Showing posts with label Bung Mokhtar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bung Mokhtar. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bung Mokhtar's (Sandiwara) Overdramatic Performance

Hantu Laut

Some politicians are good in theatrics and our guile and guts Bung Mokhtar is at it again.

A master of overdramatic performance, he wants to make himself feel important and indispensible. Kampong politics par excellence.

In the first place why bother to contest the party election if you intent to resign ?

Why the need to meet PM Najib if you are determined to leave, just submit your letter and be done with it.

Read here Bung Mokhtar's sandiwara.

I bet he won't resign.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Bung The Kampong Boy: No Stiff Upper Lip

Hantu Laut

A  'foot in the mouth'  MP. 

Bung Mokhtar is king leper of the Malaysian parliament. Uncouth, uncultured and crude as the crudest oil.

Buat malu orang Sabah.

I shall not waste too many words and prolixity on this boorish, loutish, oafish and brutish man. Synonyms that could fill up a ship's hull to the brim of its free board would be a waste on him. 

He is a sorry case of "familiarity breeds contempt"

Yang berhormat!

Bung, does not live up to his august position........ the honourable man, the yang berhormat.

He claimed here that he retaliates in such vulgar manner because a tweet made by some unknown person insulted him first using the "F" word.

Even so, there is no reason to for him to behave in such uncouth, brutish and ill manner. 

MP is expected to exercise "stiff upper lip" in the face of adversity.

Needless to say, he and that "I am handsome and people are jealous of me" minister need schooling and grooming in social etiquette and proper conduct of honourable member.

As they say "you can take Ahmad out of the kampong but you can't take the kampong out of Ahmad" rings true with Bung.

Why the fixation with Tony Fernandes ? 

He is Malaysia's best example of a success story, a man with outstanding entrepreneurial skills, amazing rag to riches success story that have revolutionised air travel for the masses and have made him and his airline a household name in this region. 

Tony Fernandez, is no thief, he is a businessman, who knows how to make money and who is not dependent on the gravy train and government handouts enjoyed by people like Bung and that of his ilk.

Malaysian politicians should learn not to be envious of other people's success, instead, they should learn from it, how to be successful in business.

There'll be less thieves in this country if more politicians earn honest living like Tony Fernandez and Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Doggoned MP Bung Mokhtar, MAS Is Not Worth Crying For

Hantu Laut

Does he know anything about doing business? 

Can he interpret a "Balance Sheet" or read and make sense of "P&L" account statement, or understand what "PE" ratio is, or what is meant when a company is "highly geared" ? Has he any idea what is quick ratio/acid test or what are the negative aspects of "LBO" and what "insider trading" are?

I am sure this kampong bully who made it to the august house do not understand the intricacies of the corporate world.
Just because some smart sounding alecs and clueless opposition leaders and equally clueless bloggers criticised the share swap between the two companies, politically motivated and out of envy rather than concerned for financial probity. 

Envy, because that Indian(Sri Lankan, if you wish, a good Ceylonese friend of mine refused to be called Indian, preferring to be called Jaffnese, which he thinks is more exotic) wiz-kid can do what they can't even dream of, let alone doing it. 

Bung Mokhtar's grandstanding here.

Tony Fernandez is an icon of corporate Malaysia, a true entrepreneur, rag to riches story that one should emulate and be proud of. He has done more for this country than some of the asses in our august house.

From opposition leaders with politically motivated agenda, the dickhead leaders of MAS Union, to this hillbilly from Sabah, I suggest you know your subject first before you open your big mouth. MAS is a public listed company, anyone can buy into it.

Business is not run on emotion or sentiment, it's fuelled by money, the more the merrier.

Get it into your thick head, MAS is a very sick company, a cash guzzling monster ran by incompetent people. 

When it was wholly owned by the government the accounts were never published publicly, so we have no way to gauge its performance then, keeping the people in the dark and it was taxpayer's money that kept it going.

We only come to know the state of its health and the incompetence of its management after it went public. The government should wash its hand off this sick baby, either privatise the airline or close it down and let free enterprise takes over the airline business in this country.

Air Asia has done more for air travel in this country than MAS ever did.It has made air travel affordable to the poor and low income group.

Unfortunately, MAS has still not woken up to its mistakes, the management is still fast asleep and they still have the highest fare among airlines in this region.They are only interested in winning stupid awards like "finest 1st class cabin service" and so forth.

While other airlines reduced fares to get bigger business volume, MAS is only interested in maintaining its "haute couture" image, which it can hardly afford.The only way it can survive is to sack half the workforce. Tony Fernandez and the new board should do just that.

To give you an idea on how incompetent those running the airline, I would like to show some online fares of various airlines from Kuala Lumpur to London.

I booked for my family of 4 adults and 2 children lowest fare of no less a premier and much superior airline than MAS on exactly the same dates.The difference is shocking.

MAS fares are an airline death wish.

Below are fare comparisons:
Adults 4, children 2. (London/KL Return)






All are full-frills airlines. SIA is using Airbus A380 and MAS using its ageing B747 -200 and 400.

Those who think so great of MAS better think again.Just look at the prices. 

All the other airlines fares are pretty close, which means, they understand competition, while MAS is still sitting on its laurel waiting for Santa Claus to save the airline.

Tony Fernandez has a track record of turning a loss making 2-plane airline formerly owned by the government, which he bought for a song and a huge debt and turned it into the pride of the nation. The biggest low cost carrier in Asia, making air travel a reality for the ordinary people.

What has Bung Mokhtar and all the bumiputras, who ran MAS have to show the world what good they have done for this country.

People who lives in glass houses should not throw stones.

He is a coward using parliamentary immunity to shield himself from libel action. 

He should repeat what he said outside Parliament.