Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Why is Malaysia trying to spot gay schoolchildren?

So the Malaysian government has finally enlightened us all as to how to identify the gay child in your classroom. In an effort to "curb the problem of homosexuality", the Teacher's Foundation of Malaysia is holding seminars where parents are instructed on how to identify gay kids. Homosexual boys "may wear tight, light clothes and carry large handbags". Lesbians are apparently easy to spot, as they like to "hang out and sleep in the company of other girls". So, um, all girls then.
How can the Malaysian authorities be so stupid? All young gays know that large handbags are completely over. At International HQ, new recruits are instructed to be fashion forward. We had the baby Karl Lagerfeld look in the 80s, tiny combats and DM boots in the 90s, and the same decade's indie moment came when the Marilyn Manson look become popular (instead of just Marilyn). Now in 2012 we are going for the butch look. Clearly some baby gays are still into accessories but most gays will be wearing tracksuits and trying to look butch.
Of course, it is easy to scoff at Malaysia's frightening campaign (try looking for the gays like Gareth Thomas, you know, the ones who play rugby) but we in the UK are not in a position to take the moral high ground.
In the UK we seem unable to even countenance the idea that children may have some kind of burgeoning sexual orientation, and even worse, that a small number of them may be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Sssh, don't talk about it; you'll make them all start having sex!
I knew I was different from the other boys (yes, zzz) when I was four or five, and actually realised I was a bona fide homosexual at the age of 10. I wasn't worried about the size of my handbag or about having sex, I was too busy crying myself to sleep, trying to change, wondering if my parents would abandon me and whether I should get married to a woman or just kill myself.
I want to sneer at Malaysia for the mental torture they will be inflicting on kids (and their parents), but we all need to wake up to what therapist Dr Joe Kort calls the "covert cultural child abuse" that is being inflicted on all LGBT kids in every single classroom in every single school in the UK, the US and across the world.Read more.

Homosexuality: Nature Or Nurture?

Hantu Laut

It is the most shocking, unfounded, misinformed and convoluted finding of a bunch of amateurish sociobiologists.

The Education Dept crass guideline on how to identify homosexuals is a complete sham.  

It's sending wrong signals to young and unadulterated minds of children who follow blindly the stupid description that can do more harm than good, stigmatised anyone fitting the description.

The moron who designates such ridiculous prescription should be hung by the balls.

Read the quack's design  here  on how to spot a homosexual!

Are we teaching and promoting hate crime?

Homosexuality, as we all know, is as old as the oldest profession and since ancient time have been contentious issues in society. 

There are two schools of thought on homosexualities. Are they innate or natural, which means existing in some people since birth that make sexual orientation not a choice, or are they unnatural and a matter of conditioning and a matter of choice?

Many still hold the view that homosexuality, like all social habits, is a matter of choice.

Do you hold that view or are you one of those who believe it is nature that plays greater role in the making of a homosexual person? 

Read the article below 

Homosexuality:Nature or Nurture ?

Although the term is new, discussions about sexuality in general, and same-sex attraction in particular, have occasioned philosophical discussion ranging from Plato’s Symposium. However, we still cannot say for sure whether homosexuality, and hence also heterosexuality and bisexuality, is socially constructed or purely driven by biological forces.

 Many homosexuals argue that they have not chosen their condition, but that they were born that way. It is making homosexual behavior natural for them. However, because something was not chosen does not mean it was inborn. Some desires are acquired or strengthened by habituation and conditioning instead of by conscious choice of some person. For example, no one chooses to be an alcoholic, but one can become habituated to alcohol, so just as one can acquire alcoholic desires without consciously choosing them, so one may acquire homosexual desires, by engaging in homosexual fantasies or behavior.Read more.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Homosexuality:Nature Or Nurture ?

Hantu Laut

It is the most shocking, unfounded, misinformed and convoluted finding of a bunch of amateurish sociobiologists I have ever come across.

Stereotyping here and here, how to spot a homosexual! 

Hahaha! My homosexual friends must be having a good laugh, none of them I know fit that description.

Are we teaching or promoting hate crime?

