Showing posts with label Quran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quran. Show all posts

Monday, February 16, 2015

Free Quran:Muslims Have Evil Intention ?

Hantu Laut

Free Quran? No thanks. What’s your motive?

Hi Bhai, next time do a bit of research before you open your big mouth.

What the difference, the Christians do it with their Bible.You can find a copy of the Bible in every room in every 5-star hotel all over the world including Malaysia.

Lest you forget the Malaysian government never stopped these hotels from allowing them to be party to helping missionary work for Christendom.

The Gideon Bibles placed in hotel rooms (in Malaysia and all over the world) and hospital wards (in many Western countries, but not in Malaysia) is for the purpose of spreading the Christian faith.

Free Qurans.....FREE! means free, you can accept the gift or politely reject it. 

Why is it when Christianity do, it's OK, but when Islam do, Muslims have evil intention?