Showing posts with label Sarawak Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarawak Report. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

1MDB Bank Negara Approval:Are They Barking Up The Wrong Tree?

Hantu Laut

Jho Low Claimed The “PM/ FM” Gave Approval To Keep Bank Negara In The Dark On 1MDB Loan

I 'll not doubt there is something rotten down in 1MDB and the goings-on, therein, may not be known to the PM.

As I have suggested earlier forensic audit of the account be carried out to detect any fraudulent transactions, such audit should be carried out by our Auditor-General together with a reputable international auditing firm, which has in-depth knowledge of the world of international banking and finance, the reason being our AG office may not be familiar with those complicated cobwebbed financial instruments.

What I am going to say here is not in support of Jho Low, 1MDB or the PM, it's purely my personal opinion.

I suggest you guys check out BN (Bank Negara) objectives and regulations before you freak out on this highly politicised issue.

Jho Low may be right about BN approval not required as it is an offshore to offshore loan in foreign denominated currency (no ringgit involved), which in all likelihood is outside BN jurisdiction, therefore, BN approval is not necessary. It also makes sense that only MOF (Ministry of Finance) approval is required as 1MDB is wholly owned by the Malaysian government under the jurisdiction and control of Ministry of Finance, therefore, the company's BOD approval is required and MOF being the sole shareholder of 1MDB, its consent is also required.

Being an entity under MOF, who else can give approval on the matter if not the Minister of Finance, who also happened to be the Prime Minister? Don't forget by virtue of being the PM, he automatically become the de facto CEO of all state-owned companies.

Bank Negara would be more concerned if there were going to be foreign exchange involvement, or if the loan originated or domiciled in Malaysia, or if proceeds of the loan remitted back to Malaysia, where there would be greater impact on the local currency, economy and financial well being of the country if things go wrong.

1MDB would only need to inform BN and gets its approval if it raised foreign loans or issued bonds and bring back the proceeds to Malaysia. Its borrowings from domestic banks must be reported to BN, who as regulator can block or vary the huge borrowings if it's worried of undue impact on the credit and monetary system. 

As it is, the ringgit had already gone deep down south due to comprehensive politicising of the issue that have created skepticism and distrust in the Malaysian economy. Today, the ringgit is 3.69 to US$1.00 due to highly speculative and effective rumoring rather than fact-based economic indicators. Malaysia, is now rated one of the most politically unstable countries among investors and fund managers and it will get worse if no effort is taken to stabilise the very fluid political situation.

Most of the blame should fall squarely on the shoulder of PM Najib Razak as he was more concerned in keeping his popularity and hold on to power within his own party rather than to revive and strengthen the party popularity among the populace.

If they are so sure of the BN regulation, why SR (Sarawak Report) not named the source in Bank Negara who says to them such approval is required?

I think, Sarawak Report, Rafizi and the rest of the gang are barking up the wrong tree on the issue of Bank Negara's approval.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Where The Shoe Pinces

Hantu Laut

It is more a "siok sendiri" poll,  the reliability of the survey remained doubtful.

Is there a reputable agency that audit Merdeka's opinion poll survey? The results of its surveys have never been audited and authenticated for it margin of error, its samples and confidence intervals.

Some poll can be deliberately engineered by unscrupulous  pollsters to generate certain result thus making its questionable.

A recent poll conducted by the agency claimed that Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman popularity had declined to 45 percent and Prime Minister Najib popularity remained high in Sabah at 75 percent.

Any intelligent Sabahan who follow Sabah politics would immediately know the opinion poll is self-serving and one that also serves the opposition as well as some Sabah UMNO warlords who wanted to get rid of Musa by giving Najib the false impression that UMNO can win in Sabah without Musa. Someone in Sabah UMNO wanted Musa's job badly.

In any war the enemy always sought to eliminate the best general in order to demoralise his force. It is the same in politics using character assassinations to demonise leader who is seen likely to lead his party to victory is common place throughout the world.

Barack Obama went through the same hell mudslinging when he ran for the US president in 2008, accused of being a Muslim because of his middle name.

Watch carefully the voice over, the bad editing and cut and paste of the video.

In spite of the many attempts at muddying the waters on Obama the American people stood steadfastly behind him and chose him as the next president of the United States. 

The same dirty campaigning is happening in Malaysia to denigrate Prime Minister Najib, Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman and Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud. The three are seen as the biggest roadblocks hindering the opposition's journey to Putrajaya. 

Suaram, the tool of the opposition and those who wanted Najib out of office has been caught in a web of deceit on the Scorpene submarine investigation.A French government prosecutor Yves Charpernel has denied of any ongoing trial in France as depicted by Suaram to the Malaysian public. Suaram and its two French lawyers, out of shame having been caught lying, still insisted that such court proceeding was ongoing. 

Who would you want to believe, a government prosecutor or two street smart lawyers?

There is concerted effort by the oppositions to eliminate the two East Malaysian leaders, Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman, both most likely to lead the BN to victory in their respective states where the oppositions are still fragmented and have not come to terms with each other to mount a challenge on BN grip on the two states.

Both Musa and Taib are political strategists that have the ability to outmaneuver their opponents and proved their detractors wrong. The Sarawak Report, a blog based in the UK, founded and controlled by one Clare Rewcastle Brown, the sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has both Taib and Musa are constantly on her radar and is on the permanent hit list with gory tales of corruptions, abuses of power and even murder. Sarawak Report estimated Taib to be worth more than  US$15 billion.  

