Showing posts with label Haris Ibrahim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haris Ibrahim. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is Haris Ibrahim Ready For Jihad Or Gone Bonkers ?

Hantu Laut

This is it, my biggest fear of CIVIL UNREST. 

Read here how a group of people contemplating to overthrow the government by force.

Waiting for five years is too long they say, they want immediate turmoil to remove the government. 

Leader of the pact is the disenchanted and disheveled Haris Ibrahim, who had earlier announced his "willing to die" squad to uphold the voting system in the country. Sounds like he has scores of suicide bombers ready for "jihad"

I wrote this piece "Is Malaysia Heading For Trouble" a day before polling day, not a figment of my imagination as the idealists would want to believe and have accused me of spreading fear to scare friends, foes, all and sundry, but it is reality that could turn into nightmare.

Well, enemies, I have none, unless some who knows me consider me as one. Friends I have plenty, but close friends I keep in a small circle and close to my heart. 

A dear friend of mine was pretty annoyed when I posted  on her timeline on Facebook of what I see as impending trouble if Anwar doesn't stop his calls for big rally to protest against the government  and that there would be blood on the streets if he is not stopped now. Of good heart herself, she truly believe Malaysians are incapable of violence. Well, Haris Ibrahim had proven her wrong. 

Haris Ibrahim praises to the skies demonstrations and civil unrest as the only way to bring down the government. 

My balls rattling so nervously listening to what he had said " We will take to the streets to take over Putrajaya. If we rally want to overthrow them, there is no other way.Democracy doesn't work"

Yes, democracy doesn't work for people who refused to accept it.

Why would Anwar want to continue holding big rallies when he knew fully well it'll be an effort in futility. He knew fully well he can't change the government by holding peaceful rallies all over the country. 

As I have said before, huge rallies can't remain peaceful forever, it only take a single spark to ignite the whole minefield of discontent. 

Haris Ibrahim extolled going to the streets as the only way to remove the government. His ABU movement has elements of right wing fascism and ready to wreak havoc in the country. 

This delusional man, if left to his own devices, will light the tinder box. 

Boom! Malaysia goes up in flame.

Now you know why Raja Petra (RPK) parted company with him.

I am not going to tell the police what to do, they knew better what to do when someone had gone overboard.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Is Haris Ibrahim Defending Blackmailers And Extortionists

Hantu Laut

As the general elections loom near, it's high hunting season in Malaysia . 

From revival of the Altantuya's impalpable ghost, to recycling of the RM40 million mysterious UMNO money cum Musa Aman money and to the incomprehensible SDs of Bala, the oppositions seemed to be running out of construction materials.

Here, a lawyer who sees politics a more rewarding career than practising law came out to side with the blackmailers and extortionists calling the Bar Council to take action against the lawyer that drafted the 2nd SD (Statutory Declaration) of P.Balasubramainiam, the ex-private investigator who claimed he was under duress and was paid to change his first SD, which he also claimed was made under duress.

In the West, where moral principle is much valued than in Malaysia the two clowns and their incredible stories would have been thrown to the wolves.

His excuse for the witch hunt is that the lawyer should have first consulted the private investigator before drafting the SD.

I am not a legally trained person but from my experience and business dealings with many lawyers, it may not be the case, as implied by Haris Ibrahim. A lawyer takes direction from his client, the one who pays his fees.

A lawyer is not a policeman, he merely take instruction from his client, and as long as there is no criminal element to the best of his knowledge he needs not consult any other person other than his client.

It is the same with banks, they only deal with documents and as long as the documents presented to the banks have no discrepancy and comply with terms and conditions of the L/C (Letter of Credit), the bank will pay its customers. It is not the bank responsibility to physically check the cargo and its actual loading on to the ship.

Should the cargo, which should have been coffee beans turned out to be broken bricks, the bank is not responsible. It becomes a fraudulent case for which the relevant law apply and up to the buyer to institute the necessary against the seller.

In international trade mutual trust exists between buyers and sellers but fraud can happen and had happened before. The case I quoted of coffee beans that turned to become broken bricks was a real story. 

It was in 1985, if I well remember, when I was still in the export business and the case was in Indonesia whereas the seller who was supposed to ship coffee beans cheated his European buyer by shipping broken bricks in sacks.

If you had been cheated in a business deal you have legal recourse, why mud-sling  irrelevant matters against people you have been apple-polishing when the going was good and turned against them when the tide was against you. That's, no less a contemptible lowlife.

For Haris Ibrahim, may I suggest he should first establish the fact whether somebody put a gun to Bala's head and forced him to sign the SD in the presence of the lawyer before he jumps the gun and accuses the lawyer concerned of dereliction of duty.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Liars, damned liars.....and other short stories.

Hantu Laut

Liars, damned liars.......

