Showing posts with label Barrack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barrack Obama. Show all posts

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mitt Romney:A Looming Spectre Of New World Order

Hantu Laut

At a fund raising organised by his friend Marc Leder, presidential candidate Mitt Romney shared his thought about the 47% Americans likely to vote for Obama. 

This is what he said "All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing." 

Mitt Romney, as I have said in my tweet earlier is not a truthful person, he is what he is, playing the devil's advocate.

He is cut from the same cloth as George Bush...... rich and not care a hoot about the less fortunate American people. 

Romney said he has written off that group of voters as he would never be able to convince them to take personal responsibility and care of their lives, not depend on the government too much. 

Mitt Romney mindset is no different from that of Bush. He'll take the same hawkish policy and will widen the budget deficit by increasing military spending and bring back a pugnacious foreign policy that could bring the US into possible arm conflicts with Iran, directly or indirectly, North Korea and high diplomatic tension with China.

He has accused Obama of China coddling and failure to take retaliatory action against China, accusing China of unfair trade practices, theft of intellectual properties and currency manipulator.

Romney's tit-for-tat foreign policy will return the US back to the Bush era of global geopolitical instability. 

China's naval expedition in the East and South China Seas and her overlaying claims over islands and waters of the Spratly, which have similar claims by five other nations is cause for concern.

China's PLA Navy, which used to play second fiddle to the PLA Ground Force has undergone rapid modernization and is now the second largest navy in the world after the US and is moving fast towards becoming a blue-water naval force causing rising fear in Washington.

As a non-American citizen my big concern is not the US domestic policy but its foreign policy that can change global peace and effect countries in non-aligned pacifist region, particularly, Southeast Asian countries. 

The dispute between China and Japan over the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands was one that came nearest to blow.

Diplomatic relations between the two countries has soured to such extent that two top Chinese officials.....Central Bank Governor Zhou Xiochuan and Finance Minister Xie Xuren failed to show up at the IMF and World Bank annual meetings in Tokyo last Friday.The crisis has exacerbated to more than the eyes can see....a diplomatic snub and rising tension.

As Republican president, Mitt Romney may  return to the Bush's years of belligerency, and high probability of new hotspots in the Asia Pacific region , particularly, in the East and South China Sea. The Chinese have been adamant to exert its sovereignty over islands and waters of the Spratly.

At Tuesday debate, Romney was asked by a voter, who said she was undecided, because she is disappointed with the lack of progress in the last four years.She said she attributed much of America's economic and international problems to the failings and missteps of the Bush administration.She also said, Romney being a Republican, she fears a return to the policies of the Bush's years, should Romney win the election.

I was not wrong when I first raised the issue in my post "The US Kickass Foreign Policy And China"  before others expressed the same fear of this new kid coming on the block and a looming spectre of a new world order.

Phnom Penh

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mitt Romney's Loose Cannon And A Vixen

Hantu Laut 

Mitt Romney may have too much money and think he can win the election by insulting poor working class America, literally calling them parasites.

Just as well, he is not getting much help from his tempestuous wife. 

Read the two articles below:

Why Is Mitt Romney Such A Loser?

It’s a serious question. On the basis of fundamentals, the race should be a squeaker. The Yale economist Ray Fair’s prediction model, which ignores the opinion polls and just looks at economic factors, currently puts Obama’s share of the popular vote at 49.5 per cent, implying that Romney would almost certainly get a narrow majority in the electoral college and win the election. Because the margin of error in Fair’s forecasting equation is three per cent, he isn’t really predicting a Romney victory; he’s just saying that the race should be close, really close. As of today, it isn’t. Read more.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

A letter from Romney's wife

Dear Fellow-Republican,

I’m not a happy camper.
Over the past few days, some so-called Republicans have taken it upon themselves to lob some pretty harsh words in the direction of my husband. Now, it’s one thing when Mitt gets criticized by the forty-seven per cent of Americans who are parasites sucking at capitalism’s teat. But when former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan calls his campaign “a rolling calamity,” it’s time for Ann Romney to kick some ass.
Which brings me to you. This is not a fundraising appeal. Lord knows this campaign has all the money it needs, especially since Mitt went to Vegas and promised Sheldon Adelson he’d bomb Tehran on Day One. As Mitt’s wife, I’m asking you to pledge something far more valuable:

Your silence. 

