Showing posts with label Hudud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hudud. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dont Be The Cow That Plough The Bog

Hantu Laut

This country moving towards becoming a truly Islamic state is looking brighter than ever if Pakatan win the Federal government in the 13th GE (General Elections).

That's why PAS is adamant with their plan to implement hudud, they know it's a matter of time before they get what they want. On the other hand DAP ......was it miscalculation or deception? 

DAP thirst for power have made their leaders hammy actors lying to their community with complete disregard of the community cultural and religious practices.

DAP has assured the non-Muslims, particularly the Chinese, that hudud can never be implemented in this county without their blessing and those of the other non-Muslim MPs. 

This, looking at the probables, is wishful thinking.

Can Muslims garner two-thirds in Parliament?

I believe they can.

They now have, if my guesstimate is not wrong, between 136 - 140 Muslim MPs. The magic number, the DAP perceived elusive target of 148........ the trigger off point needed to amend the Constitution is only short by a hair's breadth.  The number would increase if DAP fields Muslim candidates in the 13th GE, which they have promised to do without realising the repercussions of its deception.

They can get the numbers and hudud can become a reality in Malaysia and it will not be PAS that will call the shot. It will come from UMNO MPs  throwing their supports behind PAS to spite the non-Muslims. They have more to gain by supporting hudud than opposing it. The extra numbers will come from DAP itself, by way of Muslim candidates fielded by them.

There is a Malay saying "alang-alang mandi biar basah" which will make UMNO MPs throw their support for hudud to teach  Pakatan supporters a lesson they will soon learn not appropriate in a pluralistic society.

Buying and selling of politicians in this country is no F-Word, as can be seen by recent events. 

Anwar Ibrahim, the purveyor of good moral values with his constant histrionic outbursts against corruptions, has inducted many ex-UMNO politicians into the "Pariah's Hall of Fame". See who are the people he collects to join him in his crusade against corruptions ? 

As abominating as it can be, there will always be the opportunistic ones who are prepared to sell their souls to the devil.

It will not be too difficult to get a few non-Muslim ass-kissers to join in the fray for hudud.

Do you want to be cowed into believing that hudud is not possible or you want to be the cow that refused to plough the bog?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hudud: Stay With The Devil You Know !

Hantu Laut  

There is a pretty widespread belief that this country is in a mess and is an epitome of corruption, incompetence and a skewed political system favouring the Malays.

If you are Pakatan Rakyat supporters that would be your central thesis of the current government, true or false, it does not matter, you mind are made up that it's time for change.

The irony is Pakatan leaders pick and choose which part of the Constitution they cast their net on and demand its as their absolute rights and condemned those they can use to demonise the government as though the Constitution was written by the sitting government. 

If you respect the Constitution and demand your rights prescribed therein than you must respect every parts of it.

While they demand their rights under Article 10 for freedom to assemble they demeaned and demanded removal of Article 153 that prescribed certain rights/privileges for Malays/bumiputras.

We are a democracy,  you can vote whoever you want to, to govern this country, but it comes with responsibility that the government you chose can govern the country fairly and impartially for all races and religions. 

Malaysia is a multiracial and multi-religious country and our Constitution is clear that religion has no part in the administration of the state.

Islam is the official religion of this country and should be respected and should not be challenged as set out in our Constitution. However, Islam should not be used to curtail personal liberties in a multiracial and multi-religious society. 

Pakatan Rakyat, a coalition of strange bedfellows, is in a "STATE OF CONFUSION." There is PAS on one side wanting to implement "hudud" and DAP on the other side demanding secularism and PKR caught in the middle not making any strong commitment whose side they are on. 

Can these bunch of strange bedfellows be trusted to govern the country or would they be bogged down with infighting at the expense of the people and nation? 

DAP and PAS have nothing in common other than one wanting to push the formation of an Islamic regime and DAP pushing for  greater Chinese involvement in governing the country. The other coalition partner, PKR is only interested in making their hairy at the heel de facto leader the prime minister.

Some non-Muslims are beginning to realise that PAS leaders are determined to push their agenda of implementing hudud should Pakatan capture Putrajaya, but majority of non-Muslims still do not understand that hudud, if implemented, would encroach into the areas of non-Muslim personal liberties.They have been brainwashed into believing that hudud would only be executed against Muslims.

