Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giving Islam A Bad Name

Hantu Laut

The Muslims can't even get their act together let alone expand an Islamic empire.Muslims killing each other in the name of their religion.Suicide bombing killing innocent civilians are some of the most gruesome act of terror perpetuated by Muslims against their own kind.

What's happening in the Arab countries, in Afghanistan and in Pakistan are depictions of Muslims showing disrespect to their own religion and desecrating the sanctity of Islam.This morbid fascination of going to the Garden of Eternity filled with vestal virgins have brought great embarrassment to the religion.

The Koran prescribed reward for martyrdom, but in no uncertain term, proscribed suicide in whatever form.Killing innocent men,women and children by strapping bomb to your body and blowing yourself up and those around you is not by any stretch of one's imagination considered martyrdom.You have to be really stupid to believe in such deviant teaching.

Islam does not encourage the propagation of violence and militancy, no mention of honour killing in its scriptures and so were most of sharia laws, some from the Koran but majority were taken from the hadiths formulated over hundreds of years after the death of Prophet Mohammad in A.D.632.The sharia was assembled over many centuries by Mohammad's followers and Islamic dynasties.The Koran sets out basic standards of human conduct, but does not provide a detailed law code.

This bunch of shitheads who come to other people's country and want to impose their religious law on others should be locked up before they start spreading their madness to gullible and uninitiated Muslims.They are danger to society, not only in Britain, but to the rest of the world.They should go back to where their forefathers came from.

Malaysia have just arrested using the ISA 18 Islamic militants in Tawau, Sabah, who were caught with arms and explosives, to be used God's knows where, to kill civilians.Yet, human rights groups like Sukaham and political party PAS/PKR admonished the government for doing so.I am sure if there were terrorist bombing in this country they would also blame the government.

Watch this most cruel and brutal punishment and public execution carried out in Iran.

Do you want this in Malaysia?

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