he wants to change it back to suit his new political agenda.

When he had problems with the sultans he changed the law to keep them in line.

When he had problems with the judiciary, he arranged for tribunals to sack the Lord President and three judges.

When he perceived a challenge from Anwar, the poor chap suddenly turned to become a closet homosexual.

When Abdullah cancelled his crooked bridge, Abdullah is the most useless prime minister this country ever had.

He plays a major part in UMNO's poor showing in the recent polls because he started an opprobrium on Abdullah which eventually effected the party's support at the polls.

Most of all he loves the two-thirds majority because he can do almost anything with it.

Mahathir is a man of mysterious behaviour and at times difficult to understand.Even his smile is enigmatic.

I was a great fan of him once, now I changed my mind.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Hantu Laut

The smallest politicial party in Sabah, LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) formerly headed by former Chief Minister Chong Kah Kiat has fielded all four new faces. The biggest surprise was that of incumbent Liew Yun Fah, the assemblyman for Merotai, who was dropped in favour of a newcomer.Liew who is very popular with the electorates in Merotai is expected to stand as independent against the LDP choice. Due to his popularity, many has given him an edge over his opponent, if he takes up the challenge.

As reported in the Daily Express:

Contest as loners?

photo Keningau: The State Barisan Nasional faces the prospect of dropped incumbents contesting the 12th general election on March 8 as Independents.

At least two have so far hinted they would consider such alternative as an act of retaliation against their respective party presidents over their exclusions.

Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Liew Yun Fah arrived to a rousing welcome by some 2,000 supporters at the Tawau Airport, Friday.

The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leadership had earlier dropped him from the party candidates' list for the Merotai state constituency which he won in 2004.

He had barely warmed his seat as Youth and Sports Minister several months ago. LDP President Datuk VK Liew had announced party secretary Pang Yuk Ming for the seat, instead.

While declining to specifically reveal his next cause of action, Liew said that in the event he decides to contest as an Independent, it would not mean that he would be against the Barisan Nasional, "but against any outsider trying their luck in Merotai".

Liew said he was still toying with the idea and that his fortune would depend on the wisdom of the electorates in the area.

He regretted at not being aware of the decision to drop him from the fray, contrary to a statement by VK Liew.

While stressing that he had nothing to lose for having been dropped, he regretted that the party seemingly does not appreciate the level of support accorded by the electorates in the Merotai area.

Supporters turning up at the airport displayed banners expressing their support for Liew as their elected representative. Balung candidate Datuk Syed Abbas Syed Ali, Nilwan Kabang (Kunak) and Datuk Haji Harman Haji Mohd (Sulabayan) arriving at the same time at the airport, were also given a rousing welcome by their respective supporters.

In Keningau, Pensiangan Parliamentary incumbent Datuk Bernard S Maraat declared his stand to contest both the Pensiangan Parliament and Sook State seats as an independent candidate.

Bernard, who is also Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) Secretary-General, told supporters gathered at his Taman Jutaya residence, Friday, that he would be relinquishing all positions in the party and the Government.

As speculated, the PBRS list showed party President Tan Sri Joseph Kurup contesting the Pensiangan seat, while Deputy Datuk Ellron Alfred Angin has been allocated the Sook seat. Both constituencies were secured by PBRS in the 2004 general election.

Friday's gathering included 50 local community leaders, comprising village heads and native chiefs. Bernard pointed out that his winning the Pensiangan seat in 2004 was the result of solid support from the BN component parties, his supporters and family members.

In Kinabatangan, parliamentary incumbent Datuk Bung Moktar Radin warned that the BN would not hesitate to take stern action against any BN or Umno leaders contesting as independents.

They would be dubbed as traitors acting contrary to the struggle of the coalition and party, he said.

Bung Moktar, who is Kinabatangan Umno chief, urged all members of the BN component parties, including Umno, to accept the decision of the BN leadership in the choice of candidates.

Foremost on their minds would be to ensure a convincing electoral victory for the coalition, he said.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Hantu Laut

Election Commission Chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Rashid has announced nominations on 24th Feb and election on 8th March.There will be 222 parliamentary seats and 505 state seats up for grab.