By signing the pledge form below, you become an official member of Ann Romney’s Circle of Silence, an élite tier of the Romney for President Campaign. As a member of the C.O.S., you will receive priority ticketing to the Inauguration, as well as a collectible “Loose Lips Sink Mitt” ball gag. All you have to do is shut the freak up until Election Day.
That’s right, for the next forty-six days, I’m asking you to bite your tongue every time Mitt says or does something idiotic. If you think that sounds difficult, welcome to my world.
And Peggy Noonan, if you’re reading this: you want a piece of Ann Romney? Then get in the ring, girlfriend, and I’ll mess you up good.
Vote for Mitt,
She is sure one hell of a vixen! Good luck Mitt! 

How not to lose friends, if you have a wife like Mrs Romney

Read more.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How Bad Is It for Romney? You Decide

The New yorker

This being the Jewish New Year, a time for reflection, I’m going to heed the calls of some of our more conservative readers and refrain from passing another negative judgment on my old pal Mitt Romney. Instead, I’ll merely pass along ten headlines from the weekend. Once you’ve read and digested them, there’s a little multiple-choice test.
1. POLL FINDS OBAMA IS ERASING ROMNEY’S EDGE ON ECONOMY (New York Times, 9/14). From the beginning, the best thing Romney has had going for him is a widespread perception that he would do a better job than President Obama in handling the economy and creating jobs. As recently as July, a CBS News/New York Times poll showed him with an eight-percentage-point lead on this key issue, which has now been erased. According to the latest CBS/Times survey, fifty per cent of respondents said that Obama would do a better job handling the economy, and just forty-four per cent said Romney. Among “likely voters,” Obama’s lead was smaller—one point rather than six—but still.
2. ROMNEY AT RISK OF LOSING EDGE ON DEFICIT (Washington Post, 9/16). In most polls, the budget is just about the only other issue where Romney has held an advantage. In an April ABC News/Washington Post poll, for example, he held a whopping lead of seventeen percentage points—fifty-four to thirty-seven—on the question of who would handle the deficit better. But in the most recent ABC/Post poll, that lead has narrowed to just three points. Other polls show a similar trend.

Read more

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Do Gay People Need To Be Married ?

Hantu Laut

Do gay people need to get married? 

Since time immemorial the marriage institution has always been a sacred union between men and women and with a God-driven purpose........other than sexual pleasure, copulation to procreate the human race. The same goes in the animal kingdom, probably, minus the pleasure, as animals do not possess intelligence, they have fucking small and undeveloped brains, so sex has become Mother Nature's multiplier.

Although, I appreciate that homosexuality is a normal variation in human sexuality and not in itself unnatural and dysfunctional but the question is what is the purpose of gay marriage? Do they fuck each other to bear children? The obvious answer is not. Than why the need to get married? 

Why don't they just live together in sin.

Has Obama become a man of impulse, the blind follow the blind. Just because his deputy, Vice President Biden Jr supported gay marriage, he must do the same.

Read Obama's 360 degrees round turn on his sudden impulse to support gay marriage.

Good luck Mr President.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Obama's State Of The Union

President Obama’s Lofty Laundry List On Display in State of the Union

The State of the Union was a well-delivered pastiche of soaring words, vague goals and modest initiatives. Howard Kurtz on why the president’s rhetoric is no longer enough.

President Obama, all but shoved offstage during the Republican primary craziness, had a rare opportunity to grab the spotlight Tuesday night and attempt to answer a question at the heart of his reelection effort:

APTOPIX Obama State of the Union

Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio applaud President Barack Obama on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012, as the president gives his State of the Union address. , J. Scott Applewhite / AP Photo

Just what does he want to do with another four years?

An election-year State of the Union is a tricky assignment, given that a divided Congress is unlikely to accomplish squat and the incumbent is already under daily assault by those who want his job. So as the halftime act between a pair of Newt-and-Mitt debates, Obama’s challenge was to sketch his vision of the future and rekindle some of the excitement he generated in 2008.

This laundry-list speech was an aggressive attempt, and Obama was savvy to lead off with Iraq and close with a moving recitation of the mission that killed Osama bin Laden. There were laudable sentiments: “An economy built to last, where hard work pays off, and responsibility is rewarded.” That sounds Clintonesque, and in fact Obama recycled one of the 42nd president’s signature phrases, lauding those who “work hard and play by the rules.” This line was a bit more bumper sticker-ish: “No bailouts, no handouts, and no copouts.” (Except he did help bail out the banks, and boasted in the speech about rescuing General Motors.)

