Showing posts with label Penang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Penang. Show all posts

Friday, February 15, 2013

Never Say Die Najib Stood Well In The Face Of Adversity

Hantu Laut

Not so smart to utter such word in opposition stronghold. 

Najib should have put his ears to the ground, used his own judgement before extrapolating his war cry. He would surely know he is in hostile territory. 

Probably, done on purpose. The man is not all that stupid, he may have a reason to do what many won't do.

Najib was unfazed. I must say he stood well in the face of adversity, carry on asking the crowd three times, in spite of the negative response. 

The attributes of a true statesman, unlike the de facto opposition leader who took exception and lost his temper when asked by a reporter question he did not like. 

Surely, as expected, the oppositions will play up his foundered calls. Below is a pejorative video produced by the oppositions, embellished, to embarrass him.

Below is balance and fair reporting by Singapore Mediacorp:

Without any doubt, employing their usual dirty tactic, those who shouted "NO" were planted by the oppositions.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

His Highness Lim Guan Eng !

Hantu Laut

Curtsy, is the female equivalent of male bowing in Western culture. It is also "traditional gesture of an inferior to a superior", what a good servant would accord her master or mistress due respect.

The practice has become less common now, only left for the preserve of showing respect to royalty and by people in show business........ musicians, actors, comedians and the ilk, usually at the end of a performance to show gratitude and respect to the audience.

Lim Guan Eng, the Dear Leader of the soon to be Dominion Republic of Penang was given due reverence and respect, usually accorded to kings and emperors, by a lady who bobbed a curtsy when she met him at a function in Penang.

Anyway, curtsy is not an Asian culture. The right thing for the lady to do if she wanted to show reverence to Guan Eng, is for her to emulate the old Chinese culture of "kou tou"or  to bow the head low as to touch the ground.

If you curtsy, you don't shake hands. A very confused lass.

Picture speak a thousand words.

His deputy Mansor Othman wasn't wrong when he called Guan Eng a "tokong". The Penang Chinese as in the case of the young girl revered him with deep respect.  

Is Guan Eng a cult in the making?

Phnom Penh

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Penang,Sabah And Sarawak Will Become One Republic

Hantu Laut

Pandering to the opposition's crock of shit. 

Read, what grostesque article a "too smart for his own good" wrote.

"It must also be stated that secession has always been on the minds of the people of Sabah and Sarawak ever since day one when they joined the Federation of Malaya and Singapore on September 16, 1963 or what is known more popularly now as Malaysia Day".

Where this guy coming from? Who appoint him to speak for Sabah and Sarawak? If he is a Sabahan, he is a bloody disgrace, if he is not, than he should not speak for Sabah. 

Other than that crazy Jeffery Kitingan and those of his ilk, no other Sabahan ever contemplated secession. It's a fait accompli, too late to undo, unless, people like the writer would like to start a bloody rebellion.

"There is strong speculation, based on current and future political indications, that the three Malaysian states of Sabah, Sarawak and Penang may opt to go their own way similar to how Singapore pulled out of Malaysia in 1965".

I can't believe I am actually reading this piece of crap but than what can one expect from a crappy website that accept any kind of garbage just to fill up its webpages. 

In the West where people are more educated this writer would be considered a nut case and ridiculed but in Malaysia the uniniatiated and the pseudo-intellectuals have the hapless tendency to believe everything they read. 

The writer was short of recommending Penang, Sabah and Sarawak to becoming one republic with Lim Guan Eng as the first president.

Mahathir was right.Malaysians can't handle too much freedom.As  the Malay saying "Dikasi betis mahu paha" the new found freedom have made Malaysians lose their self-restraint.

What's the use of democracy if your country is forever in turmoil.

Malaysia is now embroiled in political turmoil never seen before that can lead to nasty outcome.

I would rather have leaders like Lee Kuan Yew and Mahathir Mohammad, though autocratic, do things for the greater good.

Read more here.

