Showing posts with label Mukhriz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mukhriz. Show all posts

Friday, December 5, 2008

Mukriz/Chua: Jibes Or Jokes?

Hantu Laut

There is a lot of hullabaloo about Mukhriz's contemplation of abolishing the vernacular schools to unify the education system and ultimately fostering national unity among the races.A good dream nonetheless, but certainly not a sure recipe for success.

As sure as the sunrise his rhetoric attracts the war drums of the oppositions and other non-Malay politicians.Although, I don't agree with him I wouldn't go overboard to take him seriously.I have seen this kind of sandiwara happened too many times before. Unless he is his father's son that call is pure histrionic.Whatever people may say about former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad, he is very focus on what he does and more often than not,he gets what he wanted.I am not sure about the son.It's too early to make a judgement.

Some politicians in this country seem to have the same standard pea-sized brain implanted in their heads and their eyes above their head that make them far better stargazers (the fish not the flower) than being politicians.They just can't differentiate rhetoric from reality.Rhetoric to fish for votes is common in politics and even more common in UMNO for those who wish to climb the ladder.Than there are some who responded to show concern only for the sole purpose of trying to gain political mileage within their community.

What I find rather amusing are those who are fond of running to the nearest police station to lodge police report alleging sedition over such trivia.Likewise, when Chua Soi Lek made a statement about ketuanan Melayu and relates it as to a master and servant relationship, tempers were flying in UMNO and the same allegations of sedition and police report were made.In the case of Chua they went one step further, the police called him for interview which, surprisingly, they didn't accord the same to Mukriz.

It is common political psychology used by those who wish to climb up the ladder to be seen as champion of Malay rights and ketuanan Melayu and Mukhriz is doing exactly that and nothing more.The gusto will cease after the UMNO elections.

Those shitheads from both sides of the ethnic divide have done more to disunite rather than unite.Just like religion, a common language does not guarantee to unite people.A good moral education at home and at schools are the right recipe to racial harmony, unity and respect for each other culture and religions.

Malaysia should maintain its multiplicity whether in language or education, these are the pillars of our strength that makes us different from other nations.The obstacle to unity is not language or education.The biggest obstacle to integration and unity are politicians.They are the culprits that caused the rift and continue doing so for selfish reason.

Mukriz had not done his homework and see for himself the actual situation in government schools, what integration are there in those schools when some parents tell their children not to mix with others if not their own kind.In fact the division of the races are more visible now than 40 years ago where a Malay would not hesitate to have a cup of coffee in a Chinese coffee shop.

Education is foremost for the Chinese,rich and poor, and the wealthy would donate generously to their schools making them better schools than most government schools.

In Sabah the standard of Chinese funded schools are so high even bumiputras are clamouring to send their children to such schools.

When are they going to grow up and do something more useful for the nation rather than imploding in triviality.

Leave those vernacular schools alone they are not doing any harm.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Mahathirs: Time To Go

Hantu Laut

During his father's time people like him would have been sacked in double quick time from the party without any hesitation or show cause from party leaders.

On top of that he would also be investigated by the ACA for some wrongdoings or corruptions just to seal the lid on the coffin.There are already calls from party members for him to resign or be sacked from the party.

Anwar Ibrahim learned a bitter lesson when he tried to go against the party supremo and former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad.However, Anwar is not an ordinary human being whose resolve can be easily broken.The few years in prison have made him even stronger and more determine to show the former premier that 'every dog has its day'.

Mukhriz Mahathir knew UMNO wouldn't remove him just yet.He is sitting pretty and continue to hound Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Like his father, his motive is to create more instability in the party and to pressure Abdullah to step down. His ultimate goal is to be sacked from the party and to gain sympathy from party members and ultimately to be seen as a hero.

He would be as disappointed as his father.

There are no love between party members and those out of power or the powerless. UMNO is a party of patronage, tow the line or suffer the consequence of your dissension. Subservience and loyalty are only meant for the oligarchy.

The seemingly weak Abdullah is not taking the bait and wouldn't at this juncture do anything superfluous to weaken the party nor would there be many disgruntled members leaving the party if Mukhriz decides to resign. In the event he is sacked from the party, there wouldn't be any 'reformasi' movement from the masses to show their discontentment and displeasure as seen during the sacking of Anwar Ibrahim in 1998.

