Showing posts with label Pseudo-Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pseudo-Culture. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

His Highness Lim Guan Eng !

Hantu Laut

Curtsy, is the female equivalent of male bowing in Western culture. It is also "traditional gesture of an inferior to a superior", what a good servant would accord her master or mistress due respect.

The practice has become less common now, only left for the preserve of showing respect to royalty and by people in show business........ musicians, actors, comedians and the ilk, usually at the end of a performance to show gratitude and respect to the audience.

Lim Guan Eng, the Dear Leader of the soon to be Dominion Republic of Penang was given due reverence and respect, usually accorded to kings and emperors, by a lady who bobbed a curtsy when she met him at a function in Penang.

Anyway, curtsy is not an Asian culture. The right thing for the lady to do if she wanted to show reverence to Guan Eng, is for her to emulate the old Chinese culture of "kou tou"or  to bow the head low as to touch the ground.

If you curtsy, you don't shake hands. A very confused lass.

Picture speak a thousand words.

His deputy Mansor Othman wasn't wrong when he called Guan Eng a "tokong". The Penang Chinese as in the case of the young girl revered him with deep respect.  

Is Guan Eng a cult in the making?

Phnom Penh