Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Papa Orang Utan Exposed!

Hantu Laut

This Jamban fella, who wanted to save Sarawak from the evil hand of Taib Mahmud has got some real skeletons in the closet. 

The quilohs seemed to love his antics.

No wonder Clare Rewcastle Brown, the sulker who founded Sarawak Report, who has no business poking her proboscis in Sarawak, fondly named him Papa Orang Utan......he ain't good looking but he is a real charmer and very virile according to the story going around.

Read the full story here and here.

He staged his own kidnapping and implicates the Malaysian police in his abduction.

GAWAI eve nightmare! Our presenter Peter John Jaban, or popularly known as Papa Orang Utan, was mysteriously ‘abducted’ in Miri when he tried to return home for Gawai reunio

Peter (centre) with Alan Ling (left) and Teo when he arrived Miri airport.
We talk to PKR leader Dr MichaelTeo, who was with Peter when the incident happened. So, who grabbed Peter away?  Do Peter’s lawyer Alan Ling or his son have any clue?
We follow up on the whole incident, from initial interrogation by authority at Kota Kinabalu airport, his arrival at Miri airport with heavy police presence and alleged “kidnap” while travelling on a car with Teo.
Many Pakatan Rakyat leaders including Anwar Ibrahim, Baru Bian also express their concerns and supports. Is Peter the real target or Radio Free Sarawak?
And, we share the meaning and advise on Gawai. Let’s pray for Peter’s safety return for a happy meaningful festival.  Gawai guru gerai nyamai! Sarawak Report.

If the police want to arrest him they would have taken him at Kota Kinabalu or Miri airport. 

Munchausen's syndrome is a ploy excessively used by the oppositions and pro-opposition supporters to gain sympathy of the people.

His admits his own abduction here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salam HL,

I just glanced thru the report that he staged his own kidnapping.

Why? Not surprising.

In fact, if it were not such a serious matter, I would be ROFLMAO.

Thank you