Friday, June 8, 2012

My Pick Of The Week - Stop The Lies

Lim Guan Eng, The CM Who Can’t Take Criticism

by Stop The Lies

Lim Guan Eng is losing the plot. Everytime something goes wrong for his government in Penang, he blames Umno or the previous government.
If that does not work, then he resorts to this: The BN government also do the same what. Why don’t you blame them? Why you only blame me? Not fair! Media lynching!
Well, @cmlimguaneng, we expect more from you because you and your party are so good at criticising others for corruption, incompetence, environmental mistakes, lack of transparency etc.
Now that you are in charge and with overwhelming powers to do the right thing, you instead do what the BN used to do – allow the developers to do as they like. Grab state land and rape the hills.
He blames the papers for playing up the hill projects but the media is merely reporting the complaints of Penang residents who have protested against landslides near their homes because of hill projects.
He claimed his government had not approved any hill projects but the landslide caused by the hill project was found to have been approved by his government. He lies as well as his opponents in the BN. Read more

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Penang:A Gem Or A White Man's Bluff?

Hantu Laut

Yes! I was there few months ago.

Penang is different from the rest of the Peninsula, it has its own characters and charms, a laid back and quaint place, more a resort type destination rather than an industrial city with a burgeoning economy.Very Chinese, a piece of chinoiserie of some kind, keeping much of its old traditions.

Its hawker's foods are lusciously tasty and cheap.It retained more of its colonial past while the rest of the Peninsula tried very hard to erase it and had succeeded in doing so.

More like my home state Sabah, unpretentious, rustic, friendly, hospitable and no hang-ups.

It was once called the "Pearl of the Orient" before other more enchanting destinations like Bali, Phuket and many others in the region, discovered and developed more rapidly that had put it back in the backwater.

The streets are much cleaner than before but the waterfront facing the Esplanade is still littered with rubbish of all kinds.....discarded plastic bottles,plastic bags and animal carcasses are eyesores disfiguring the waterfront.

Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad while still the PM then, disgusted with its dirtiness, called it the "Rubbish of the Orient". The man who once ran this tiny island with negligence is still in the Federal cabinet. I need not mention his name.

The current state government is doing an excellent job trying to revive Penang's past glory to lure back the tourists and had embarked on excellent tourism promotion (paid for or otherwise).Read this New York Times article on Penang.

White men loves this kind of place.

My stay at the Hard Rock Hotel was pleasant and there were more domestic tourists than foreign tourists when I was there.

My wife says, probably, off-peak season.

Maybe, I'll make another visit a year from now to see whether Penang has weathered well under Pakatan's care.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

So! Who Is The Liar?

Hantu Laut

The political circus continues, the spinners, the mudslingers and the crap merchants having a field day defecating each other while Malaysians watched in disbelief the ignobility of Malaysian politics.

Am I impressed?

Yes, it's infantile game we used to play when we were young and stupid.Never admit you have lied.Always blame your opponent.

Nauseating, smell like the gutter!

Denial! denial! denial! from both sides.

If both tell the truth.So! who is the liar?

Agree with my favourite mufti or rather ex-mufti here.

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

Umno denies lying, says six mosques dropped King’s name

By G. Manimaran
Bahasa Malaysia Editon

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 22 — Penang Umno has denied lying about state Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s name replacing the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in Friday sermons, saying that it has happened in six mosques since last February.

State liaison deputy chief Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman told The Malaysian Insider that he was unsure if Guan Eng knew of the trend but disclosed that six mosques had used the term “Chief Minister” or “Lim Guan Eng” in their sermons to replace that of the King, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin.

The mosques are Masjid Jalan Baru in Seberang Prai Tengah which mentioned Lim’s name on Aug 13, Masjid Padang Menora, Seberang Prai Utara (June 25), Masjid Pengkalan Tambang, Permatang Pasir (in May), Masjid Jamek Jelutong, George Town (in April) and Masjid Permatang Binjai, Kepala Batas (Feb 26).

“And yesterday, Lim Guan Eng’s name was mentioned at the Masjid Kubang Buaya, in Butterworth by imam Ustaz Zakaria Ahmad... it was still being used despite media reports about the issue,” he said in a telephone interview yesterday.

“This is not an issue that was created, it actually happened,” said Zainal Abidin, who sits on the powerful Umno supreme council.