Will Pak Lah be lucky this time around? There are mixed reactions as to what would be the result of the forthcoming polls with many still giving him a comfortable win over the oppositions.

As usual the oppositions are still disorganised and are expected to overlap in several areas where each one seems to think they have strong support.A clash between the oppositions would give clear advantage to the BN. Many Malaysians are still not comfortable with the idea of having the oppositions as an alternative. It's a Catch 22 situation and a sense of better the devil you know than the one you don't. The oppositions don't have credible manifestos to make the electorate fall head over heels in love with them.

Anwar Ibrahim of PKR lamented that Abdullah called the election sooner to frustrate him from standing as candidate.He was disbarred from standing for politicial office for 5 years due to his criminal record. The five-year period expires in April this year thus making him eligible to stand in few weeks time.There is some truth to his claim.

Abdullah should have waited and allow Anwar to participate and prove to the people once and for all that Anwar's politicial career is over as claimed by UMNO. Doing what he did would give credence that UMNO fear of Anwar is genuine.

The biggest blow and frustration would be for Hindraf and the Indian community. Most so-called Indian seats are likely to go to BN.There are no predominantly Indian constituencies, most are marginal and need support of other communities to win.

Other disadvantages for the opposition are money and machinery. The BN has a huge war chest and government machinery at their disposal. The main stream media is under their control and monopoly.Worse and most unfair is the campaign period. With only two weeks to go, the opposition would be hard press for time to get their machinery moving to get to the masses.

Some political pundits predicted BN would get less than what they got in 2004 but would still get 2/3 majority. Not good news for the opposition.

I am sure there will be some surprises in store for Malaysians come this March 8th.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Hantu Laut

This is not amusing at all.Yesterday he said Parliament wouldn't be dissolved today.He did exactly the opposite of what he said. Today he dissolved it and called for fresh election. Has he forgotten he is the Prime Minister and not a student prankster.

Can anyone get more notoriously fickle than him, it's almost like the weather, uncomfortably unpredictable.

You got me completely confused.

I hope you were misquoted, Mr Prime Minister !

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Help Stop George Bush's Belligerent Policy

Hantu Laut

The world have seen destructive wars and great loss to human lives under the Bush's administration.The rise of global terrorism and Islamic hatred for the West grew exponentially under his unjust and foredoomed foreign policy. He has little respect for the sovereignty of less developed and poorer countries.He is arrogant and a danger to world peace.Under the Geneva Convention he can be termed as a war criminal.

He has re-awakened Russia to a new cold war by wanting to put 10 missile defense interceptors in Poland and military alliance with some Eastern European countries.

Russia's President Putin said it threaten Russia's security and they are forced to take retaliatory steps and warned that a new arms race is underway.

Due to his selfishness, arrogance and belligerence, he may bomb Iran before he left office.

His policy must not be allowed to continue under the next presidency.

Please read the following circular and do your part to stop continuation of his policy.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, the leading candidates for the next President of the United States became clear. They are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain, and the winner will decide whether the nightmare of the Bush foreign policy is reversed or continued for another 4 years.

US citizens will choose their president, but global public opinion matters to them--they know that US respect in the world has plummeted under Bush, and they want a President who can deliver change. In the next few days, our uniquely global community has a real chance to influence the finalist candidates as they develop their campaign strategy. Click below to read and endorse our letter to the candidates. We'll publish it in US newspapers and deliver it personally to the Clinton, Obama and McCain campaigns--we need at least 100,000 people to sign it this week – so please sign and forward this email to friends right away:

The message of the letter is simple: we are all in this together. The world is ready to partner with the US, but we need to see a real change of course from the Bush years. The letter is based on a poll of the Avaaz community, which found that our top 3 requests for change in US policy are:
  1. Help the world stop global warming
  2. Respect universal human rights
  3. Use diplomacy to prevent war and resolve conflict
There is a real chance that the candidates could adopt this simple agenda for change, but every day brings more risk that they will commit to another direction. Sign below and forward this email to all your friends and family:

American power is declining in the world, but it still has enormous ability to do good or do harm. It will take decades to undo the global harm done by George Bush's disastrous Presidency. Let's help make sure America's next leader takes a different path.