Showing posts with label US Election 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Election 2008. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Malaysians Should Take A Leaf Out Of Obama's Book Of Failures

Hantu Laut

US President Barack Obama made hundreds of promises during his 2008 Presidential Campaign.Watchdog organisation Politifact has been keeping track of Obama's promises and put the list at a staggering 506.

As most politicians would know, and most level-headed citizens would expect, it is not possible to fulfill all campaign promises and Obama is no different from the rest but Obama is also not what he is.

I am not concerned with what he promised the American people on the domestic front but with what he promised the world he would do to improve decades of American belligerent foreign policy that have wrecked untold miseries on the rest of the world particularly the US initiated wars that have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in mostly Muslim nations.

The Afghan War began in 2001 when America commenced its war on terror as retribution for 9/11.Hardly 2 years later it invaded Iraq under the pretext of dismantling Saddam Hussein's WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) which later was found to be a big lie perpetuated by the US and her close ally Britain to justify the invasion of Iraq.

It is now over a decade and the US is no where near winning the two wars.The contagion of war has even spread to Pakistan where the Talibans have regrouped and more determined then ever to drive the American out of Afghanistan and put an end to its military influence over the Pakistani government, which has become a beggar's state, a failed state and not able to resist American aids in exchange for its soul.

For the last century the US has reversed its own "Monroe Doctrine" (the restraining of European powers from continuing hegemonic influence and control over the Americas) using military intervention in any trouble spots, anywhere around the globe that they deemed might endanger American global interests, without due consideration for the massive collateral damages they might inflict on the country concerned. Their military excursions had taken them to the Korean War,the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Afghan War and the Iraq War not taking into consideration other skirmishes and stealthy wars in some Latin America countries.

The biggest torn in the Islamic world is the Palestinian issue. Since its abrogation as a state and the making of a Jewish state in 1948 by the Western powers the issue of an independent Palestinian state have been sidelined by every US President in favour of Israel.The Palestinians are in complete limbo because the big guns are on the side of Israel.

Obama made a number of universal promises which are listed below and which he has clearly failed to fulfill.

1.Guantanamo Bay

Within days of his inauguration, Obama signed executive orders to close down the military prison within one year and to end torture in interrogation.

Gitmo is still operating and torture of prisoners are still on the suspect list.



He promised to end the war in Iraq in 16 months and to withdraw all combat forces from Iraq by August 2010 and remaining troops by end of 2011.

For almost a decade of American occupation the country remained a war zone with highest probability of returning back to sectarian violence the moment US troops left Iraq.There are 3 more months remaining to the dateline.


3.Palestine/Israel States

He made a promise to make sustained push for the existence of two states - a Jewish state in Israel and a Palestinian state.

The Israeli government as usual is the spoiler of any peace negotiation, resisted Obama's calls to stop settlement construction in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.Construction freeze was a condition set by the Palestinians for the peace talk.Like all past presidents the talk remained a talk ending up in a deadlock because the President can only provides lip service, have no sincere intention of creating a Palestinian state.


During the campaign period in 2008 Obama was nothing less but impressive.His oratory skill was intensely felt by those watching him speaking, his style immaculate and his extemporaneous speeches gave air of confidence. The American people, overtly impressed, voted him as president.Still in the honeymoon period, by January 2009 his approval rating jumped to 69 %, by August 2011 declined to 38 % and the latest rating hovering around 41 %.

I was personally impressed by Obama's messianic orations during the 2008 campaign period and was hoping he would be elected. I now realised he, not unlike our Anwar Ibrahim, is just a smooth "Yes, we can" talker and a non-performer.

His lack of purpose, lack of direction and lack of leadership made his administration slow on action losing precious moment initiating major reforms domestically and in its foreign policy.

His bumbling and slow response to the Gulf oil spill which has caused major environmental disaster was a picture of his slowness and incompetence.His expended war effort in Afghanistan has failed so miserably even his General in charge of operation openly admits "nobody is winning" the war.

Though, the American people are more concerned with domestic affairs and don't really care about America's foreign policy, let's hope this man don't get re-elected for another wasteful term.

Since Jimmy Carter he would probably be the next biggest Democratic disappointment in the White House.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mr Yes We Can

Hantu Laut

Barrack Obama is now the most popular person in the world, more popular than any of the top Hollywood actors.The whole world wanted Obama.As President of the United States he is the de facto leader of the world.Would he be a better president ? He hasn't taken office yet and it's too early to tell.

After tumultuous years of George Bush's horrifying administration the change to the edifying and virginal Obama would bring some fresh air to mother earth and hopefully peace and prosperity.

Below are some pictorial and caricatured images of Barrack Obama:

All photos courtesy of

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The World Is Watching You

Hantu Laut

The US Presidential Election is coming to a close.The world would know who would be the next US President in less than 24 hours.Would the Republican continue to rule and carry on their belligerent policies.In it eight years of rule they have given America two things, wars and a wrecked economy.

After two years of campaigning Barrack Obama looks set to be the first black president.Will he be President ? It's a question on every one's mind.If he won, would he be able to survive full term of his presidency or be assassinated by some mad white supremacist ?

He has, against all odds, defeated Hillary Clinton in the Democratic party nomination and have been leading in opinion polls in the presidential run.The true test is now, whether he would get the support to win this race from the predominantly white population, or it was just lip service, and they would choose John McCain in spite of his constrains in age and intellectual capacity and with a running mate,a beauty queen and a moose hunter, picked out of the blue and one which looks more like an aging supermodel than someone whom you think can run the White House if McCain drops dead while being President.

