Showing posts with label Bak Kut Teh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bak Kut Teh. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Alvivi: Has The AG Gone Overboard ?

Hantu Laut

I disagree with this

I think the AG (Attorney-General) has gone overboard. Looking at the picture and the message I really don't see the justification for such severe punishment. Though, in my earlier posting I said they should face the music, I would have thought a fine would suffice.

Young people, sometimes, make mistake out of foolishness and we must draw a balance between an actual crime or a joke that has gone sour because it touched raw nerves, the sensitivity of some people. A prank that had blown unto itself.

I guess Alvin and Vivian thought they were being clever when they posted the photo and caption that draw the ire of Muslims in the country. 

Maybe, not all Muslims, some may have taken it lightheartedly and consider it a joke.

I suppose, different strokes for different folks.

Well, if we Muslims can accept beef bacon and turkey ham, how come halal bak kut teh can spook us? 

Almost all major hotels in the country serve halal bacon and ham.

We have halal bak kut teh in Sabah. 

It just a name, like beef bacon and turkey ham.

I still think the couple should not get away with what they did, but does the crime justify the punishment?

Even rape, a heinous crime is bailable.

Related topic: One can’t insult Islam, it’s simply not possible