Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11: The Day The Towers Fell

New 9/11 Tapes Released Days Before Tenth Anniversary Of Attacks

Only days before the United States marks the tenth anniversary of the horrifying 9/11 attacks, we’re hearing, for the first time, the full audio recordings of communications between military and civilian air traffic controllers on that fateful day.

The multimedia document, published by the Rutgers Law Review, provides a rare look at how government agencies responded -- blow-by-blow -- to the hijacking of the four planes as the drama was actually unfolding, according to ABC News, which played the tapes on Good Morning America on Thursday.

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"We have a problem here. We have hijacked aircraft headed towards New York and we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up here to help us out," a worker at Boston Center's Traffic Management Unit said at 8:37 a.m., according to the tapes.Read more.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

UN 'to appoint a Malaysian as first space ambassador to greet alien visitors'.What a joke?

Hantu Laut

What a joke! Is this for real?

What resources the UN has to be in the front line of this terrifying idea of receiving extraterrestrial visitors to our planet that could likely be not in peace but probably want a piece of our planet.

Wouldn't the Pentagon and other powerful nations be better equipped to deal with the aliens?

I hope they wouldn't incinerate Mazlan when they first saw her.

"Take me to your leader" If they come sooner than expected where would Mazlan take the aliens to, Obama, Najib or the useless Ban Ki-moon?

It must be an honour to accept such job.

A space ambassador could be appointed by the United Nations to act as the first point of contact for aliens trying to communicate with Earth.

Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian astrophysicist, is set to be tasked with co-ordinating humanity’s response if and when extraterrestrials make contact.

Aliens who landed on earth and asked: “Take me to your leader” would be directed to Mrs Othman.

She will set out the details of her proposed new role at a Royal Society conference in Buckinghamshire next week.

The 58-year-old is expected to tell delegates that the proposal has been prompted by the recent discovery of hundreds of planets orbiting other starts, which is thought to make the discovery of extraterrestrial life more probable than ever before.

Mrs Othman is currently head of the UN’s little known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa).

In a recent talk to fellow scientists, she said: “The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day human kind will received signals from extraterrestrials.

“When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.”

Professor Richard Crowther, an expert in space law at the UK space agency who leads delegations to the UN, said: “Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a ‘take me to your leader’ person”.

The plan to make Unoosa the co-ordinating body for dealing with alien encounters will be debated by UN scientific advisory committees and should eventually reach the body’s general assembly.

Opinion is divided about how future extraterrestrial visitors should be greeted. Under the Outer Space Treaty on 1967, which Unoosa oversees, UN members agreed to protect Earth against contamination by alien species by “sterilising” them.

Mrs Othman is understood to support a more tolerant approach.

But Professor Stephen Hawking has warned that alien interlopers should be treated with caution.

He said: “I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. The outcome for us would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”

The Telegraph

Sunday, December 13, 2009

So You Want To Be Famous Like Paris Hilton ?

Malaysians who suffered from ASS (Attention Seeking Syndrome) or Munchausen can use some of the tips here.For those who are half-rich or those with stacks of ill-gotten gains give it a try.You never know, miracles may take time but nothing is impossible.

No point carrying those super expensive Berkin, LV or Gucci handbags to get notice on the street, if you don't have a street to your name. It wouldn't make you famous.People might just think you are a moron.

So You Want to Be Famous...
How to become a celebrity without any talent or skills whatsoever.


Monday, July 28, 2008

Another Idiot For American President

Hantu Laut

If you think George Bush is a moron and our Prime Minister is a flip-flop, listen to this man who would likely be the next President of the United States.

So, don't take it too hard on Badawi, he is smarter than Bust and McCain put together.

Come on people of America, be smart, vote for Obama.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Barack Obama's Sabah Connection

Hantu Laut

Sabah is not short of surprises.The latest being its connection with Barack Obama, the potential future President of the United States.

His connection comes through marriage of his younger half-sister to a lad whose parents came from Sabah.

The story in the Star below:

PETALING JAYA: Dr Konrad Ng is amused that his Malaysian roots got noticed halfway round the world, thanks to his link to Democrat candidate Barack Obama.

An assistant professor at the University of Hawaii in Manoa (UHM), Ng, whose family originally comes from Sabah, is married to Obama’s half-sister Maya Soetoro.

Not too long ago: Watching an Independence Day parade in the US four years ago were (from left) Michelle Obama, her daughter Sasha, Obama, Malia, Maya, Ng, and their daughter Suhalia. - AP

Maya and Obama have the same mother.

In an e-mail interview with The Star, Ng, 34, said that his father, Howard, was born in Sandakan and his mother, Joan, in Kudat.

“I have many relatives who live throughout Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu and the two towns where my parents came from,” he said.

His parents subsequently settled in Canada and Ng was born there.

Maya was born to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian businessman, and Ann Dunham, a white American cultural anthropologist, who is also Obama’s mother.

The family tree: Dr Konrad Ng, Maya, Howard and Joan posing for a picture. Maya, who is Obama’s half sister, is married to Ng whose parents originally came from Sabah.

Ng said his parents return to Malaysia once every one to two years.

“It remains an important place of origin to them. In addition to a large, extended family, they have many good friends in Malaysia. I try to visit Malaysia every few years; it is a special country and feels familiar to me,” said Ng.

Maya, who was born in Jakarta, also cherishes her Indonesian roots.

According to Ng, she is active in the local Indonesian community and continues to speak Indonesian when she can. She visits Indonesia every few years.

Ng described Obama as exceptionally brilliant.

“He has a thorough understanding of the challenges we face and sound judgment on how we should address these challenges.

“Barack is a dedicated family man and cares deeply about transforming the world into a better place so that all families will have the same opportunities to do better.

“South-East Asia is a place of connection for him and a region that he understands well. It gave him numerous examples of alternative modes of communication and perspective.

“Maya, Barack and I have talked about the beauty of South-East Asia and our mutual desire to visit again,” he said.

Source:The Star

Below is Konrad Ng and his wife bio-data:

Born in Indonesia, Maya Soetoro-Ng is Barack’s younger sister. She has a Ph.D in Education and teaches social studies at La Pietra Hawaii School for Girls. Born in Canada, Konrad Ng is Maya’s husband and Barack’s brother-in-law. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science and is an assistant professor in the Academy for Creative Media at the University of Hawai‘i.

Source:Konrad's Blog