Showing posts with label Menteri Besar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Menteri Besar. Show all posts

Monday, August 18, 2014

Shameful! Hadi Awang Should Resign Or Take PAS Out Of Pakatan!

Hantu Laut

Panas-panas tahi ayam! is a Malay idiom, which literally means as hot as the chicken shit that fizzles out very fast.

PAS President Hadi Awang has lost his mojo, the party decision sabotaged and reversed!

Read more below:

I really don't care whatever happened to Khalid, it's water under the bridge, that's no more the issue.

The pertinent question now is, can PAS be trusted ?

A man is only good as his word. PAS is now the biggest laughing stock for the entire world to see.

If Hadi Awang had any more self-respect left in him, he should resign as president, or take PAS out of Pakatan.

Friday, December 9, 2011

UMNO Digging Its Own Grave

Hantu Laut

The Pahang land scandal is out in the open again.This disgraceful action and blatant disrespect of the law by the MB of Pahang is most appalling.

In September I wrote here about how the MB should be cited for contempt.Since then, I found out that the laws in Pahang and other states in Peninsula Malaysia are slightly different from the laws in Sabah and Sarawak where the chief minister can be cited for contempt in such cases.

In Pahang, it is the State Financial Secretary that can be cited for contempt for refusal to comply with a court order.The law should be amended to make the MB responsible as he is the ultimate boss and the the state financial secretary is working under his directive.

The obvious is going to happen, the state has no choice, but to pay the plaintiff and now it seemed some UMNO smart asses wanted the money back from the Chinaman by bringing a sham action to court to claim the money.This damning plot makes swashbuckling Long John Silver looked kinder.

If they have a valid claim why did UMNO not apply to court for a "granishee order" when the award was given to the plaintiff, affirmed by the highest court in the country? Why did they not institute legal action earlier? Why now?

Their ignoble action to deprive the plaintiff of his money is most appalling and would have serious repercussions on UMNO in the coming general elections.

Now, the question is can a ruling political party give lands or unfettered access to government's assets to its own political party?

It's disheartening and most perturbing when lawmakers themselves showed no respect for the law.

A similar case happened in Sabah when the then BERJAYA state government under Harris Salleh acquired lands belonging to the late Syed Kechik. The case dragged on for almost three decades because every succeeding chief ministers refused to pay the plaintiff. The original court award was in the region of MYR40 million but have ballooned to MYR120 million due to accumulating interests. It was finally paid by the current administration.

Legal and criminal action should be taken against this kind of irresponsible actions of miscreant MBs/CMs wasting taxpayer's money unnecessarily.

Full story here.

Has Najib lost control of his boys or he just couldn't care less?

It's the obvious, UMNO is digging its own grave.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dikasi Betis Nak Kepala

Hantu Laut

Who is to blame for the Trengganu Menteri Besar indignation that he was right to approve the purchase of those Mercs as official cars for his assemblymen? One should ask the Sultan of Trengganu who appointed him to the post.

I couldn't agree more with him on why he abandoned the Protons in favour of the Merc.Almost all Proton models are not known for its quality.My only question is the timing right to splurge on this kind of luxury when the economy is on the decline and the people are going through the worst patch of their lives as the economy worsen and the costs of living continue to spiral upward.Shouldn't people like him lead by example and go on austerity drive, if he ever heard of the word.

Most people wouldn't really care if the economic climate had been more favourable.

When political leaders goes round telling the rakyat to tighten their belts and not overspend, the rakyat expect them to show example and do the same.What they spend are taxpayer money not their own money and an act of prudence is expected of them.

Menteri Besar Ahmad Said thinks just because he was appointed by the Sultan he can do anything he likes without giving any due respect to the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. He has probably forgotten that he is an UMNO Menteri Besar and should abide the party rules.If he is Pakatan Menteri Besar than it's up to him to deal with matters of state under his jurisdiction.

An unnamed Federal Minister said the Cabinet wasn't happy with what he did but is helpless.

After making demand that Abdullah return the Wang Ehsan to Trengganu, he deems it fits to go on a spending spree.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Siapa Biadap Sekarang ?

Hantu Laut

When Lim Kit Siang told DAP assemblymen to boycott the swearing in ceremony of the Perak menteri besar they called him "biadap" (disrespectful).Although Kit Siang later apologised to the Sultan and the Regent, UMNO insisted he makes a public apology.

The crisis in Trengganu is set for a showdown between the Prime Minister and the Sultan, who is also the Agong, supreme ruler of the nation, nominated once in every five years on rotational basis by the Ruler's Council.