But the bar may have been impossible to clear. Three years into an ailing economy, words are no longer enough. The state of our union may be “getting stronger,” but Obama knows it’s not strong enough. And to briefly call for “comprehensive immigration reform,” when the White House never mounted a push for the legislation, simply falls flat.

The speech’s subtext is that Obama stands for middle-class fairness while his Republican opponents are champions of the wealthy.

The president acknowledged the perception that “Washington is broken,” and called for Congress to reform itself. Anyone want to take bets on that happening?

Obama offered a number of small-ball initiatives, such as asking companies to work with community colleges on hiring. And there were lofty promises, such as urging schools to reward good teachers, with no concrete proposals attached. And even if there were, where would the money come from with both parties arguing over the deep budget cutbacks mandated after the supercommittee’s demise? Read more.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Malaysians Should Take A Leaf Out Of Obama's Book Of Failures

Hantu Laut

US President Barack Obama made hundreds of promises during his 2008 Presidential Campaign.Watchdog organisation Politifact has been keeping track of Obama's promises and put the list at a staggering 506.

As most politicians would know, and most level-headed citizens would expect, it is not possible to fulfill all campaign promises and Obama is no different from the rest but Obama is also not what he is.

I am not concerned with what he promised the American people on the domestic front but with what he promised the world he would do to improve decades of American belligerent foreign policy that have wrecked untold miseries on the rest of the world particularly the US initiated wars that have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in mostly Muslim nations.

The Afghan War began in 2001 when America commenced its war on terror as retribution for 9/11.Hardly 2 years later it invaded Iraq under the pretext of dismantling Saddam Hussein's WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) which later was found to be a big lie perpetuated by the US and her close ally Britain to justify the invasion of Iraq.

It is now over a decade and the US is no where near winning the two wars.The contagion of war has even spread to Pakistan where the Talibans have regrouped and more determined then ever to drive the American out of Afghanistan and put an end to its military influence over the Pakistani government, which has become a beggar's state, a failed state and not able to resist American aids in exchange for its soul.

For the last century the US has reversed its own "Monroe Doctrine" (the restraining of European powers from continuing hegemonic influence and control over the Americas) using military intervention in any trouble spots, anywhere around the globe that they deemed might endanger American global interests, without due consideration for the massive collateral damages they might inflict on the country concerned. Their military excursions had taken them to the Korean War,the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Afghan War and the Iraq War not taking into consideration other skirmishes and stealthy wars in some Latin America countries.

The biggest torn in the Islamic world is the Palestinian issue. Since its abrogation as a state and the making of a Jewish state in 1948 by the Western powers the issue of an independent Palestinian state have been sidelined by every US President in favour of Israel.The Palestinians are in complete limbo because the big guns are on the side of Israel.

Obama made a number of universal promises which are listed below and which he has clearly failed to fulfill.

1.Guantanamo Bay

Within days of his inauguration, Obama signed executive orders to close down the military prison within one year and to end torture in interrogation.

Gitmo is still operating and torture of prisoners are still on the suspect list.



He promised to end the war in Iraq in 16 months and to withdraw all combat forces from Iraq by August 2010 and remaining troops by end of 2011.

For almost a decade of American occupation the country remained a war zone with highest probability of returning back to sectarian violence the moment US troops left Iraq.There are 3 more months remaining to the dateline.


3.Palestine/Israel States

He made a promise to make sustained push for the existence of two states - a Jewish state in Israel and a Palestinian state.

The Israeli government as usual is the spoiler of any peace negotiation, resisted Obama's calls to stop settlement construction in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.Construction freeze was a condition set by the Palestinians for the peace talk.Like all past presidents the talk remained a talk ending up in a deadlock because the President can only provides lip service, have no sincere intention of creating a Palestinian state.


During the campaign period in 2008 Obama was nothing less but impressive.His oratory skill was intensely felt by those watching him speaking, his style immaculate and his extemporaneous speeches gave air of confidence. The American people, overtly impressed, voted him as president.Still in the honeymoon period, by January 2009 his approval rating jumped to 69 %, by August 2011 declined to 38 % and the latest rating hovering around 41 %.