If PAS emerged as strong as UMNO had been after conclusion of the next general elections, Islamic jurisprudence would become a reality for all Malaysians. The Malay MPs in PKR, DAP and other parties,  being Muslims and to save the embarrassment of being ostracised, would have no choice, but to join PAS and support its agenda.

The Constitution is least of PAS worries.They can use the powers of local and city councils as stepping stone to attain their Islamic objectives. 

For a start they can use local and city councils under their control to implement their first version of Islamic jurisprudence.

They can stop issuing liquor licences to pubs, nightclubs, restaurants, hotels, close down entertainment outlets that goes against Islamic values, stop all foreign artists from performing in Malaysia, segregate the sexes in cinemas, restaurants, supermarkets and all other public arenas. 

Unless you are married or members of the same family, you are prohibited from sharing the same seats or tables in any public places.

They need not go to parliament to remove these encumbrances to Islamic values.

Most, are already a reality in Kelantan and would be a reality in other states in Malaysia should PAS become the new ketuanan Melayu.

It is common knowledge that PAS youth have been very vocal against what they viewed as vices against Islamic values and have made many attempts to stop what enshrined in the Constitution as personal rights and liberties.

The non-Muslims are made to think that hudud is just about chopping hands and as grotesque as the thinking can be and a dire misconception that only Muslims hands would be chopped off.

Hudud extend to much more than just theft, it covers fornification and adultery, alcoholic intoxication and apostasy. Most, if not all, carry no less than capital punishment.

Say, if a Muslim woman fornicate with a Christian man, under hudud both should be stoned to death. 

Would you infidels, in your right mind, see that only the Muslim woman would be stoned to death and the Christian man gets off scot free and become a serial Muslim woman fucker knowing the state will help him to get rid off the woman he had good time with?

Think again !

The bigger "HUDUD" would come later when their claws are deeply entrenched in Parliament.

Can DAP stop them as claimed? 

Karpal Singh, who is deadly opposed against hudud has uttered that PAS can only do so over his dead body. Will Karpal declare 'jihad' against PAS if they tried to push through hudud in Parliament?  Why should PAS care over the death of one infidel.

DAP can only muster, at most, 60 MP seats. The total non-Muslim MPs, between DAP and other parties would not be enough to mount a challenge against all Muslim MPs, including those from Sabah and Sarawak and the few poor UMNO MPs left in the lurch, who would joyfully join PAS to make Malaysia a truly Islamic nation.

PAS would never be able to implement hudud because DAP can stop them from doing so??

Do not underestimate PAS, they have fire in the belly and would try hard to push through their principles. 

So! You thing it is not possible that hudud can become a reality?

Dream on, you infidels!

Am I trying to scare you?

No, as a Muslim I may have to accept "hudud" if implemented, but it's you non-Muslim that are going to lose your personal liberties...... your screwing, your drinking, your nighclubbing and your gambling all would be stories of the past.

Here's a wake up call from a youth group not to vote for Pakatan.


Stay with the devil you know.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Vote For Pakatan Is A Vote For Hudud

Hantu Laut

As I have said before a leopard would never change its spots. PAS would never change its mission to pass hudud law in this country.

The latest edict from PAS Ulama Council chief Harun Taib is rather disturbing.He says PAS is prepared to change partners to fulfill that mission. The roar of the PAS leopard here.

Where is the "Lion Of Jelutong"? Over my dead body.

DAP, PKR beware! Don't say I never warn you. The only partner PAS can align itself with is UMNO who would be more than willing to join forces with PAS to teach you guys a lesson.

Which successful Islamic model is PAS going to follow? 

There is none that I can think of other than Malaysia itself in its present semi-secular form. A moderate shariah law for Muslims and secular law for all.

PAS says hudud would only be applicable to the Muslims. Would you believe these bunch of jokers who have been contradicting themselves on the issue for as long as I can remember. They can't even reach a consensus among the leaders, each have their own version. 

Religion, any religion for that matter is not conducive with the running of a nation.

Christendom used it before Islam,  realised how damaging it has been to the people and nation. Today all developed Western nations are secular.