The palace have appointed Ahmad Said as the new Menteri Besar of Trengganu and rejected PM Abdullah's choice of Idris Jusoh who purportedly enjoys majority support of the state assemblymen.

Abdullah has sent directives to all UMNO assemblymen not to attend the swearing in ceremony at the palace and warned Ahmad Said not to accept the appointment and that he would be sacked from the party if he does. The crisis deepens, Ahmad Said accepted the appointment and was sacked. Is Abdullah "biadap" ? I would say no.

It depends.For the man in the street Abdullah would be seen as "biadap" but for those who understands the constitution of the state and the Malaysian constitution he is not.

The sultan has erred in his judgment by appointing a menteri besar of his own choice.
Although there are provisions in the state constitution which allows him to exercise such rights, it must be done in good faith.

It was without any doubt that Idris Jusoh, appointed by the PM enjoys the support of the majority and would, therefore, by letter of the constitution be the menteri besar.

Support of the majority has nothing to do with those of UMNO divisions in the state.Even if he gets zero support from all the divisions and gets majority support from the state assemblymen, constitutionally he is still entitled to be menteri besar.

If the Sultan insisted on swearing in Ahamd Said, legally he becomes the Menteri Besar until he goes to the assembly and is removed by "vote of no confidence". A new menteri besar supported by majority members of the house would have to be sworn in. If the house is divided than a fresh state election would be called.

Constitutional monarchs should stay within their ceremonial status and play that role and not that of an absolute monarch. An absolute monarch has no constitution or body of law above him.

Of course Abdullah could have erred on the side of caution, be more discreet and as a show of respect just let the Sultan appoint the menteri besar with out any confrontation and later remove him by vote of no confidence. He would than not be seen as "biadap".

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Hantu Laut

A new crisis has emerged in Perlis and this time in the BN camp. It is reminiscent of the power grab in Sabah in 1985 when both Pairin and Mustapha claimed position of the chief minister. The rightful person was Joseph Pairin whose party has obtained 25 seats to get a simple majority.Pasok obtained 1 seat and aligned with Pairin's PBS. His opponents USNO obtained 16 and Berjaya 6 seats which was not sufficient to form a coalition government.

Contrary to democratic process and convention the TYT (Governor) sworn in Mustapha as chief minister. A legal tussle ensued and Pairin won the case and was installed as chief minister.

The Perlis crisis has some similarity to the Sabah episode as the Raja of Perlis has acted on his own and outside the boundary of democratic conventions.Constitutional monarch is suppose to bless and validate appointments upon the advice of the prime minister and not to act on their own.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi may have a new crisis on hand. Some of the rulers may not be with him. The Raja of Perlis must have good reasons to reject his choice of Shahidan as menteri besar.

Knowing there is likely to be a crisis Abdullah should have had an audience with the Raja before he decides on the candidate for menteri besar and avoid the embarrassment of a royal spite.

Sahidan who was initially dropped from the PM's list was back on the list after some threats and bullying tactics. It was also rumoured that BN would have lost Perlis if Shahidan had been in his good book. On why he brought back Shahidan as MB only he would know.

The Raja of Perlis choice Md Isa Sabu seems more qualified than Sahidan.

Instead of closing ranks to save the party from going to the dogs, it is still "every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost" and the nation takes a backseat.The jockeying for positions is intense and dirty.

It's all about status, power and money.

Also read here

Sultan Trengganu next to snub PM.Read here....

Friday, March 14, 2008


Hantu Laut

DAP Supremo Lim Kit Siang instructed the DAP elected members to boycott the swearing-in ceremony of the new PerakMenteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaludin from PAS.He later retracted and apologised to the Sultan.

DAP got majority seats in the state assembly, 18 seats compared to PAS 6 seats and PKR 7 which by convention should be given to them.

The cracks are beginning to show the incompatibility of these strange bedfellows.It is still in the honeymoon period so they filled up the crack quickly. By now DAP should realize whether with BA or BN, it is still the same, the Malays have the ultimate say.

It must be a big blow to the high expectations and pride of the party for having to concede to the damning reality of ketuanan Melayu. Other than Penang, the only other states that can accept a non-Malay chief minister are Sabah and Sarawak. Since Melaka has no sultan, I am not so sure whether the state constitution allows such appointment.

It is going to be a long journey for the BA from now until the next GE and there would be many hurdles to overcome.

Will zealotry kill them ?

Give it a year or two and see whether they are still together.