He also criticised DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for saying Umno and its newspaper Utusan Malaysia had created stories and racial ill-feelings towards the Penang government.

“It isn’t good for Lim Kit Siang to say we created this on purpose. Now there is proof, what are they going to say,” he said, asking the PR leaders to retract their statements.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak told the police and Penang Islamic Religious Council last night to conduct a full investigation into the matter, saying action must be taken against those responsible under the existing rules.

“I ask that this matter be fully investigated; who did it ... as the delivering of Friday sermons is determined by the state Islamic Religious Council and people are not allowed to use our own script,” he had said.

PR leaders have denied the Penang government had directed Guan Eng’s name be used to replace the King’s name but admitted it has been used by guest prayers leaders, who are out of their control.

Meanwhile, Zainal Abidin said Anwar had purposely defamed Umno by claimimg Penang Umno chief Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamid’s accusation was unsubstantiated as he had read the text of the sermons.

“Kit Siang should also retract his statement as this is something that happens at the grassroots,” he said, adding the practice of not mentioning the King’s name had started before Election 2008.

“Before the 2008 general elections, several mosques controlled by PAS did not mention the name of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Governor but after the 2008 general elections, it has become a normal phenomenon in Penang,” he added.

He described it as a bad act that can divide the people in the state especially the Muslims.

“It is as though we don’t acknowledge the existence of royalty and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. This is not good,” said Zainal Abidin.

When asked if the chief minister’s name was mentioned with the knowledge of Guan Eng, Zainal Abidin said he was unsure.

“I still believe ... Umno hopes the State Islamic Affairs Council, that every order made by the head of the State Islamic Affairs Council, is not influenced or controlled directly or indirectly by the Penang Chief Minister.

“We take a serious view ... the Islamic Affairs Council must control and ensure the sermon text is read fully. They must have full control,” he said, adding people must disregard the past and follow the decision of the Penang Islamic Affairs Council.

The Sermon Writing Committee is headed by the Penang Mufti Datuk Hassan Ahmad.

Zainal Abidin also said that those delivering the sermons should get approval from the Penang Islamic Affairs Council even they were guest prayer leaders.

He said this in response to an Utusan Malaysia report yesterday which quoted the Masjid Jamek Padang Menora imam Ibrahim Ishak as admitting that a guest prayer leader had mentioned the chief minister’s name when reading the Friday sermon recently.

The prayer leader had invoked Allah to open Guan Eng’s heart to accept Islam as his faith, the imam told the Umno-owned newspaper.

Ibrahim also admitted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s name was not mentioned and he had censured the prayer leader for his mistake.

The imam had also said the mosque has a guest prayer leader to deliver the sermons every month, which will include a prayer for national leaders.

The Sinar Harian newspaper had quoted Jelutong Umno chief Abu Kassim Ismail as saying that sermons mentioning Guan Eng’s name is not new and has occurred between two and three months ago.

Zainal Abidin said the spate of incidents showed that guest prayer leaders must get permission from the state’s Islamic Affairs Council before being allowed to work.

“Don’t use the chief minister’s name in a sermon. Don’t use it in a prayer, if it is for good, OK but what if it is used to criticise, then it will cause dissension,” he added.

Malaysian Insider

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lim Guan Eng's Benevolent Fund

Hantu Laut

Penang state government is giving 'ang pows' to senior citizens.Whether wealthy geriatrics would also get the payment I am not sure.Maybe, Lim can enlighten us.

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng called it Senior Citizen Appreciation programme.I call it vote buying. Buying political favour using state funds.

It should be called Lim Guan Eng's Benevolent Fund because a personal letter from him will be enclosed with every cash voucher send to the recipient.Lim will be the first Santa Claus chief minister in Malaysia.

Read the letter below and make your own assessment if it is not long term plan to buy political favour.In other words a well thought out political corruptions.

Dear Sir/ Mdm,

Penang Senior Citizens Appreciation Program of RM100 Annually

As a people-centric government, the Penang Pakatan Rakyat (PR) State government continually endeavours to listen to the people, do the people’s work and give hope to all. A people-centric government can be achieved through 3Es-to enable, empower and enrich the people.