So, you infidels, think again, are you prepared to take this country back to the backwaters.

A vote for Pakatan is a vote for hudud.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giving Islam A Bad Name

Hantu Laut

The Muslims can't even get their act together let alone expand an Islamic empire.Muslims killing each other in the name of their religion.Suicide bombing killing innocent civilians are some of the most gruesome act of terror perpetuated by Muslims against their own kind.

What's happening in the Arab countries, in Afghanistan and in Pakistan are depictions of Muslims showing disrespect to their own religion and desecrating the sanctity of Islam.This morbid fascination of going to the Garden of Eternity filled with vestal virgins have brought great embarrassment to the religion.

The Koran prescribed reward for martyrdom, but in no uncertain term, proscribed suicide in whatever form.Killing innocent men,women and children by strapping bomb to your body and blowing yourself up and those around you is not by any stretch of one's imagination considered martyrdom.You have to be really stupid to believe in such deviant teaching.

Islam does not encourage the propagation of violence and militancy, no mention of honour killing in its scriptures and so were most of sharia laws, some from the Koran but majority were taken from the hadiths formulated over hundreds of years after the death of Prophet Mohammad in A.D.632.The sharia was assembled over many centuries by Mohammad's followers and Islamic dynasties.The Koran sets out basic standards of human conduct, but does not provide a detailed law code.

This bunch of shitheads who come to other people's country and want to impose their religious law on others should be locked up before they start spreading their madness to gullible and uninitiated Muslims.They are danger to society, not only in Britain, but to the rest of the world.They should go back to where their forefathers came from.

Malaysia have just arrested using the ISA 18 Islamic militants in Tawau, Sabah, who were caught with arms and explosives, to be used God's knows where, to kill civilians.Yet, human rights groups like Sukaham and political party PAS/PKR admonished the government for doing so.I am sure if there were terrorist bombing in this country they would also blame the government.

Watch this most cruel and brutal punishment and public execution carried out in Iran.

Do you want this in Malaysia?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hudud For Dummies

Hantu Laut

Blessings can come in any form of surprises.A year ago I have written off MCA, Gerakan and MIC, that they have become irrelevant and would be trashed by DAP at the polls and I still hold that view until Lady Luck came knocking on the door.Recent development has changed the political climate.

Just two days ago DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang posted an article written by one Thomas Lee exacerbating the end of MCA and Gerakan.Likewise, for the past one year I have written a number of articles predicting the same of MCA and Gerakan. Indeed, just three weeks ago that would have still been the case if not for hudud.

Here, another writer, also courtesy of Kit Siang's blog who got all riled up with the Star's report on hudud and said he made a colossal mistake of reading the MCA-owned ragsheet ?? ( not in dictionary yet, probably Manglish)

Sometimes, things can happen when you least expected it.Call it karma or blessing in disguise if you wish, but whatever it is MCA fortunes may be on the rise again after Anwar's big blunder of supporting hudud law and PAS determination to implement hudud not only in Kelantan but for the whole nation if they get Putrajaya.

Nik Aziz and Hadi Awang have, in no uncertain terms, declared they are determined to pursue their religious pass hudud to make Malaysia a truly Islamic nation.

Surprisingly, some non-Muslims writers show support for hudud either out of ignorance, political pursuance or pathetic lies.Ask a Chinese in private and would hear a completely different story. The version exuded by Pakatan's propaganda machine is dissimilar to the ones coming from the hearts.

I have in the past asserted that PAS is a leopard that will not change its spots no matter what its other partners say.Many Malaysians have been misled to believe otherwise, particularly, by DAP, who desperately wanted to be part of the Federal government to push forward its own agenda.

To PAS and PKR leaders, hudud has become the "buzz" word, a war cry to attract right-wing Muslims, comprising a very significant segment of the Malay population in rural and semi-urban areas.With the promise of implementing hudud they hope to break UMNO's stranglehold on rural Malays outside Kelantan.

As I have anticipated the so called liberal road or the rise of the Erdogen faction in the party was a lure set up by DAP to pacify and subdue the Chinese voters.PAS has no intention of giving in to DAP. The real PAS is beginning to show its true colour and DAP is whimpering as what to do next.