I was personally impressed by Obama's messianic orations during the 2008 campaign period and was hoping he would be elected. I now realised he, not unlike our Anwar Ibrahim, is just a smooth "Yes, we can" talker and a non-performer.

His lack of purpose, lack of direction and lack of leadership made his administration slow on action losing precious moment initiating major reforms domestically and in its foreign policy.

His bumbling and slow response to the Gulf oil spill which has caused major environmental disaster was a picture of his slowness and incompetence.His expended war effort in Afghanistan has failed so miserably even his General in charge of operation openly admits "nobody is winning" the war.

Though, the American people are more concerned with domestic affairs and don't really care about America's foreign policy, let's hope this man don't get re-elected for another wasteful term.

Since Jimmy Carter he would probably be the next biggest Democratic disappointment in the White House.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

New York Post's Racist Cartoon:Obama The Chimp Got Shot

Hantu Laut

Look at the cartoon above.Read what one of the white cops says.Isn't the author of the stimulus package the President? Isn't chimpanzee mostly black in colour? Isn't the President's name Barack Obama and is black? Don't you think it's racism?

The Editor-in-Chief at the post had the cheek to say "the cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy..."

"This most certainly was not its intent; to those who were offended by the image, we apologize," the paper said in an editorial on its website headlined "That Cartoon", which quickly became the site's most-viewed story.

That's a lot of crap, Mr Editor White Trash! You have made known your intention, you bloody racist!

Read the story here.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Gaza:Dirty American,Ruthlessly Cruel Jews And Stupid Arabs

Hantu Laut

When Hamas won the Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006 what did the United States do ? Hamas took 76 out of 132 parliamentary seats thus making it the legitimate government.

The world's biggest hypocrite the United States of America refused to recognise the legitimacy of this democratically elected government.It also cut off all aids to the Palestinian people and imposed sanctions.This so called guardian of democracy is the epitome of human wickedness,hypocrisy and the true devil incarnate.

An Israeli shell explodes over the Gaza Strip (4 January 2009)

Intensive aerial, land and naval bombardment of Gaza.

While it interfered and launched full military force to evict the Iraqi invaders out of Kuwait it approved and allowed the invasion of Gaza by its ally Israel.Indiscriminate aerial bombings had taken many innocent lives including women and children.The assault on Gaza is an atrocity committed by both the US and Israel.Civil infrastructures had completely broken down.Water and electricity supplies have been cut off and the whole country had been cordoned off making sure nobody can leave the area.Gaza is now one big concentration camp in the middle of a war zone and the killing of civilians continues.

A Palestinian child cries during a funeral in the Gaza Strip (4 January 2009)

A Palestinian child and a dry tap.Water had been cut off.

The Gaza strip is not exactly a country by any sense, it is only about 360, they have given up governing Gaza in 2006 the Israel still controls Gaza's air space, territorial waters and offshore maritime access, as well as its side of the Gaza-Israel border.It means Gaza is actually one big prison and the access to supplies of food, medicine and other resources are control by the Israelis.

Israel excuse for the bombardments and invasion of Gaza is defensive action against Hamas regular rocket attacks on Israel.What ? Against rickety rockets that have so far killed only one Israeli.Do you really need full military retaliation that so far had killed over 500 mainly innocent Palestinians and displaced hundred thousands more civilians by cutting off their supplies of water,electricity, food and medical supplies.This is cruelty of the first order and only the Zionists are capable of such inhumane treatment supported by their master, the evil empire, the United States of America.

This war is not about religion.This is a war of people deprived off their ancestral land by the Western powers who created Israel out of the 'Land of Palestine'.Not all Palestinians are Muslims, there are also Christian Palestinians but they are in the minority.

The ruthlessness,selfishness and cruelty of the Jews had always been the cause of their persecution since biblical days.History have shown that they have been persecuted by almost everyone else they come into contact with and the worst was by their own Caucasian cousins, the Europeans who are now protecting them and allow them free rein to unleash their military might against defenceless Palestinians.

Many in the West, especially the hypocrites, would say it is politically incorrect to say such thing because they don't want to be reminded of the atrocities committed by them against the Jews.Their past misdeeds and atrocities against the Jews had made them conscience-stricken.Now, they are repeating the same mistake and did what they have done before, allow the persecution of another race of people and what could not be better than using those you have persecuted to do the dirty job for you.

