Sunday, January 24, 2010

Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Received in my email from a friend (original source unknown)

A man came home from work and his children ran to him and called out
‘Ayah! Ayah!’.

His neighbor got very upset and said to him,
“Can you please tell your children not to call you ‘Ayah’?”

The man asked, “Why?”

The neighbor retorted, “Because my children call me ’Ayah’ too.
They might get confused and mistake you to be their father.”

Then the man told his neighbor, are you not ashamed to say that your
children do not know who is their 'Ayah'. So you are saying by using the
word 'Ayah', your children will call me ayah too without knowing who is
their father?

The neighbor said yes, only my children should use the word 'Ayah'.

Maybe, it's time we wind down the debate on the 'Allah' issue.It's consuming too much energy and brought more ill will than good will.


SM said...


Yes, I received the same e-mail too. I guess it has been making the rounds for a couple of weeks now.
And yes, it's time to stop with the debate. It ain't going to make a dufference as UMNO will decide ultimately anyway.

Premium Business said...


Bagi keluarga Melayu, samada mereka berjiran, sekampung atau senegeri tentulah tidak mejadi masalah untuk sama sama menggunakan 'ayah' untuk bapa masing2 atau lain2 panggilan seperti abah, bapa atau ayahanda.

Tentulah menjadi pelik pula kalau dalam keluarga Cina atau India mereka gunakan 'ayah' dan rasanya ini tidak ujud di Malaysia kecuali sekadar mengada adakan cerita.

Jika berlaku pun, ia tidaklah menjadi begitu keliru jika 'ayah' digunakan kerana ia tidak melibatkan 'akidah'.

Anonymous said...

Ayah, baba, papa, abah is the same thing.

A man called out to his Paki friend :" Hei, Butto, Butto"
A neibhour said,: "Stop saying Butto!"
The man ask: "Why?"
Cause "Butto is obscene!"

Then an Indon housemate came out: "Wah, bagus pantat mu"
The neighbour said to the Indon guy: "Stop talking obseceties"

Bahasa Melayu terms are adequate that that Lord=Tuhan=God.

No one will take offence if Tuhan Yahweh,
Tuhan Fu Le Shou, Tuhan Jesus, Tuhan Gahhesh, ....

eddy said...

1. Betul juga cakap kluangman tu, walaubagaimanapun saya rasa email mengenai "ayah" ini, cannot at all be compared to the raging controversy concerning the use of "ALLAH".

2. Bro SM, not UMNO not any political party but the majority will decide.

3. Ya Bro HL too much energy is put in this issue, let's wait for the Courts to decide and the wisdom of the Malaysian Cabinet Ministers to implement.

eddy said...

1. Betul juga cakap kluangman tu, walaubagaimanapun saya rasa email mengenai "ayah" ini, cannot at all be compared to the raging controversy concerning the use of "ALLAH". For one Ayah has children, but the Muslim's ALLAH is the one and only God who does not beget nor is begotten.

2. Bro SM, not UMNO not any political party not any court, but the majority will finally decide in the end.

3. Ya Bro HL too much energy is put in this issue, let's wait for the Courts to decide and the wisdom of the Malaysian Cabinet Ministers to implement.