Malaysia already have the mild form of shariah which deals mainly with family law and minor offences but have excluded the harsher form of punishments.

Hudud is one of the four categories of punishment under Islamic Penal Law.The rest are shown below:

Qisas: retaliation which literally means an eye for an eye.

Tazir: corporal punishment usually dispense by a judge.

Diyya: compensation paid to heirs of victim, usually blood money paid in a murder case or personal injury.

Hudud deals with fixed punishments for serious crimes such as murder,theft,robbery,adultery/fornication, drinking alcohol and apostasy (not all imams or jurists consider apostasy as hudud offense).Malaysia do not at the moment consider apostasy as hudud offense but once implemented apostates may have to face the letter of the law.

Punishments for hudud ranges from decapitation for murder, to chopping of hands for theft and stoning to death for adultery.

Every Malaysian including yours truly here believe that Malaysia would never be able to apply hudud law due to composition of our population and representations in parliament.On the surface, it is true, but in reality it is not.

What you see at the present moment is the superficiality of the BN power sharing formula giving comfort to the other races.It may not happen now but it certainly can in the near future.With many marginal seats that can swing to the Malays with a bit of gerrymandering, the home truth will strike home sooner than you would have realised.

Do not underestimate that the Malays can't rule on its own, even at the moment, they can if they wish to with a simple majority, but it would be foolhardy as the time is not ripe yet to do so, but if pushed to the ground they may have no choice but to exercise that option, which will be a sad day for Malaysia.

I am not in favour of one communal party rule but I'll not rule out the danger of it happening and, of course the less initiated, the Malay intelligentsia, the smart aleck and the not too smart aleck would have a field day calling me by all sort of names..........anyway, I am not perturbed, it's just my opinion, which I am entitled to, wrong or otherwise.

The political stability, economic stability and pluralism that have made us one of the economic tigers before is an evanescent bubble and becoming more and more elusive due to political instability. With the threatening implementation of hudud looming on the horizon we may see further erosion in these areas.

Some Muslim friends I talked to were under the impression that we can be like Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, where, in spite of hudud law the economy prosper.That is spiteful ignorance and wishful thinking.We can never be like the Saudis who can sit on their arses for next hundred years and need not work hard a single day yet the money will come pouring into the state coffers because they have the biggest oil deposit on the face of this earth.Foreign investors do not go to Saudi Arabia to invest, they go there to sell all kind of colossal projects to steal the Saudis money. They don't need foreign tourists too, they have 2 to 3 million tourists every year ordained by Allah.

Without Allah's gifts Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States would be the poorest countries on earth.Whether accidental or by divine intervention most oil deposits with cheapest extraction costs are located in mostly Muslims countries yet many of them are still disgracefully backward, poor and ruled by tyrannical leaders.

Let us take Libya as one example which is oil rich but the people are still poor.It has per capita income of around $14,000 (PPP), the same as Malaysia.

Below are figures in comparison with Malaysia.

Country Pop(mil).......GDP (bil)... Per Capita ......Oil Production/Export

Malaysia .....28 ..........$414.............$14,700 ............664,800 bbl/day

Libya ........6.5 ...............90 ................14,000 .........1,779,000 bbl/day

You can see the huge discrepancies and senseless figures coming out of Libya. It has small population, huge oil export and a GDP almost 4 times smaller than Malaysia.Muammar Gaddafi has completely screwed up the country, stifled freedom,suppressed the people, siphoned oil money and made no effort at all to introduce other economic activities, solely dependent on oil revenues.When the oil fields run dry the Libyan people may have to eat sands.

We should not be looking at the Arab countries or for that matter not even Western democracies as examples, we should be looking at countries like Japan,South Korea,Taiwan and Singapore that have progressed so far ahead, they must have the right formula for success.China, a much bigger country was not ashamed to admit they followed Singapore economic policy in the early days when it first opened its doors to the outside world.

Hudud is not suitable for Malaysia, not just yet and don't forget politicians seldom keep their promises.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

HUDUD:To Be Or Not To Be ?

Hantu Laut

No laws are perfect including secular laws but there are vast differences between humanistic and God's law.While God's laws are purportedly to be perfect and set in stone, secular laws are always evolving.

