Showing posts with label Pornography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pornography. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'll Be Damned ! It's Spitting Image Of Him !

Hantu Laut

RM20 million question? Is that how much the video cost?

By now many people would have viewed the short footage of the sex video on You Tube.Although, there were no sex scenes You Tube had taken down the video due to its controversy and objections from certain quarters.

The person in the video is a spitting image of Anwar Ibrahim. The idiosyncrasy is almost flawless. If he is not Anwar than he must be an excellent double of him.

Depend whether you love or hate him. For those who likes Anwar and hates the government, he definitely not Anwar and those who dislikes him and supports the government than he definitely is Anwar.Of course, those in PKR and Pakatan, without any doubt, would deny it is him till the cows come home.

I am doubtful of the location.The video could have been taken outside the country, probably, in neighbouring country and the hotel room is certainly not 5 star standard which I supposed Anwar is used to.The furnishing and fluorescent light in the bathroom is a giveaway that the place is a not a posh joint. The procurer, whoever he is, must be a very good and trusted friend and seemed to have an adjoining room.

It's either an excellent fake or a story of Brutus and Caeser.

I reserve my judgement.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Child porn pilot convicted


February 08, 2008 03:01pm

A MALAYSIAN Airlines co-pilot has been convicted and fined for bringing child pornography into the country on his personal computer.

Hantu Laut

A shocking news.A Malaysian pilot caught with child pornography.

The Malaysian police should obtain a copy of the smut video to determine whether it was made in the country.The pilot concerned should be hauled up and the police should get the identity of the sender from him. A chain investigation should be carried out to determine the original source of the video.The pilot's background should also be investigated. This maybe the footprints that can lead to the unsolved abduction and murder of Nurin and the abduction of Sharliene.

If the video was made in this country than we can safely assume the disappearances and murder of those young girls had something to do with this despicable crime.

I hope the police would by now have the pilot in their custody for questioning.

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Rocky's and Tok Mommy's