  • Enable the people with the skills, knowledge and education to provide equal opportunity for all to create wealth.
  • Empower the people with fundamental rights, basic freedom and responsibilities with full observance for the rule of law.
  • Enrich the people by sharing wealth and economic benefits to persue socio-economic justice.

For the first time in Penang’s history, senior citizens above 60 years old residing in Penang shall receive RM100 annually. This is a symbolic gift from the Penang PR State government to all senior citizens for their contributions and efforts that have allowed Penang to enjoy its success today whether in the field of socio-economy or unity in diversity amongst our plural society.

The Penang PR state government can afford to do so as we have been rigorously adopting a prudent budget, strict savings and good governance based on CAT- Competency, Accountability and Transparency. CAT governance has gained recognition from international bodies such as Transparency International that praised a state government in Malaysia for the first time ever. The 2008 Auditor-General’s report also praised the success of the Penang PR State Government in turning around a projected 2008 Budget deficit of RM35 million to a record surplus of RM88 million and a projected 2009 Budget deficit of RM40 million to a surplus of RM77 million.

We regret that our political opponents have tried to sabotage this RM 100 cash appreciation program by describing giving money to senior citizens as an act of bribery and corruption. However we shall continue with this program and are prepared to face any investigation or action by the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Agency(MACC).

The RM100 cash appreciation to the senior citizens continues the Penang PR government’s tradition of giving to the people such as the RM100 water rebates to the nearly 170,000 low-income families in 2008-2009. Lest you think that you will be forgotten when you grow old- Remember that so long as Penang PR government exists, you will always be in our heart!

God Bless You!

Yours faithfully,

Lim Guan Eng ,Penang Chief Minister

This brought me back to the reign of Tun Mustapha Harun in Sabah in the sixties and seventies when every Sabahan get paid annual dividend.

Even back then Mustapha's lack of education did not stupefy him to blatantly use state funds to buy favour.He was much smarter. He set up a foundation to do business to pay every eligible Sabahan.

The scheme in Sabah at that time was more sophisticated.Every eligible Sabahan was made shareholder of the Sabah Foundation. Operating under a group of companies its main revenue came from forestry business.Dividends were paid out of the profits made by these companies.If profits were low no dividend would be paid.Unfortunately, the scheme was abolished by the succeeding government.

If Lim is really concerned about the welfare of senior citizens than he should give them a monthly payment and only to those who are poor and have no sustainable income.

Why should he wants to enclose a personal letter from himself? As it is state money any officer in the State Treasury can sign the letter.

It's pure and simple, he wants them to know he is the giver.The benevolent Lim Guan Eng.He would become a cult figure like the late Mustapha Harun, very popular with the populace particularly the older generation.Those days Mustapha could stand in an elections in any areas (except Kadazan and Chinese areas) in Sabah and win overwhelmingly.

In his letter he also mentioned due to prudent financial planning the state has surplus budgets two years running. Too much surplus budget means the government is not doing enough for the people and has not been spending enough for the benefits of the people.There must have been less development projects in Penang since Pakatan took over.

The US government budget deficit ran into trillion of dollars yet it is still one of the richest country in the world.

The capitalist system and free market economy will not survive without spending of both public and private sectors.The eventual result of continual less spending and high surpluses would be negative economic growth and a decaying economy.You have a healthy looking balance sheet at the expense of growth.

Government, as long as it is not overgeared, can borrow to finance development projects for the people, there is nothing wrong with it.It is only wrong if it has to borrow to finance its recurring expenditure.

That's Pakatan Rakyat for you.Only two years in office already doing better than the BN as far as corruptions are concerned.

Of course, Pakatan supporters would say it is not corruptions.I think it is good money going to waste.These days how far can you stretch RM100 over a year.

If it is not vote buying than what is it? The worst thing it is geared for the Malay community because being the biggest population in the country there are more poor Malays than poor Chinese or Indians.

Lim Guan Eng has worked out that votes may not come free in the next elections.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Absolute Monarchy In Penang?

Hantu Laut

The Star reported here.