If the Americans and Europeans are sincere they could have stopped Israel, but they are not, they actually wanted the Palestinians out of Israel by allowing the Jews to systematically persecute and kill them through ethnic cleansing.The Jews are not sending pop corns into Gaza they are mobilising a full invasion using heavy artillery, tanks and aerial bombings on a population that have nothing to defend themselves with.This disproportionate war is to ensure maximum casualty and damage on lives and properties of the Palestinian people.

Not to be sounding racist or rude and with due respect to them it is the Arab's mentality to think that they are better than everyone else and inconsideration for others are common denominators among the Arabs.

Most sensible people would evaluate their own strength first before taking on an opponent and Hamas, for all intent and purpose, is very stupid for having ignored the ceasefire and sent their rickety rockets to Israel that could hardly kill an ant.Isn't that looking for trouble and stupid ?

In this crisis the American should carry the biggest blame because they have the power to stop it.The man behind all this is none other than that soon be leaving moron in the White House George Bush the mass murderer.He blames Hamas for the crisis but this wouldn't have happened if he didn't choke Hamas and the Palestinians.

It is also his farewell gift for Obama.He has another 14 days left before handing over to Obama, maybe, he should bomb Iran before leaving.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Obama The Shoe Shiner And Hall Turner The Prophet Of Doom

Hantu Laut

This was sent by a friend.Thanks Roger, it's a nice picture.Not bad pair of legs too.Wonder if they are hers?

Click to enlarge

If there were anyone more delusion and as mad as a hatter it has to be Hall Turner, the ultimate prophet of doom who predicted the scrapping of the US Dollar and complete chaos and anarchy in the US by summer 2009, a story that would have a better chance of making it to Hollywood rather than the history book of political theory.Below is excerpt from his article.

"When this collapse happens because the government is totally broke, the welfare checks will stop. Almost immediately thereafter, civil unrest will erupt and we know who will be doing that. . . . don't we?

Now you know why Barak Obama is being pushed so hard for President. The powers-that-be know what's coming and they want a black man in the White House with the hope he can control "his" people. It won't work. They'll just call him an Uncle Tom or an OREO cookie and then go on their merry way to rape, rob, pillage, burn and kill.

In fact, to prove I'm right about the Obama situation, check out what VP candidate Senator Joe Biden said this past weekend. Biden 'guaranteed" that Barak Obama "will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions." Telling us all that we're going to lose 90% of the value of our life savings sure will be unpopular.

I wonder if the Secret Service agents who lose their life savings too, will bother protecting Obama from assassination; or might they kill him themselves? After all, the Zapruder film proves the secret service agent driving John F. Kennedy in Dallas, turned around and shot him in the head. That's why his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, tried climbing out of the back of the limo after it happened! She saw who shot her husband. It happened once, it can happen again!"

You can read the full story here.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mr Yes We Can

Hantu Laut

Barrack Obama is now the most popular person in the world, more popular than any of the top Hollywood actors.The whole world wanted Obama.As President of the United States he is the de facto leader of the world.Would he be a better president ? He hasn't taken office yet and it's too early to tell.

After tumultuous years of George Bush's horrifying administration the change to the edifying and virginal Obama would bring some fresh air to mother earth and hopefully peace and prosperity.

Below are some pictorial and caricatured images of Barrack Obama:

All photos courtesy of

Thursday, November 6, 2008

McCain's Political Coffin:Who Killed Him?

Hantu Laut

It's a speech that brought cheers and tears.Thousands gathered to listen to his moving and awe-inspiring speech.A man who spoke with humility and a deliverance that the American people have not heard for decades.Some listened with tears running down their cheeks.

When Martin Luther King Jr marched into Washington in 1963 and delivered his 'I have a dream' speech little did he imagine of a black man becoming the president of the nation.All he wanted were equality and civil liberties for his people.He got the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent work but one that he would later pay dearly with his life.He was assassinated on April 4 1968.If he had lived long enough, he would today stands proud to see the seeds of his toil bearing fruits and the dawn of a new nation, one that had brought down the wall of racial prejudices and had become completely colour blind.

It was an extraordinary day for America, a day history was made, a day the nation shocked the world and a day America stands proud as a nation that chose a leader not because of the colour of his skin but that of his visions.It wasn't about black or white,rich or poor, it was about change and change there must be.They voted for change and they knew change would come under him.

