Showing posts with label Asri Zainal Abidin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asri Zainal Abidin. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Transformer: The Rise Of Asri And Wahabism.

Hantu Laut

Dr Asri is probably the most level minded ulama than most that I have come across.He is on my blog roll and I occasionally read his blog.It's heart-rending that he is being branded as terrorist.

The government as shown bad judgement by branding him as terrorist.

Just because someone does not agree with you it does not make him a terrorist.Being critical of the government does not make you a terrorist.To change a government in a democratic process does not make you a terrorist.

At one time, UMNO tried to woo him to join the party but failed to convince him. Since he spoke against some of the policies of the government and against UMNO leaders he has suddenly transformed into a terrorist.Maybe, someone should do a movie on him "TRANSFORMER: THE RISE OF ASRI AND WAHABISM"

Al Qaeda is a terrorist organisation comprising only Muslims, does it make all Muslims terrorists? The recent bloodbath in Oslo, Norway by a Christian terrorist who hates Islam killing scores of his own people, does it make all Christians as terrorists?

Although, I don't agree with some of its practices, Wahhabism is mainstream Islam and should be allowed to be practised freely.The government have also banned Shia in this country which is one of the two main branches of Islam.

Malaysia may be the only Muslim country that ban the other branch of Islam.Why? I am not sure. The government has not given comprehensive explanation for the ban.

In the old days Muslims were allowed to differ in opinions, that is why we have two main branches, Sunni and Shia and many sub-branches derived from different imams (madhhab).Since then no Islamic scholars dared to bring changes for the good of the religion.Doing so would be branded a deviant or worse, a death penalty.

What next? Are the government going to ban other Madhhab (Schools Of Jurisprudence) and will only allow the imam subscribed and practised by the majority........ to be the only type of Islam legal in this country?

We have Hanifi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali, which of the four imams is recognised by the government?

I do not agree with the government labelling of Prof Madya Dr Asri Zainal Abidin as terrorist.

Simply calling someone a terrorist is not on.The government has full responsibility to give detailed explanation to the people on why he is labelled as terrorist.

It makes one wonder who is the real terrorist here?


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