Absolute monarchy in Penang? Or was it communistic-minded as inferred by former PKR's Zahrain Hashim?

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has given himself absolute power in sacking any contractor appointed by the state at any time without having to give any reason whatsoever for the cancellation.

Does Lim think by inserting such clause in the agreement it would protect him from legal action if he decides to cancel such contract on his whim and fancy?

Lim should familiarise himself with the law of contract and rules of fair play.Such contract is deemed lopsided and could be challenged in the court of law.

Is this just another of UMNO's war of attrition against him and Pakatan Rakyat or there is truth to the story?

To be fair to Lim, let us not jump to conclusion, let us hear his side of the story

Friday, October 2, 2009

Rape Of The Forests And Penan Girls.

Hantu Laut

What is rape?

Rape, sometimes called sexual assault, is forced and unwanted sexual intercourse.Can happen to both woman and man, in most cases, women were the victims and men the predators.Men, generally are luckier, no woman wants to rape them, even if they wanted to.

Rape can occur anywhere around the globe, from the remotest village to the biggest city.Many rape cases were not reported by the victims due to stigma associated with it.Many rape victims prefer to suffer in silence rather than expose themselves to public humiliation.

To cut the story short, let's get to the objective of this article, the rapes of Penan girls in Sarawak, which has become a highly contentious issue and have embroiled the government in controversy and at loggerhead with certain NGOs.Certain quarters have accused the government of dragging its feet in investigating the case. The case was first reported by the Bruno Manser Fund, a foreign-based NGO that claimed to have corroborative evidence of such rapes. Some local NGOs have joint in the fray accusing the police of colluding with the timber companies in a cover-up.
Those still in the jungle

I, for one, would not have doubted that there have been some cases of rape of Penan girls.The thing we have to establish here is whether these rapes are systematic and organised or just normal cases of rape, induced by opportunity, in which case, the normal police report would have suffice to deal with the problems.

It is indeed perplexing that the issue has been much politicised, triggering alarm bells not only here, but internationally.Malaysians should take notes that we are now becoming famous for all the wrong reasons.From the bashing of maids to the bashing of prince's consort and the stealing of other people's culture, we certainly have come a long way getting world recognition.Malaysian NGOs are the worst kind when it comes to jumping on the bandwagon without presenting the hard facts.

Source: AFP. Penan tribespeople man a blockade with banners and spears to challenge vehicles of timber and plantation companies
Source: AFP. Penan tribes people man a blockade with banners and spears to challenge vehicles of timber and plantation companies

The forests of Borneo have always been the El Dorado, the quick journey to big money and instant wealth.The rapes of these forests have made millionaires and billionaires.On the same token, it has also reduced the less frugal to paupers.

Sabah, the pioneer rapist of the forests, not proud to say myself included ( I have turned green many years ago) but with clear conscience that I have strictly abide by the rules, have now almost exhausted its extractable commercial forests.

If one were to drive in the east coast of Sabah, from Telupid all the way to Tawau, a five-hour drive, the natural forests have completely disappeared, replaced by forests of oil palm as far as the eyes could see, a boring landscape bearing the same gifts to the beneficiaries, lots of money, but this time with more lethal outcome, the pollution of our rivers and seas.

If one have the time to visit Sukau in Kinabatangan, where most of Sabah wildlife exists, the riparian reserves have ceased to exist, taken over by oil palm trees, planted to the brink.

Now, where am I, have kind of strayed from the pertinent issue, the question of rapes in the forests of Sarawak, the poor Penan girls that were taken advantage of by the hatchet men of the rich and powerful who couldn't care less about the plight of these poor innocent girls and the police allegedly putting a lid to cover the crime.

Malaysian NGOs and opposition politicians have set ideas about our police force but yet still lodge police reports on the flimsiest of evidence.However, the police said here their investigations are hampered by victims refusal to talk.The police have also asked NGOs in Sarawak to bring witnesses, but none have done so far.In a surprising turn of event, here is a revelation by a Penan woman who said she was not raped but was tricked and forced to make a police report saying she has been raped.