The American people have spoken.

Eight years of living under the intransigent policies of George Bush and the Republican have given them two unfinished wars and a wrecked economy.A nation that now suffers the consequences of bad leadership and insatiable greed of the wealthy.

It was the economic meltdown and the many years of wars that most American see as nothing more than war of attrition that gave Obama the opportunity to pick up tremendous amount of support.The people are just fed up with Bush's arrogant and belligerent policies.The wars have taken toll on American families who lost their sons and daughters to wars they are not emotionally connected with.

Obama made inroads into traditional Republican states because of the horrendous policies of George Bush.This is no simple victory.It's a landslide of enormous proportion for a first timer and someone unheard of barely four years ago.His looks and intelligence have also been strong points in helping him to reach the victorious end.

Obama is no George Bush or John McCain, he is intellectually smart, politically savvy and a fantastic orator.He knows his stuffs and render it to the people with ease and eloquence.His biggest asset is the attributes of honesty and sincerity.There is absolutely no streak of hypocrisy and pretentiousness in the man that are the fortes of many politicians.He is genuinely down to earth.No matter what's the colour of his skin the people will love him for what he is.

The financial meltdown was no accident, they are engineered by the big investment gurus on Wall Street as short-cut to huge and instant wealth without giving any consideration to its ugly consequences.These are pack of greedy wolves that have no bounds with their insatiable thirst for money and power made possible by Alan Greenspan with his doctrinarie of deregulation of the banking and financial system.

The horrendously incompetent George Bush and the bail-outs of companies and financial institutions on Wall Street were the nails that finally seal the political coffin of John McCain and thrashings of Republican in the Senate and House of Representatives.

Obama had come the worst of time.He inherited the leftovers of Bush's legacy, two unfinished wars, a wrecked economy and a nation in deep financial crisis.

It would be a long and difficult road for him and may God helps him all the way.

This was Martin Luther King Jr.

This is Obama

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Breaking News:Obama Won The Presidency

Hantu Laut

Barrack Obama won overwhelmingly.He got 297 Electoral votes, more than enough to secure the the Presidency.He will become the 44th President of the United States.

It was a thrashing for the Republican and for John McCain.

Well done America!

Congratulations! Barrack Obama.

A dawn for new world order.

More to follow.

The World Is Watching You

Hantu Laut

The US Presidential Election is coming to a close.The world would know who would be the next US President in less than 24 hours.Would the Republican continue to rule and carry on their belligerent policies.In it eight years of rule they have given America two things, wars and a wrecked economy.

After two years of campaigning Barrack Obama looks set to be the first black president.Will he be President ? It's a question on every one's mind.If he won, would he be able to survive full term of his presidency or be assassinated by some mad white supremacist ?

He has, against all odds, defeated Hillary Clinton in the Democratic party nomination and have been leading in opinion polls in the presidential run.The true test is now, whether he would get the support to win this race from the predominantly white population, or it was just lip service, and they would choose John McCain in spite of his constrains in age and intellectual capacity and with a running mate,a beauty queen and a moose hunter, picked out of the blue and one which looks more like an aging supermodel than someone whom you think can run the White House if McCain drops dead while being President.

This will be a test for American whites whether they have shed their racial prejudices against coloured people and a dream come true for Martin Luther King of his "I have a dream" if Obama should win the election.Although Obama is half white, in America he is considered black.

There are indications that McCain is closing in some of the states but Obama is holding his position and made some gains in some other states.At time of writing McCain is leading in predominantly white states of Kentucky and Indiana and are set to win these two states.

If war and the economy are the main concern of the voters than Obama would probably have a better chance of winning the race.

Will racial prejudices continue to prevail or will it be a new dawn for America ?

If white's racism prevails than McCain will win the election.

The world is watching you. America!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Barack Obama's Sabah Connection

Hantu Laut

Sabah is not short of surprises.The latest being its connection with Barack Obama, the potential future President of the United States.

His connection comes through marriage of his younger half-sister to a lad whose parents came from Sabah.

The story in the Star below:

PETALING JAYA: Dr Konrad Ng is amused that his Malaysian roots got noticed halfway round the world, thanks to his link to Democrat candidate Barack Obama.

An assistant professor at the University of Hawaii in Manoa (UHM), Ng, whose family originally comes from Sabah, is married to Obama’s half-sister Maya Soetoro.