This will be a test for American whites whether they have shed their racial prejudices against coloured people and a dream come true for Martin Luther King of his "I have a dream" if Obama should win the election.Although Obama is half white, in America he is considered black.

There are indications that McCain is closing in some of the states but Obama is holding his position and made some gains in some other states.At time of writing McCain is leading in predominantly white states of Kentucky and Indiana and are set to win these two states.

If war and the economy are the main concern of the voters than Obama would probably have a better chance of winning the race.

Will racial prejudices continue to prevail or will it be a new dawn for America ?

If white's racism prevails than McCain will win the election.

The world is watching you. America!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pak Lah And The Last Action Hero

Hantu Laut

What action would UMNO takes against Mukhriz Mahathir ?

This is a party that strongly adhere to partisan ideology and will not tolerate any dissenter. Any form of criticism of the top leadership will put you either in solitary confinement or your head on the chopping block. There is where democracy exists only in name.This is the place where you can make it to the top or fall by the way side. This is the home of ketuanan Melayu or Malay supremacy .

When Mukhriz wrote the letter to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi asking him to do the right thing he was either under the wrong impression that there was a strong movement to oust
Abdullah or he decided to lead the way in the hope that many others would follow and throw their support behind him. He was mistaken.None would want to jump off the gravy train where rewards are aplenty and the pickings easy.

His father, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad went through the same problem with the first prime minister, the late Tungku Abdul Rahman. He was sacked from the party but returned later in much stronger position and eventually went on to become the longest serving prime minister of the nation.

In the 1999 elections Mahathir's ruling party suffered significant erosion of support from the people especially from rural Malays. He failed to re-capture Kelantan and lost Trengganu, an oil-producing state. Realizing he has almost reach the end of his shelve-life and his waning support among the Malays, he decided it would be best to step aside and let a new and more acceptable leader takes over. He passed the baton to his deputy.

Enter Pak Lah, Mr Clean, pious and came with a bagful of promises to kill corruptions, bring transparency and accountability to the administration. The people rejoiced and were exuberant that the Mahathir's era have come to an end and a clean and god-fearing man had taken over.

In 2004 elections, riding high on those promises, Abdullah won a massive landslide victory. He recaptured Trengganu and short of 2 seats to bag Kelantan. The people were in a state of euphoria.

The state of euphoria eventually turned into a state of despair when he failed to deliver those promises. Other than broken promises racial tensions, rising inflation,rising prices of goods, high costs of fuel, high crime rates and stagnated income have made life less than comfortable for many Malaysians . Abdullah faces serious loss of credibility. Most people can see it coming except him and those cronies that surround him.Blinded by greed they were sure of another major victory.

The BN would have escaped the major disaster if Abdullah had stepped down before the election.Although his deputy didn't have a desirable image the defeat wouldn't be as humiliating as the recent polls results.

Will Mukhriz be sacked from the party? I doubted. They probably will ask him to resign from his youth exco or be expelled from it. UMNO can't afford to lose anymore MP seat. Sacking Mukhriz from the party would bring other repercussions.

Anwar Ibrahim has been to Sabah and Sarawak on a shopping trip but was unable to buy anything at the moment. Sabah and Sarawak are kataks (frogs) countries.Some money and a promise of ministerial position the hillbillies katak are quite prepared to abandon their present abode for greener pasture.

It all depends on how Pak Lah conducts his affairs from now on to keep his boys in the stables. He may have no choice but to step down before the UMNO General Assembly.

Will Mukhriz be the last action hero ?

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Hantu Laut

The tight race between Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama is getting hotter and dirtier by each passing day.The preliminary run for the White House has reached the highest momentum. The process of elimination would come soon in Texas and Ohio.

Take a look at the face and body language of Hilary Clinton in the video below, it shows the anger and hatred screaming inside her and that 'I wanna kill you' look on her face was a giveaway of her toffee-nosed and contempt against her arch-rival. She has used almost every dirty tricks in the bag to put a brake on Obama's advancement with little progress showing in her favour.

Obama has been confronted again and this time by conservative Republican that he is a Muslim and anti-semite. He had also been accused of consulting with anti-Semitic advisers. A photograph of him in Somali garb and using a turban was released through the Drudge Report website, which claimed it was leaked from the Hilary Clinton's camp, which she quickly denied.

The Drudge Report ran this photo of Barack Obama in Somali garb from a 2006 trip to Africa. The Web site claims Hillary Clinton's campaign provided the photo to it.

Obama may have a Muslim middle name but so was Kahlil Gibran, the famous Lebanese-American poet, artist and writer who had a Muslim name but was a Christian Maronite. Obama is as American as any American can be and certainly not a Muslim by any figment of our imagination. Isn't America the champion of democracy, human rights and freedom of religion. So what's the problem if he black and a Muslim ?

America went round the world with guns and bombs to try impose its brand of democracy and freedom to other countries without putting its own house in order first. Racists and white supremacists abound in this land of the free. Hilary Clinton may not have put her racist feeling in words but you can see it written all over her face.

Clinton has accused him of plagiarism, derided his messianic oratory and rubbished his lack of experience in foreign policy. The mud-slinging coming out from her camp reveals her frustration and embarrassment at being placed behind a black man. She is prepared to do anything to try kill Obama's character and in the process hope to swing voters away from him and to her side.Nothing seems to work so far. Her last chance to save her running for president would be in Texas and Ohio.

She is at the end of her wits and is contemplating a lawsuit over the party's election rules. Her dirty tactics, tirades, incessant and superfluous attack on his personality has not brought her the desired results.It has backfired on her and making her task more daunting and may finally seal the coffin on her.