Showing posts with label Idiots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Idiots. Show all posts

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Philippines:Republic Of Anarchic

They were once labelled the "sick man of Asia" and things have not changed much ever since and even after every change of government, without doubt, they are still indisposed, economically and morally.

Every succeeding government leaders have their hands in the cookie jar, as competently corrupt as the previous ones.

The country is still suffering a cauldron of repressed anger from the Muslims of Southern Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago, mired in abject poverty, mistreated, neglected and left to their own devices in one of the most most turbulent and lawless countries in the world.

About 30% of the population still live below the poverty line and things are not getting any better for them, the corrupt get richer and the poor poorer.

Due to decades of neglect by the Christian dominated government the Southern Filipinos are still mired in poverty and live in squalid conditions and the only thing they understand well is the barrel of the gun.  Read more.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Read My Lips You Fuckheads! It's Pro-Pakatan Blog Insulting Sabahans

Hantu Laut

I could not believe myself reading the denial by Wan Azizah and Rafizi Ramli who says that it is an UMNO blog attempting to show Pakatan is at odds with Sabah people.

Wan Azizah, firstly, my apology and respect to you as a lady, but that assumption is a lot of craps ! Why don't you do some investigation first before you open you big mouth and embarrass yourself.

Well, Sabahans should know by now where their votes should not go to. 

Though I am a Muslim, I have Dusun blood and I am offended by such tactless and uncivilised manner of some West Malaysians, who have some serious chips on their shoulders, uncouth and uneducated. You don't criticise other people's culture or religion, it's politically incorrect. 

Obviously, poor upbringing...... kurang ajar dan biadap. 

Wan Azizah, Rafizi and the rest of the Pakatan's clowns can keep denying the blog has nothing to do with them, which may be true, but it is still a pro-Pakatan blog. Nobody say the blog is licenced by Pakatan, but it is certainly supporting the Pakatan's political agenda. 

There are hundreds of independent pro-Pakatan, pro-UMNO and pro-BN blogs that share the same political ideology and are outside the control of the party, doing what in legal term called a pro bono.

You can't run away from the truth, the blog is not brand new, it has been around for over a year, the archives are full of pro-Pakatan stuffs. The blog is here.

Read here more insults on Sabahans from this pro-Pakatan blog.

Take your pick, who are the chronic liars?

The blog also idolised Pakatan leaders:

Pemimpin paling suci! Hahahah!

Rumours abound that this "Cacak Kubin" is coming to Sabah today to steal some more greedy Sabah MPs. SUCI konon!

Hudud! Over my dead body Bayyi!

The legal soceress !

If you ran out of excuse just blame UMNO.

I rest my case.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice/Racism

There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience.

"Prejudice is extremely complex and multifaceted, making it critical that any factors contributing to bias are uncovered and understood," he said.

Controversy ahead

The findings combine three hot-button topics.

"They've pulled off the trifecta of controversial topics," said Brian Nosek, a social and cognitive psychologist at the University of Virginia who was not involved in the study. "When one selects intelligence, political ideology and racism and looks at any of the relationships between those three variables, it's bound to upset somebody."

Polling data and social and political science research do show that prejudice is more common in those who hold right-wing ideals that those of other political persuasions, Nosek told LiveScience. [7 Thoughts That Are Bad For You]

"The unique contribution here is trying to make some progress on the most challenging aspect of this," Nosek said, referring to the new study. "It's not that a relationship like that exists, but why it exists."

Brains and bias

Earlier studies have found links between low levels of education and higher levels of prejudice, Hodson said, so studying intelligence seemed a logical next step. The researchers turned to two studies of citizens in the United Kingdom, one that has followed babies since their births in March 1958, and another that did the same for babies born in April 1970. The children in the studies had their intelligence assessed at age 10 or 11; as adults ages 30 or 33, their levels of social conservatism and racism were measured. [Life's Extremes: Democrat vs. Republican]

In the first study, verbal and nonverbal intelligence was measured using tests that asked people to find similarities and differences between words, shapes and symbols. The second study measured cognitive abilities in four ways, including number recall, shape-drawing tasks, defining words and identifying patterns and similarities among words. Average IQ is set at 100.