Jok Jau Evong of SAM(Shabat Alam Malaysia) said the women might have been pressured to make public statements that they have not been raped or victimised.“They can easily buckle and deny being raped or victimised under these circumstances.”
They want back their habitat, their way of life.

Now, the question Mr Jok should ask is if she was raped by a truck driver or labourer working in the camp, who gave these scumbags protection from prosecution ... the employer, the police or politicians? Common sense would tells us there is absurdity in this kind of statement.Why would any employer or for that matter the police and the politician would want to shield such employer from prosecution.I am sure there must have been cases of rape in the forests but not the way the NGOs have made it out to be, the politicising of the rapes of Penan girls.

Blast from the seventies, when I was working with a logging company in Sandakan as General Manager of the company, our concession was up north of Sandakan in the Sugut/Paitan district, one of the remotest areas in Sabah those days and accessible only by sea and river.A journey that takes almost a whole day's boat's ride, first by sea and eventually navigating upstream the small Paitan river to reach our campsite usually after nightfall.

Life in the camp, depending on how one look at it... for those who love nature it could be romantic and life sails along like a breeze but as for those who don't, life could be a drudgery, a predisposition to boredom and chronic depression.The longing for the comfort of home and female company have made some camp employees taking a second wife or mistress from among the local population in nearby settlements.In this area the kampongs are not sizable but rather consist of small hamlets of shifting cultivators scattered along the river banks and using their dugouts as principal mode of transport along the rivers.This is where abject poverty were the results of conditioning of the mind rather than the fault of the individuals, being so far remove from civilisation, they do not know any better.

With the exception of a few of those allowed to bring their wives and families into the camp there are no other females in the camp.

On one occasion, on one of my monthly visits to the camp, I notice a young girl, whom I have not seen before, in the camp's kitchen helping out the cook.Out of curiosity, I enquired with the camp manager as to who she was.I couldn't believe my ears when he told me, without even mincing his words, that our cook actually bought her from her parents and she has been with him for almost a month now.At that very moment, I don't know whether to wind the watch or bark at the moon, I was flabbergasted, didn't know how to react to such outrageous piece of information, not so much of the buying of the girl but her age, to me, she looks hardly fourteen years old, which as a minor, even consensual sex, is a crime, a case of statutory rape.After gaining my composure, I asked the manager how old is she and was told she is 18 years old, has she got an identity card? No! Not many people in remote villages have identity card.So, next question, how the hell you know she is 18 if she has no identity card? The father told them so and that they took as gospel truth.

On my return to office I have to bring up the issue to the Board whether to sack the cook or let it be.Decision was made to remove him but that would have to wait until my next visit to the camp as the only way we can communicate with our camp is through VHF radio, which is not exactly the right kind of instrument to broadcast the sacking of an employee, where not only the whole camp can hear, probably other camps operating on VHF radio can listen in to the conversation.

The hiring and firing of employees in the camp is the job of the camp manager.On my next visit to the camp another surprise was in store for me, the little girl has gone, no where to be seen.According to the manager she ran back to her parents a week after my previous visit and refused to come back to the cook. The next story is, either going to shock you or make you laugh, the cook has gone to the village to see the girl's parents to try collect his money back, claiming breach of contract, she is supposedly promised to stay with him for the whole duration of his employment at the camp.

The last I heard of him, he lost his girl, his money and his job.

These are not common occurrences but there have been instances where parents, out of hardship, traded their daughters for a fistful of dollars.There have also been instances where consensual sex become rape when one party were not happy, felt cheated by the other party, under pressure from family and friends to lodge police report.

The object of this article is not to dispute or deny that such rapes occurred in the forests of Sarawak.This kind of thing is best left to the police to investigate, instead of NGOs incessantly denigrating the government and the police for not doing their work.

If you have substantive evidence, give it to the police, don't just make noise to seek cheap publicity to promote your NGO or yourself.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Penang Politics Getting Messy, More Troubles On The Horizon

Hantu Laut

If they fail to save the village, Pakatan Rakyat’s objective has failed and we will know what to do in the next general election,” said Penang Island Hindraf Coordinator K. Kalaiselvam, 34.

