Showing posts with label Scam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scam. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Another Pathetic Moron!

Hantu Laut

Don't they read how many times such scams have been publicised in the newspaper.

What is wrong with these people? I can only conclude it is greed coupled with stupidity.

Reported in the Daily Express:

Labuan: A 34-year-old self-employed Chinese is the island's latest victim of a syndicate-operated Internet scam.

A "convincing story" which came through the email resulted in the victim losing RM420,100.

Labuan Police Chief, Supt. Saiman Kasran, said: "When the victim received the email on Oct 9 from a woman named Lyanna Adin (believed to be fictitious) informing the victim that a 29kg parcel stuffed with expensive items such as a gold watch, cash, laptop and cell phone was delivered to the victim from UK, the victim without hesitation replied the email with his personal details such as MyKad number, home address and cell phone number."

The next day, Saiman said, the victim received another call from a private number with the caller identifying himself as "Robert Jestkins" from air courier company informing the victim of the parcel and the need to pay RM3,800 as penalty that the parcel was overweight.

The victim was further asked to pay RM18,700 to the Customs Department to have the parcel released and also RM48,000 twice for the first and second stamp charges and penalty to Bank Negara.

The victim, still not suspecting anything amiss, dutifully carried out all the instructions and banked in the requested amounts into several accounts provided by the caller.

Following this, the victim was introduced to a so-called UK embassy staff.

On Oct 18, Lyanna contacted the victim again and requested him to visit a website.

Upon checking the site, the victim noted that 57,000 pound sterling would be transferred to the victim's Maybank account, but the victim was required to pay another RM147,800 for insurance and other charges.

Saiman said the total amount paid by the victim for the parcel was RM420,100 via 15 transfers from Maybank.

But the parcel never came and neither could he contact anyone of them who had communicated with him about the parcel and payments.

Following this, a police report was lodged.

Saiman advised that with so many cases of Internet scam, the people should be smarter and not be credulous to fall for "easy money."

He said there is no such thing as easy money.

In Labuan alone this year, there had been 17 reported cases with losses incurred reaching RM736,849.63 and most of the victims were women.

The victims parted their money over offers that came through email and Facebook, mostly pertaining to products, auctions and parcels.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Murdering Anwar: More Lies And Fantasies

Hantu Laut.

You don't have to know forensic science to tell another blatant lie by Pakatan leaders.Look at the wound on the face of the man in the picture purportedly to be Anwar's bodyguard. Does it look like it was a direct horizontal hit?A direct shot would have smashed his face and would have left a circular bloody mark on his face.The wound clearly shows the canister was fired at 45 degrees trajectory and landed on his face.The deep gash on his face means only part of the canister touched his face not the full brunt as claimed by Pakatan leaders.He could also have fell down and hurt himself.

The wound speaks volume of blatant and venomous lies by Pakatan leaders accusing the police of wanting to kill Anwar. Most right-minded people would have run away when they saw the canister coming.Why did Anwar and his bodyguard stayed where they were without trying to flee?

Tear gas canister do not travel the speed of a bullet, you have plenty of time to get away.All I can say it was probably another theatrical act for public display.

Anwar was not hit directly by the tear gas canister how could he suffered a bruise on his head and a cut on his leg, here? Could that be the result of a scuffle when every one panicked and trying to escape the tear gas.

A story here what Bersih is all about.It's all about the revival of Anwar.Malaysian electoral system may not be that perfect but the claim by Ambiga and Pakatan of unfair and unclean polls are ridiculous.

Maybe, we should blame the British for leaving such a faulty system behind, which, incidentally is still being used in Britain.

Below is the results of the UK 2005 General Elections.

This table indicates those parties with over one seat, Great Britain only
Seats % Votes % Votes
Labour Party 355 56.5 36.1 9,552,436
Conservative Party 198 31.5 33.2 8,782,192
Liberal Democrats 62 9.9 22.6 5,985,454
Scottish National Party 6 1.0 1.6 412,267
Plaid Cymru 3 0.5 0.7 174,838
Others 4 0.6 5.7 1,523,716


The Labour Party only had 36.1% of the total votes but 56.5% of the total seats.The Conservative and all other parties put together had 63.9% of the votes but only 43.5% of the seats.

