Showing posts with label Militant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Militant. Show all posts

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Flip-Flop Security: As Sabahan I Have Right To Be Angry

Hantu Laut

As a Sabahan I have the right to get angry and question whether these people are fit to be heads of our security forces.

The flip-flopping is unbelievable and becoming a huge embarrassment to the country and posed greatest danger to Sabahans.

Can we trust them to look after our safety? 

Are they fit to run the show after seeing how uncoordinated and confounded they are. 

If they can't coordinate their intelligence ground work, how are they going to coordinate fighting the enemies on the ground when they don't know where they are. 

Two days ago, the Sabah Commissioner of Police said here that Agbimmudin Kiram, the leader of the band of terrorists is still in Sabah.

Yesterday, the Chief of Armed Forces and the IGP made a joint statement here that Agbimmudin has fled Sabah, leaving his men behind.

Today, again the Sabah police chief stressed his so-called evidence here that the leader of the band of Suluk bandits is still in Sabah.

I think he is dead!, or just consider him dead. What difference does it make whether he fled, dead, or alive. He has no more communication with the Chief Extortionist, The Royal Highness Sultan of Sulu, so, very likely, he is dead.

Shouldn't we Sabahans be angry with this kind of ineptitude?

Read here what former OCPD of Lahad Datu said of the attitude of his superiors in KL when it comes to Sabah security, an unforgivable malfeasance act by irresponsible heads.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Najib Tell The IGP To Equip Our Policemen With Maximum Protection

Hantu Laut

Look at the picture! It is most unacceptable way of mounting a road block in what can be a war zone in the event of a surprise attack. 

Those policemen are completely exposed to the enemies who can spring a surprise attack from a vehicle or from the cover of the palm trees. There is no way they can see whether people in the vehicle armed or not until it's too late, or spot the enemies under jungle camouflage. 

There are too many wrongs in what I see in the picture. No protective gear such as bulletproof vest, no protective sand bags bunker and wrong location making the policemen vulnerable and easy target to the enemies.

This is not a walk in the park, or a roadblock to check vehicle's road taxes, or checking for poor illegal immigrants. 

This is war!

War means choosing the right strategy and tactic. Worst still, if you are dealing with guerrillas, which makes you even more vulnerable.

What is happening to the IGP, the Generals of the army, or those in commanding positions, are they not aware of the needs to give maximum protection to their men? 

Don't tell me they don't know, or they are just complacent and think a gun in the hand is a protection.  

First, there should be sand-bag bunkers placed on both sides of the road at least 40-50 meter behind where the policeman is standing and each one manned by at least one policeman with high-powered automatic weapon. In the event of a surprise attack there are backups to counter the enemies. Sand-bag bunkers can be moved from place to place should the location of the road-block be moved to other location.

It is also imperative that the policeman out in the open donned bulletproof vests and helmet to protect himself from fatal shots.He has better chance of survival in the event of a shootout. Never underestimate in which direction your enemy can came from. They can come from any direction.

Another big mistake was the location. The location can give better protection to the enemies than the policemen who can become easy target of snipers or surprise attack. The location is hemmed by forested oil palm plantation on both sides of the road which can give the enemies stealth, cover and protection.

I take this "tidak apa" attitude, part complacency and part laziness, which should not be the case. The IGP must warn the commanding officers to shape up, or ship out. 

It's needless to say that in a situation like what we are in right now someone have to die, but why must our policemen or soldiers die in vain due to negligence of their superiors.

Here, the IGP says high morale among policemen in Sabah. 

The 8 policemen died in vain due to ruse and surprises sprung by the enemies.

Why take chances!