Showing posts with label Zahid Hamidi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zahid Hamidi. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2013

Zahid "It is better to keep your mouth shut than open it and remove all doubt"

Hantu Laut

Before he even started, they already gave him headache. 

Wow! What a way towards mending and winning the people's hearts and minds. 

Reconciliation, the Prime Minister talking about repairing the severe lost of confidence of his government by urban voters and the Chinese community, seemingly, a voice in the wilderness, his ministers have their own ideas how to please the people, or rather how to undermine him.

If you think the low magnitude Hishamuddin Onn was bad enough and everyone rejoiced of his exit from the Home Ministry, we may now conclude that the Ministry is jinxed,  to be driven by another  insensitive, impervious, smarmy and blundering minister. 

In less than two days of taking office this nutty as a fruitcake minister tell Malaysians to leave the country if they don't like the system. He has another 1,822 days to go. Let's hope he gets off his high horse.

Zahid Hamidi, the new Home Minister had a glorious day insulting his countrymen to leave the country if they don't like the parliamentary system here.

Anwar's belligerency should be dealt with by the law, not by lambasting the people.

As citizens of this country we have constitutional rights to question the system, but at the end of the day the majority shall prevail. Ministers do not have God's given right to tell us to leave the country if we disagree with them.

 "It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than open it and remove all doubt" ...Mark Twain. 

Haa! Mark Twain, had two of his books as literature in schools, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

Always ponder before you open your big mouth.

No thanks to Najib for choosing this noisome and bumptious minister.

Read at’s-demise-has-begun/