Lim, who questioned whether the movement had been “infiltrated by Barisan Nasional collaborators”, also called on former Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon to give a full public explanation on why he sold the land at a “cheap price” of only RM10 per square feet and without consulting the residents.

Was Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng right in side stepping the issue and try to drag former Chief Minister Koh Tsu Koon into the fracas?

Every succeeding government is responsible to take over and take care of what its predecessor had done, right or wrong. You can't run back to the previous administration, it's you baby now, take care of it.

Needless to say you have to take over both good and bad policies of the previous administration.Unless, there is criminality involved, in which case the law should take care of the problem , Lim Guan Eng calling on Dr Koh Tsu Koon to give full public explanation goes to show his obvious perplexity and inexperience in the running of government.

Government needs not consult residents every time it gives away land for development and for Lim to suggest so again shows his ignorance and inexperience.

Would he constantly consult the people every time he gives away land, projects or any dealings of the state government? You are elected by the people and they have given you the mandate to rule, just do your job and stop harping on past mistakes.It is your job to rectify if you feel mistakes have been made in the past.

Unless, Lim can prove there have been corruptions involved in the giving away of the land, in which case, he should report the matter to the MACC, it was very silly of him to call Koh to give public explanation.He is the Chief Minister now, it's for him to explain and resolve the problem.

Since when squatters have the rights to demand possession of state land they squatted on.The court have issued an order of eviction, therefore, those Hindraf leaders are breaking the law by instigating the villagers to demonstrate.

The right thing for Lim to do is to command the police to arrest the Hindraf leaders for instigating the villagers to cause public disturbance.Their refusal to move out is tantamount to contempt of court.

If many others have accepted exgratia payment from the land owner and moved out, it is obvious those remaining squatters are trying to squeeze more money from the developer, more than what they deserved.

It's typical of Pakatan playing the blame game.Blame the BN for any of their troubles.Now, he says Hindraf is infiltrated by Barisan Nasional troublemakers?

Cancelling the project would incur costs beyond the financial capability of the state government,” Lim said, chiding Hindraf for “not being able to distinguish who its friends and opponents are” and being blinded by rage and anger.

Now you know what these people are capable of doing.When they gave trouble to the BN government you blindly supported them. What do you make of Hindraf now that they are trying to break down your front door.

After the fall-out with Penang PKR and now Hindraf, what next Mr Lim?

Just slightly over a year you were already making unpopular decisions.The BN took almost 50 years before the chickens come home to roost.

Here, like father like son, father singing the same song.Incompetents looking for scapegoat.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Braying Donkeys

Hantu Laut

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng sees red over NST (New Straits Times) reporting and considering barring NST from covering his press conferences and functions.He accuses NST of slander and false reporting.

This is the man and his whole outfit called Pakatan who accuses the BN of abuses of the fundamental rights of citizens of this country and the lack of press freedom. Champions of freedom of expression! My foot! When are going to stop fooling the people ?

See ! Guan Eng, now that you are in position of power you are behaving exactly like the BN. You are showing your true colour, no different from the BN, your intolerance and ready to abuse your power to show your displeasure. I am sure you should know what to do if the NST publishes slander and false reporting. It's simple, take them to court.

Unfortunately, like the kettle that you accuses of being black, there are also black sheep in your government.Two of your men are allegedly involved in covering illegal activities of some quarry operators and this was reported by a PKR man, Amizudin Ahmat, an executive council member of PKR Youth.The report appeared in the Star here. Maybe, you should also consider banning the Star for false reporting.

I wonder what this braying bunch of Pakatan holier than thou donkeys would do if they get the central government ?

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Hantu Laut

This is most upsetting and a blatant display of double standards. Does UMNO hold the franchise and monopoly to demonstrate ? What message are you sending to the people, Pak Lah !. Where are the tear gas, water cannon and your armoured FRU ?

As prime minister it is your duty to protect each and every citizens of this country irrespective of race, colour and creed. The action of allowing UMNO members to demonstrate freely is going to drive the people further away from your government. You should apply the same rules of law that you imposed on BERSIH and HINDRAF.