Monday, July 19, 2010

Who Is Jho Lo, The Real Malay Whale ?

Hantu Laut

Now that Rocky Bru has decided to break the story about the mystery Malaysian man who took New York nightclubbing scene by storm I would like to share in the "need to know" who this whiz-kid is as no one seemed to have ever heard of him.

I heard of Jho Lo about 6 months ago and his social scenes with some famous Hollywood starlets and ostentatious display of wealth that even the rich and famous in America would shy away from.

The guy may not have the looks but he certainly has style.The thing is everywhere he goes he claimed his close relationship with Najib and wife Rosmah. How far this is true only the Prime Minister can answer. Jho Lo may be a name dropper?

Read what the blogs have to say about him.

The Jho Lo Files:A Real Malay Whale

Throughout the summer, rumors started spreading that a mystery man had been showing up at New York's hottest nightclubs and spending ridiculous amounts of money. One story even had him rolling into Avenue during fashion week and spending $160,000 in one night. As soon as the rumors began, rival clubs owners began working the phones, hoping to either add fuel to the fire or put it out because the big spender from Asia was extremely press shy. If news of his spending got out, the unlucky club owner named in the story would lose all of this guy's business. According to one nightlife source, losing four months of this customer could cost an operator as much $2 million.Yesterday, the NY Post blew the roof off the big spender, running a full spread on Taek Jho Low, a Malaysian-born Wharton grad who has inexplicably become the biggest whale in New York City.

While no one knows much about Jho, his business or his past, they certainly know about his nightclub spending habits. In addition to his lavish night at Avenue, Lo has also had a few other wild nights on the town. According to the Post:

· At 1OAK, he sent LiLo 23 bottles of Cristal as a birthday present
· Routinely spent $50,000 to $60,000 at Pink Elephant
· Flew eight Pink Elephant waitresses to Malaysia after a wild night at Pink Elephant in Southhampton

Anyway, the Yanks can't tell the difference between a Chinese Malaysian and Malay Malaysian.They think Malay is a nationality.
Continue reading.
Anyway, the Yanks can't tell the difference between a Chinese Malaysian and Malay Malaysian.
Big-spending Malaysian is the mystery man of city club scene
A f
leet of black Cadillac Escalades hums outside Chelsea hot spot Avenue -- the A-list watering hole of such celebrities as Justin Timberlake and Lindsay Lohan. As the car doors open, a dozen men emerge and a bouncer whisks them over the club's

So, who is Jho Lo?

Bad English Too: "Shaddup Your Face"

Hantu Laut

Eddy, a regular commentator and a blogger recalled a song in the 80s about bad English or rather bad English lyric.

Not exactly bad English, it was made so as to rhyme the lyric in Aussie folksy style with a faint tinge of Italian accent.

Joe Dolce is an American born, Australian singer/songwriter and his single "Shaddup Your Face" reached No.1 in 15 countries and sold 6 million copies worldwide.

Another Dolce's composition, anti-war song written just after the invasion of Iraq.

Eddy's blog here.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bad English: RPK Protected By British Government

Hantu Laut

First, listen to the group 'Bad English' with its haunting version of "When I see you smile"

The article below is taken from Malaysian Instinct, presumably a pro UMNO blog.

RPK's grandfather from his Welsh side would be kicking in his grave to read what follows.

PostHeaderIcon RPK Protected By British Government

By Tarmizi Md. Jam

Anwar trip to prison is around the corner after opposition strategies and tactics to win the election have become chaotic due to falling into their own trap.

Anwar is desperate and had to kneel down explained to his master at the west, the reason that he critised Zionist. However, it is unclear why Anwar need to apologised and explained for critising Zionist.

Until now the only answer that Anwar could replied is APCO related to Israel....Hmmm..never mind, just assume thast he do not understand the question. That is why he only barely made it graduating from the university. (geli hati)

It is difficult to debate with stupid, arrogant and crazy person including one of the main mover in PKR, Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK).

RPK was caught in the act for spreading a picture that feature him, Bala and other PKR leaders in London. Now he had to change his strategy to cover up his mistake by challenging Malaysia to arrest him in London.

To provoke Malaysia, he spread more picture of him with Bala and other PKR leaders showing that they are bond to each other. The picture also proved that PKR is the sponsor for RPK and Bala.

To cover up his mistake, RPK wrote a new script that Rosmah is sponsoring Bala to continue their manupilation towards PKR supporters. The same script also played by other PKR representatives in hoping the government will be shock.