The tiff between his father and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had become a family feud with concerted familial attacks by the Mahathirs on Abdullah. The whole unpleasant affair has turned into a personal vendetta that has thrown UMNO into slight disarray.

Mukhriz has openly declared that he would be going for the position of youth chief in the coming party elections in December this year.

This uncontroversial son of the former prime minister is not known for riding the high horses and have always steered away from controversy. Caught between the devil and the deep-blue sea, it is obvious, filial piety had probably got the better of him.A decision not all that wrong but could prove fatal to his future political carrier.

The older Mahathir has now come up with a new formula on how to topple Abdullah. He says 35 UMNO lawmakers should leave the party and stay as independents and stay away from AnwarPakatan Rakyat coalition.With their departure Abdullah government would collapse and Abdullah would have no choice but to resign. He said Najib should have the guts and should detach himself from Abdullah and step in as candidate for prime minister.The 35 ex-UMNO MPs should than give their votes to Najib and he would than be the new prime minister.Sounds terribly easy or just a pipe dream?

Mahathir is running hither and yon, trying everything from the sublime to the ridiculous, to bring about the downfall of Abdullah. His decrepitude idea of a serious political crisis in the country is merely a figment of his imagination stem from the hatred for Abdullah for dismantling many of his money-spinning contracts for his cronies. Two massive projects chopped by Abdullah triggered off his admonition for the Prime Minister that has now backfired on him.

Soon after he took office Abdullah, at the chagrin of Mahathir, shelved the massive US$3.8 billion railway project given to a consortium controlled by Syed Mukhtar Al-Bukhary, a close associate of Mahathir, and the controversial crooked bridge, a retaliation against Singapore's hard-headed stands on many bilateral issues effecting the two countries. The bridge is his idea of giving access to ships plying the Strait of Malacca and South China Sea to by-pass Singapore and use the Strait of Johor to the Port of Tanjong Perlepas in south western Johor and Pasir Gudang Port in south eastern Johor.Both ports are under the control of Al-Bukhary.

Although the growth of his business empire has had some form of help from former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed, due respect must be given to Al-Bukhary.Unlike many so-called Malay entrepreneurs who depended totally on political connections to jump start their venture into the business world, Al-Bukhary is a true entrepreneur that came from a humble beginning and worked his way up to what he is today.

The vainglorious Mahathir underestimated his current popularity in the party and throws his last trump card hoping he would this time unseat Abdullah by popular uprising in the party triggered by his resignation.A poor judgement and bad decision.

His resignation was followed by his businessman son Mokhzani who also resigned from the party.He was listed as the 28th richest person in Malaysia by Forbes with an estimated worth of US$220 million in 2007.He is also Chairman of Sepang International Circuit which has an annual budget of RM100 millions annually to host the F1 Grand Prix.A new contract with Bernie Eccelstone for night racing under lights would need another RM40-50 millions expenditure to light up the track.This is one of the so-called successful Malay entrepreneurs.

Another son, Mukhriz was elected as member of parliament in the recent elections and has followed in his father's footsteps and has, on several occasions, called on Abdullah to resign as Prime Minister.In spite of his insubordination he refused to resign from the party.

All the Mahathirs are still holding political appointments which they refused to resign.

Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad is a veteran politician, a man who used to tell UMNO member to be loyal to their leaders and that party interests come first and he who accused the West of double standards.What kind of standard is he using now?

It is by social convention that in any organisation, politics or otherwise, that if we ceased to support the leader and party principles we should resign and decouple ourselves from the organisation.

Since they have not been able to remove Abdullah from his premiership, it would be a matter of moral principle that:

Former PM Mahathir Mohammad resign from his positions as advisers to Petronas and Proton.

Mokhzani resign as Chairman of Sepang International Circuit, and

Mukhriz resign from UMNO.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mahathir:This Is "My Way"

Hantu Laut

I am not a member of UMNO or any political party, nor am I a supporter of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

I used to admire our former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad for some of the good things he had done to this country.A man who is truly an embodiment of 'the end justifies the means'.He would do what he feels strongly about even at the expense of personal liberty of others, so long as he gets his way.A man you either love or hate.A man who wouldn't give up a fight and will take it to the end, right or wrong.