The world has progressed under humanistic laws and would continue to do so as long as humans care about their future and preservation of the human race.

Much as I hate to say, religious laws are archaic, retrogressive and not suitable in this modern world.

I was compounded in astonishment and shocking disbelief when I read Anwar Ibrahim's statement supporting hudud law to be implemented in Kelantan, short of him saying, on condition they would make him prime minister should Pakatan win the 13th General Elections.

There is now a general consensus among the general population, except in PKR's camp, that Anwar would not be prime minister even if Pakatan takes the Federal government in the coming elections.PKR is expected to be the worst performer among the 3 partners.The party with the most seats would choose one of theirs to be prime minister with appointment of two deputies, one Malay and one Chinese.Would Anwar settles for a deputy?

The support for hudud is to boost his supports from right-wing Muslims without which he would see his dream of helming the nation vapourising into thin air.

This is a man who portrayed himself as the "Asian Renaissance Man". Like the chameleon he has the versatility of changing colours.His supporters in the West, particularly, the obnoxious and arrogant John Malott , are probably having sleepless nights trying to decipher his most unexpected statement which sounds as unpleasant and displeasing as when he went on his anti-Semitic overdrive trying to disparage the Najib's government of being Jew-lover for engaging APCO, a purportedly Jewish controlled consulting firm, hoping that the anti-Semitic diatribes would bring him a resurgence of right-wing Muslim supports.

What is a "renaissance man"?

In a nutshell, it is the intellectual transformation of an individual.

Those who went to school during the colonial days would have studied European history and learned about the "European Renaissance", the intellectual transformation of European societies that started in Italy and spread to other parts of Europe between the 14th and 17th century and with it the rise of humanism and secularism.Christendom was still a violent religion then carrying out inquisition of heretics, using torture and death, and anti-Jewish pogroms.During this period the Catholic Church was at the peak of its influence, exerting its power to create a religiously uniform community.Although, most rulers were secular the church virtually controlled state's politics.The period also saw the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the renaissance and Protestant movement, the breakaways from Catholicism.

The West have learned that religion in whatever form have not been and will never be compatible partner in the running of a nation, that church and state are like oil and water, they are not miscible, one would have to subjugate the other and the church has, for hundreds of years, ruled most European states.

The Western nations have grown wiser and separated the two. There are no more theological influence in Western democracies.There may be religious humanists in government but they do not bring elements of religion into the administration.

What is Anwar trying to do? Is he leading the nation in the right direction? He is trying to turn the clock back? More shocking is his affirmation that hudud would be fair and would not be applicable to non Muslims.How exactly is he going to implement two different sets of law for a nation that is multiracial, multi religious and have existed under secular laws for yonks.

We are not Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan or Pakistan where the populations are homogenenously Muslims.One law for all.In most cases they are not even Islamic law but law of the jungle, tribal law under the guise of Islamic law.Honour killings of wayward daughters for saving of one's family honour and rapes of women as form of revenge are rampant in these God's forsaken countries.The ignorant person would think those are Islamic practices when they are not.

In a hudud system, say in Malaysia, what would happen if a Muslim girl fornicated with a non-Muslim man? Would the justice system stone her to death and let the man go free or get away with only a small fine?

Since Anwar has affirmed that non-Muslims would not be affected, he and Nik Aziz, the two strong proponents of hudud should give their views on this issue.

Take Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia as examples. These are predominantly Muslim countries that have become despicable "failed states" and the most dangerous places on earth to be in at the moment.

Just a few weeks ago a Malaysian journalist was shot death in Somalia.The country has a stooge central government that is hardly functioning.The country is run by criminals, warlords and high seas pirates, who, probably, have collected more money out of hijacking and kidnapping than the government collecting revenues for administration of the states. These criminals and warlords have their own mini governments dispensing their own form of sharia .The country had become a beggar's state surviving on foreign aids.

I can understand if an ignorant non-Muslim writer here blindly trying to justify PAS brand of hudud, because he knew no better, but coming from people like Anwar "The Renaissance Man" is undoubtedly for his own political expediency and a political trap he set for Najib, which, unfortunately, was taken hook, line and sinker by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin before Najib could respond.