A little learning is a dangerous thing!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I Am Gay By CHOICE !

Hantu Laut

One's sexual orientation or preference is one's own business, which is best kept behind closed doors.

The burning question I have always wanted to ask is, is homosexuality a biological defect, a perversion or just a genetic variance of human sexuality?

Homosexuality also exists throughout the animal kingdom. Unlike humans, animals do not have highly developed brains, yet some have homosexual tendencies.

It reminds me of poor old "Whiskey" who keeping humping my leg every time I get invited to my friend's house for dinner.I suspect Whiskey is not only homosexual but sex-starved.Obviously, you don't have to be another dog, any leg will do, as far as Whiskey is concerned.

Homosexuality, have existed since time immemorial, since before Biblical time and Sodom and Gomorrah.The Abrahamic religions frown upon homosexuality and consider it a perversion rather than a natural trait.Islam imposes severe punishment on those found guilty of sodomy.

Besides homosexuality we have a third dilemma, those who enjoy the best of both worlds.....the bisexuals, which again is a burning question, is it a matter of choice or an anomaly of natural selection, where one have no control over one's sexual orientation?

Here, Anwar Ibrahim's former friend and confidante has openly accused him of being bisexual and threatened to expose the names of women and boys who slept with him during his time as deputy prime minister.

I have some homosexual friends who were as straight as a ruler when they were young and became full-blown homosexuals when they grow up to be adults.

Can homosexuality be latent in a person's body and manifest later in life? Do some men and women find the opposite sex body so repulsive that makes them looked the other way? Can you be gay by choice? Read Cynthia Nixon's revelation "I am gay by CHOICE" that got her a backlash from the gay community.

Gay by choice: Cynthia Nixon has revealed she chose her partner Christine Marinoni over a man of her own free will

I have come to term with homosexuals, I think it has something to do with the genes, the chromosomes or whatever other names the sciences called them, but bi-sexuality, that's a choice, a perversion, greed.One kind not enough must have both kinds to fulfill their licentious desire.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

If God Forbids Let Him Punish Them

Hantu Laut

This guy must be either too brave or too stupid to underestimate the environment he lives in.If your are not straight and live in a hypocritical world it would be safer to stay in the closet like most gays do.

Where I came from, homophobia or the pretext of homophobia citing religious values as the excuse for hostility is less pervasive or does not exist at all. Those who are aghast or repulsive at the thought of same sex cohabitation just frown, ignored and merrily stayed away from the anomaly.What they do with their bodies is their business.

I have gay friends, my wife has gay friends and my children have gay friends and not for one moment we felt our worlds are being threatened by our association with them particularly those that we grew up with from childhood.Whatever their sexual orientation is it's their business, they are still our friends and have not made us less secure in our own sexuality.If God forbids homosexuality than let God punish them.

It's true, all three Abrahamic religions were against homosexuality.The story of Sodom and Gomorrah revealed that Christianity was even more explicit in its prohibition against homosexuality but has come a long way to fast forward itself, denouncing it, without hostility or threat of bodily harm.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.(Leviticus 18:22 KJV)
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.(Leviticus 20:13 KJV)

In the U.S many states still outlawed sodomy and is seen as a criminal act but the law has become purely academic. No one has been dragged to the court of law for being a homosexual. Surely, two consenting adults would not report their sexual acts to the law.As long as no aggrieved party made a report no law has been broken.The act can only be enforced in the case of sodomite rape.

I believe it is the same in Malaysia, the law against sodomy can only be used against a person if there was an aggrieved party that lodged a police report, as in the case of Anwar Ibrahim.

Are there no homosexuality in Islam? Muslims in this country need to travel to places like Afghanistan and the Middle East and if they open their eyes wide enough they be appalled and how good Malaysia is.In these places young boys literally become sexual slaves to their masters who are above the law.Some of these countries have the severest form of hudud law yet most of the forbidden acts and criminality escaped the attention of the law.

I, may be not comfortable with homosexuality, but I do, not in nihilism, believe in freedom of choice and if we do believe in God than we must believe he does not create all of us the same.