Showing posts with label ugly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ugly. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Ugly American

Hantu Laut

"Peaceful expression of political opinions is a fundamental right and critical to a democracy" said a US State official.

The Malaysian envoy in Washington was summoned by the US State Department to express their protest against the Malaysian government crackdown on streets protesters and demonstrations by the oppositions.

The use of the ISA to detain dissenters without fair trail is the bone of contention with the U.S. 

As much as I am against the use of the ISA, I equally detest the U.S interference and meddling in the internal affairs of other nation.Every country has different political structure.We may be a democracy, but it's 'different strokes for different folks' and it's not 'one size fits all' as the U.S wish to think.

The American think they are the most democratic nation on the planet and are the world's policeman and can go round the globe throwing punches and hankering other governments to measure up to their standards.

A claim,  if one were to go by its history of skewed foreign policies, belligerency and wars, certainly did not measure up to respecting  human rights and human lives. The have abused their military might to settle scores with poor defenceless nations without care and consideration of collateral damage to human lives and properties.

They have promoted and protected corrupt and repressive regimes, as long as the villains play and sing their tune. 

From the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines, Sadam of Iraq and to some of the most corrupt and repressive regimes in African and Latin American countries, they have showered these villains with the best weaponry to keep themselves in power. Most were brought down by people's power and by the U.S itself when they started singing other songs. 

The U.S. has committed human right abuses in Iraq and Afghanistan, using its military might bombing and killing hundreds of thousand of innocent civilians in those countries, captured and  thrown suspected terrorists into prison in Guantanamo Bay, denied them rights to legal assistance and fair trail. 

They have helped run torture cells in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries to extract information from suspected terrorists.

Should people like this be allowed to speak up and protest against the laws of other countries when they are the biggest culprits of human right abuses of citizens of other countries. If you are not American, you are not human, in the eyes of the US administration.

If you are not with me you are against me!

When Hamas was elected to power through the democratic process, they withdrew all financial aids to the Palestinian people. If you are friends of America you can get away with murder like the Shah of Iran and his secret police known to have made many dissidents disappear without trace.
If you are friend of America, you can do what you like.

This bunch of hypocrites is now trying to help their poster boy Anwar Ibrahim overthrow a duly elected government because he is a great friend of America.

Shame on you, America!