For whatever reasons, Muhyiddin was quick to the draw when it was Najib that Anwar asked to make a stand on the issue, is a mystery. Najib has responded that there would not be hudud law in Malaysia, certainly not under his leadership.East Malaysians showed a sign of relief when Najib said there would never be hudud in Malaysia.Sabah and Sarawak have very significant Christian population.

Can you trust governments in underdeveloped and developing countries that say democracy and human rights exist in their countries but behave otherwise, blatantly running autocratic or totalitarian regimes with total disregard for human rights.

The Arab nations are the worst offenders when it comes to protection of basic human rights.The countries are run by maniacal despots and tyrants who have no considerations whatsoever for human rights and human dignity.The only interest they have are to fill up the family coffers as much as possible by robbing the state treasuries.Some used Islam to control the people. Making comment against the government could end you up in prison and in worse case scenario, imprisonment and torture, and if you are unlucky, death.

For decades the Arab people prayed and looked forward to wake up in the morning for deliverance from the evil regimes and the dawn of a new era of true democracy and freedom, they never came, every succeeding government produced even bigger monster, until the day the straw that broke the camel's back arrived and the people snapped that led to conflagration of uprisings sweeping the Arab nations that is now popularly known as the "Arab Spring". The region was known as the land of jahiliyyh in pre-Islamic era, unfortunately, it still is.

I will not elaborate further on the Arab Spring as it is still ongoing in Libya and Yemen and is common knowledge everywhere but would like to highlight the hypocritical nature of Arab nations.

When the UN laid down its Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) for its members, some of the OIC (Organisation Of Islamic Countries) members accepted and signed the declaration but some rejected the UDHR saying it has not taken into account the cultural and religious context of non-Western nations and a serious divergence from Islamic Sharia. They can only accept a declaration that used Sharia as its sole source.

On 5 August 1990, 45 OIC members met in Cairo and presented, as an alternative to UDHR, a guidance to human rights named the "Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam"(CDHRI) based on the shariah which was accepted and adopted by all the 45 countries including those that have signed the UDHR. You can read the full text of the declaration here and form your own opinion whether any of the Arab countries complied with what they have jointly declared.

Though, I don't support them politically I have high regards for people like Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh who have stayed unwavering in their beliefs and stood by their principles on issues close to their hearts.They don't have the versatility of a chameleon that can blend with the colours of its surrounding to protect itself for predators.

We are only about 60 % Muslims and huge minority of non-Muslims, which, incidentally, is the bigger economic engine of this country.The big businesses may even move their capitals outside the country, foreign investors and foreign tourists may also give us a miss in the event Malaysia, which I hope not, join the league of Islamic nations that went down the chute because of politicians greed for power.It is also against the Federal constitution to implement any other law other than the existing ones allowed under the constitution, unless Pakatan Rakyat can get two-thirds majority in Parliament to change the constitution which is most unlikely.

Did Karpal Singh not say "over my dead body" if PAS tried to implement hudud in this country?

One thing I know for sure Anwar had done a great favour to BN........after his great revelation Pakatan will never get Sabah and Sarawak.

The hudud issue will sit on the back burner for a while but it will keep coming back till PAS get the clout to implement it...........which will forever be a pipe dream.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hudud: Najib Should Not Fall Into The Trap

Hantu Laut

Wow! Anwar Ibrahim must be at the end of his tether. Supporting hudud law in Kelantan. Story here.

DAP leaders must be pissing in their pants now that PAS is getting support from PKR to implement hudud, first in Kelantan and than nationwide when they take Putrajaya.

It's a strong message to DAP which has become arrogant lately as more and more people predict that they would get most of the Chinese seats in the 13th GE (General Elections)and would become very dominant partner in the coalition.

PAS have indicated in the past their desire to pass hudud for the whole nation, it certainly would not stop at Kelantan if they get bigger mandate than DAP and PKR, which they might if UMNO lose majority Malay supports.It is looking more and more unlikely now that Anwar is rocking the DAP secular boat.

Anwar has challenged Najib to state his stand on the matter.

Obviously, it is a trap and Najib should stay focus and not fall into the trap..

Najib should tell Anwar to fly kite and stand by the Federal constitution.The status quo stay as long as BN is running the country.