His falling out with the present Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi over the shelving of some of his grandiose projects have now reached the end of the road and one that can culminate to a destructive political conflicts that will put UMNO to the test again, to stay united under Abdullah or split down the middle for the two men.The last time it happened was the power struggle between Tengku Razaleigh and him that ended up UMNO being declared an unlawful society by the court and the breaking up of the party and emergence of a breakaway party, Semangat 46 under Razaleigh and the reincarnation of UMNO under him.

At the time there were no other strong oppositions prevailing to challenge the ruling coalition.Now,the opportunistic Anwar and his Pakatan Rakyat are waiting in the wings to seize any opportunity to take over the government.

After a long period of frustrating campaign to remove Abdullah from office of prime minister, Mahathir has not gotten any where nearer his goal.Provoking Najib to stage a coup has not worked either.Calling Najib a coward to spur him to take on Abdullah has not brought him the desired result.The man is now at his wits end on what to do or deal with his burning desire to get rid of the man whom he personally chose as his successor and prime minister of this nation.

If his intention is to arouse senior party members to act against Abdullah and bring him down as prime minister and president of the party, it may disappoint him again as all those at the top would have a lot to lose, personally, if UMNO loses its grip on power.At this point of time the grassroots in the party is irrelevant, only the BN members of parliament can remove him as prime minister, or a mixture of BN and PR members if there were insufficient numbers from the BN that are prepared to be disloyal to him.To think a spontaneous revolt in the party would materialise is like clutching at the straws, it wouldn't happen.

Mahathir is not a man who would be prepared to eat the humble pie and accepts the fact that he is equally responsible and to blame for his poor judgement of Abdullah's character, or was it his selection of Abdullah was based on his assumption that Abdullah is of a complaint nature and will obey him, which fits well into his agenda for the continuation of all his pet projects, or did he expects Abdullah to be grateful for the appointment and would do every thing he says?

Being a prime minister for 22 years Mahathir should know the democratic process more than anyone else in this country.He should know that Abdullah was duly elected by the people and should be allowed to serve his time.He should only be removed by a democratic process in an election or a vote of no confidence against his leadership in parliament.

It appears that Mahathir has failed his gift of the gab and is now prepared to throw down the gauntlet even at the expense of destroying UMNO to get rid of Abdullah and put Najib at the helm.His clarion call for senior party leaders, ministers and deputy ministers to leave UMNO is execrable and undignified.

Although I don't subscribe to Abdullah's style of leadership, I still believe we should allow the democratic process to take its course.

Mahathir resignation from UMNO is a strategy to weaken Abdullah's already vulnerable position and starts a revolt in the party. Is he likely to succeed in his attempt to get UMNO senior leaders to follow him? Can Abdullah take the risk of calling a fresh election?

Mahathir is not short of controversies, this is the second time he is out of UMNO, the first was in 1969 when he was sacked from the party for going against the first Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman.His tussle for the UMNO presidency against Tengku Razaleigh in 1987 divided the party.His conflict with his deputy Musa Hitam ended with Musa resignation as deputy prime minister.The sacking of another deputy, Anwar Ibrahim in 1998 culminated in massive street demonstrations in the capital city and the sending of Anwar to prison on charges of corruption and sodomy.

Most of the top leaders may not pay attention to the call of the clarion but at the middle and grassroots level the story may differ from the top.A fresh election is an option too risky to take at this moment.

The good question now is would Mukhriz follows in his father's footstep?If he does, that would be one less MP for UMNO and the BN.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pak Lah And The Last Action Hero

Hantu Laut

What action would UMNO takes against Mukhriz Mahathir ?

This is a party that strongly adhere to partisan ideology and will not tolerate any dissenter. Any form of criticism of the top leadership will put you either in solitary confinement or your head on the chopping block. There is where democracy exists only in name.This is the place where you can make it to the top or fall by the way side. This is the home of ketuanan Melayu or Malay supremacy .

When Mukhriz wrote the letter to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi asking him to do the right thing he was either under the wrong impression that there was a strong movement to oust
Abdullah or he decided to lead the way in the hope that many others would follow and throw their support behind him. He was mistaken.None would want to jump off the gravy train where rewards are aplenty and the pickings easy.

