Showing posts with label extinction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label extinction. Show all posts

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Penang,Sabah And Sarawak Will Become One Republic

Hantu Laut

Pandering to the opposition's crock of shit. 

Read, what grostesque article a "too smart for his own good" wrote.

"It must also be stated that secession has always been on the minds of the people of Sabah and Sarawak ever since day one when they joined the Federation of Malaya and Singapore on September 16, 1963 or what is known more popularly now as Malaysia Day".

Where this guy coming from? Who appoint him to speak for Sabah and Sarawak? If he is a Sabahan, he is a bloody disgrace, if he is not, than he should not speak for Sabah. 

Other than that crazy Jeffery Kitingan and those of his ilk, no other Sabahan ever contemplated secession. It's a fait accompli, too late to undo, unless, people like the writer would like to start a bloody rebellion.

"There is strong speculation, based on current and future political indications, that the three Malaysian states of Sabah, Sarawak and Penang may opt to go their own way similar to how Singapore pulled out of Malaysia in 1965".

I can't believe I am actually reading this piece of crap but than what can one expect from a crappy website that accept any kind of garbage just to fill up its webpages. 

In the West where people are more educated this writer would be considered a nut case and ridiculed but in Malaysia the uniniatiated and the pseudo-intellectuals have the hapless tendency to believe everything they read. 

The writer was short of recommending Penang, Sabah and Sarawak to becoming one republic with Lim Guan Eng as the first president.

Mahathir was right.Malaysians can't handle too much freedom.As  the Malay saying "Dikasi betis mahu paha" the new found freedom have made Malaysians lose their self-restraint.

What's the use of democracy if your country is forever in turmoil.

Malaysia is now embroiled in political turmoil never seen before that can lead to nasty outcome.

I would rather have leaders like Lee Kuan Yew and Mahathir Mohammad, though autocratic, do things for the greater good.

Read more here.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

6 Degrees Warmer: Mass Extinction?

Hantu Laut

The average temperature have been rising due to global warming.We are losing 50,000 sq.miles of tropical rainforests every year due to excessive and indiscriminate logging.Some of our flora and fauna are on the way to extinction.The sumatran rhinos and the tigers and many more species are highly endangered and will soon disappear from this planet.The resources from our seas are depeleting.A number of species of sharks, fishes and turtles are disappearing from our oceans.The great whales will soon be a story of the past.Our climate has changed, our weather are getting more severe and there are frequent earth quakes.

We only need 6 degrees warmer before we, the human race become extinct.

We are our own biggest enemy.We are the destroyer.

Are we going to sit down and do nothing ?

Further reading:

Scientists identify 'tipping points' of climate change

Big business says addressing climate change 'rates very low on agenda'