Social conservatives were defined as people who agreed with a laundry list of statements such as "Family life suffers if mum is working full-time," and "Schools should teach children to obey authority." Attitudes toward other races were captured by measuring agreement with statements such as "I wouldn't mind working with people from other races." (These questions measured overt prejudiced attitudes, but most people, no matter how egalitarian, do hold unconscious racial biases; Hodson's work can't speak to this "underground" racism.)

As suspected, low intelligence in childhood corresponded with racism in adulthood. But the factor that explained the relationship between these two variables was political: When researchers included social conservatism in the analysis, those ideologies accounted for much of the link between brains and bias.

People with lower cognitive abilities also had less contact with people of other races.Read more.

Do you believe in the finding.Let's hear from you.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sorry Babe! Ain't Got No Money For The Kids Education

Hantu Laut

Got money to build RM800 million palace, got money to build RM800 million new parliament house, got money to bail out the corrupt-laden PKFZ, but ain't got no money for bright students.

Why should we worry about education.We should all join UMNO and become the perfect politician.

Vision 2020 is fucked! Take a time travel back to 1920 with Commander Nazri Aziz.

Read it tomorrow here.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Buggers,Crooks And Scoundrels

Hantu Laut

The quintessential existence of our lives is the quietism of human behaviour.From the sublime to the ridiculous, we either accept human weaknesses with an open heart or let ourselves be mired in anger and hatred.

It takes all kinds that make this eternal sphere a joyous place to live in or a mirthless place of disappointment and misanthropic existence.

I received a letter from one Mrs Gloria Caldwell who is suffering from terminal cancer of the breast and would like to give away her inheritance to any good soul that can response to her appeal.

Below is Mrs Caldwell's letter and my response.

I know that this letter may be a very big surprise to you, I came across your email contact from my personal search and I believe that you will be honest to fulfill my final wish before I will die.

 I am Mrs. Gloria Caldwell from LONDON, I am 58 years old, and I am suffering from a long time cancer of the breast. From all indication my condition is really deteriorating, and my doctors have courageously advised me that I may not live beyond next month, this is because the cancer stage has reached a critical stage. I was brought up in a motherless baby’s home, and was married to my late husband for twenty years without a child. My husband and I are true Christians, but quite unfortunately, he died in a fatal motor accident.

 Since his death I decided not to re-marry, I sold all my inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of $3.2 Million dollars with a Financial Security Company. Presently, this money is still in their custody, and the management just wrote me as the legitimate depositor to inform me of the maturity date of my deposit or rather issue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf since I can not come over as a result of my illness, or they get it confiscated. Presently, I'm with my laptop in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment and my doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live.

 It is my last wish to see that this money is invested in any organization of your choice and proceeds distributed each year among the charity organization, the poor and the motherless baby’s orphanage homes and widows around. I must let you know that this was a very hard decision, but I had to take a bold step towards this issue because I have no further option. I hope you will help see my last wishes come true.

 As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Security Company. I will also issue you a letter of authority, which will prove that you are the new beneficiary of my funds. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. Hope to hear from you soonest.

Please if you are really touched with my story and wish to assist me in getting this project done write via this email here:

Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Gloria Caldwell

My reply below:

Dear Mrs Gloria Caldwell,

Thank you for your letter and would like to convey my heartfelt condolence to you of your forthcoming demise.This is to inform you that I accept your generous offer and would be happy if you could remit the money to the following account:

Name of account holder: God
Account No. 0000
Name of bank:Celestial Bank Of The Universe

I would like to apologise for the pain and suffering you have endured the past few years as punishment of your evil ways.Since you have repented by showing remorse and taken to charity I have decided to stop the pain and suffering by taking your life immediately after you remit the money to me.

Your immediate action would be much appreciated.--------------------

Best regards

I am sure many of you would have received such letters recently or in the past.

It is amazing how the dark continent seems to produce endless number of this type of morons who think the whole wide world is made up of idiots like them. 

Nigeria seems to top the list.It probably has the highest number of conman per capita in the whole world.