His father, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad went through the same problem with the first prime minister, the late Tungku Abdul Rahman. He was sacked from the party but returned later in much stronger position and eventually went on to become the longest serving prime minister of the nation.

In the 1999 elections Mahathir's ruling party suffered significant erosion of support from the people especially from rural Malays. He failed to re-capture Kelantan and lost Trengganu, an oil-producing state. Realizing he has almost reach the end of his shelve-life and his waning support among the Malays, he decided it would be best to step aside and let a new and more acceptable leader takes over. He passed the baton to his deputy.

Enter Pak Lah, Mr Clean, pious and came with a bagful of promises to kill corruptions, bring transparency and accountability to the administration. The people rejoiced and were exuberant that the Mahathir's era have come to an end and a clean and god-fearing man had taken over.

In 2004 elections, riding high on those promises, Abdullah won a massive landslide victory. He recaptured Trengganu and short of 2 seats to bag Kelantan. The people were in a state of euphoria.

The state of euphoria eventually turned into a state of despair when he failed to deliver those promises. Other than broken promises racial tensions, rising inflation,rising prices of goods, high costs of fuel, high crime rates and stagnated income have made life less than comfortable for many Malaysians . Abdullah faces serious loss of credibility. Most people can see it coming except him and those cronies that surround him.Blinded by greed they were sure of another major victory.

The BN would have escaped the major disaster if Abdullah had stepped down before the election.Although his deputy didn't have a desirable image the defeat wouldn't be as humiliating as the recent polls results.

Will Mukhriz be sacked from the party? I doubted. They probably will ask him to resign from his youth exco or be expelled from it. UMNO can't afford to lose anymore MP seat. Sacking Mukhriz from the party would bring other repercussions.

Anwar Ibrahim has been to Sabah and Sarawak on a shopping trip but was unable to buy anything at the moment. Sabah and Sarawak are kataks (frogs) countries.Some money and a promise of ministerial position the hillbillies katak are quite prepared to abandon their present abode for greener pasture.

It all depends on how Pak Lah conducts his affairs from now on to keep his boys in the stables. He may have no choice but to step down before the UMNO General Assembly.

Will Mukhriz be the last action hero ?

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Last Of Him Or Last Of UMNO ?

Hantu Laut

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said he heard the people's voice in last weekend general elections and admitted it would be "the last of him" if he doesn't live up to their expectations.

Would it be the last of him or the last of UMNO if he stays on until the next elections ?

He vowed to bring changes to lessen racial tensions, inflation and rising crime rates.Going by his track records whether these promises will translate into actions would make a good guessing game.

"The majority is still with me" he added "I am in charge"

The rising racial tensions, rising crime rates and rising costs of living occurred during his term of office. With rising crude oil prices keeping domestic prices at favourable level would not be an easy task. When asked how he intends to achieve this he said "There will be some other formula" without giving any specifics. It can only mean he has not yet found the formula.

Recent events have shown that UMNO hasn't changed and is unlikely to change its political culture to bring the people back to the fold.It is still very much entrenched in its culture of intimidation, cronyism and corruption.

The recent demonstration in Penang over the NEP issue by its members was a clear sign of intimidation and double standards. Students were allowed to get involved in political talks when it is his government policy that forbids students from any involvement in politics. Its members can demonstrate, others cannot. They seem to have 'carte blance' and without any intervention from the authority.

The PM hasn't woken up to the fact that not only he has driven the people away from him,UMNO and BN, he has also distance some of the rulers.What happened in Perlis and Trengganu was a clear sign of the Sultans displeasure against him. The rejections of prime minister's choice of candidates for menteri besar by the Sultans is unprecedented under previous prime ministers.

Calling for his resignation has become a crime. Newly elected MP, Mukhriz Mahathir is going to face the music.Some sycophants in the party have called for his sacking. The PM has left the decision how to deal with Mukhriz to the keris-wielding provocateur and the abominable son-in-law.

In a civilised and politically matured society the action that Mukhriz took would just be ignored and without any retribution. In UMNO, the politics of fear and intimidation are the only weapons they know how to use to silent the critics.

The only way UMNO can restore itself to its former glory is to have radical change of its top leadership sooner than later.

Five years may not be enough time to repair the broken bridge.