Not too long ago: Watching an Independence Day parade in the US four years ago were (from left) Michelle Obama, her daughter Sasha, Obama, Malia, Maya, Ng, and their daughter Suhalia. - AP

Maya and Obama have the same mother.

In an e-mail interview with The Star, Ng, 34, said that his father, Howard, was born in Sandakan and his mother, Joan, in Kudat.

“I have many relatives who live throughout Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu and the two towns where my parents came from,” he said.

His parents subsequently settled in Canada and Ng was born there.

Maya was born to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian businessman, and Ann Dunham, a white American cultural anthropologist, who is also Obama’s mother.

The family tree: Dr Konrad Ng, Maya, Howard and Joan posing for a picture. Maya, who is Obama’s half sister, is married to Ng whose parents originally came from Sabah.

Ng said his parents return to Malaysia once every one to two years.

“It remains an important place of origin to them. In addition to a large, extended family, they have many good friends in Malaysia. I try to visit Malaysia every few years; it is a special country and feels familiar to me,” said Ng.

Maya, who was born in Jakarta, also cherishes her Indonesian roots.

According to Ng, she is active in the local Indonesian community and continues to speak Indonesian when she can. She visits Indonesia every few years.

Ng described Obama as exceptionally brilliant.

“He has a thorough understanding of the challenges we face and sound judgment on how we should address these challenges.

“Barack is a dedicated family man and cares deeply about transforming the world into a better place so that all families will have the same opportunities to do better.

“South-East Asia is a place of connection for him and a region that he understands well. It gave him numerous examples of alternative modes of communication and perspective.

“Maya, Barack and I have talked about the beauty of South-East Asia and our mutual desire to visit again,” he said.

Source:The Star

Below is Konrad Ng and his wife bio-data:

Born in Indonesia, Maya Soetoro-Ng is Barack’s younger sister. She has a Ph.D in Education and teaches social studies at La Pietra Hawaii School for Girls. Born in Canada, Konrad Ng is Maya’s husband and Barack’s brother-in-law. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science and is an assistant professor in the Academy for Creative Media at the University of Hawai‘i.

Source:Konrad's Blog

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Hantu Laut

The tight race between Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama is getting hotter and dirtier by each passing day.The preliminary run for the White House has reached the highest momentum. The process of elimination would come soon in Texas and Ohio.

Take a look at the face and body language of Hilary Clinton in the video below, it shows the anger and hatred screaming inside her and that 'I wanna kill you' look on her face was a giveaway of her toffee-nosed and contempt against her arch-rival. She has used almost every dirty tricks in the bag to put a brake on Obama's advancement with little progress showing in her favour.

Obama has been confronted again and this time by conservative Republican that he is a Muslim and anti-semite. He had also been accused of consulting with anti-Semitic advisers. A photograph of him in Somali garb and using a turban was released through the Drudge Report website, which claimed it was leaked from the Hilary Clinton's camp, which she quickly denied.

The Drudge Report ran this photo of Barack Obama in Somali garb from a 2006 trip to Africa. The Web site claims Hillary Clinton's campaign provided the photo to it.

Obama may have a Muslim middle name but so was Kahlil Gibran, the famous Lebanese-American poet, artist and writer who had a Muslim name but was a Christian Maronite. Obama is as American as any American can be and certainly not a Muslim by any figment of our imagination. Isn't America the champion of democracy, human rights and freedom of religion. So what's the problem if he black and a Muslim ?

America went round the world with guns and bombs to try impose its brand of democracy and freedom to other countries without putting its own house in order first. Racists and white supremacists abound in this land of the free. Hilary Clinton may not have put her racist feeling in words but you can see it written all over her face.

Clinton has accused him of plagiarism, derided his messianic oratory and rubbished his lack of experience in foreign policy. The mud-slinging coming out from her camp reveals her frustration and embarrassment at being placed behind a black man. She is prepared to do anything to try kill Obama's character and in the process hope to swing voters away from him and to her side.Nothing seems to work so far. Her last chance to save her running for president would be in Texas and Ohio.

She is at the end of her wits and is contemplating a lawsuit over the party's election rules. Her dirty tactics, tirades, incessant and superfluous attack on his personality has not brought her the desired results.It has backfired on her and making her task more daunting and may finally seal the coffin on her.