At the end, PKR realised the script is not logic because if Rosmah sponsored Bala, for sure she is also sponsoring the crazy RPK to defame herself.

A new order came from PKR to write another script that RPK is not hiding like coward but protected by British government.

Looks like his old mental problems had reoccured due to his work load of lying. RPK is living in his dream that he is not running from the law but as a political fugitive.

Why should Britain protect a criminal like RPK who is not a leader of a country, organisation and family. Continue reading.

More "Bad English" below.

More bad English here.

We all are not prefects. Sorry ! I mean perfect we are not.

The fallout of our education system.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Anwar Ibrahim and the Bush Neocons

Written by Our Correspondent
Friday, 16 July 2010
ImageA Washington, DC NGO bares some awkward questions for Malaysia's opposition leader

A 42-page report by a Washington, DC-based whistle-blower organization is proving a major embarrassment for Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim by alleging that the Foundation for the Future, which Anwar headed for a time in the middle of the last decade, was actually established and funded by the US Department of State at the behest of Elizabeth Cheney, the daughter of then-Vice President Dick Cheney, and the Bush administration's neoconservatives.

The Government Accountability Project report, titled The Foundation for the Future: What FOIA Documents Reveal, and released July 8, is based on hundreds of documents delivered to the organization under the US Freedom of Information Act. It says the Foundation for the Future was established and operated in a "highly irregular manner" by Bush administration officials and employees including Shaha Riza, the girlfriend of Paul Wolfowitz, who was forced to leave the World Bank after it became known that he had promoted Riza to triple the World Bank's salary guidelines. The full report can be found here.

Whacker Wolfowitz and his whack Riza

Ostensibly, matching money to fund the Foundation for the Future was supposed to come from 11 countries led by Qatar at US$10 million, and Bahrain, with another US$2 million. Jordan was to put up another US$1 million, Turkey US$500,000 and the rest was to be scattered among several European Union countries including Denmark, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands and the European Union itself. But neither Qatar nor Bahrain ever came through. Of the US$22.26 million pledged, only about US$6.4 million ever materialized. The rest apparently was made up from US State Department funds.

Anwar has previously disavowed any US funding of the organization, established in 2005 as "an essential front on the global war on terror" and part of President George Bush's "freedom agenda" to promote democracy and reform in the Middle East and Africa. Anwar served as chairman and acting president of the organization's board in the period when he was out of politics following his incarceration on corruption and sexual perversion charges.

The Government Accountability Project report lends considerable ammunition to Anwar's opponents in the United Malays National Organization, who have long charged that Anwar was connected to the US Central Intelligence Agency, although neither the CIA nor the US government as a whole has ever exhibited any particular desire to bring down the Malaysian government, and in fact considers Malaysia, as a moderate Muslim democracy, to be one of its staunchest allies in the region.

In particular, UMNO Youth Chief Kairy Jamaluddin called attention to Anwar's statements disavowing US funding of the foundation and demanded that Anwar explain himself. He accused Anwar of misleading the US government in a memorandum of understanding saying the foundation had agreed to get other countries to commit funds to match those the US government was providing.

"For me, it is a serious matter that the opposition leader has tried to mislead the US government to get grants for a foundation that he was chairman of," Khairy told the Malaysian newspaper The Star.

An Anwar associate said the opposition leader would decline to comment, adding that there was little to be gained by saying anything about the matter. Nonetheless, he characterized Anwar's role as blameless.

"There is nothing wrong going on," he said. "This is part of the campaign to get Wolfowitz out of the World Bank and to do so they threw Anwar under the bus."

The report characterizes the Foundation for the Future as part of a vast and tragic misconception among the Bush administration neoconservatives, particularly Wolfowitz, that a slight push – the elimination of Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein from power – would result in a dramatic change in the Middle East. That of course has resulted in the deaths of more than 4,000 US soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and a realignment in the Middle East that nobody in the west wanted – the growing power of Iran in the region and particularly in Iran's influence over the Iraqi government itself.

But the Foundation from the start appears to have been a mess, according to the report. It apparently was the brainchild of Shaha Riza, who was seconded from the World Bank by Wolfowitz to run it. As has been widely reported, Riza's salary increases during external service far exceeded those allowed under World Bank regulations, Wolfowitz allegedly instructed the Department of Human Resources to pay her three times the allowable increase for her grade and circumstances, so that she ended up making more money that Condoleezza Rice, her nominal superior, by about US$7,000, according to the report. Continue reading.