Showing posts with label Lawmakers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lawmakers. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dirty Polls: Ambiga's Lost Crusade

Hantu  Laut

Ambiga Sreenevasan  went to Australia to seek help from Australian parliamentarians and politicians to save this country from going to the dogs. My earlier posting on the same subject here.

Her febrile imagination of highly embellished unfair election practices and vote rigging by the government had taken her to Down Under hoping that the miserable snooping and intrusive Anwar's close friend Australian MP Nick Xenophon would help her secure Canberra's agreement to send elections watchdogs to Malaysia's next general elections . 

Your guess as good as mine who sent her ?

What did she gets ?

The Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr has given an answer in the Australian Parliament why Australia should not get involved in matters that are of doubtful nature. He went on on say that the Malaysian government lost its two-thirds majority in parliament in the March 2008 General Elections. However, he probably was not aware or forgot to also mention that the wicked government perceived by Ambiga also lost control of 5 state governments to the opposition and the opposition won 8 subsequent by-elections thereafter.

Anyone, NOT in a state of insanity, which I presumed Ambiga is not, would have asked her if the elections had been so badly rigged how come the long suffering Malaysian oppositions gained so much ground, almost a hair's breadth of toppling the ruling party in the 12th General Elections ?  

Here what she wrote  "Those in the international community may be forgiven for saying, “Is there a problem with the democratic process in Malaysia?” 

Read her growling and grovelling piece here

Obviously, her mission failed.

Let me quote what Lee Kuan Yew said soon after the Singapore 1996 General Elections. He said "Please do not assume that you can change governments.Young people do not understand this" 

Pakatan Rakyat and its agent Ambiga is exploiting the naivety of young voters with their snake-oil concoction to mislead them into voting for Pakatan Rakyat with stories of illegal immigrants  being given citizenship and voting rights to keep the corrupt BN in power.

This scary tale from the quagmire would certainly scare the shit out of young unsuspecting Malaysians.

Maybe, she should try her luck in UK and the US, where Anwar has many sympathetic and dedicated friends and she, a freedom fighter of human rights, decorated by the US government, given "International Women of Courage Award" by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in 2009.

One thing I can say, this lady has one very swollen head. 

Phnom Penh

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Bar Council: Give Them The Lee Kuan Yew's Remedy

Hantu Laut

Yes! Start a new bar, academy of law or whatever, where lawyers are lawyers,  not loudmouth politically bias legal pariahs cooking the government's goose for the opposition.

It's as clear as day they are taking sides. 

Start a new bar council or influence members of the bar to kick out the punkish committee, the progeny of that opposition mole Ambiga Sreenevasan.

Defender of freedom and the downtrodden, my foot!

This government wasn't born yesterday.Stop fooling the people that you are lawyers, you are not, your are uncouth lawyers and politicians. 

Step into the ring if you want a fair fight.Don't shit on me under the protective cover of the Legal Profession Act

Yes! Give them the Lee Kuan Yew's remedy for their long suffering illness.

In 1988, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew when debating the bill on the new Academy Of Law said it was his duty to put an end to politicking in professional bodies.

He said “If you want to politicise, you form your own party… you think you can be smarter than the government and outsmart it, well, if you win, you form the government. If I win, we have a new Law Society. It is as simple as that,”

Members of The Bar Council have lost  their impunity. They have shown complete indiscretion and abused of the Legal Profession Act.

Enough is enough! It's time to kick their arses!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Malaysia's Unhealthy Lawmakers Dropping Like Flies

Hantu Laut

Another lawmaker bit the dust triggering the 16th by-election.My deepest condolence to the family.

Malaysia will soon go down in the "Guinness Book Of World Records" as the country with the most lawmakers dropping like flies.

Eating unhealthy food and unhealthy lifestyle are major causes of heart problem.

Beware of the nasi lemak (I like them too but my wife a health freak, so no nasi lemak in the house) and food cooked in santan, they are killers, if taken frequently, very popular in the Peninsula.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Investigate The Deaths Of Lawmakers

Hantu Laut

How many lawmakers have dropped dead for no apparent reason in less than a year? This is unprecedented in the political history of this nation, lawmakers dropping dead like flies.

Most of the mortality were in the Pakatan's camp and they have won all by-elections in these areas with the exception of Batang Ai in Sarawak, which was caused by the death of a BN assemblyman.BN won back the seat.

Did they died of natural causes or something more sinister were behind their deaths. Fellow blogger Pasquale of Barking Magpie has also raised the same issue here.

No post-mortem, none that I have heard of, been carried out to determine the actual cause of death of this young and seemingly unhealthy lawmakers.Malaysia would soon go down in the Guinness Book of World Records as having the greatest number of lawmakers dropping dead for no apparent reason in the shortest period.

I have actually lost count how many have died, my rough estimate would be around 6 0r 7 over less than a year.

I do not want to sound like an alarmist but the government should investigate these deaths and should from now on ensure that a proper autopsy is carried out in each and every death of lawmakers to determine the actual cause of deaths.

When BN was in almost absolute power very few lawmakers have died in office.I do not have the numbers but looking back the past two decades there would have been less deaths for that whole period than in the first year after the 12th General Elections where the oppositions have gained greater foothold in the politics of this nation.

Was it a mere coincidence that Pakatan Rakyat were not only bad administrators but also have a pool of very unhealthy lawmakers designed to drop dead to keep the oppositions always in the limelight.

The latest death is BN assemblyman for Bagan Pinang Azman Mohammad Noor apparently of blood poisoning.

It will be the biggest test for BN. If they lose this seat to the oppositions than their fates are sealed.

Najib must at all costs win this by-election or it would the beginning of the end of the BN.

DAP has become the most powerful element in the Pakatan coalition using both PAS and PKR to push their political agenda.Perak is a show case of how powerful is DAP influence over the other two coalition partners.The continuing saga in Perak is the instrumentation of DAP power brokering.