Showing posts with label American. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

American Idiocy

Last night was the Motion Picture Academy-sponsored dinner in Beverly Hills honoring the directors and producers of this year's five nominated films for Best Documentary. The dinner was an occasional tradition my wife and I started six years ago when we took our fellow nominees (we were nominated for Sicko) out for a meal to get to know each other. The Academy liked the idea, so this year it is holding dinners during Oscar Week for each of the separate branches' Oscar nominees.

Thus, last night, as an elected Governor of the Documentary Branch, I and my fellow Governors – Michael Apted and Rob Epstein – were co-hosting the nominee dinner for the documentary filmmakers. But one of the nominated directors was not there – Emad Burnat, the co-director of the Oscar-nominated 5 Broken Cameras. This exceptional, award-winning movie about how Emad's village in the West Bank used non-violence to oppose the Israeli's government's decision to build a wall straight through their farms and village – only to see (and capture on camera) Israeli soldiers shooting unarmed Palestinian civilians – had become the first Palestinian documentary ever to be nominated by the Academy.

While we awaited Emad's arrival from the airport – he and his family had already spent nearly six hours at an Israeli checkpoint as he was attempting to drive to Amman to catch their plane – I received an urgent text from Emad, written to me from a holding pen at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

Here is what it said, in somewhat broken English:
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Friday, September 14, 2012

New Twist To Sam Imbecile's Cheap Flick

Hantu Laut

The actors in the controversial film on Islam and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) have distanced themselves from the deplorable film saying they were duped and the dialogue was  dubbed.

So, Muslims before you draw your swords and declare jihad on these people, they may be completely innocence and the real culprit, a former criminal and inmate, has gone into hiding.

The US government should slap a manslaugher charge against him for the death of the US Libyan Ambassador and 3 other American.

'Innocence of Muslims' producer's identity in question; actors say they were duped, overdubbed

The man who identified himself as the filmmaker behind the anti-Islam film “The Innocence of Muslims” may have used a pseudonym and spent time in federal prison. Meanwhile several actors in the movie say they were duped, and are now distancing themselves from the film that was cited as a spark to the violence in Libya that resulted in the murder of the United States’ ambassador to that country.

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 Violence spread across Middle East

Anti-American protests have erupted in the Middle East, resulting in violent embassy protests around the Middle East and heightened security at U.S. facilities abroad.
U.S. officials are bracing for possible protests across the Muslim world over an anti-Islam film blamed on the attack in Libya that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.