Showing posts with label Jokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jokes. Show all posts

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Terry Jones Koran Burning Encouraged And Protected By The 1st Amendment

The wacko pastor

Hantu Laut

Why is the world giving this wacko fantasist and know-nothing loony bin destined pastor a time of the day, I really don't know.

The man is a wacko not just by his promised cheap stunt but his wacky looks .

A publicity crazy loony who emits the world's biggest and stingiest fart that put jitters in the White House and the Pentagon, and the rest of the world in awful anticipation of that biggest and stingiest fallout from his anus.......the fumigation of any chance of peace and reconciliation between Islam and the his burning desire to incinerate Islam's holiest book

This parochial nitwit is, as we should have suspected, the reason of him being so, came from a small church parish that he ran with less than fifty in his usual congregation.A frustrated irreverent reverend wanting to spread his sphere of religious influence but not know how best to do it.

In his narrow circle of influence and perverse ignorance he stumbled on what he called the evil book of Islam that must be destroyed to save the world and to promote him and his little parish at no mean cost.

A splendid idea with a most dangerous consequence.A conjecture of medieval behaviour.A peculiarity of not particularly well-educated Americans who took their "1st Amendment" to extremity, as in the burning of the stars and stripes abhors many but made helpless by the 1st Amendment.

The White House and the Pentagon would suffer the biggest injury from this most unwanted and unnecessary exacerbation from one mad man protected by the over-zealousness of the 1st Amendment.

Time for change of your superfluous 1st Amendment, Mr President!

Terry Jones cracked the biggest joke that fooled America and the rest of the world.

He has no intention of burning the Koran, all he wanted was cheap publicity and he got it.

(Posted in Phnom Penh)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

In Malaysia "Laughter Is Not The Best Medicine"

Hantu Laut

Are there such things in the Malay language as satire, parody and burlesque that are common in the English language using humour, wit, irony and exaggeration as weapon for ridicule and constructive criticism?

I don't know.I only know of sindir-menyindir but not in literary technique but in the form of pantun.

One of the best known satirical work in English is Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travel which I believe many of pre-Malaysia secondary schools students have read.

There are many literary works of satire in English.

Other notable examples of satire are George Orwell's Animal Farm. Alexander Pope's mock-heroic poem "Rape Of The Lock" about over reaction of contemporary society over trivial things fits well into Hassan Skodeng's current dilemma.

What dire offence from am'rous causes springs,

What mighty contests rise from trivial things

The poem is based on an incident involving friends of Pope, Arabella Fermor and her suitor, Lord Petre, both from aristocratic Catholic families at a time, in England.Petre, wooing Arabella, had cut off a lock of her hair without permission,and the resulting argument had created a breach between the two families.A tempest in a teacup.

Read this and this and see where it can land you if you are in the mood for some harmless satirical poke that your fellow Malaysian could not discern but takes it as an insulting attack and brought the long arm of the law against you.

Don't poke fun, mate!

Laughter Cartoon

In Malaysia, "laughter is not the best medicine"

It can land you in court and a criminal charge.

It's all because 'the blind leading the blind'

A word of caution. For the prudish and uninitiated Skoding's satire did not convey the intended pun.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Hantu Laut

This is not amusing at all.Yesterday he said Parliament wouldn't be dissolved today.He did exactly the opposite of what he said. Today he dissolved it and called for fresh election. Has he forgotten he is the Prime Minister and not a student prankster.

Can anyone get more notoriously fickle than him, it's almost like the weather, uncomfortably unpredictable.

You got me completely confused.

I hope you were misquoted, Mr Prime Minister !