Robert Kuok the richest man in Malaysia amassed his wealth for almost two generations is only worth RM45.7 billion in 2012 and at today's exchange rate that would be about US$15 billion, the same as Taib. 

The Musa and Taib haters are having a field day with their tales from the crypt why these two men should go to the grave. Some even predicted that Anwar's PKR would take a leading role in Sabah politics. That's, maybe, a bridge too far. Taking in a few "orang kecewah" may be good politics few decades ago, it is not now, Sabahans are getting sick of such political misconduct.

Just before the March 2008 General Elections, 5 out 10 people I talked to predicted the political demise of Musa Aman and the end of BN in Sabah. The same are being said now by the same people who had never got their political predictions right. The same people also predicted Yong Teck Lee would win big in the Batu Sapi by-election. Yong, who refused to give way to Pakatan candidate for a one to one fight against the BN was buggered by DAP and lost badly. Pakatan/PKR's candidate Ansari Abdullah fared much better than him because DAP's Chinese supporters voted for Ansari. 

The only opposition party, as I have always said in this blog, that will make inroads in Sabah is DAP, who would do well in Chinese predominant constituencies, but not enough to pull the rug from under the BN's feet. The rest may have to fight, tooth and nail,  to win 1 or 2 seats.

Najib is smart not to be influenced by such talk and opinion poll to remove Taib and Musa from the equation.

In Sabah politics, money speaks louder than words.

Phnom Penh

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sarawak Report:The Bitching And Ranting Of A Sore Loser

Hantu Laut

Why don't you screw your own government for not listening to your demand, or better still screw the royal couple for bringing shame to your country.

William and Kate have also visited Soloman Islands which had suffered serious environmental damage and degradation of its forests due to unsustainable and illegal logging activities and corruptions, but you are completely silent on the Solomon but keep barking like a mad dog at Sabah and Sarawak Chief Ministers with your skewed and twisted political agenda.

Are you really concerned about the environment or you have prostituted yourself to the Malaysian oppositions. The answer is obvious.

You have put pen to paper but did not pen your name to the story.

Ain't, life a bitch ! When you have to hide behind the face of anonymity, pretending and deceiving people into believing that you are an accredited news portal, ostensibly you are not,  you are merely a blog with one political agenda.....placarding Sabah and Sarawak Chief Ministers with lies, half-truths and untruths for the sake of the oppositions.

Read the endless bitching of an English woman who has made Malaysian politics her regular meals.

Sabah Trip Goes Tits Up!

A story about topless sunbathing has dominated international coverage of the William and Kate Sabah trip.
It means the destruction of the jungle of Borneo, caused by corruption in Malaysia’s highest political circles, has been ignored in favour of a lot of fuss about a ‘Peeping Tom’ photographer.
One person who will be relieved is Chief Minister Musa Aman.  Sabah may not have got the international attention it might have, but then nor did his corrupt practices.
William and Kate were whisked to a canopy walk in Danum Valley, where they also photographed captive orang utans, and then whisked away again.
Thanks to the destruction of most of Sabah’s natural heritage that is all most tourists get to do in Sabah anyway.

The UK’s Guardiannewspaper had reflected on the situation in Sabah earlier in the week, drawing attention to the concerns that the Royal visit would do less to help save what is left of Borneo than bolster the corrupt regime of the greedy man who has been driving the deforestation.

The top international NGO Global Witness likewise has condemned the visit and asked Prince William to consider the real causes of deforestation, which is the corruption of ministers.Read more.

Sarawak Report, your trusted source of lies, untruths and falsifications.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Papa Orang Utan Exposed!

Hantu Laut

This Jamban fella, who wanted to save Sarawak from the evil hand of Taib Mahmud has got some real skeletons in the closet. 

The quilohs seemed to love his antics.

No wonder Clare Rewcastle Brown, the sulker who founded Sarawak Report, who has no business poking her proboscis in Sarawak, fondly named him Papa Orang Utan......he ain't good looking but he is a real charmer and very virile according to the story going around.

Read the full story here and here.

He staged his own kidnapping and implicates the Malaysian police in his abduction.

GAWAI eve nightmare! Our presenter Peter John Jaban, or popularly known as Papa Orang Utan, was mysteriously ‘abducted’ in Miri when he tried to return home for Gawai reunio

Peter (centre) with Alan Ling (left) and Teo when he arrived Miri airport.
We talk to PKR leader Dr MichaelTeo, who was with Peter when the incident happened. So, who grabbed Peter away?  Do Peter’s lawyer Alan Ling or his son have any clue?
We follow up on the whole incident, from initial interrogation by authority at Kota Kinabalu airport, his arrival at Miri airport with heavy police presence and alleged “kidnap” while travelling on a car with Teo.
Many Pakatan Rakyat leaders including Anwar Ibrahim, Baru Bian also express their concerns and supports. Is Peter the real target or Radio Free Sarawak?
And, we share the meaning and advise on Gawai. Let’s pray for Peter’s safety return for a happy meaningful festival.  Gawai guru gerai nyamai! Sarawak Report.

If the police want to arrest him they would have taken him at Kota Kinabalu or Miri airport. 

Munchausen's syndrome is a ploy excessively used by the oppositions and pro-opposition supporters to gain sympathy of the people.

His admits his own abduction here.