Showing posts with label Gerakan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerakan. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lim Kit Siang's May 13 Expos'e: Truth or Chicanery ?

Hantu Laut

The 1969 General Election was held on 10th May in West Malaysia, but in Sabah and Sarawak the parliamentary elections was postponed to between 17 and 21 June. 

Gerakan and DAP, the two opposition parties intense political campaign was against Article 153 of the Constitution, which outlined special privilages for bumiputras.

The Alliance Party lost Penang to Gerakan and Perak to DAP and Selangor hunged in the balance, which the Alliance eventually gained by one seat in collobration with an independent candidate. UMNO's arch-rival PAS took Kelantan.

What Kit Siang said may be true, but the question is, has he any prior knowledge of the impending trouble? 

Gerakan and DAP held a victory march in KL on 12 May, which turned rowdy, with party members shouting racial slurs at Malay bystanders. They diverted from their approved route and changed it to pass through Kampong Baru, a Malay dominated area in KL with the attention of throwing epithets at the Malay bystanders. UMNO countered with its own rally on 13 May, which broke out into full-scale rioting.

Which side fired the first salvo is still very fuzzy. 

Kit Siang affirmed he was not in KL on the fateful day. Watch the videos.


Let us good Malaysians hope history won't repeat itself. Let us set aside our ethnicity and cultural differences and think as One Malaysia.