Showing posts with label Hamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamas. Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hell In Gaza

Hantu Laut

The atrocities continue.More women, children and the innocents would have to die in this one-sided and cruel war.The rest of the world could do nothing to stop it.The one that could is in it with the Jews.The UN is a toothless tiger, controlled by the big powers that would like to see more Palestinians killed before they intervene.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Gaza:Dirty American,Ruthlessly Cruel Jews And Stupid Arabs

Hantu Laut

When Hamas won the Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006 what did the United States do ? Hamas took 76 out of 132 parliamentary seats thus making it the legitimate government.

The world's biggest hypocrite the United States of America refused to recognise the legitimacy of this democratically elected government.It also cut off all aids to the Palestinian people and imposed sanctions.This so called guardian of democracy is the epitome of human wickedness,hypocrisy and the true devil incarnate.

An Israeli shell explodes over the Gaza Strip (4 January 2009)

Intensive aerial, land and naval bombardment of Gaza.

While it interfered and launched full military force to evict the Iraqi invaders out of Kuwait it approved and allowed the invasion of Gaza by its ally Israel.Indiscriminate aerial bombings had taken many innocent lives including women and children.The assault on Gaza is an atrocity committed by both the US and Israel.Civil infrastructures had completely broken down.Water and electricity supplies have been cut off and the whole country had been cordoned off making sure nobody can leave the area.Gaza is now one big concentration camp in the middle of a war zone and the killing of civilians continues.

A Palestinian child cries during a funeral in the Gaza Strip (4 January 2009)

A Palestinian child and a dry tap.Water had been cut off.

The Gaza strip is not exactly a country by any sense, it is only about 360, they have given up governing Gaza in 2006 the Israel still controls Gaza's air space, territorial waters and offshore maritime access, as well as its side of the Gaza-Israel border.It means Gaza is actually one big prison and the access to supplies of food, medicine and other resources are control by the Israelis.

Israel excuse for the bombardments and invasion of Gaza is defensive action against Hamas regular rocket attacks on Israel.What ? Against rickety rockets that have so far killed only one Israeli.Do you really need full military retaliation that so far had killed over 500 mainly innocent Palestinians and displaced hundred thousands more civilians by cutting off their supplies of water,electricity, food and medical supplies.This is cruelty of the first order and only the Zionists are capable of such inhumane treatment supported by their master, the evil empire, the United States of America.

This war is not about religion.This is a war of people deprived off their ancestral land by the Western powers who created Israel out of the 'Land of Palestine'.Not all Palestinians are Muslims, there are also Christian Palestinians but they are in the minority.

The ruthlessness,selfishness and cruelty of the Jews had always been the cause of their persecution since biblical days.History have shown that they have been persecuted by almost everyone else they come into contact with and the worst was by their own Caucasian cousins, the Europeans who are now protecting them and allow them free rein to unleash their military might against defenceless Palestinians.

Many in the West, especially the hypocrites, would say it is politically incorrect to say such thing because they don't want to be reminded of the atrocities committed by them against the Jews.Their past misdeeds and atrocities against the Jews had made them conscience-stricken.Now, they are repeating the same mistake and did what they have done before, allow the persecution of another race of people and what could not be better than using those you have persecuted to do the dirty job for you.

If the Americans and Europeans are sincere they could have stopped Israel, but they are not, they actually wanted the Palestinians out of Israel by allowing the Jews to systematically persecute and kill them through ethnic cleansing.The Jews are not sending pop corns into Gaza they are mobilising a full invasion using heavy artillery, tanks and aerial bombings on a population that have nothing to defend themselves with.This disproportionate war is to ensure maximum casualty and damage on lives and properties of the Palestinian people.

Not to be sounding racist or rude and with due respect to them it is the Arab's mentality to think that they are better than everyone else and inconsideration for others are common denominators among the Arabs.

Most sensible people would evaluate their own strength first before taking on an opponent and Hamas, for all intent and purpose, is very stupid for having ignored the ceasefire and sent their rickety rockets to Israel that could hardly kill an ant.Isn't that looking for trouble and stupid ?

In this crisis the American should carry the biggest blame because they have the power to stop it.The man behind all this is none other than that soon be leaving moron in the White House George Bush the mass murderer.He blames Hamas for the crisis but this wouldn't have happened if he didn't choke Hamas and the Palestinians.

It is also his farewell gift for Obama.He has another 14 days left before handing over to Obama, maybe, he should bomb Iran before leaving.