"Saiful's swearing shows the allegation is serious", short of saying it's true the PM said "To me, swearing by the Quran is very serious and it is not easy for someone to swear in the name of AllahSubhanahuwataala"

The Prime Minister being an honest man(no pun intended) himself probably would not have imagined how many type of liars are there in the world. The two most common scientific terms would be pathological and congenital liars:

"If you are not concerned with the difference between truth and falsehood; you do not bother to distinguish fact from fantasy. In fact, your lying is a disease that no antibiotic can cure. A pathological liar

"If you have such a long history of persistent falsification that one can only suspect that your vice started when you were reposing in your mother's womb. In other words ... you have been lying from the moment of your birth. A congenital liar.

The above can be broken down into more specific branches:

"You are impervious to correction. Often as you may be caught in your fabrications, there is no reforming you 00 you go right on lying despite the punishment, embarrassment, or unhappiness that your distortions of truth may bring you. An incorrigible liar.

"Your ability is top-drawer -- rarely does anyone lie as convincingly or as artistically as you do. Your skill has, in short, reached the zenith of perfection. Indeed, your mastery of the art is so great that your lying is almost always crowned with success -- and you have no trouble seducing an unwary listener into believing that you are telling gospel truth. A consummate liar

"You never stop lying. While normal people lie on occasion, and often for special reasons, you lie continually -- not occasionally or even frequently, but over and over. A chronic liar

"You are completely without a conscience. No matter what misery your fabrications may cause your innocent victims, you never feel the slightest twinge of guilt. Totally unscrupulous, you are a dangerous person to get mixed up with. An unconscionable liar

"Everybody knows your propensity for avoiding facts. You have built so solid and unsavory a reputation that only a stranger is likely to be misled -- and then, not for long. A notorious liar

Last but not least:

Only Muslims,Christians and Jews ( people of the book...Ahl al-Kitab) swears by the holy book. You have no fear of divine retribution to save your own skin and are prepared to tell the untruth to harm others. A heretical liar

You would not be punished by another human being because only God would know whether you are guilty or innocent and human being should not make any form of speculation whatsoever on the status of your oaths especially those who are embroiled in your problem.

Yes! Prime Minister, you have been accused by Anwar Ibrahim of involvement in this matter, so it would be wise to stay clear.Since the matter is now in hand of the law, let it takes its own course and it is best not to make any statement.

We really don't know who is the liar, Saiful or Anwar? The truth will come.God's mill grinds slow but sure.

Note:Some(not all) of the description of liars above are taken from an American blog.

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In Kota Kinabalu Sabah the acting division head of Papar UMNO division Abdul Rahim Ismail is in a limbo on news that former disgraced Sabah Chief Minister Osu Sukam is trying to make a comeback by standing as divisional head of Papar UMNO.

Osu resigned in disgrace as Sabah Chief Minister and Papar UMNO division head in 2005 when he faced a law suit of RM7.14 milliom for gambling debts overseas.By right he should have been sacked from the party but UMNO does not have moral discipline as a condition to be a member or to hold public office.

I am not at all surpise. UMNO is quite comfortable with the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Most of you would still remember double-barrelled Mohammad who tried to bring in huge sum of money into Australia a few years ago but was caught by Australian custom and pleaded that because of his poor English he failed to declare the amount. He is now back in business, a minister in Badawi's cabinet.

The People's Parliament

Haris Ibrahim who own the People's Parliament blog wrote an open letter to Anwar Ibrahim seeking his assurance that he would serve the people well as promised when he takes over the government and to forgive but not to forget the sins of those who had done harm to him.He also reminded Anwar of the time he served in the evil empire of Mahathir Mohammed and told him in no uncertain term that he doesn't trust politicians, Anwar included.

I have put Haris Ibrahim on my blogroll for many months now without telling him because I like some of his writing ....remarkably honest, perceptive and anecdotal.

In the same letter to Anwar I am surprise he boggles the mind by using superfluous words to describe the government of Mahathir as a regime that commit atrocities.His rather ambiguous description of Mahathir's reign of destruction and pillage would suffice to chill the bones of those readers who has no knowledge of Malaysian political history.

Here are some samplings of his literary work:

"My sister, I like Chopin, has asked me to tell you that she has forgiven you your 16 years of involvement, at least by association and failure to dissociate, with the autocratic, dictatorial, corrupt Mahathir administration". I have no problem with that, it's probably the most appropriate description of Mahathir's tenure.

"Yes, most of my friends and I, like my sister, have long forgiven you for your involvement in the atrocities committed by Mahathir during his reign of destruction and pillage, even if only by association and your failure to dissociate with his regime". This certainly sounds out of tune and provoke a vision of violence, brutality or even murder and death.Not exactly fair to the former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad, who had not only by my own admission but the world at large, given him credit for the economic growth of this nation during his tenure or reign of terror if you like it that way.

I do not wish to indulge further on this subject. Other than the above misnomer on words, I think the piece was soul-searching, heart-felt and beautifully written and if I were Anwar Ibrahim I would take heed of what Haris Ibrahim warned him to do should he become prime minister of this nation.

Anwar should paste a copy of Haris Ibrahim's letter on his PM's table as a reminder of the promises he made to the people, so as not to make the same mistake as his antagonists.

If he becomes the Prime Minister.