The people of Britain have not gone on to the streets demanding that the unfair system be changed.The difference between them and us, they respect and love their heritage, Malaysians are easily fooled.

If there are enough people determined to change the government, change will come, with or without Bersih instigating people to go on the streets to demand a free and fair elections.The problem is, Pakatan Rakyat could not convince enough Malaysians to vote them as the Federal government.The same thing would happen in the 13th General Elections.They will again fail to capture Putrajaya and back to the same blame game repetitiously claiming they were cheated.

Let's take the state of Kelantan. PAS has been there in power for almost 22 years, why can't the BN cheat to get Kelantan back? It was obvious, unshakeable voters, was the reason the BN could not topple PAS in Kelantan.Should we also accuse PAS of cheating?

There is no perfect system.The oppositions want the EC to introduce indelible ink to stop what they purportedly called double voting. Not sure whether such cheating have actually taken place in the past or just a figment of some one's imagination or just the opposition's smear campaign against the BN to gain political mileage.No case has been brought to court to show the legitimacy of this allegation.

Do the BN have enough machinery to carry out the arduous task of arranging voters for double voting and what percentage of voters involved in this scam? The opposition has not been able to show any evidence other than their rabble-rousing rhetoric.

Have the opposition ever considered the possibility of the indelible ink being misused or abused, forcibly applied on voters to stop them from voting? I am sure such infraction can occur if a party or candidate is desperate to win at any cost.

The video below shows the police firing of tear gas at the Bersih's rally.

What do you see, were they shooting straight at the mob or at about 30-45 degrees into the air?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Beware of Jhoos "Come Fuck Me" Social Networking Service Scam

Hantu Laut

It's not only annoying, it has become utterly dangerous that people can get access to your email contacts addresses and post invitations that purportedly came from you.

I have received invitations from friends as well as sent invitations to friends and anyone on my address book which I did not.The uninitiated would have responded and the vicious circle goes on and the crooks continue stealing email addresses from unwitting recipients.

Beware of Jhoos.It is stealing your email addresses from your computer every time you respond to invitation purportedly sent by your friend.I have ignored almost all of the invitations after realising it was a scam.

Jhoos claimed it is a social networking service bringing chat to your desktop.If it is really bona fide and doing legitimate business does it need to steal to carry on the business?

Jhoos Social Networking Service Jhoos Social Networking

There is nothing new with this kind of crap.There are umpteen numbers of this "looking for a fuck" social networking services.

Why the fuck would I need to use a social networking service to chat with people I don't know.I don't even chat with my friends unless I have something important to talk to them and usually I would use the phone, email or sms.

While the bigger scam below may not be from them it was the straw that broke the camel back when I received the email below from a blogger whom I know but I have never met.


How are you doing?hope all is well with you and family,I am sorry I didn't inform you about my traveling to Scotland for a Seminar.

I need a favor from you because I misplaced my wallet where my money,and other valuable things were kept.I hate to ask you for help but I will like you to assist me with a soft loan urgently with the sum of $1,500 US Dollars to sort-out my hotel bills and get myself back home.

I will appreciate whatever you can afford and
i'll pay you back as soon as I return, You will help me to send the money through Western union with this details below.

Name: Mohamad Zawawi
Address: 1 William Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom G3 8HT

Kindly get back to me with the transfer details as soon as the transfer is complete. and also get back to me with you account details so i can refund the money immediately I get back home

Your reply will be appreciated. Thanks


The real person's email is shown.This idiot think the whole world are made up of idiot like him.This piece of shit thinks it is easy to fool everyone all the times.

I have sent the email to the real person and still awaiting his response. I am dead sure it wasn't him who sent the email.

On checking my blogger friend's blog I found out he was no where near Scotland, he was on the other side of the world, in South Korea.Even if he is in Scotland I would still not be that stupid to send the money because he is not even my friend let alone a close friend.He is just a blogger whom I get to know over the Internet.

For all of you out there beware of people like Jhoos. Do not respond to any invitation if you smell a rat.